Special Meeting Held to Discuss School Renovation

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Special Meeting Held to Discuss School Renovation Home of th, NftN AU ~~. N.ws of All the Pointes Ev.ry Thul'1day Mornin9 Grosse Pointe News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 31-No. 40 IOC Per Copy GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, OCTOBER I, 1970 16.00 Per Ytar 204 Pages - Two Sections - SeetiCHl One HEADLINES Trading Powder Puffs for Pistons Spend $5.92 of the Special Meeting Per Day on \VEEK As Compiled by the Held to Discuss Each Pupil Grosse Pointe News Operating Budget of $14,- 355,297 Expended on nunclay, Seplembel' U School Renovation 13,319 Students During THE JORDANIAN ARMY claimed it drove invaders from I82-Day Y.ar Syria out of Jordan, Wednesday, Interested Citizens Attend Session with Board of Edu. and the Unite(1 States said it , cation to Air Proposed Solutions to "Many residents of the had received word that Syrian school district may be sur. regulars were pulling out of the South High Problems prised to learn that it cos~ embattled Hashemite kingdom. Interested citizens attended a special meeting of only $5.92 per day to edq. The civil war went on, however, the Board of Education on Monday, September 28, to cate a youngster in The as the latest cease.file agree. Grosse Pointe Public School ment proclaimed by King Hus. discuss the renovation of South High School. - I System in 1969-70, an sein earlier in the day collapsed Both those in attendance and ~ amount which also includes when the leader of the guerilla trustees appeared to be in favor P St k the o~eration of the public movement. Vasser Arafat, reo of tl'aring down the annex at ump rue jected it and vowed t6 fight on. South since it is consid\!red an .... Ubranes," Dr., Theos 1. An. ..., inadequate structure. however, By L:uhtn:ng derson, Superintendent of THE U.S. GOVERNMENT found it difficult to agree 16 to Schools said on Monday. will try to evacuate about 200 "0" how the board should proceed R. talled Dr. Anderson made the an- Americans from Jordan Thurs- from there. einS nouncement in coaneetion with day, using two chartered com- the .econd Issue of the schools' mercial planes. the State De. Among the many solutions of. fered the trustee. were redis. newsletter, EducaUon In OUr partment said Wednesday. The Town, which has been mailed to planes, chartered from the Mid. tricting and year.around utiliza. Park Equipment Knocked tion of the building. Board Out in July J Storm more than 20,000 resldeata of dle East Airlines Company, will 3 the di.trlct. fly to Amman, Jordan, from members were also asked to Repaired by West. present a final proposai to what The Superintelldent Slid that Beirut, Lebanon, if it appears inghouse, Original evacuees can be moved safely renovation will take place and the Oclober ilaue, an annual reo to the airport and the planes methods of financing, for pub. Maker port to the community, contalna can land and take off without lic reaction before finally voting a breakdown all the operatiollal difficulty. its approval. A 750.horsepower storm costa of the school .y.tem for DAVE BASEHORE is picture instructing the the 1969-70 year which ended " " " running for 10 weeks. Course fee is $12. He promises Jerry Gerich, South High water pump, damaged by Friday, September 25 ladies on parts of the automobile engine. Mr. Base- all these puzzled looks will vanish upon completion of principal, indicated that what June 30. KING HUSSEIN'S prime min. shore will be teaching Auto Mechanicti for Women at the course. he was seeking In the proposed lightning during a heavy wtnacUoIl .11 Item bter quit and went into seclu- South High School beginning Tuesday, October 6, and reDllvation was a more flexible rainstorm on July 13 was The,Superintendent of Sehooll sion in Cairo on Thursday just instructional facility. reinstaI1ed in the Park said that the $5.9:2 daUy COlt Ia as the Jordanian monarch's Major Problems divided among a dozen aecountl milltary forces appeared to be Storm Water Pumping Sta. and shows that $f.28 of this winning their week-long strug- Vernrer Road Sou~hHigh School Paper Leaves Piled Ben Zenn. director of admlnis. tion, Jefferson and Mary- amount wal spent on Instntc.' trative services, summarized gle with guerilla insurgents. land, after being completely lion. He said that 4 centa of General M 0 ham e d Daoud's what he considered the major the total covered the COlt of resignation provoked the fan of Project Near Ranks Among Nation's Top On Pavement problems with South. He said, overhauled and