Rimekeits Ok Exhibit at Ceramic Convention
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!••:•-. ••""•" • '•f • ' i' i ' t-r /.:•. T- News Interestingly ; r / ne Leaner i Told AM INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 1^ THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP riTCMTKKXTH YKAJ1 Woodbridge. N. J., Friday Afternoon, February 3, 1928 i'iliCK TIIK1£J-: CENTS ;< S .AVEHEL MUSICIANS Committeenian Jensen "Six More Weeks of Ice ROSE OF TQKSQ, c 0 M M U N! T Y Recovinns, from Fail RIMEKEIT anc! Snow,'' SCHOOLS TO Ground Hog Says, it :•;••: .!•.:, OK EXHIBIT CO \\\. OMBINE IN ORGANIZED AT. AT CERAMIC Must Be So! BIG. CONCERT SCORES A HIT BIG MEETING. CONVENTION' FEBRUARY 16 1 Lillian Richards and Victor Twenty-four Musicians Under Mutton Hollow Refractory. Program and List of Youthful Love Share Honors as Leadership of Miss Anna Products Will Put Town- '• Musicians Is Announced C. Frazer, to Meet for First V. i! ship on Map Atlantic Stars of Most Enjoyable :. <. < i At by Superrvisor. Parents Production. Rehearsal Monday. 1 ;,.,, City. Invited. ?RE!TY~COSTUMES NEED CONDUCTOR SUPERiOiIORv ^QUAL, E Y HARMONICA I" :I -: *. 1 i:;i'\i'- 11. >j -• i.iu ;i .• I.I :•:. ; :.:; ... ; i:.-.. .: : I-.I: • : ]:..• :.: ;i' Will Ask School Board for Of Insulating and SM) And Catchy Songs by Weil ;.: • •••::•: : .•_. • • ; . .... • Wili be Unii/ue Feature oi iilnl aJMJlgitu aiiuea U • u: ; the imagination. Trained Chorus Reap Ap- in the days of Washington. Free Use of Auditorium Alex Sitiiisky oi' Florida Grove fractory Materials Are' Co-operative Event Vocal Tickets may be bad during library And ail because a popular Until Funds Have Been road, reports that a front tire was Gaining Steadily Recogni- superstition is thai, if the, g. h. plause from Two Nights' hours at the Aveno.l Library anO stolen from 'his Ford car on Satur- Numbers include Folk from members *f tint committee. sees its shadow on ^iha't day, he Audiences. Raised for Expenses. day morning. Mr.' Sitnisky thinks tion. scurries back into his burrow to Songs. lie disturbed the thieves at work, us So on \vi\h his nap. Public Service Orders Busses a jack was lpfi and the car was rest- "Rinrtheit" refractories, a Wood- This, we are assured, means I Plans are nearing completion for The "'jRose of Tokio", a "Japanese j Twenty-four musicians and o'rhers ing on a hollow tile when he found 4 musical comedy", presented by the more new busses inleresied in organizing a commun- bridge Township product, nianufac-j that the ground hog knows m,on . the combined concert to 'be given by An Order for 331 it. 'fhis is (lie- second tire theft here tured by the MuWon Hollow Fire; Junior Woman's Club, at, the local of the gas-elec'rric type wawass placed ily orchestra attended a, meeting at m the last few days. than the 1*: S. Weather Bureau, ihe Woodbridge High School orcJn-s- high school auditorium on Friday with the Yellow Truck and_ Coach the local high school, Monday eve- Brick Company, •jvil'l occupy an im- , which, at best, predicts the tra and the orchestras of the elemen- and Saturday evenings, .and at a, Manufacturing Company of Chicago, ning. M'iss Anna C. Frazer, music portant place among the clay prod- j weat nor forty-eight hours ahead, tary schools of tin-; Township on Saturday children's matinee, played .January 26, by Public Service Trans- supervisor of Townsiiip schools was ucts to be exhibited at \i:e Thirtieth • while 'ihe meteorological rodent Thursday even in u. February ]Glh., at "'• ',1 • can foresee six weeks of winter, to appreciative audience on all three portation Company, it has beep an- appointed acting chairman for this Annual meeiing of the Americai.' 8:15 P. W. LOCAL SLEUTHS Ceramic Society which is to be held , or the end of winter by the occasions. nounced. meeting. i Every school in the Township will colictirrently with the foriy-second simple expedient of looking for 'Mie story is laid in Tokio. The ac-; j Several alumni were 'present giv- his shadow. have a part in the program, which annual meeting of the National 'will include did folk tunes and cla«s,i- "lion takes place during a revolution ing the meeting the appearance of NAB YOUNG Brick MaimfactuiHrs' Association at of which, Baron Kaneko (Herbert an old time school session. The 'cal numbers written by Schubert, Change in Fire \ne Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City. •Handel. Rubensiein and Verdi. Miss Scbrimpl), a powerful nobleman is Iproblem of obtaining one of the from February 5th. to February Stli instigator. The* Eroperror (J. R.J jscbool auditoriums was discussed. JAnna C. Frazer is doing the eoaehi- DESPERADOES Start to Select ; Valentine Brown), a young man.i (Since the orchestra is