Area G Alcoholics Anonymous

TheArea Message G ’s Eastern suburbs and Inner West region of SPRINGAlcoholics 2015 Anonymous

Live Sober. Live Free.

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Meditations on People (excerpts from the 12steps 12 traditions, steps 1-9)

- Why all this insistence that every AA must hit rock bottom First? The answer is that few people will sincerely try the AA program without hitting bottom first. P24 - You can if you wish, make AA itself your higher power. Here’s a very large group of people who have solved their alcohol problem. P27 - In belaboring the sins of some religious people, we could feel superior to them all. Moreover, we could avoid looking at some of our own shortcomings. P30 - Power flows just where it is needed. Silently and surely, electricity, that strange energy that so few people understand, meets our simplest daily needs, and our most desperate ones too. P36 - If we were pretty nice people all along, other than our drinking, what need is there for a moral inventory now we are sober? We also clutch at another wonderful excuse for avoiding an inventory. Our present anxieties and troubles we cry, are caused by the behavior of other people – people who really need a moral inventory. P45 - People who are driven by pride of self unconsciously blind themselves to their liabilities. P46 - We had to see that every time we played the big shot, we turned people against us. - Where other people were concerned, we had to drop the word ‘blame’ from our speech and thought. P47 - What people were hurt, and how badly? P48 - Did I take it out on other people? P51 - Either we insist upon dominating people we know, or we depend upon them far too much. If we lean too heavily upon people, they will sooner or later fail us, for they are human too, and cannot meet our incessant demands. P53 - They always discovered that relief never came by confessing the sins of other people. Everybody had to confess his own. - The practice of admitting ones defeats to another person is of course very ancient . . . it characterizes the lives of all spiritually centered and truly religious people. P56 - Even before our drinking got bad and people began to cut us off, nearly all of us suffered the feeling that we didn’t quite belong. P57 - When we reached AA, and for the first time in our lives were among people who truly seemed to understand, the sense of belonging was tremendously exciting. P57 - It is worth noting that people of very high spiritual development almost always insist on checking with friends or spiritual advisors the guidance they feel they have received from God. P60 - Self-righteous anger can also be very enjoyable. In a perverse way we can actually take satisfaction from the fact that many people annoy us, for it brings a comforting feeling of superiority. P67 - Some people, of course, may conclude that they are indeed ready to have all such defects taken away from them. But even these people, if they construct a list of still milder defects, will be obliged to admit that they still prefer to hang onto some of them. P68 - Many people haven’t even a nodding acquaintance with humility as a away of life. P70 - But we are sure that no class of people in the world has ever made a worse mess of trying to live by this formula than alcoholics. For thousands of years we have been demanding more than our fair share of security, prestige and romance. P71 - In many instances we are dealing with fellow sufferers, people whose woes we have increased. If we are now about to ask forgiveness for ourselves, why shouldn’t we start out by forgiving them, one and all? P77 - To define the word ‘harm’ in a practical way, we might call it the results of instincts in collision, which cause physical, mental, emotional or spiritual damage to people. P80 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would cause harm or injury to others. P81 - Then we are ready to go to these people, to tell them what AA is and what we are trying to do. P84 - The generous response of most people to such quiet sincerity will often astonish us. P81 2 General Service Structure Information Session Report. As part of an enacted topic of conference from 2014, General Service Office of AA has conducted a series of Information Sessions in Areas across Australia. The Area G (inner west, CBD and East Sydney) session took place in Newtown on Sunday 26 July. The session began with an introduction from Paul B, our Eastern Region Trustee, who described the breakdown of the board, trustees and core of servants who, because of our upside down structure, are at the bottom of our service structure. The twelve trustee positions on the board are broken down as class A and class B – Class A Trustees are non-alcoholic friends of the fellowship invited onto the board because of the special skills they bring in health, communication, law etc. Being non-alcoholics, they can also serve as the face of AA to the broader community without breaking anonymity. Bill W always sought out the best people he could find to serve our society. There are four non- alcoholic positions on the board. Currently we only have two. Class B Trustees are AA members. Six are Regional Trustees. They bring perspectives from each region of the country. Once on the board, however, they represent AA as a whole. There are also two General Service Trustees. These are AA members with particular skills in business and administration. These Trustees are required to live within commuting distance of Sydney as they are required to attend the monthly business meetings at the GSO. There are also two international delegates who are non-voting members of the board and finally, we have a Trustee Emiratis, Vanda Rounsefell, who attends board meetings but does not have a vote. Paul then spoke of the warranties, to me a little known but truly inspired part of the concepts written by Bill W to address AA controversy. The warranties, which constitute Article 12 of the Conference Charter, are the fellowships ‘Bill of rights’. They are as follows; “In all its proceedings, the General Service Conference shall observe the spirit of AA Tradition, taking great care that the Conference never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficient operating funds, plus an ample reserve, be it’s prudent financial principle; that none of the Conference Members shall ever be placed in a position of unqualified authority over any of the others; that all important decisions be reached by discussion, vote and whenever possible, by substantial unanimity; that no Conference actions ever be personally punitive or an incitement to public controversy; that though the Conference may act for the service of Alcoholics Anonymous it shall never perform any acts of government; and that, like the society of Alcoholics Anonymous it serves, the Conference itself will always remain democratic in thought and action.” Chris S from GSO conducted an informative illustration ‘how one bright idea . . . ‘ where attendees role play how a member can make a difference in ideas and service to the still sick and suffering alcoholic. 3 different scenarios illustrate how an alcoholic can be helped (or not) by the presence of something as small as a pamphlet with the AA number in a hotel room, and how an AA member can make a piece of AA literature available in places and situations to help an alcoholic in need in the right place and time with the help of our service structure. Leigh F, our national coordinator of Public Information coordinator gave a great presentation of different areas and what they are doing to further the primary purpose. Leigh has incredible insight and knowledge with the fellowship far and wide and collects fantastic ways our members are making a difference with Public Information ideas and how to let folks know about our treatment of alcoholism. A very informative day, please email [email protected] for any questions, ideas or contacts. NickR Area G delegate

