Custodio, E., Garcia, J.L

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Custodio, E., Garcia, J.L 120 SEA WATER ENCROACHMENT IN THE LLOBREGAT AND BESOS AREAS, NEAR BARCELONA (CATALONIA, SPAIN) 1 by Emilio Custodio, Dr. Ing. ABSTRACT The Llobregat and Bes6s areas, though small, are highly important aquifers for the Barcelona peripherical zones, and support a complex of urban, industrial and irrigated areas. They are young river deltas containing a two aquifer system, interconected upstream and at the delta boundaries. The deep aquifers support most of the abstractions, specially in the Llobregat area, the most important one. Since 1965 different studies have been completed and a partial observation network has been operated. Sea water encroachment proceeds into the deep aquifer through two main tracts along the Llobregat delta sea limit, corresponding to more coarse alluvial deposits, and their effects appear with a delay of 10 to 15 years. In between the salty water penetrations there are portions of re­ sidual fresh water, in the less permeable formations. Industrial wells pumping salt water aid in controling the salinization of other areas upstream, but when abandoned there is a step increase in chloride content. A wide mixing front develops and no Ghyben­ Herzberginterface can be found, though the general consequences apply. 1 Barcelona's International Groundwater Course. ETSIIB.- Polytecnical University of Barcelona and Eastern Pyrenees Water Agency. 121 VALLES' GRAVEN hnrbour \ (> { ~I>- 0 ... '1. \ " v N ~ 1>- ~ ~ p.. ~ ~ ~ E T 0 0 2 3km E 15 represents 15.106 m3/year ~ Pr~sent irri gahd area !ndustrial pumping center ~ with river water Supply wells --- - Irrigation canal Main irrigation wells ==t> Water divertion ® Recharge wells a Recho r gebyploughing Fig. ·1 Situation of the Llobregat delta and ground water abstraction in million m3jyear, in 1980. 122 1.- Geographycal location The Llobregat delta is a medium-size quaternary for­ mation placed at the sw edge (fig.1) of the densely populated urban area of Barcelona city, the capital of Catalonia, in NE Spain. The Bes6s delta is a smaller but similar area placed in the NE edge (fig. 2). Both areas, formely devoted to irrigated agriculture, now support important industrial settlements, and the Bes6s area is attained by the presentfust urban expansion of the city suburbs. Since the water demand is very high, an· · intense and continuous exploitation of surface and ground water exists. To­ tal abstraction is several times the precipitation recharge, and reaches some 20% of the river flows. 2 · The 5000 km of the Llobregat basin yield a highly variable discharge averaying about 20 m3/s, with floodsuntil a few thousand m3/s and dr3ughts so lows as 4 m3/s. The surface water regulating dams are efficiently complemented by the underground delta reservoir. The same is true for the smaller, 1000 km2 Bes6s basin, with a mean flow of 2 m3/s, although the flows are heavily influenced by upstream aquifer exploitation and by interbasin water transportation. 2.- ~eology and hydrogeology The Llobregat delta and the lower valley boundaries are cleary defined since the 80 km2 alluvial plain is limited by mountains and the sea. Figure 3 shows some hydrogeological cross-sections of the alluvial formations. The lower valley deposits are an accumulation of coarse gravels and sands with minor silt interlayerings, in easy connection with the river bed. At the mouth of the valley, the water table aquifer splits into two aquifers, an upper wa ­ ter table a quifer and a deep confined aquifer, separated by a low permeability clay, silt and fine sand lens, that thickens towards th:! se3. the l:ns re:dEs a thickness of about 50 meters near the shore. ... ..,"' ,. -40 ... ,8' ...1 .., -60' 0 ·· Q:-Q:-y~"'w II >2~ 8- 8' + ... "' ,. 