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S I * O R l S. 34 Tin: K\ KXfXO STAR, WASHINGTON-. T). H„ ’WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7, 1!)2S. sptntrs.’ Griffs Face Cards Tomorrow in First Game Yanks Stand Pat on 1927 Line-Up ROOKIE HARRIS CONFIDENT CLUB lIURLER MUST WAIT FOR CHANCE TO SHOW WARES ‘6l HOMERS OR BUST,’ HUGGINS IS SLOGAN OF RUTH SCANNING SQUAD WILL PUT UP GOOD FIGHT ts_ B FOR RESERVE FORCE By the Associated Press. ONLY ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 7. Players Not So Far Advanced Physically, as They Are The Busting Babe Is at It again. Forsaking his golf spree, Ruth donned Young Inficlflers and Outfielders to Be Developed Being Trained Cautiously, But Hurlers Are Ex- a Yanks uniform yesterday and whack- ed out a homer to Crescent Lake. He for Emergencies—Old to Make Good thumped five other longe drives, too, Catchers Stay—Pair of pected Showing. which would have been good for four- baggers In any ball game. New Pitchers Are Apt to Make “Slxty-one homers or bust" »ls the Club. BY DENMAN THOMPSON, by participating in no fewer than 59 watchword for the great Ruth In the games. «tv<rts Killtor The Star. 1928 campaign. He slugged 60 last sea- Is . the third of a series of ha** With Kttel. Braxton was the last of son. nan storle* iJi»alin(r as definite first string Fla March 7.—Finishing survey* with first-hand stars. the squad to check in. taking his initial “Wouldn't you rather hit .400 of 1!i:lh major loafuo cluh Pipgras, in and out of the American touches today were being put on work-out Monday, yet, he insisted on than prospectii.) League for years open- bat out 61 homers?" Ruth was asked found himself last by the'Nationals for the climbing the hill in the batting prac- "I year and climaxed his T\MPA,ing game . of the list of more should say not," retorted the BY BRIAN BELL. season's woric tice yesterday and when asked the rea- Yankees’ $70,000 star. with a great world series game Moor** tha*' M exhibitions scheduled son for rush merely replied that "The fans would Associated Press Sports Writer. the rathrr see me hit one to successfully made the long jump from for them prior to the start of their i the weather was too nice to pass up homer right a class “B league campaign in the Ameri- than three doubles to left.” PETERSBURG, Fla., March 7. ’ to the majors and championship the chance for that kind of a work- From the pinnacle proceeded to show opposition League, than a month < “Anyway, there's more Jack In It of a world players can. a little more out Braxton went through the for- lfir In championship the a "sinker” ball they did not quite hence. mality of signing his contract after a me this home-run racket,” he New York added with a sly grin. Yankees are standing pat with understand. For the inaugural of the grapefruit : short confab with President Griffith ST.their After shock troops circuit contests the Harrismen will! yesterday evening. the Big Earn had a gallery of and preparing Shocker May Chang* Mind. admirers satisfied with performance for base ball war in time of peace only have as their opponents the St. Louis! Harris Holds Meeting. his by Shocker, a veteran, may of National led this at the plate, he took a at his bolstering their reserve forces. reconsider a team the League, j turn old Manager determination to retire and the year by Bill McKechnie. former pilot j Harris called the meeting he had con- trade In the box and drove ’em Huggins contemplates no Join templated last and was in session the Into immediate changes in the team. Stanley Coveleskle, former Cleve- of the Pittsburgh Pirates, and as the j night rookies for 15 minutes. line-up that land with th? players for almost an hour, was good enough to turn back all Amer- and Washington pitcher, is at- tilt is to be staged at the training base I tempting to put on a comeback. of Cardinals, Avon Park, a rather I discussing prospects for the season and ican League opposition and vanquish No one, the at outlining strategical plays to be the not even the pitcher himself, knows Strenuous day ;s in prospect for them per- FREDERICK SIGNS MOSER. National League champions in four i fected in the daily practices. At its con- straight games. what answer his arm will make to the It will involve a SO-mile trip by motor i FREDERICK, Md., March 7.