CRVA Report – Benin

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CRVA Report – Benin Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessment BENIN JANUARY 2018 ECOWAS COMMISSION COMMISSION DE LA CEDEAO COMMISSÃO DA CEDEAO Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: Benin | 1 DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Cover photo: “Colorfully dressed woman” by David Stanley, accessed via Flikr ( Reproduced under Creative Commons CC BY 2.0. Table of Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... 4 Message from the President of the ECOWAS Commission .................................................................................... 6 Statement from the Vice President of the ECOWAS Commission ......................................................................... 7 Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Research Process ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Terminology and Conceptual Definitions .......................................................................................................... 12 Literature Review ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Research Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Description of the Sample ................................................................................................................................. 15 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Scope and Limitations of the Study .................................................................................................................. 17 Country Background ............................................................................................................................................... 19 National-Level Vulnerabilities, Risks and Resiliencies ......................................................................................... 21 Economics and Resources (Most Vulnerable Pillar) ......................................................................................... 24 Population and Demographics (Second Most Vulnerable Pillar) ..................................................................... 27 Politics and Governance (Third Most Vulnerable Pillar) ................................................................................... 30 Rule of Law (Fourth Most Vulnerable Pillar) ..................................................................................................... 32 Security (Least Vulnerable Pillar) ....................................................................................................................... 34 External Factors .................................................................................................................................................. 36 Gender Considerations ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Sub-National Level Vulnerabilities, Risks and Resilience Factors: Observations by Region ............................. 39 Alibori Department ............................................................................................................................................. 39 Borgou Department .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Littoral Department .......................................................................................................................................... 51 Plateau Department ........................................................................................................................................... 55 Conclusion and Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 59 Appendix A: Data Sample ....................................................................................................................................... 61 Appendix B: Vulnerability Index ............................................................................................................................. 65 Appendix C: Additional References ....................................................................................................................... 67 Appendix D: Matrix of Vulnerabilities, Risks, Resilience Factors, and Recommendations by Human Security Pillar ......................................................................................................................................................................... 68 Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: Benin | 3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ACLED Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project AfDB African Development Bank AU African Union CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment CRA Conflict Risk Assessment CRVA Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessment CSO Civil Society Organization DFID United Kingdom Department for International Development DPA ECOWAS Directorate of Political Affairs DPKRS ECOWAS Directorate of Peacekeeping & Regional Security ECOMOG ECOWAS Monitoring Group ECOWARN ECOWAS Early Warning and Response Network ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States ECPF ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework EWD ECOWAS Directorate of Early Warning FDI Foreign Direct Investment FGD Focus Group Discussion FGM/C Female genital mutilation/cutting GBV Gender-based violence GDP Gross domestic product GIS Geographic Information System GPI Gender parity index GSDRC Governance and Social Development Resource Centre ICAF Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework IFC International Finance Corporation IFIs International financial institutions ILO International Labor Organization IOF International Organisation de la Francophonie IMF International Monetary Fund IncReps ECOWARN’s Incident Reports KII Key Informant Interview LEPI Liste Electorale Permanente Informatisée MEND Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta NGO Non-Governmental Organization OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development RAVIP Recensement Administratif à Vocation d'Identification de la Population REWARD Reacting to Early Warning and Response Data in West Africa SALW Small Arms and Light Weapons SD Standard Deviation SitReps ECOWARN Situation Reports SNA Stakeholder Network Analysis UN United Nations Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: Benin | 4 USAID United States Agency for International Development WTO World Trade Organization Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: Benin | 5 Message from the President of the ECOWAS Commission The 15 Member-States of the ECOWAS Community represent a thriving region of the world, with a population of approximately 366 million and a rich human and topographical diversity. From the coastline to the mountain peaks of Fouta Djallon, across the Sahara and the mangroves of the Niger Delta, ECOWAS is home to diverse families, communities, and nations. Over the last decade, the region has witnessed significant progress in lifting the standard of living for millions. However, along with the richness of natural resources, human capital and great opportunity, there are also challenges to contend with such as natural disasters, pandemics, ethno-sectarian tensions, and security threats caused by extremism and terrorism. Global developments and changes such as advances in technology, human migration and climate change, have added new levels of complexity, presenting new challenges for strategic planning and preparedness as we look ahead to the future. This is where Early Warning plays a critical role in helping ECOWAS to understand the changing dynamics so as to strengthen decision making and early response at the regional and national levels. The Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessments (CRVAs) serve as an important resource in this regard. These reports are useful for strengthening the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework action plans as well as to serve as reference materials for an in-depth understanding of the human security dynamics in our Member States, and for our partners across the region. I therefore invite national stakeholders, all ECOWAS institutions and our partners to make use of these reports for the entrenchment of peace and progress for the benefit of the Citizens of ECOWAS. Jean-Claude Brou President of the ECOWAS Commission Country Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: Benin | 6 Statement from
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