www.EDUCATIONUPDATE.com AwardAward Volume XII, No. 2 • New York City • OCTOBER 2006 Winner For PArentS, EDUCAtorS & StUDentS CORPORATE LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION HAROLD MCGRAW III U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE V P PRSRT STD. PRSRT OO ermit No.500 RH EES , NJ EDUCATION UPDATE ■ For PArentS, EDUCAtorS & StUDentS ■ OCTOBER 2006 GUEST EDITORIAL Education updatE Mailing Address: 17 Lexington Avenue, A1207 Analysis of High School Minority Enrollments New York, NY 10010 By DEAN ALFRED S. POSAMENTIER, a support program must be started very early in not. If Johnny was black and didn’t do well on a Email:
[email protected] DR. JOYCE R. COPPIN a youngster’s education, and offered on a regular test, the teacher would generally console him and www.EducationUpdate.com & DR. EDMUND W. GORDON basis —say, after school or on weekends—reach- tell him “it’s all right; you’ll do better next time.” Tel: 212-477-5600 Fax: 212-477-5893 ing out to all students with the cooperation of Whereas, if Johnny was white and performed PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN CHIEF: A recent report in The New York Times, which all school principals, conducted in a way that is poorly on a test, the teacher would simply tell Pola Rosen, Ed.D. the deputy chancellor found “extraordinarily sur- convenient to all students, sensitive to the need him that this was completely unacceptable and prising,” indicated a precipitous drop in the for peer support and properly aligned with the would not be tolerated next time. This difference ADVISORY COUNCIL: percent of black and Hispanic students enrolled curriculum.