~Ydney University En~Ineerin~ ~0Ciety

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~Ydney University En~Ineerin~ ~0Ciety 109 LIST OF MEMBERS. • • OJ!" THE •• ~ydney University En~ineerin~ ~0ciety. NOTE.-Members are requested to communicate any change of address to the Hon. Sec., The University. Year of No. of Election J,~t~~~d. [' S ignifies Life M ember.] [tSig",jiu Past President.] 1905 Ada, William Leslie, B. E., " Clewer," Bridge SLreet, Dmmmoyne 1907 Anderson, W illiam John, "Clifton," Neutral Bay. 1908 Alexander, Hubert, " Strathmore," Magie Street, Musman. 1897 "Amphlett, Edward Albin, B.E., ASSQc . M. lnst. C.E., L.S., " Boonerah," Crow's Nest Road, North Sydney. 1895 Arnot t, Robert Flemming, RE., Consulting Engineer, Liberty Street, New York. 1907 Ashcroft , Ronalrl George, Kilo Copper Mine, Adaminaby. 1903 Atkinson, J ohn, B.E., Grea t Cobar, Cobar. 1898 *Ball, Lionel Clive, B.E., Assist. Govt. Geologist, Brisbane. 1895 3 t Barraclough, Samuel H enry, M.M.E. (Cornell), B.E., Assoc. M. l nst. a.E., The University. 1899 Barton, B. V., South Blocks, Broken Hill. 1896 "Beaver, W. R., B .E., Railway Depart mant, Burren Junction. 1907 Bees ton, S. L .. 6 Mansfield Road, Glebe Point. 1908 Best, George, Bli gh Street , Newtown. 1910 Blumer, Cecil Herbert, P rospect Road, Granville. 1909 Bourne, C. A. , Khartoum Avenue, Gordon. 1895 2 *tBOYD, R. J., M.E. , Assoc. M. lnst. C.E. (Memhe,' ojeolmcil), Park Road, Burwood . 1898 Boyd, William Sprott, RE., Boston Con solidated Mining Co., Bingham Canyon, vi a Salt Lake Ci ty, Utah, U.S.A. 1900 "Boydell, G. B., B.E. , Hercules G. & S. M. Co., Williamsford, Tas. 1895 4 *tBradfield, J . J . C., M.E., M. Inst. C.E., Department of Public Works, Sydney. 1895 Brearley, J. H . D., B. Sc., B. E., A.I.E.E., Noyes Bros., 153-7 William Street, Melbourne. 1900 Brereton, E. Le Gay, Chemical Laboratory, The University. 1908 Bridge, C., " F ernhill," Kirribilli P oint. 1903 "Bridge, J. M. , B.E., Sout h Blocks Mine, Broken Hill. 1909 Burn, Alan, St. Andrew's College, Camperdown. 1905 Burnell, J. G. B.E., Water Supply Commission, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne. 1900 Caddy, J. P., B.E., Brown Hill Consols, Kalgoorlie, 'V.A. 1900 Cameron, C. B., B.E., University Club, Sydney. 1909 Campbell, A. L., St. Andrew's College, Camperdown. 1907 Cardew, J. H ., L .S., Assoc. M. Inst. C. E., The University. Carslaw, Prof. H. S., M.A, D. Sc. F.R .S.E., The University. 1905 Carter , H. G. , RE., " Ascham," New South Head Road, Edgecliff. 1905 Carter, E. M., B. g., "Riviera," Nort h Quay, Brisbane. 1899 Clayton, C. H . J ., B.E., c(o H. E. Whitfeld, Box 267, P.O., Kalgoorlie, W .A. 1905 Clayton, F. H., B.E. , c(o A. Clay ton, Town Clerk, Melbourne. 