08.05.20 Dear Parents/Carers and Students We hope you and your families are all keeping well. Here is our weekly round-up of our social media communications. Stay home and stay safe.

MESSAGE TO YEAR 11 FROM THE MFL TEAM Year 11 Languages students This week would have been your final GCSE speaking exams. The MFL team just wanted you to know this...we know how hard you’d worked on preparing for them and we absolutely know you would have done amazingly well and made us proud  . Mrs Green [email protected]

FROM THE SEND TEAM Hello We hope all of our students and families are safe and well and had a lovely Easter. All of the ETAs are missing working with our lovely students and are working hard to make new resources to inspire you when you return. If you need any help with your work or just want to say hello please get in touch. We are so proud of how hard you are all working and dealing with this strange situation and we are very much looking forward to hearing all about the new things you have learnt. Remember ‘don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can!’ Take care and stay safe Mrs Bardell and the SEND Team [email protected]

TO ALL THE MUSICIANS FROM MR BAKER Right you amazingly talented High superstars! Can we rise to the challenge of writing and recording a song of hope like Horbury has? Write a solo or get together on social media/app (e.g. Zoom Acapella). Here’s their lovely song https://youtu.be/_57yO-Ihn9E. Mr Baker [email protected] FROM MRS TURNER Hello my little pet lambs Hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. I know it is hard not to go out and meet your mates to catch up and socialise but believe me it is for the best. Hopefully one day soon we will be back together so I can play my wonderful whale music while you work hard and make me proud again. You know I think each and every one of you is absolutely amazing, unique and the reason why I do my job. Keep your little brains going guys and keep creating wonderful work/artwork for the FB site; I never realised just how talented you all are. Looking forward to sampling some baking  . I am keeping busy clearing my cupboards out, gardening, reading and annoying Mr Turner. This ticktocking thingy is baffling and I've given up on that. Anyway I have to go as Mr T said I'm talking too much!!! (cheeky). Miss you lots you little jelly tots, keep making us and your families proud; remember we are making history. Big virtual hugs from Mrs Turner xx P.S. I f you need a chat you know you can get me on my work email [email protected]

FROM MISS PEET You will have been hopefully practising your signing over the last few weeks and Miss Peet has a further challenge for you. Hi everyone - I hope you are all safe and well. Lockdown is a difficult time for everyone right now, but have you thought about using this time to learn a new skill? I am qualified to Level 4 in British Sign Language and I wanted to share this video* with you all to show you how fun it can be to learn. Why not give it a go? You can find lots of learning materials online and I would love to see your videos! Keep safe, and I can't wait to be back in the classroom with you all. Mrs Peet [email protected] *Video is on Facebook and will be uploaded to the school website ‘Wellbeing’ page

TO 8B AND ALL MR SMITH’S ENGLISH CLASSES To 8b and all of my English classes I hope that you’re doing well and looking after yourselves during this peculiar period of uncertainty. Believe it or not I’m missing pacing up and down my classroom talking to you all and hearing all of your ideas. I’m even looking forward to hearing your seemingly boundless random discussions once again. I’m looking forward to hearing of your exploits when we eventually return to normality – maybe you’ve learnt a new language or made a scientific discovery with all this time? Or like me perhaps you’ve just turned to old comforts – reading, binge watching TV and making the most of the advised one outing a day and exploring the surrounding area. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need/ want to – I check my emails regularly. Stay safe and see you all soon Mr Smith [email protected] YEAR 10 – FROM MISS BARBER Hello Year 10s! I just wanted to say that I am missing you all dearly and hope that you are all well. It’s been so nice to hear from some of you and hear what you have been getting up to. Remember there are people in school who can help if you are feeling low or you just want to get things off your chest. You are more than welcome to email me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I know we said it was important to keep working but please don’t worry too much, I’d rather you be safe happy, and be in the right frame of mind for when we do get to see each other again. Remember everyone is the same position when it comes to GCSEs so you won’t fall behind. As something I saw on Facebook said, we will get you back on track, that’s our superpower!! Ok I’ll get back to enjoying some of this sunshine. Take care everyone. Love Miss Barber [email protected]

***OUR AMAZING TALENTED STUDENTS ALERT*** Have a look at this wonderful cake Becky Kelly Middleton (Y8) has baked. It looks yummy Becky - very well done!