—-Mana- important question. bus. w,th three hours allotted for the j clusion he asserted he was confident the ger Joe Neptune of the The infield will remain as constituted best of feeling would prevail among the local Blue Ridge at the close of the last Babe Ruth, tanned to a crisp, waffle- journey each way. and means that for j League base ball team has J season, with boys this season and that they would Earl signed Lou Gehrig at first, Tony like brown from long days on the golf the sizeable squad that is to make the j Moser, Washington catcher. Moser Lazzeri play- courses, work together for the welfare of the will report here In ing second. Mark Koenig taking care reported for duty in great con- trip the only work possible must be team. May. He is the of dition. hopeful of a attack on obtained before and during the game, onlv catcher signed to date. short and Joe Dugan at third. H:s crushing j Favorable reports continue to em- mates have the on his record of three-score home runs last although these left behind will be put ... «-.»¦ .. Jump Lazzeri in i anate from the hospital where Bump early training, but it is season. Lou Gehrig, Junior member of through a long session at Plant Field and expected that the Hadley has been confined since his hur- Wilcox GUI contributed the win- he will come on and catch up. home-run team, got an early start, here r.f usual. ry up operation for appendicitis last ning hits yesterday, 6-A playing base ball while •'Cur players not as well advanced when defeated Dugan will be given a lift Babe was play- are | Saturday morning. It is believed now he 7-A in a well played base ball game at at third ing at golf, and the Bronx boy is ready as I would like to have them for real when necessary by Gene Robertson, will be able to quit libs cot there and Park View School, 3 to 2. Both teams back in to start hitting them now. base ball such as may be expected, his were erratic, while the major league after a stav Nudie Moore, rejoin team mates next Sunday. Marcellno and Hoy with St. Paul, and brother of the famous against the Cardinals tomorrow.” Man- both hurled well. going at a great Wiley, scopes that the Yankees ‘ clip in the Spring will let ager Harris said, but I much prefer to workouts. The for- him complete a family pitching duo. have them take plenty of time to get BRIEF COMES TO TERMS. mer St. Louis player gets extra speed by There can be no "big and little poison.” into condition rather than attain top but eight hits were all the regulars discarding his stockings and goes as the Waners MILWAUKEE. Wis., March 7 <4>>.— his barelegged way of the Pirates are called. form too soon, even if it does handicap Brief, could gather from the pitching of around third base in Maybe big the club Bunny for several seasons lead- RECRUITS’ WORK Lyons, ;ie high gear at times. Leo ‘ and bigger sinkers” will do, a bit in the early games. THRILLS Johnny Powers and ChM all Durocher, for Nudie is almost ing home-run hitter of the American the capable shortstop, has as big as Wiley. Association, has come to terms with Daney, Choctow Indian from Okla- also come to the The youngster lacks experience, and rienty of Spirit in Squad. homa. Yankees from St. Paul, and Mike Ga- the Milwaukee club. Briefs 1927 salary zella, Huggins will decide if he will acquire ‘ retained from last year’s What they may lack in the way of was sliced when a new contract was SEVERAL A. L. MANAGERS cham- it in the minors or on the Indians Have “Phenom.” pionship array, makes the third extra Yankee physical preparedness should be made sent to him and the slugger refused to infielder. bench to furnish a combination rival- up for in for have sign. NEW ORLEANS. March 7 OP).—Ed- ing the Waners and Sewells of fighting qualities, we j Ruth, Combs and their today that kind of a bunch, you know. I j ward Montague. San Francisco youth Meusel hold and the Delehantys of yesterday. “Phenoms” in of who played last year with New Haven own without serious opposition, and have noticed that some of the teams j Camps Browns, Tigers and Tribe. Durst will again stand by. that train in Florida, most of them, in FINE BASKET BALLTROPHY. In the Eastern League, has shown Man- Allen Cooke s ager Roger Peckingpaugh has been hitting a long ball in prac- fact, all put on speed from the moment | CHICAGO. March 7 (4 ).—A trophy Originally slalcd to face Cards tomor- Scbalk of White Sox, Is Assured Mostil Will that he is HOUSE PAGES WILL PLAY they land four much In the running for an Infield tice and has a chance to remain for m order to get in shape as feet high, modeled after one given row in exhibition series opener, this a time at least.