1906 Clayton, H. E., Sandstone Development Co., W.A. 1910 Clift, Guy Chalmers, RE., Publi c Works Dept., W ollongong. 1908 Cohen, H. F" " Novar, " Darley Street, Darlinghurst. 1910 Connell, George W eir, Bl ackburn, Yass. 1899 *COOK, W. E. , M.E., M.LC. E., M.C.E. (pmidml), Burra-way Street, Nort h Sydney. ltO · Year of No. of Election J:~t.~~d MEMBERS-continued. 1909 Corbett, L., Babk of N.S.W., Burwood. 1899 Corlette, J . M. C., B.E., Assoc. M. lnst. C.E., H. D. W. S. & S., Newcastle, N.S.W. 190G Coward, W. B., B.E., "lngalara," Victoria Street, Ashfield. 1907 Cowdery, G. E., B.E ., Torrington Road, Strathfield. 1909 Cowlishaw, '1' ., Livingstone Road, P etersham. 1909 Cran, C., Wycombe R oad, Neutral Bay . 1900 Cropper, C. H ., c/o H . H. J ohnson, Village Deep G.M., Johannes­ burg , S. Africa. 1895 (j *tDare, H. H., M.E., M. lnst. C. E., D epartment Public Works, Sydney. _ 1905 Davidson, G. F ., B.E., c/o Bank of N.S.W.; 64 Old Broad ' Street:~ . L ondon. 1899 · Deane, H. J., B .E., Assoc. M. lnst. C.E., 9 lddesleigh Mansions, Caxton Street, W estminster. 1909 Deane, C. , Wybalena Road , Huntel"'s Hill. 1900 D ebenh am, A. J., B. E., c/o S .. vage & Ashcroft, '" Castlereagh , H ouse, " Castlereagh Street, Sydney. lli06 Dennis, S., B .E ., Riviera , North Quay, Brisbane. ' 1909 Dennis, C., Flood Street, Bondi. 1909 Desgrand, V. A. G., Soot's '}ollege, Rose Bay. 1896 *Doak, W . J., RE., A~soc. M. lust. C.E., Railway Dep\utment, Brisbane. 1903 Donkin, W , D ., B.E., Assoo, M, lost. C.E., Department Publio ' WorkR, Sydney. 1909 Dowell, J. Woo 55 Linooln Street, Stanmore. 1910 D owling , Bruce. Sydney Street, Ch .... tswood. 1907 Doyle, A. B ., St. Paul's College, D arlington. 1907 EAS'.rAUGH, F. A., A. lt-S,M., F.C.S., F.G.S., A.I'.M.M. (Holl. ' . 8ec' · e t"'·.~) , The Univer"ity. 1910 Edward ~, Arthur, Hampden Street, North Sydney. 1908 England, J. Boonah, Queell sland. 1907 F oster, A. D. Joo Park Road, Anburn. 1902 Foxall, H. G., B.El., RSc., U lliversity Club, Sydney. 1909 ~'oxall, J. S , KIu-u1ang , Stu art alld Arabell a St.-eets, Lon/l:uevill . 1900 Freeman, C. C., B.E., c/o Black , Blatchford & Grut; Freeth'tle, W.K. 1905 *Frew, A. E. H., B.E., The H ermitage, Chelmer, Brisbane, Qld ' 1907 Fry, H: W., B.E., Kissing Point Road, Turramurra. 1909 Fry, H. G., Angelo Street, Burwood. 1910 Gibbes, Frederiok William, "Goooara," Woolwich Road, Hunter's Hill. 1~0 3 2 GIBSON, Prof. A.·J ., Assoc. M. lnst. C.E., (Vice.P,·eiid.nt), The University, Brisbane. 1901 Gray, G. J., RE., B.So., addre~s uoknown. 1900 Grut, C. F . de J., M.A., B.E. , Kalgoorlie, W .A. 1908 Haigh, V. A., Junction North, Broken Hill. 1909 Hall, G. K, Avooa Street , Randwiok. 