March 2021 Spares List

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March 2021 Spares List The Riley RM Centre Ltd March 20212020 SparesSpares List list BRITISH MOTOR HERITAGE APPROVED Contents 2 .......................................................................................How............................... to order - SOHDVHUHDG 4 ....................................................... Literature 4 ....................................................... Engine parts 8 ....................................................... Fuel system 9 ....................................................... Ignition system 9 ....................................................... Cooling system 10 ....................................................... Clutch and Flywheel 11 ....................................................... Gearbox 12 ....................................................... Intermediate Shaft 12 ....................................................... Rear axle & Springs 12 ....................................................... Front Suspension 13 ....................................................... Rear Dampers 13 ....................................................... Braking System 16 ....................................................... Electrical 18 ....................................................... Wheels & Tyres 18 ....................................................... Body & Chassis 23 ....................................................... Exhaust Systems 23 ....................................................... Bearings & Seals 24 ....................................................... Tools 24 ....................................................... Fasteners 26 ....................................................... Bearing and Seal application table 27 ....................................................... Brake part Application table 30 ....................................................... Spares Specific Information 31 ....................................................... More general information and diagrams 36 ....................................................... Order form 1 Riley 2021 Spares Brochure.indd 1 24/02/2021 17:02:11 Supplying alternative delivery addresses or a third party The Riley RM Centre Ltd Information The Riley RM Centre Ltd is legally obliged to supply spares only to fully paid up members of the Riley RM Club for their own use and not for resale or redistribution. We will gladly address consignments to a third party TheThe RileyRiley RMRM CentreCentre Ltd Ltd has has been been established established with with the the sole sole ambition ambition to to provide provide members members with with parts parts required required following your instruction, usually your garage or restoration company, but you must indicate on each order forfor thethe RMRM seriesseries carscars AA –– HH andand otherother MarquesMarques withwith RileyRiley enginesengines onon thethe road,road, enablingenabling ownersowners toto enjoyenjoy where the delivery address will be; the default address will be your magazine delivery address. You the member “magnificent“magnificent motoring”motoring” forfor manymany yearsyears toto come.come. ManyMany ofof thethe partsparts havehave beenbeen commissionedcommissioned forfor re-manufacturere-manufacture are liable for any payments for any spares ordered in your name, despite any arrangements that you may have in toto originaloriginal designsdesigns byby thethe SparesSpares AdvisoryAdvisory PanelPanel andand areare onlyonly availableavailable viavia thethe Centre.Centre. place with your repairer. YouYou are more than welcome to visit the spares centre; please call to arrange but please note you may be given a task!task! AllAll sparesspares areare listedlisted withwith photographs,photographs, descriptionsdescriptions andand fittingfitting instructionsinstructions onon thethe SparesSpares CentreCentre website:website: Postage and shipping All parts are shipped at the best possible 2nd class price, you may specify at extra cost an urgent next day (registration (registration is required is required before before purchase). purchase). Note: prices are correct at the time of printing but are liable to change without notice due to restocking price delivery. Most orders weighing less than 2kg are sent via the Post Office counter service; this service is not able Note:increases. prices Parts are correctmay also at gothe out time of stockof printing either but temporarily are liable or to permanently.change without notice due to restocking price to be tracked. This standard service is also the most cost effective method for most sub 2kg overseas shipments. increases. Parts may also go out of stock either temporarily or permanently. For heavier, higher value or bulkier parcels a courier will be used. A collection service is available from the Spares Ordering spares centre by prior appointment. Spares are able to be ordered via the following channels: Spares are able Internetto be -ordered via the following channels: Guarantee and Exchange Policy Internet - All new parts are guaranteed for a period of 12 calendar months from the invoice date. Email – All refurbished items are guaranteed for a period of 90 days from the invoice date Email – – to address below Post – to address below It is the responsibility of the purchaser to inspect the item on receipt to ascertain its suitability. Fax - 01763 281336 Due to the reducing number of suitable old units for reconditioning, clutches must be returned before dispatch Telephone 01763 281336 (simple/urgent orders only 3 - 4.30pm Mon-Fri). Telephone 01763 281336 (simple/urgent orders only 3 - 4.30pm Mon-Fri). of the replacement units that are normally on the shelf ready for dispatch. It is a similar situation with control boxes, starter motors and dynamos. Please contact for full details. All orders must include the following information: FullFull name,name, membershipmembership number,number, car details, delivery and invoice address, Riley RM Centre Spares List part number,number, quantity required. Value Added Tax ShouldShould youyou needneed technicaltechnical adviceadvice relatingrelating toto sparesspares pleaseplease makemake contactcontact withwith ourour wonderfulwonderful teamteam ofof technicaltechnical VAT is applied at the current rate of 20% rate to sales sent to all E U countries or collected from the Spares advisorsadvisors asas detaileddetailed onon thethe insideinside frontfront covercover ofof R.R. MemorandaMemoranda magazine.magazine. PleasePlease note:note: aa 10%10% restockingrestocking chargecharge Centre and/or National Rally, even if the member is resident outside the EU. It is then for the member to make appliesapplies toto allall correctlycorrectly suppliedsupplied partsparts returnedreturned forfor creditcredit withinwithin 1212 monthsmonths ofof invoiceinvoice unlessunless returnedreturned withinwithin 1414 any reclaim when leaving the UK. daysdays ofof receipt.receipt. PleasePlease notenote fullfull paymentpayment isis duedue onon receiptreceipt ofof goods.goods. The Copyright of this spares list and price list belongs to the Riley RM Club and it must not be copied, transmitted or displayed without written permission of The Riley RM Club committee Payment methods PaymentPayment cancan bebe mademade byby thethe followingfollowing methodsmethods onon receiptreceipt ofof youryour goods:goods: 1. Bank transfer (internet banking): please use your name / membership number as the reference. Full 1. Bankdetails transfer are on (internet the reverse banking): of the feedbackplease use slip your enclosed name / withmembership your order. number as the reference. Full The Riley RM Centre Ltd Returns Policy 2.details Cheque: are onplease the reverseadd the of invoice the feedback number slip and enclosed your membership with your numberorder. to the back of your cheque. Make 2. Cheque:cheques please payable add to the The invoice Riley RMnumber Centre and Ltd. your membership number to the back of your cheque. Make UK Returns Policy 3.cheques Credit payable/ Debit tocard: The Rileywe can RM accept Centre card Ltd. payments for all orders from overseas members. However, UK We promise to refund cost of goods and delivery postage (where all items of an order are returned) any not fitted, 3. Creditmembers / Debit must card: pay weby cancheque accept or BACScard payments for orders for under all orders £20 (due from to members. card fees Pleasecharged). telephone Please telephone unused item you are not completely happy with when you return it to us in saleable condition by post within 0176301763 281336 281336 between between 3 3– –4.30pm 4.30pm weekdays weekdays or or send send by by either either fax fax or or letter letter your your card’s card’s 16 16 digit digit number, number, 14 days of receipt, or in person to the Riley RM Centre within 1 month of receipt. You are required to return thethe expiry expiry date date of of the the card card and and the the 3 3digit digit security security number number from from the the back; back; we we will will also also need need the the house house unwanted orders at your own cost. numbernumber and and post post code code of of the the address address where where the the card card is is registered. registered. Returned parcels are on average refunded within 14 days of posting, however in the event of a delay in receiv- PleasePlease do do not not send
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