Please have a look at these amazing bird boxes our students have made in school recently. They are made from recycled pallet wood. A huge well done to all involved. Visit www.wildlifewatch.org.uk to find out how you can look after the birds in your garden.

Please congratulate Sophie Mayes (Y7) Please take a look at Year 10 student on her incredible alphabet art. Abigail Sykes wonderful art work inspired Well done Sophie it’s brilliant! by Andreas Preis. Excellent work-very well done!

WE LOVE SEEING OUR STUDENTS SHOWING THEIR SKILLS AND TALENTS KEEP SENDING IN PHOTOS OF YOUR EXCELLENT WORK EVERYONE Please help us say a huge Honley High well done to Harriet Law (Y7). Harriet completed a 7.38 mile bike ride in only 45 minutes! Well done Harriet we are very proud of you!

Amazing Alumni Have a listen to this beautiful music piece by our amazing alumni Lauren Burrow (Y13 at ) https://soundcloud.com/user-449078658/vanilla

⚽️⚽️⚽️ ***Honley High PE Challenge***⚽️⚽️⚽️ Calling all students, parents and staff to take on the Honley Kick Up Challenge. How long does it take you to do 10 kick ups. 1 kick up then catch = 1, 2 kick ups then catch = 2 and so on. Time yourself to work through and complete 10 kick ups. Can you beat Mr Thewlis who completed his in 41.68 seconds!

LBT Online Arts Award Aged between 8 - 14 and want a fun challenge to do from the comfort of your home? Sign up and take part in the @LBT Online Arts Award from 11 - 18 May https://www.thelbt.org/shows/online-arts-award/ #LBT #PerformingArts #ArtsAward

NSPCC When the world is unfamiliar and frightening. When friends are out of reach. When school was your sanctuary. When home isn’t a safe place. Whenever they need us. We're still here, we're still fighting for #EveryChildhood www.nspcc.org.uk.

Northorpe Hall Child & Family Trust – Parent/Carer Information Sessions Whilst Northorpe Hall Child & Family Trust are unable to deliver parent/carer information sessions in schools and other venues at present, they are offering some workshops online through Zoom. Parents/carers can book onto these through the booking system on the Northorpe Hall website https://www.northorpehall.co.uk/ or Facebook Page.

Design a banner to thank the NHS & Key Workers FSE Design are looking for students to design a banner which thanks and shows support to the NHS and key workers, for their dedication and hard work during this pandemic. They'll pick 5 winners, who will have their artwork recreated by their talented designers and printed on to a big 3x1m banner to proudly attach to our school gates. To enter, simply take a photograph of your completed worksheet and email it to [email protected] alongside your full name, age and don’t forget to include that you attend Honley High School. UK Space Agency – Tim Talks Join Tim Peake in a series of Space related Q & A’s on a Monday at 11.30am. During the first session he talks about isolation and keeping active in confined spaces. #spacetalk https://www.youtube.com/Timtalksspace

Culture in quarantine – Macbeth A classic production from the RSC and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, starring Christopher Ecclestone. Recommend by the English department for students in all years but particularly for students in Years 9 and 10 who have studied the text. There are some particularly original touches, such as the way the witches are portrayed, and the staging includes a huge digital clock counting down Macbeth's life. If students are unsure of the plot of Macbeth, watching a production is extremely helpful to get a strong sense of the story or characters. However, it is also interesting to develop a critical sense - every version of even the most famous plays is different, so there will be ideas/interpretations that we like, don't like, or perhaps don't understand. Remember, Shakespeare wrote his plays to be performed, so seeing productions is the best way of learning about them. If you do watch it, we'd love to hear what you thought. Either pop a comment below or email your English Teacher. https://www.bbc.co.uk/…/culture-in-quarantine-shakespeare-m…

British Sign Language Each day we have been sharing a new BSL word to learn. To find out more visit the BSL website https://www.british-sign.co.uk/ where you will find lots of resources and you can also sign up for courses.