1900 Hall, R. Vine-, Mains' Eng ineer, City Council, Sydney. 190~ 3 Halloran, H. R., M.E. (Cornell), Assoo. M. lnst. C.E. , Municipal Lighting- Station, Pyrmont. 1910 H amilton , J ohn, 'Velltwort.h Road, Strathfield. 1907 H anton , T. G., " Vygonia," Sutherland Crescent, Darling Point. 1896 H awkell , R.W., B.E., B.A., Shire E ngineer, Ashford, via lnverell. 1895 · H ayley, P . E. I.., B .E., Angelo Street, Bur'wood. 1907 H ebblewhi te, W . R., Raglan Street, Mosman. 1909 H ebblewhite, F . S., % Mrs. Erskine, Northwood . 1895 · H edgeland, E . W., RE., 'I'rig. S'll'vey Department., Taiping, via • Penang, Federated Malay States. 1898 H enning, E . T., B.E., "Passy," Hunter's Hill. 1907 H erbert, D. P., 13 Cambridge Street, Stanmore. 1909 H ollingdale, G. F ., Lucas Road, BUl·wood. 1907 Holloway, R. A., St. Andrew's College, Camperdown. 111 Year of No. of Election ~~~~' d MEMBERS-conlitilUd. 1900 Horsburgh, J. Chillagoe, Queensland. 1909 Houston, R .• 55 Ross Street, Camperdown. 1905 Howatson, G. , B.E. , Sandstone Developlll eut G.M. Co., Black Range, W.A. 1904 Hudson, J. M., B.E., "Ballala," Uralla. 1902 Ireland, O. A., B.E., % Wm. Allison, Esq., 60 Gracechurch Street, London, E .O. 1896 -Jaok; R. L .• B.E., F.G.S., "Currumbene," Addis Street, Kal­ goorlie, W.A. 1910 James , Harry Fullpr, St. Paul's College, Darlington. 1900 -Jarman, Prof. A., A.R.S.M .• University College, Auckland, N.Z. 1903 Jones, S. W., B.E ., Public Works Departm&nt, Phillip Str!let. 1901 Kellick, A. C. T .. "Kulnurs," Paul Street, Waverley. 1895 2 "tKnibbs, G. H., L.S., F.R.A.S., Federal Statistician, Melbourne. 1909 Knight, O. Ie M., 46 Charlotte Street , Ashfield. 1902 -LARKINS, H. M., R E., (Holl. T,·IQ. .,.,. .. ') , Umberumberka Water- works, Broken Hill. 1907 L ehmaier, L. H., c/o Mrs. Bradley, Woolwich. 1909 Lloyd, A. C., Redan Street, Mosmau. 1906 Lloyd, A. S., 73 Wigram Road, Glebe Poillt. 1897 2 - MADSEN, J . P. V. , R.E., D Sc. ( Vice-Pt-e.ident), The UJ;liversity, Sydney. 1908 Mahoney, V. W., B.Sc., M.E. (N.Z.), Cunstructio!, Camp, Glou­ • ceste-Taree Line. 1909 Mallarky, S. R ., Shirley Road, Wollstonecraft. 1902 - Marriott, E. W., Colonial Sugar Refining Co., O'Connell Street, Sydney. 1900 Martyn, A. M .. B.E., Victoria Barracb, Brisbane. 1896 Mathison, W. C., B.E., Doongal, nr. Maryborough, Qneeljsland. , 1899 -Mawson, D., B.E., B.Se., The University, Adelaide. 1909 Max'well, M., "Coo wong," Point Piper, Edgeclifl'. 1905 May, H. W . , B.E., T ecllllical College, BrisbHll e. 1910 Millner, JHmes, Cooper Street, Double Bay. 1905 MOl'ris, A. C., B.E., Mitchell's Creek Mine, Bodangpra, via . Wellington. 1903 - Morris, L . C., Technical College, Brisbane. 