to be oranized Of the thirty - eight nationally j ing and promises a pleasant stiirpriHe •comes to Tokio disguised as a wan-; Election the good of Die community, H for Uie people of Woodbridge Town- known ' exhibitors from Hie East and; 'ship. during- mistrel, calling himself "Yingi was taken for granted that the Board Said to Have Confessed 3 Middle. West, only two .other repre- \ Legion Musical Po", he meets "Fu San" (Lillian j Made Clear of Education would offer the use of sent the state of New Jersey, the ! The following is the complete ami Richards), the "Rose of. Tokio" and. an auditorium gratis until'the organ- Robberies; Reveal.Plan to Carborundum Company, of Perth revised program which will b« pre- ward of the mayor of Tokio (Victor! ization has adequate funds in the 'Amboy, aad Golding Sons Company, Comedy Cast sented Thursday evening, February N. Love), and falls desperately in • A special meeting was held Fri- treasury. "Grab Cop's Gun". of Trenton. 3 6th.; love with her. day evening, January 2yth., to make Miss Frazer suggested that a lead- The N'^w Jersey Clay Workers' As- Woodbridge Post No. 87 of the' The High School orch-i-'stra 'and The mayor orders Fu San to be arrangements for the Avenftl fire er would have to be hired because Michael Huda.k, Stephen Lucina sociation will be the hosts of the two American Legion, will s'tart band will include the following: the bride of Baron Kaneko, and rehears- election to be held on Saturday, .'-he had a great deal of other work •and John Sliogy,, all of Woodbridge, national organizations. E. V. Eke- ing their musical comedy "Spanish ! Violins: Charles Brennan, RoysiJh Ying Po, pledges his loy,e to Fu San ' to do and would not be able to take are each under ?l,000 bail and sen. of the New Jersey Terra Cotta Moon" tonight. Miss Francis Allan, and" promises to save her from the February 18th. between three and Anderson, Theodore Clausen, Arfhui care of tlre jOi5. A leader who would awaiting the .action of the grand Co., is the president of 'the Jersey of the Rogers Producing Company, bad, bold baron. The bar.on is out- Clear, Anna. Dadton, .lames Pulton, seven . p. m., at the Fire House, on be suited for the orchestra would jury on a charge of breaking, i-nier- clay men. 0'iher officers are J. A will, coach the play, which will be Louise 'Eppensfusiner, Miriam Jflrb,. •vyit'md jn his revolution by Dr. Wo Hyatt s'treet, Avenel, to elect two charge about twenty-five dollars for ing and larceny, preferred by the Williams.-of the Miichel-Bissell Co..fpresented at Ihe Woodbridge (Asher Fits-Randolph.), the Em- High Margaret, HendricHson, Clara Kini-ly,, commissioners for the term of 3 each rehearsal according to Miss Woodbridge Lumber Company, Bern- Trenton, vice-president; Charles A.'School auditorium on Monday John Kish, Josephine Kolh, Anthony peror's private detective -a-nd body- ' Vr,v/ev TMg ma,ae]. ^ pul ov&. stein's Meat Market and Holohan's* and years and vote on an appropriation Bloomlield, of Metuclien, N. J., and /Tuesday, February 20th. and 23 st. Lombard!. Josephine- Miller, Jfrrnest guard, and the uprising ends abrupt- ulUji o,p next meeting. Garage. honored-veteran of New Jersey clay. The "first act of the comedy ly wiih the death of Baron Kane- for the ensuing year. The first act of the comedy is setDocksiader,, 33eatrice Ranchman, The Misaes Harriet' Breckenridge Hudak, self-siyied leader of the men, councilor; G. H. Brown, repart- ko. Ting Po discloses his identity as in New York City a,t a.n advertising John Rusnak, Jacji. Sheranan, Vii\tor Since the laws governing the elec-and Joanette tyelick were appointed gang, is twenty years old and lives ments of ceramics, Rutgers Univer- agency's office. The second act will Martha Sprague, Albert TerhUne. SiJ- Emperor of Japan and asks for the (ion in fire districts of the state have to send out cards to other musicians wi'tlf his parents on Rector avenue, sity, secretary-treasurer; and D. P. bund of Fu San. take the audience to an old Spanish via Tobvowsky, Joseph Vargats, lSii- been changed by an act ol! the Sf.n- who may be interested in joining the Woodbridge, Luciaia. eighteen years Forst. of the Kobersfion Art Tile Co.. tavern, near Barcelona, Spain. gar Williamson, Louis Kager, ISrnest Much credit is due Miss Lillian ate and General Assembly approved orchestra. old resides on Strawberry Hill, Wood- Trenton, chairman of the executive Tlie book is -by Kenneth Kosten- KetUer, Arthur Klein, Ailiriu S-lier- Jiicha-rds for i\<ir portrayal of Fu March 2 8th., 1927, all voters were Of the twHiity-foin people, ait the bridge and Sliogy, age nineteen, -lives committee. bader and the music by Vernon L. man, and Edward Reissnia-n. .S;ii), the "Rose of Tokio".