Boxf Score Bunched for Runs in the This with Him
New York Yankees Will Test Red Sox As Pennant Threat eterans, Supposedly KOMONEN SORRY Cant Come Back? These Ball Players Did! Hub Club, Without Grove, Through Last Year, Show FOR SLOW PACE Showed Up Well Against Great Comeback Effort EARLY IN RACE American League Champs Ontario's “Flying Finn” Header From Washington Jackson, Wilson, McManus and Koenig All Hoped to Break Paw- Boston Took Double Doing Well at Start of New Season; son’s Hub Record Yesterday—Giants and Pirates Going Lazzeri Still Strong Boston, April 20—(UP)—Dave Strong in National Circuit Komonen, victor In the 3Xtli an- nual whs JIMMY Boston A. A. marathon, JACK CUDDY By DONAHUE to leave here by automobile early By Press Staff <NKA ServUv S|x>rtM Writer) to-day for to reaumc (United Correspondent) Hulbury, Ont, Red Sox, hav- New York—When the baseball circus folded up its tent hla work aa a carpenter. New York, April 20—(UP)—The Boston Called Canada's ath- * at the end of old Father Time a at Travis outstanding broken even in a four-game series with the pennant- 1933, too^ glance lete, the Boston 26-mlle-3X6-yard ing a stand Jackson, Joe Vosmik, Hack Wilson, Marty McManus, George grind waa the only major road winning Senators, open three-day to-day against Mark and Lazzeri. race In North America that he had the Yankees, the other power in the American league. JJhle, Koenig Tony not hitherto captured. The Kami!, If the Boxh can do as well The (cut with the Hey the wus Finn smoothly-running .finished against the Yanks as they do heard to mumble something in IiIm two-thirds of a mile in front ol against Washington, little doubt beard about having the high sign John A.
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