1905 -Morrison, A., B.E., Rivers and Water Supply Dept., Bris~ne. .)902 3 MORT, H. S., B.So. B.E. ( Memb ..· of (JuUllcill, . "TllwaJlewah," Bondi Road, Waverley. 1905 Mort, J. L ., B E., Mount Morgan G.M. Co., Mount Morgan. 1896 Mort, S. R., B.E., Warroo , via Stanthorpe, Queensland. 1899 Myers, H. W., B.E., "Rockleigh, St. Mark's Road. Rand~ick. Mackinnon, J ohn Younger, 13 Birchgrove Road, Dalmain. 1905 M'Bryde, J ., D.E .• Great Cobar, Cobar. 1900 M'Crell,1A. G" B.E .. SpB.ljsky Zavod. Akinolinsk, Western /'liberia. 1908 M'Intosh, H. V., " Cintra," Darling Point. 1906 'M'KEOWN, E W., B.E. ( llfembe,' of 001l1lC' 1) , The University, Sydney. 1908 M'Kern, J. G., VictOl·ia Street, Ashfield . 1907 Maclean, A. G. , .. Wollongdale," Gordon Street, T4rramu~ra. 1910 McMahon, J ohn Terellee, 49 Bayswater Road, Darlinl(hur.t. 1895 2 -MacTaggart, N. J. 0 ., M.E., AS80c. M. Inst., C.E., M.B.W. S. &H., Drummoyne. 1896 3 NARDIN, E . W., B.E., (Vice-]>,·eaidmt). Citizens' Chamber, Moore Street, Sydney. 1P09 Nielsen, M. M., K ensington Street, Kogarah. 190~ Norman, E. P ., B. Se., St.
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    x X I". LIST OF MEMBERS. SEPTE.\1BER 30, 1907. 1886 AD AMS , W. J. ... 163 C]a.rence-street, Sydney, 1901 ADAM SO NJ H. Adelaid e S.S. Co., Ltd., Syuney. 1888 AHRBECKER, H. V. Mort's Dock & Engineerin g Co. , L td:, Balmain. 1905 ALLEN, M. " Dundee," Burlington-st., North- Sydney. 1906 ApPLETON, T. Woo .. 63 Booth-street, Balmain. 1903 ARNOT , A. J. 427 Sussex-street, Sydney. 1907 BALFOUR, J. W .... Borough E lec tric Lighting E ngineer, Redfern. 1907 BOGENRIEDER, 0 .... 9 Castlel'eagh-st l- eet, Sydney. 1902 BOH LER, G. Mort's Dock & Engineering Co " Ltd., Balmain. 1897 BOOTH, W. Messrs. J ohn Danks' Lead Works, Blackfriars, Sydney. 1903 BOR'fHW ICK, D. 24 F itzroy-avenue, Balmain. 1904 BOltLAND, R. Government Dockyard, Biloela. 1886 BOULTON. G. Mort's Dock & Engineeriug Co., L td., Balmain. 1899 BOWDEN , T . ClJde E ngineering Works, Granvil le. 1903 BRAGG, J. W. '" 7 Bent-street , Sydney. 1888 BROWN. T . Sydney Ferries, Ltd., Sydney. 1884 B USH, T .•T. 163 K ent-street, Sydney. 1887 CHRISTIE, A. 93 P itt-street, Sydney. 1892 CHRISTIE, P . N . Sydney Harbour Trust, Sydney. 1900 CLAYTON, R. Colonial Sugar Refining Co, Sydney. 1901 COGGER, G. P . Pyrmont Refinery, Pyrmont. 1903 CONNI F., P . _. Co lonial Sugar Hefining Co., Sydney. 1870 CRUICKSHANK,W .D. Cameron's-avenue, Balmain. 1907 CULLE N, A. ... Power S tation, Ultimo. 1891 CUTLER , A. E. .., Government Dockyard, Biloela_ 1900 DAVIS, C. H. .._ 25 Broad-st., New York, U.S. America. 1906 ED WARDS, J08. 85 PORt Office Chambers, P itt-street, Sydney.
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