The Art of Adaptation
Ritgerð til M.A.-prófs Bókmenntir, Menning og Miðlun The Art of Adaptation The move from page to stage/screen, as seen through three films Margrét Ann Thors 301287-3139 Leiðbeinandi: Guðrún Björk Guðsteinsdóttir Janúar 2020 2 Big TAKK to ÓBS, “Óskar Helps,” for being IMDB and the (very) best 3 Abstract This paper looks at the art of adaptation, specifically the move from page to screen/stage, through the lens of three films from the early aughts: Spike Jonze’s Adaptation, Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Birdman, or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance, and Joel and Ethan Coen’s O Brother, Where Art Thou? The analysis identifies three main adaptation-related themes woven throughout each of these films, namely, duality/the double, artistic madness/genius, and meta- commentary on the art of adaptation. Ultimately, the paper seeks to argue that contrary to common opinion, adaptations need not be viewed as derivatives of or secondary to their source text; rather, just as in nature species shift, change, and evolve over time to better suit their environment, so too do (and should) narratives change to suit new media, cultural mores, and modes of storytelling. The analysis begins with a theoretical framing that draws on T.S. Eliot’s, Linda Hutcheon’s, Kamilla Elliott’s, and Julie Sanders’s thoughts about the art of adaptation. The framing then extends to notions of duality/the double and artistic madness/genius, both of which feature prominently in the films discussed herein. Finally, the framing concludes with a discussion of postmodernism, and the basis on which these films can be situated within the postmodern artistic landscape.
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