3 Happy, Joyous and Free in Atlanta “You Are Their Legacy”

The International Convention, held July 2-5 in Atlanta, Georgia, drew approximately 57,000 alcoholics to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous. International Conventions, steadily growing in size, have been held every five years since 1950, when 3,000 alcoholics gathered in Cleveland to hear speakers ranging from Warden Clinton Duffy of San Quentin to Bill W. and Dr. Bob—the latter, ill with the cancer that would take his life the following November, gave a brief but now-famous address placing “love” and “service” at the heart of A.A. Love and service were in ample display in Atlanta. The flags of 94 countries were paraded through the Georgia Dome at the Convention’s official opening on Friday night; there followed a three-speaker meeting simultaneously translated into seven languages. Marathon meetings were held continuously from midnight on Thursday to 7:00 am, Sunday; there were 250 meetings in all, in a host of languages. In this truly international Convention, messages of gratitude and support were sent to the staff of the General Service Office from countries like Poland, Czechoslovakia and China. A highlight Saturday night: the 35 millionth copy of the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, was presented by A.A. General Service Board chair Terry Bedient (nonalcoholic) to Sister Judith Ann Karam of the Sisters of Charity of Augustine, the religious order to which Sister Ignatia, one of those non-alcoholics so important to the development of A.A., belonged. Sr. Ignatia worked closely with Dr. Bob at St. Thomas Hospital in Akron (and after Bob’s death, at St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland) to help sober up thousands of alcoholics. In her remarks, Sr. Karan spoke movingly of Sr. Ignatia as “one of the many strong and courageous women who devoted their lives to serving others.” She went on to say: “Can you imagine Bill W., Dr. Bob and Sr. Ignatia standing here now and seeing so many in the Fellowship they started—this community of caring, their friends? You are their legacy, present here and in spirit, living and deceased, who have struggled with your demons and are sober. Sister Ignatia belongs to each of you in a special way.” And, showing their love of A.A. and its legacy, Convention attendees flocked to the G.S.O. Archives Exhibit Room, where the films ‘Markings on the Journey’ and ‘Bill’s Own Story’ were shown. (The latter so popular that people sat on the floor to view it.) Volunteers— among the 5,000 who generously donated their time at the Convention—provided service that was gratefully accepted by the Archives staff.

*Sourced from GSO Markings archive newsletter,4 Fall, 2015 edition.

