~~Dne~ Dniversit~ ~Ng.Ineerin~ @0Ciet~
166' LIST OF MEMBERS .. ot THE' •• ~~dne~ Dniversit~ ~ng .i neerin~ @0ciet~. NOTE.-Members are rS'qU'sst'e'd : t'o' co'm 'm 'tI'n"1 cate any chanllS of address to the Hon. Sec., The University. Y 1 .No.ol ear. 0 Papers [tSic .. ijies Pasl Prmoitlll.l EJectIon Oont'b'd, 1905 Ada, W. L., B.E., Tramway Offices, Huuter Street 1912 Ao.amson , R. W. , B.E" Great Cobar, Cobar 1907 Anderson. W. J., B.E., Kapsan Mining Concession, Doten, via Songchin, Joskin, Korea 1912 . Anderson, R. C., St .. Andrew's College, Camperdown 1908 Alexander, H., B.E., Black R ange West, Sandstone, W.A. 1913 Alison, Colill, The Ulliversity 1897 aAmphlett, E. A., H.E ., A.M.l.O.E., L.S., "BoOIferah," Crow'. Nest Road, North Sydney 1895 Arnott, R. F., B.E., Con"ulting Engineer, Liherty Street, New York 1913 Audit, Lewis, The University 1912 Baldwin, J., ., Rothsay," Prince Aloert Street, Mosmall 1898 " Ball, L. C. , B .E. , A.si ~ t. Govt. Geologist, Brisbane 1895 3 tBalTaclough, S. H., M.M.E. (Cornell), B.E., AS80o. M. lnst. C.E., The Universi ty 1896 "Beaver, W. R. , B.E , Railway Department, Cowra 1907 Re e.~to n, S. L., H,E., Royal Au.~ f.ralian Navy 1908 R e~t, G. ; H.E., Sons of G w'alia, Gwa;iia,. W.A . 1913 Bill, tV. G ., The UlliverHity . 1913 Black, Olifford, The University 1910 Blumer, C. H., Prospect Road, Grauville 1911 Booth. E. H., B.Sc., The University 1909 BOURNE. C. A., B.Sc., B.E., KhartoulIl Avenue, Ohatswood 1912 Boyd, E.
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