National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday National Online Safety are giving parents some #onlinesafety tips to keep children safe whilst playing on Google's flagship game streaming platform Google STADIA >> https://bit.ly/3d9xSVl

National Theatre Live Each Thursday at 7.00pm the National Theatre are streaming a live performance which is also available to view afterwards http://ntlive.nationaltheatre.org.uk/ #JaneEyre #Frankenstein #Antony&Cleopatra

DODDLE If you experience any problems with Doddle, please email Miss Hansom ([email protected]) or call the school office on 01484 506484 (between 8.00am – 3.00pm, Monday to Friday).

Daily Challenges Here are a few examples of the daily challenges Miss Halliday has been setting for students:  Have a virtual film night with friends. Netflix party allows you to watch a film with friends without anyone stealing the popcorn   Cook something you have never made before (a cake or a meal) share the recipe and pictures with us  Look at the stars on a clear night. Which constellations can you see?

Careers – Construction This week, Successatschool are shining the spotlight on careers in Construction - and hoping to bust a few myths too. #construction #post16 #careers https://mailchi.mp/successatschool/careers-in-construction- your-complete-guide-1277043?fbclid=IwAR3pvAgiU_3qyshUZc2WiPO- w8pKxF_10nB0HKMGCw1Gl_CfRuYhqP136H4

Mrs Ackroyd's Lockdown Recommended Reads Ella on the Outside by Cath Howe It's hard to be the new girl but for Ella things are even more complicated. When “Queen Bee” Lydia befriends her, Ella thinks her luck might have finally changed. But Lydia isn't all she seems and the motives behind her friendship with Ella are unpleasant. This is a pacy story of secrets and lies but it also carries a heartwarming message of friendship and finding the inner strength to be who you really want to be. Ella on the Outside is a hugely relatable tale that will strike a chord with anyone who has felt the pressure to please a new friend or has struggled to fit in. http://www.cathhowe.com/ella- on-the-outside.html

If you love Diary of a Wimpy Kid why not try The Private Blog of Joe Cowley by Ben Davis: Writer of Stuff. Joe is a true underdog that you can’t help rooting for, he has a knack of saying exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time, usually when his dream girl (Lisa Hall) is around. The book is full of hilarious, cringe worthy and heartwarming moments as Joe deals with bullies, an embarrassing mum and girls he doesn't understand. For older fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Age 12+. http://www.bendavisauthor.com/joe-cowley-1.html

Nightshade - Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz Alex thought he had finally left his spying life behind him and was enjoying reconnecting with school and the best mate he had really missed while fighting organised crime. But when a dangerous band of ‘terrorists for hire’ emerges onto the world stage, he is dragged into yet another risky mission. Going deep undercover to investigate the shadowy Nightshade organisation, Alex has never faced a more formidable foe nor had such responsibility for the fate of nations resting so squarely on his young shoulders. Nightshade is an exhilarating page-turner that will thrill existing Alex Rider fans and convert new ones https://alexrider.com/book/nightshade/.

Slime by David Walliams Yet again David Walliams has found the perfect formula to keep kids laughing out loud – Slime! We join Ned and his continuing battle against the awful adults who make the local children’s lives a misery. But now Ned has found the perfect gungy ammunition – Slime. Can he learn how to harness its power, help the children and teach the awful adults a lesson they’ll never forget? Slime is jam packed with evil adults, rip roaring adventure, rib tickling humour, fantastic friendship and plenty of slime! https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/book/slime/.

Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman As seen on TV. First published in 2001, Noughts and Crosses is as fresh and powerful today as it has ever been. The population is divided into two: the white Noughts are second-class citizens, and the black Crosses are highly-revered and seen as the superior race. The story focuses on Sephy and Callum’s relationship, and explores the discrimination they encounter at every turn. As well as being a compelling tale of love and friendship, this is a thought-provoking exploration of the futility of prejudice. A contemporary classic with important things to say, as well as being a thrilling read from start to finish. Young adult, 13+ https://www.malorieblackman.co.uk/noughts-and-crosses-2/

Kirklees Libraries Have any of Mrs Ackroyd's recommended reads piqued your interest this week? Looking for a new book for the weekend? #lovereading Don't forget you can access thousands of e-books & e-audiobooks for free from Libraries https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/…/libra…/kirklees-libraries.aspx

Theme of the Week Next week’s theme is ‘What makes some toys more popular than others?’ Further information and resources available in the SMSC and Wellbeing folders.

Amazing Person of the Week: Mahatma Gandhi Further information and resources available in the SMSC and Wellbeing folders.