Area G Corrections Report August 2015 Long Bay continues to have one AA meeting per week on Tuesday afternoons. This meeting needs further support (see below for details). Still no meetings in Forensic Hospital but hoping this could change. AA Literature - In July we sent the following literature to Long Bay main complex 20 x Big Book, 6 x Beginners Book, 5 x Spiritual Awakenings, 1 x Spiritual Awakening to Forensic Hospital Since there are no female prisoners in Area G (apart from Forensic Hospital) I have made contact with Rita J who is now coordinating the female Correction visiting roster for Area H (Lower Blue Mountains and Western Sydney) A new meeting is about to open at John Morony Centre which is 5km south of Windsor. Another meeting is at Bolwarra on the first Tuesday of each month. A BB and copy of Big Book Awakening guide were sent to Nara Nurra. About 3-4 prisoners from Nara Nurra continue to attend Newtown Fri 12pm meeting every 2 weeks, under supervision when their release date is approaching. Recently some of these same people have been returning to meeting after release. New application forms for Corrections clearance have just been released. Copies of all and can forwarded on request. Contact Milton if interested in supporting men’s meeting at Long Bay on Tuesday afternoons at [email protected] . Contact Rita if interested in supporting men’s meeting on Monday evening at Windsor or Women’s meeting on Friday morning at Dillwynia at [email protected] Milton R (Newtown Fri 12pm)

Area G Public Information report August 2015 • PI Committee last met on Tuesday 28 July • Recent events we have had information stalls at include DANA (Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australia), Generation Next! and Sydney Homeless • Generation Next! was held on 21 July at Sydney Town Hall. Sydney Homeless was held on 24 July at Sydney Town Hall. DANA was held on 13-14 August at Novotel Sydney Central • All were a great success with a significant amount of literature handed out • The original literature budget of $1,000 has been fully utilized • We have also recently provided some literature to Area H who are running a schools program event • The next event is Western Sydney Homeless Connect to be held on October 12 at Parramatta Town Hall • Last CSO meeting we received a budget to run a Xmas advertising program through Val Morgan at a number of cinemas • Next year we will run the same information stalls at the same events and then begin to add further initiatives • As a priority, we are still seeking members from groups who don’t have a PI Rep *In addition, we need consistency from groups who do have a PI Rep as the number of attendees to each committee meeting is extremely variable!

5 Eastern Region Trustee – report from Paul B. AA Cards, $1.50 each Hi there, As recently elected Eastern Regional Trustee serving on the Buy from CSO the General Service Board I have to say I’ve had to hit the ground Crypt, Bondi running. I attended the first board meeting in Perth in February and took over from Tom G as the chair of the Host Planning 6 Designs, A5 size Committee for the National Convention in Newcastle. The convention was a great success both financially and, more Blank Inside, Contact importantly, in fellowship. Details on Back The 2nd edition of the Australian Big Book was launched at the convention. It contains the original text, American stories and 36 stories of recovery from Australian members. It has proved to be very popular and has already sold in excess of 4,000 copies. A special initiative of the board has been to conduct a series of seminars on the general service structure of AA in Australia. The objective is to stimulate more interest in general service. These seminars are being held in every area in Australia. I have participated in most of the seminars held in Eastern Region; Port Macquarie, Canberra, Gosford, Orange, Newtown and Kingswood, Area’s A,B,C,F,G and H respectively. In late June I travelled to the US to spend time with friends involved in service there. Together we travelled to Atlanta to the International Convention. It was a somewhat overwhelming experience being surrounded by 57,000 plus alcoholics. The main meetings in the Georgia dome were particularly impressive. The flag ceremony was accompanied by the theme from The Man from Snowy River – which was surreal. And the speakers were impressive. The first speaker was deaf. He signed while a translator ‘spoke’ for him. Not only was the man alcoholic and deaf, he was also Jewish and Gay – and fun. He told us not to consider him a member with special needs but only as one who requires facilitation. He was followed by an African American woman and one of our own, Roy A, an aboriginal man from Gosford. There were over 100 members with 50 years + sobriety at the old timers meeting. At the countdown our own Ron C was one of the last ones standing. . A highlight for me was the second speaker at the closing meeting, a young man serving 16 years jail for killing his best friend in a car accident, in a blackout. Arranging his appearance was an extraordinary logistical feat. It included liaising with social workers, prison authorities, the prison warden, the man’s sponsor and the state government. Eva S, from GSO NY was responsible for organizing the main meetings. Every speaker chosen had a story, which illustrated the importance of the different areas of service. An impressive effort. I arrived home in time for the July board meeting - in body if not exactly in mind. Regards Paul B 6 AREA G MONEY – GSO (General Service Office) Group contributions June to September: Balmain Thurs PM $72, Birchgrove $180, Bondi Junction Mon Noon $29.50, Bondi Junction Womens $82.28, Darlinghurst Tues $84, Erskineville $180, Into Action $300, Leichhardt Saturday $576, Newtown DR $246.44, Newtown Fri 8pm $30, Randwick S&T $180, Rozelle Sun 9am $84, Surry Hills Sun SC GL&T $197.52, City Lawyers $48.90, Vaucluse Sat Night $100, Wesley Groups $426.74, Woolloomooloo Sun $260.50 Total donated from Area G: $2,817.38 Donations to Area G from groups April to August: $25 Bondi Junction unspecified group, $60 Balmain Thursday night, $100 Vaucluse recovery, $100 Surry Hills unknown group, $1,333 unknown group, $120 Leichhardt group unspecified, $28.38 Bondi group unspecified, $100 Randwick Steps meeting, $786 unspecified Total: $2,652.38 Main expenses: $1,300 GSO quarterly levy. Treasurer maintains prudent reserve. CSO (Bondi Crypt Central Service Office): Donations received from groups for 60/30/10 split. The 3 months up to June, 2015: Bondi J Mon $98.30, Rainbow Recovery Sunday $658.40, Birchgrove Sunday $50, Newtown DR $821.45, Townhall $123.50, Bondi J $25, St. Leonards $439.54, Wesley $1,422.45, Balmain Thurs $240, Vaucluse Recovery $100, Surry Hills Foveaux/Elizabeth $600, Erskineville $600, BJ Sunday Women $274.25, Lawyers $163, Rozelle Sunday $280, Summer Hill Mon $38.20, Leichhardt Sat $720, St James $60.15, Bondi J $28.38, Woolloomooloo $135, Newtown Fri 12pm $100, Randwick Steps $600 Total: $7,857.62 *Please identify your groups when making a donation.

