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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19657-4 - W. H. Auden in Context Edited by Tony Sharpe Index More information Index Acton, Harold, 91 ‘As It Seemed to Us’, 14 ‘The Acts of John’, 86 ‘At the Grave of Henry James’, 75, 131, 375 The Adelphi, 338, 345 ‘Atlantis’, 50, 130 Agee, James, 215 ‘Aubade’, 348 Alexander, Michael, 260 ‘Auden and MacNeice: Their Last Will and Allen, Bill, 147 Testament’, 83, 241 Allen, John, 223, 225 ‘August for the people and their favourite Alston Moor, 15, 16 islands’, 41, 43, 212, 317 Alvarez, A. A., 365 ‘Balaam and his Ass’, 308 Amsterdam, 316 Berlin journals (unpublished), 24, 26, 317, Anders als die Andern, 103 355 Anglo-Saxon Reader (Sweet), 261 ‘Brothers and Others’, 272, 273 Ansen, Alan, 83, 91, 103, 121, 295n, 369, 378 ‘Bucolics’, 59, 64, 77, 178 Arendt, Hannah, 107, 126 ‘California’, 52 Aristotle, 181 ‘Case Histories’, 345 Arnold, Matthew, 49 ‘Christmas 1940’, 63 Ashbery, John, 124, 355 ‘Commentary’, 155, 157, 185 Astor, Lady Nancy, 146 ‘Consider this and in our time’, 2, 38, 153, Atlantic, 125 205–6 Auden, Constance, 69, 107 ‘Control of the passes was, he saw, the key’ Auden, George, 151, 259 (‘The Secret Agent’), 16, 20, 287, 361 Auden, John, 15, 45, 84, 86, 236 ‘Dame Kind’, 108 Auden’s writings ‘Deftly, admiral, cast your fly’, 334, 363 ‘1929’, 299, 362 ‘Dichtung und Wahrheit’, 183, 308, 363, 365 ‘A Bride in the ‘30s’, 376 ‘Dover’, 342–4 A Certain World, 19, 77, 87, 260, 329 ‘Easily, my dear,. .’, 207–8, 213 A Choice of de la Mare’s Verse, 360 Elegy for Young Lovers, 250, 324 ‘A Communist to Others’,
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