Soil Mechanical Properties at the Apollo 14 Site
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Journalof GeophysicalResearch VOLUME 77 OCTOBER 10, 1972 NUMBER 29 ! SoilMechanical Properties atthe Apollo 14 Site JAMESK. MITCHELL;• LESLIE G. BROMWELL,2 W. DAVIDCARRIER III, s NICHOLASC. COSTES,4 AND RONALD 1•. SCOTT5 The Apollo14 lunarlanding provided a greateramount of informationon the mechanical properties of the lunar soil than previous missionsbecause of the greater area around the landing site that was explored and because a simple penetrometer device, a special soil mechanicsti•ench, and the modularized equipment transporter (Met) provided data of a type not previouslyavailable. The characteristicsof the soil at shallow depthsvaried more than anticipatedin both lateraJand vertical directions.While blowing dust causedless visibility impairment during landing than on previous missions,analysis shows that eroded particleswere distributedover a large area around the final touchdownpoint. Measurements on core-tubesamples and the resultsof transportertrack anaJysesindicate that the average density of the soil in the Fra Mauro region is in the range of 1.45 to 1.60 g/cm3. The soil strength appearsto be higher in the vicinity of the site of the Apollo 14 lunar surface ex- periments package,and trench data suggestthat strength increaseswith depth. Lower-bound estimatesof soil cohesiongive values of 0.03 to 0.10 kN/m 2, which are lower than values of 0.35 to 0.70 kN/m 2 estimatedfor soils encounteredin previousmissions. The in situ modulus of elasticity, deducedfrom the measuredseismic-wave velocity, is compatible with that to be expectedfor a terrestrial silty fine sand in the lunar gravitational field. Studiesof the soil (regolith) at the Apollo 14 formulate, verify, or modify theories of lunar site have been made (1) to obtain data on the history and lunar processes;(3) to develop compositional,textural, and mechanicalproper- information that may aid in the interpretation ties of lunar' soils and the variations of these of data obtained from other surface activities or propertieswith depthand locationat and among experiments (e.g., lunar field geology, passive Apollo landing sites; (2) to use these data to and active seismic experiments); and (4) to developlunar-surface models to aid in the solu- tion of engineeringproblems associated with • Departmentof Civii Engineering,University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. future lunar exploration. The in situ character- 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Massachu- istics of the unconsolidated lunar-surface ma- setts Ins•.i.tute of Technology, Cambridge, Massa- terials can provide an invaluable record of the chusetts 02139. past influencesof time, stress,and environment s GeophysicsBranch, Planetary and Earth Sci- on •he moon.Of particularimportance are par- encesDivision, Manned SpacecraftCenter, NASA, Houston, Texas 77058. ticle size, particle shape,particle-size distribu- 4George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, tion, density,strength, and compressibility,and Huntsville, Alabama 35812. the variationsin these propertiesboth region- 5 Division of Engineering and Applied Science, ally and locally. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109. To date it hasbeen necessary to rely heavily on observationaldata, suchas are providedby Copyright ¸ 1972 by the American GeophysicalUnion. photography,astronaut commentary,and ex- 5641 5642 M•ITCHELL ET AL. aminationof returnedlunar samples,since quan- formations that are-characteristic of the Fra titative data sources are limited. Semiquanti- Mauro formation.This extensivegeological unit tative analysesare possible,however, as Costes is distributed in approximately radially sym- et al. [1969] showedfor Apollo 11 and Scott metric fashion around the Sea of Rains over et al. [1970] showedfor Apollo 12. Such analyses much of the near side of the moon and is con- are enhanced through terrestrial simulation sideredto be older than the Apollo 11 and 12 studies [Co.steset al., 1971; Mitchell et al., mare sites.It is believed,also, that someof the 1971]. , material accessible at the site has come from The resultsof the Apollo 11 and 12 missions depths of tens of kilometerswithin the original have generally confirmedthe lunar-surfacesoil lunar crust. Bright ray material from Coperni- modeldeveloped b.y Scott and Roberson[1968]; cus Crater covers much of the landing site. that is, the lunar s0il is similar to a silty fine ConeCrater, a young,blocky, crater of Coperni- sand, is generally gray-brown in color, and can age, 340 meters in diameter, penetratesthe exhibits a slight cohesion.Evidence of both soil layer east of the landing point. The Apollo compressibleand incompressibledeformation 14 traversesand a map of the major geologic has