Saturday 7th November 2015 - 9am till 5:15pm Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Bedford St, Newtown

Cost $20

7 AREA G WEEKLY MEETINGS LIST: SUNDAY Birchgrove, 3:00 PM, St Johns Church Hall, Spring & Thomas Street, Birchgrove, 2041, NSW , 9:00 AM, Seagull Room, The Pavilion, Bondi Beach Parade, Bondi Beach, 2026, NSW Darlinghurst, 5:00 PM, Gay & lesbian meeting, Day Centre, Sacred Heart building, 170 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst, 2010, NSW (Steps meeting). Double Bay, 7:30 PM, Woollahra Community Function Centre, 1-3 Cross St, Double Bay, 2028, NSW Erskineville, 7:00 PM, Big Book study, St Mary's Catholic Church, 21 Swanson Street, Erskineville, 2043, NSW (7pm 11th Step meditation. 7.30pm meeting). Glebe, 9:30 AM, Spiritual concept meeting, Glebe Library (Benledi House), 186 , Glebe, 2037, NSW Kings Cross, 8:00 PM, Reginald Murphy Activity Club, 19 Greenknowe Ave, Elizabeth Bay, Kings Cross, 2011, NSW Little Bay, 6:00 PM, Women's meeting, Jarrah House, Cnr Anzac Pde & Jennifer St, Little Bay, Little Bay, 2036, NSW (1 hour meeting). Paddington, 6:00 PM, Topic meeting, Eddie Ward Centre, 189 Underwood Street, Paddington, 2021, NSW Redfern, 9:00 AM, Ron Williams Activity Centre, 5-11 Kepos Street, Redfern, 2016, NSW (Moore Park Group). Rozelle, 8:00 PM, Building 132, Rozelle Hospital, Wharf Road (Lilyfield), Rozelle, 2039, NSW (200 meters down Wharf Road from Balmain Road. Look for big "AA" sign.). Surry Hills, 11:00 AM, Spiritual concept meeting, Rainbow Recovery, 52A Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford St). Sydney, The Rocks, 8:00 AM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Waverley, 5:00 PM, As Bill Sees It (book discussion), War Memorial Hospital, Vickery Building, Conference Room 1st Floor, Church St, Waverley, 2024, NSW (Street Parking Only). Woolloomooloo, 10:00 AM, Matthew Talbot Hostel, 2/ 22 Talbot Place, Woolloomooloo, 2011, NSW