rebuilt. sending children to the Wayne the military government Hus. "A great deal of tonight's dis. County Regional Traln.ble Re- cussion centered around the The reinstallation, except for seln named last week. The King Completion Scholastic Publications Spell Danger a few minor details, was com. tarded Program, 2 eents tQV. asked his ministers \.0 stay on capacity of the school. I do not ered student .ervlces, 5 centa reel that in any ot' the studies pleted on Friday. September 25, as caretakers until a new cabi. Engineers Strike Settled The Tower Earns AII.Ameriean Recognition by Judges It was disclosed. by Park City were e.rmarked for capital out. net could be formed, Amman Constitute Treacherous capacity was the main concern. lay, and 21 eents went to fixed in Annual Critical Evaluation Conducted The main point In the renova. Manager Robert Slone. The rallio said, but the significance After Twenty Oays: Road Temptation to Fun- total cost of taking out the ma. charges (sueh as b:llluraace on of Daoud's resignation was not Surfacing Already by Press Association tion is to bring South up to ade. bulldlnp and eQUipment aDd Loving Children and quate present day high school chine, rebuIlding It and return. lna it to the station. is $10.123. empioyee fringe l:JeQlfitl). im~~~,.,~~.,... w_._... ,,' Finished Grosse Pointe . South High School's student news- Careless Drivers standirds. Saturday, SePlember ZS It w.s done by Westinghouse, it. further bre.kdown of the paper, The Tower, continued to rank among the nation's "The main building date. the original builderl and wtall. $5.9:2 total .howl th.t 17 cents THE PENTAGON SAID Fri- By Gre« Boyd top publications as results of the annual critical evalua. The days have ar:ived back to 1928.The B annex, buill day that It has 1!0Ild indln- Residents along ers of th~ pump. went to maJntaln the buUdfap drl\1ng tion were released by the National Scholastic Press when leaves will be falling prior to 1928, and the drivers' .nd If!'ouudlt, centa were ala tions that the SoVIet Union Ia the stretch of Vernier road eo Association. $ i - from the trees at an ever education area, are poor faclll. Wa. Secoad Ttl!le located for operaUonal expen- buildllll I permanent aubmarine from Mack avenue east to ties, poorly located. The site it. The Tower earned All Amerl. The judle laid of pbotogra- increasing rate until the The city manlger l!lid that sel (Ineluding aalarl.. of plaftt base In Cub•. The White Hou.e the Grosse Pointe Woods self Is tight .nd there .re personnel), 3 centl were ev. .aid It would view I .trlte,le it Ii i.. h ti d c.n recognition II judgel \lam- phy, "Active. well.planned, high. branches are bare against the pump, the .mallest of four Installation there "with utmo.t C y m ... may ave no ce pared isauea publJ.hed .econd qu.llty photo. add much to major traffic and parking prob. m.rked for tr.naportation COlt. the November sky. lems." In the .tatlon hou.e, was pur- .erlou.nell. workmen cleaning up, the .emeater with more th.n 1,600 over.U Impact." Thil WII the chased 30 yur. 11'0. The July Involved In t.kln, .peelal edu- • , • area and finishing the con. new'plper. from aeroll the fir.t time The Tower received There II .n Inherent danger Mr. Zenn continued, "The 13 l1,htnlng d.m.,e I. the lee. c.tion .tudenta to out-ol-dJl. BOTH KING HUSSEIN and struction that wu begun countr;... • 'Mark of Di.tlnctlon In thl. surround in, this fact. Residents plant 18 a whole is a hodge. ond time that the machine WII trlct center., 4 centl operlted Yu.er Arat.t, the Pale.Unlan several months .'0. The new.p.per was evaluated catelory. In the Grolle Pointe area wll1 podie of buildings and faclll. put out at commlaeion In such the nurlln, pro,ll'am, 8 e'nte ,uerrUl. chieftain, ordered a Work on the project had In five .reas and earned Mark. The new.paper was edited by be collecting the leaves and plI. tiel. a m.Mer. The tir.t time occur. wenl 10 .upport the pr0lZ'lm of Ing them n8ar the curb to be school aoclalworl!.ers, and eease.flre }'rldlY In the nine. ,round to a bllt se~mber 1 of Distinction for • u per I (l r Pat Lock now • frelhman at Scbool Fralmeatecl red in 1858. :u picked up by municipal em. day Jordanian civU war, but blcau •• of 111 operaUn, _,I_ achievement In .11 five. Four Michigan St.te University, and Over the years there have cents wellt for admlllMtratiVt within hours the ,uerrllIas .nd neen .trike. With the contract m.rk. were required to become Dave Dllef, who I. Th8 Tower'. ployel. Plies of ieave. h.ve al. On the July d.te, llghtnlnl COlts.
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