been observed. The lunar soil erodes under featuresare shownin Figure 1. the action of the exhaust of the lunar module DESCENT AND LANDXNC descentengine during lunar landing, kicks up easily under foot, and tends to adhereto most Blowing dust. The astronauts commented objects with which it comesinto contact. The that blowingdust was first observedat an alti- value (or range of values) of the in situ bulk tude of approximately33 meters and that the density of the lunar soil remainsuncertain, al- quantity of dust from that altitude downto the though Apollo 11 and 12 core-tube data and surface seemed less than had been encountered core-tube simulations [Carrier et ed., 1971] duringthe Apollo 11 and 12 landings.The crew suggesta range of 1.5 to 1.9 g/cms for the upper estimatedthe thicknessof blowing dust to be few tens of centimeters of the lunar surface. less than 15 cm; rocks were readily visible Observationsat five Surveyor landing sites throughit. The sun angleat landingwas higher and the Apollo11 and 12 landingsites indicated for the Apollo 14 missionthan it had been for relatively little variation in surface soil condi- the Apollo 12 landing. The appearanceof the tions with location.Core-tube samples from the blowing lunar-surfacematerial in motion pic- Apollo 12 missionexhibited a greatervariation tures taken during the Apollo 14 descentseems in grain-sizedistribution with depth than had qualitativelysimilar to that observedduring the been found for Apollo 11 core-tubesamples, Apollo 11 landing. Dust was first observedat however. altitudesof 24, 33, and 33 metersfor the Apollo The Apollo 14 mission provided a greater 11, 12, and 14 landings,respectively. Because amount of soil mechanics data than either of the of the effect of sun angle and spacecraftorien- previous missionsfor two reasons.The crew tation, however,the appearanceof the dust in covereda much greater distanceduring the ex- the motion picturesmay not be a reliableindi- travehicularactivity periods,and the Fra Mauro cation of the quantity of material removedfrom landing site representeda topographicallyand the surface. geologicallydifferent region of the moon. In Surface erosion. The astronauts reported addition, three featuresof particular interest to that the lunar surface gave evidence of the soil mechanicswere new to the Apollo 14 mis- greatest erosion in an area approximately 1 sion: the Apollo simple penetrometer,the soil meter southeastof the region below the engine mechanicstrench, and the modularizedequip- nozzle, where as much as 10 cm of surfacema- ment transporter (Met). Each of thesehas been terial may have been removed during the land- used to shed new light on lunar soil character- ing. A distinct erosionalpattern is visible in istics. Figure 2. Except for a disturbedarea in the left middle distance,the surface gives the appear- ArOLLO 14 LANmNG Sx• ance of having been swept by engine gasesin The Apollo 14 landingsite in the Fra Mauro the same way as on previous missions.The region of the moon containsexposed geological disturbed area may have developedas a conse- So•, AT APo•,Lo14 S• 5643 Crater I illIll I I I I I 100 0 500 Fig.1. Apollo14 site map [from $wannet al., 1971]:Cc•, materials of ConeCrater; Is, smoothterrain matedhal of the Fra Mauro formation;I•r, ridgematedhal of the Fra Mauro formation;open circle, panorama station; open triangle, station without panorama. Contact: long dashedlines indicate approximate locations, and shortdashed lines indicate that loca- tionis inferredwithout local evidence. Foot o• scarp:the linebounds a smallmesa, and thesolid triangles point downslope; the shortdashed lines indicate inferred location. Edge o.•hill: longdashed lines indicate approximate locations, and shortdashed lines indicate inferredlocation. The open trianglespoint downslope.Traverse routes for first and second periodsof extravehicularactivity are marked by solidlines with arrows. quenceof grazingcontact of the q-Y footpad ejected radially from the surface below the contactprobe during the landing. spacecraftat predominantlylow anglesto the In the Apollo14 descentmotion pictures, it horizontal.There is thus,during the descent,a is evident that the lunar surface remains indis- regionfrom whichsoil is beingremoved, and tinct for a number of secondsafter descent- an adjacentregion, kilometers in lateral extent, engineshutdown. This event was probably on which the ejected particles descend.Since causedby venting from the soil of the exhaust the.spacecraft traverses laterally over the sur- gas stored in the voids of the lunar material face at a decreasingaltitude, erosionin some duringthe final stagesof descent.The outflow- regionswill be followedby depositionof parti- ing gas carrieswith it fine soil particlesthat cles removed at later times' from other ar•a.s. obscure the surface. The entireregion