MONDAY Annandale, 8:00 PM, Neighbourood Centre, 79 Johnstone Street, Annandale, 2038, NSW Bondi Beach, 8:00 AM, Bondi Pavillion, Ocean Room, 1st Floor, Bondi Beach, 2026, NSW (1 hour meeting). Bronte, 7:00 PM, The Sydney Clinic, 22 Murray Street, Bronte, 2024, NSW (Ring the bell.). Edgecliff, 7:30 PM, St Marks Anglican Chuch Hall, Greenoakes & Darling Point Road, Edgecliff, 2027, NSW Lilyfield , 7:30 PM, Women's meeting, Whites Creek Cottage, Community Hall, 31 White Street, Lilyfield, 2040, NSW (1 hour meeting). Maroubra Junction, 11:00 AM, Salvation Army Hall, 100 Boyce Road, Maroubra Junction, 2035, NSW North Bondi, 7:30 PM, Women's Steps Meeting, North Bondi Kindergarten, Corner Warners Ave and Niblick Street, North Bondi, 2026, NSW Randwick, 6:00 PM, Steps & Traditions meeting, Ventnor Building, Catholic Church, Avoca & Milford Street, Randwick, 2031, NSW (1 hour meeting). Stanmore, 6:30 PM, Beginners meeting, Hall behind All Saints Church, 325 Stanmore Road, Stanmore, 2048, NSW Summer Hill, 7:00 PM, As Bill Sees It (book discussion), Community Centre, 131 Smith Street, Summer Hill, 2130, NSW Surry Hills, 11:00 AM, Daily Reflections, Rainbow Recovery, 52A Buckingham Street, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford St. One hour meeting.). Surry Hills, 6:00 PM, Gay & lesbian meeting, Rainbow Recovery, 52A Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford Street. 1 hour meeting). Surry Hills, 8:00 PM, Proverbs/slogans discussion, Mission Australia, 19 Denham Street , Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Near corner of Denham and Campbell Streets.). Sydney City, 12:00 PM, Daily Reflections, Wesley Centre, 220 , Sydney City, 2000, NSW (This meeting gets moved around. Ask for directions to the AA meeting at reception (the Pitt St end).). Sydney City, 12:30 PM, Pilgrim House, 2nd Floor, 262 Pitt St, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (Between Uniting Church and Mona's Coffee bar. Take lift to 2nd floor. Not open public holidays). Sydney, The Rocks, 7:00 AM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Sydney, The Rocks, 6:00 PM, Beginners meeting, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Tempe, 6:30 PM, Steps meeting, River Canoe Club Hall on Cooks River, Richardson Crescent, Tempe, 2044, NSW (Upstairs of hall next to Bowling Club). Waverley, 7:00 PM, Big Book study, War Memorial8 Hospital, Vickery Building, Conference Room 1st TUESDAY Bondi Beach, 8:00 AM, Bondi Pavillion, Ocean Room, 1st Floor, Bondi Beach, 2026, NSW (1 hour breakfast meeting). Concord West, 8:00 PM, Presbyterian Church Hall, Correys Avenue & Concord Road, Concord West, 2138, NSW (Enter hall from Correys Ave behind church). Coogee, 8:00 PM, St Brigid's Church Hall, Corner of Brook and Waltham Streets, Coogee, 2034, NSW Darlinghurst, 6:30 PM, Gay & lesbian meeting, Sacred Heart Building, 170 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst, 2010, NSW (Beginners meeting). Glebe, 5:00 PM, Community Centre, 113 Mitchell Street, Glebe, 2037, NSW Kings Cross, 7:00 PM, Wayside Chapel, 29 Hughes Street, Potts Point, Kings Cross, 2011, NSW (Take lift to level 4. 1 hour meeting ). Newtown, 6:30 PM, Discussion meeting, Neighbourhood Centre, Corner King and Australia Streets (Across King Street from the train station.). Newtown, 8:00 PM, St Josephs Catholic Church - The Crypt, Cnr. Station & Bedford St, Newtown, 2042, NSW (2 mins walk from Newtown Station). Randwick, 6:00 PM, Steps & Traditions meeting, Ventnor Building, Catholic Church , Corner Avoca and Milford Sts, Randwick, 2031, NSW (Upstairs in Ventnor Building). Surry Hills, 11:00 AM, As Bill Sees It (book discussion), Rainbow Recovery Club, 52A Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter Via Bedford St. 1 hour meeting). Surry Hills, 6:30 PM, Open meeting, Foster House, 5-19 Mary Street, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (In the chapel to the left as you go in.). Sydney City, 12:00 PM, Wesley Centre , 220 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (This meeting gets moved around. Ask for directions to the AA meeting at reception (the Pitt St end).). Sydney City, 1:00 PM, Pilgrim House, 2nd floor, 262 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (Between Uniting Church & Mona's Coffee Bar. Take lift to 2nd floor. 1 hour meeting). Sydney City, 5:00 PM, St Pauls Lutheran Church, 3 Stanley St, Darlinghurst, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (Just off College St.). Sydney, The Rocks, 7:00 AM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Vaucluse, 7:00 PM, Topic meeting, Vaucluse Bowling Club, 80 New South Head Road, Vaucluse, 2030, NSW Waverley, 6:30 PM, Sydney Private Clinic, 22-24 Murray Street, Waverley, 2024, NSW (Into Action Group). Waverley, 8:00 PM, Men's meeting, War Memorial Hospital, Vickery Building, Conference Room, 1st Flr, 125 Birrell St, Waverley, 2024, NSW (As Bill Sees It (book discussion)).

WEDNESDAY Bondi Beach, 8:00 AM, Daily Reflections, Bondi Pavillion , Ocean Room, 1st Floor, Bondi Beach, 2026, NSW (1 hour breakfast meeting). Broadway, 8:00 PM, Speaker meeting, Barney's Church, 57-61 Mountain St, Ultimo, Broadway, 2007, NSW (Near corner of Broadway & Mountain Sts - enter from Mountain St). City/Millers Point, 5:00 PM, Harry Jenson Community Centre, 17 Argyle Street, Millers Point, 2000, NSW (Go in left-side entrance of the Abraham Mott Hall then through glass doors, turn left into meeting room. Free parking in the grounds. The 433/431 buses stop outside.) Darlinghurst, 5:00 PM, Steps meeting, Unitarian Church Hall, Cnr. Francis & Hargrave Street EastSydney, Darlinghurst, 2010, NSW Erskineville, 7:30 AM, As Bill Sees It (book discussion), St Marys, 21 Swanson St, Erskineville, 2043, NSW Lilyfield, 8:00 PM, Steps meeting, Lilyfield Community Centre, Cnr. Cecilly & O'Neill Street, Lilyfield, 2040, NSW Maroubra Junction, 11:00 AM, Salvation Army Hall, 100 Boyce Street, Maroubra Junction, 2035, NSW Maroubra Junction, 8:00 PM, Rear of Holy Family Catholic Church, Corner Maroubra Road & Garden Street (Enter through the church car park in Garden Street). Marrickville, 6:30 PM, Daily Reflections, St Clements Church Hall, 90 Petersham Rd, corner of Marrickville Rd, Marrickville, 2204, NSW Randwick, 6:00 PM, Traditions/Topic, Ventnor Building, Catholic Church, Corner Avoca & Milford Streets, Randwick, 2031, NSW Redfern, 7:30 PM, Community Room, Redfern Oval, Chalmers Street (between Redfern & Phillip Streets), Redfern, 2016, NSW (The Community Room is at Redfern Oval - The meeting is above a cafe on the ground level, which overlooks Redfern Oval.) WEDNESDAY (cont’d) Rozelle, 7:30 PM, Building 132, Rozelle Hospital, Wharf Road (Lilyfield), Rozelle, 2039, NSW (Go 200 metres down Wharf Road from Balmain Road. Look for big "AA" sign.). Summer Hill, 7:00 PM, Steps & Traditions meeting, Community Centre, 131 Smith Street, Summer Hill, 2130, NSW Surry Hills, 11:00 AM, Rainbow Recovery Club, 52A Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford St. 1 hour meeting). Surry Hills, 6:00 PM, Gay & lesbian meeting, Rainbow Recovery, 52A Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford St.). Sydney City, 8:00 AM, Closed meeting (alcoholics only), Cafe Delizia, 148 Elizabeth Street, Sydney City, 2010, NSW (1-hour meeting). Sydney City, 12:00 PM, Wesley Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (This meeting gets moved around. Ask for directions to the AA meeting at reception (the Pitt St end).). Sydney City, 12:30 PM, Closed meeting (alcoholics only), Pilgrim House, 2nd floor, 262 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (Between Uniting Church and Mona's Coffee Bar. Catch lift to 2nd floor.). Sydney, The Rocks, 7:00 AM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Sydney, The Rocks, 6:00 PM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Waverley, 7:00 PM, Speaker meeting, War Memorial Hospital, Vickery Building, Conference Room 1st Floor Church St, Waverley, 2024, NSW (Street Parking Only).

THURSDAY Balmain , 7:30 PM, Hannaford Community Centre, 608 , Rozelle, Balmain , 2041, NSW Bondi Beach, 8:00 AM, Bondi Pavillion , Ocean Room, 1st Floor, Bondi Beach, 2026, NSW (1 hour breakfast meeting). Erskineville, 6:00 PM, Steps & Traditions meeting, St Marys Catholic Church, 21 Swanson Street, Erskineville, 2043, NSW (6.00pm Meditation. 6.30pm Meeting). Glebe, 5:00 PM, Community Centre, 113 Mitchell Street, Glebe, 2037, NSW Maroubra , 12:00 PM, Uniting Church Hall, 829 Anzac Parade, Maroubra, 2035, NSW (At corner of Wise Street). Paddington, 7:00 PM, Eddy Ward Centre, 189 Underwood Street, Paddington, 2021, NSW Randwick, 6:00 PM, Big Book study, Ventnor Building, Catholic Church, Cnr Avoca & Millford Sts, Randwick, 2031, NSW (1 hour meeting). Randwick, 8:00 PM, Presbyterian Church Hall, Cnr. Allison Road & Cook Street, Randwick, 2031, NSW Surry Hills, 11:00 AM, Living Sober book discussion, Rainbow Recovery Club, 52A Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford St. 1 hour meeting). Surry Hills, 6:00 PM, Rainbow Recovery Room, 52A Buckingham Street, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford Street. Acceptance Meeting). Sydney City, 12:00 PM, As Bill Sees It (book discussion), Wesley Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (This meeting gets moved around. Ask for directions to the AA meeting at reception (the Pitt St end).). Sydney City, 12:30 PM, Steps meeting, Pilgrim House, 2nd floor, 262 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (Between Uniting Church and Mona's Coffee Bar. Catch lift to 2nd floor.). Sydney City, 5:00 PM, St Paul's Lutheran Church, 3 Stanley St, Darlinghurst, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (Off College SDt.). Sydney, The Rocks, 7:00 AM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Woolloomooloo, 2:00 PM, Ozanam Learning Centre, Level 3, 99 Forbes Street, Woolloomooloo, 2011, NSW (Sign in at the reception desk on Level 3. They will direct you to the AA meeting.).

FRIDAY Bondi Beach, 8:00 AM, Bondi Pavillion, Ocean Room, 1st Floor, Bondi Beach, 2026, NSW (1 hour breakfast meeting). Darlinghurst, 6:00 PM, Gay men's meeting, Unitarian Church Hall, 15 Francis St (College St end), Darlinghurst, 2010, NSW Glebe, 6:30 PM, Women's Steps Meeting, The Old Fire Station, 113 Mitchell Street near Glebe Point Road, Glebe, 2037, NSW Maroubra Beach, 12:00 PM, Seal Club Mezzanine Floor, Marine Parade, Maroubra Beach, 2035, NSW

10 FRIDAY (cont’d) Newtown, 12:00 PM, Newtown Mission Church, 280 King Street (enter via Wilson Street), Newtown, 2042, NSW Newtown, 6:30 PM, Topic meeting, The Womens Library, (next to Newtown Library), 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown, 2042, NSW Newtown, 8:00 PM, Mission Church, 280 King Street (enter via Wilson St), Newtown, 2042, NSW (The door in King Street is kept locked. You have to go around to Wilson Street and enter that way.). Paddington, 7:00 PM, St George Church, Five Ways, Glenmore Road, Paddington, 2021, NSW Surry Hills, 11:00 AM, Rainbow Recovery Room, 52a Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford St. 1 hour meeting). Surry Hills, 6:30 PM, Steps meeting, First floor of Library & Community Centre, 405 Crown Street, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (One-hour meeting.). Sydney City, 12:00 PM, Big Book study, Wesley Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (This meeting gets moved around. Ask for directions to the AA meeting at reception (the Pitt St end).). Sydney City, 12:30 PM, Closed meeting (alcoholics only), Pilgrim House, 2nd floor, 262 Pitt Street, Sydney City, 2000, NSW (Noon to 2pm. Between Uniting Church and Mona's Coffee Bar. Catch lift to 2nd floor.). Sydney City, 5:00 PM, St Paul's Lutheran Church, 3 Stanley St, Darlinghurst, Sydney City, 2010, NSW (Off College St.). Sydney City (Woolloomooloo Group), 8:00 PM, Abraham Mott Hall, 15a Argyle Street, Millers Point, Sydney City (Woolloomooloo Group), 2000, NSW Sydney, The Rocks, 7:00 AM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Sydney, The Rocks, 6:00 PM, Daily Reflections, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Waverley, 6:00 PM, Closed meeting (alcoholics only), War Memorial Hospital, Vickery Building, Conference Room 1st Floor, Church Street, Waverley, 2024, NSW (Street parking only. Steps discussion).

SATURDAY Balmain, 7:30 PM, St Andrews Church Hall, Cnr. Darling Street & Curtis Road, Balmain, 2041, NSW Bondi Beach, 8:00 AM, Bondi Pavillion, Rear, Surf Fish Cafe, Bondi Beach, 2026, NSW (1 hour breakfast meeting). Bondi Junction, 5:00 PM, Young people's topic meeting, Waverly-Woollahra Arts Centre, 138 Bondi Road, Bondi Junction, 2026, NSW Darlinghurst, 6:00 PM, Gay & lesbian meeting, Sacred Heart Building, Day Centre, 170 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst, 2010, NSW Double Bay, 7:00 PM, Topic meeting, Woollahra Community Function Centre, 1-3 Cross Street, Double Bay, 2028, NSW Dulwich Hill, 12:00 PM, Beginners meeting, Community Hall, 14 Seaview Street, Dulwich Hill, 2203, NSW (Go down driveway next to library.). Kings Cross, 5:00 PM, Women's meeting, St Canices Kitchen, Rosslyn Street, Kings Cross, 2011, NSW (Topic meeting). Leichhardt, 6:30 PM, All Souls Church Hall, Corner Norton & Marion Sts, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW (Entrance in Marion Street. 1 hour meeting). Maroubra Junction, 10:30 AM, Steps & Traditions meeting, Catholic Church Hall, Cnr Garden St & Maroubra Rd, Maroubra Junction, 2035, NSW (Opposite Newsagent). Newtown, 9:30 AM, Daily Reflections, Neighbourhood Centre, Corner King and Australia Streets, Newtown, 2042, NSW (Across King Street from the train station.). Newtown, 5:00 PM, As Bill Sees It (book discussion), Neighbourhood Centre, Corner King and Australia Streets, Newtown, 2042, NSW (Across King Street from the train station.). Paddington, 8:00 AM, E J Ward Community Centre, 189 Underwood Street, Paddington, 2021, NSW Redfern, 2:00 PM, Ron Williams Activity Centre, 5-11 Kepos Street, Redfern, 2016, NSW Surry Hills, 9:00 AM, Gay & lesbian meeting, Rainbow Recovery Club, 52A Buckingham Street, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW Surry Hills, 11:00 AM, Speaker meeting, Rainbow Recovery Club, 52A Buckingham St, Surry Hills, 2010, NSW (Enter via Bedford Street. 1 hour meeting).

11 SATURDAY (cont’d) Sydney City, 8:00 PM, St Paul's Lutheran Church Hall, 3 Stanley St, Darlinghurst, Sydney City, 2010, NSW (Off College St. Parking outside.). Sydney, The Rocks, 8:00 AM, G'Day Cafe, 83 George Street, Sydney, The Rocks, 2000, NSW Waverley, 10:30 AM, Beginners meeting, War Memorial Hospital, Vickery Building, Conference Room 1st Floor, Church Street, Waverley, 2024, NSW (Street parking only).

Meeting details are believed to be correct at time of printing (16/08/15) however please note these details are gathered from a wide range of sources and regularly updated for accuracy.

Please assist in keeping these details correct and report any meeting inaccuracies to the General Service Office.

Coming events There is no National Convention being held in Australia in 2016 An Australasian Convention will be held in Suva, Fiji in 2016! for more information. Slovenia: 4th International Convention 2-4 October 2015

Hong Kong International Convention 6-8 November 2015 The Mariner's Club, Trim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

27th North Sea Convention 5th-7th Feb 2016 Oostende, Belgium

New South Wales

Murwillumbah Rally - 60 years on! 25th to 27th Sept 2015 at Murwillumbah Showground commencing Fri evening Camping/caravanning available powered and unpowered sites.

5th Byron Bay Annual Convention 9th - 11th October 2015 Byron Community Centre, Jonson Street, Byron Bay

NEWYPAA 2015 Convention 10th-11th October NEWYPAA stands for NSW Young People in AA. These events are convened by young people in AA for those of any age to attend and enjoy!

Forster Rally 23rd-25th October 2015 Rally in the Manning Great Lakes District at Camp Elim