0 () " ... ... ,..+ ~ Q:­ 4- E -2S ...Q:­ ·if~ - 3 km ....... -so () Harbour ... ISOCHLORI DE W!/7!)fil~'/ ISOPIEZES in m ( 19651 ~ in g/1 ( 1965) ·75 1-' I\) Cross-section situation < w 0 0.5 1,0 1,5 km 0 2 l k") • 25 c c· Quaternary limit (delta limit) 0 1~::·:1 Upper aquifer. Sand and gravel - 25 t~~~ Deep aquifer. Coarsesand and gravel E~~ Aquitard. Clay, silt and fine sand -so Ef.~ : j Aquitard. Fine sand and silt (P, Pliocene) -75 0 0.5 1.0 1,5 2km ~ Aquiclude. Pliocene and miocene •al• and shales Fig. 2. Hydrological cross-sections, piezometric map and isochloride map of the Bes6s delta deep aquifer. The upper aquifer was almost fully drained (11) (17) (23). Sant Feliu de LONGITUDINAL CROSS-SECTION Llobregat Cornetlci S.G.A. B Prul de Llobregut ~ ~ MEDITERRANEAN SEA .. ·s· .. : . I' ~ -- - ~~:-~-=-=--=-~~~~~~~--~. • ..• ••~-~ -•• .• •~~ •~,<:::;==:... -• ~>+ D~: • • • ·_' -• _·: ~'--." • • -• ~..• ·~-;:~~-- ~..=-- :. .:·•- ~" CROSS - S E C T I 0 N II -:-::::e Prut de Llobregat Uobregat River ·ISO 0 ~ ~~g~~,;~.. .:.~.,~~,~~~::;::;;: _~~:;::;;;:;-:;_2~ -:~T~~T~T~~:J; -s~ 1-' .. :;-~_;:_:{<~;~~ ~~:.;-~~ /ffl~i!. ~{:}J N .. ' · · · · · - ~c:...~ ·- • · -=--·- • __,._ -- - - - - ---: · sandstones ,j::. .. Marls - :::----_- - --=- e _--=- --=.._=.---=.._- =- --------=--. ·· and sha lv.s - - - . .. ·100 ,... " - CROSS - S E C T I 0 N Ill •IS ~ Gravel - •SO ~ - Gavci <{ r:s?:l Sand, sand and gravel ~ rr:: ~ :-.--=- : ~-. ~-_- := _-=- _-= ~ Clayish conglomerate .. 0 1..'-;?~-=- _. • . s : . .. '--C. - - • •. -- Semipervious silt 0 I 000 2 000 .. l -- . # . -- ~ e -- -- t-1 SITUATION ~ Clay ~AP u HORIZONTAL SCALE ·SO Sthisls s h-;,_ le- s Fig. 3. Longitudinal and transverse representative cross-sections of the Llobregat delta (5) (17). 125 This lens may be regarded as an aquitard whose verti­ cal permeability varies from a negligible value near the cen­ tral coastal zone (almost impervious) to a high value at the valley mouth and near the delta boundaries, where the two aqui­ fers are clearly connected or no separation exist at all. Near the delta boundaries, the situation may be more complicated in detail, as shovm in figure 4. In these areas, lagoon, marsh and beach conditions ocurred alternatively during the sediment built-up, jointly with alluvial influences from local creeks and sometimes from the main river. The upper aquifer discharges directly into the sea through a sandy bottom, except at the eastern part, \Vhere the sea floor is dominantly muddy. The coarse highly pervious gra­ vel and sand sediments of the deep aquifer concentrate main in a strip area through the center of the delta, with a short lobe extending towards the eastern border. Sea-deep aquifer connec­ tions are poorly knovm, but it is believed that the main forma­ tion may outcrop on the sea floor some 4 km off-shore, bellow some 110m of water, in front of the center of the delta. Pro­ bably the effective thickness and the permeability decreases sharply towards the outlet. The deep aquifer lye on blue-clay Pliocene deposits, which can attain more than 700 m thickness (17). Near the coast some clayish conglomerate lens appear, but they may be regarded as relatively impervious and of a small extension. The geographic delta is a relatively young formation because in Roman times the shore was almost 2 km inland, as shown by some archeological founds. In the Middle Ages, the Barcelona harbour was placed at the shelter of the \Jestern side of Montjuic Mountain, some 1.5 km landward from present shore line. Increased solid transport from the rivers was caused pro­ bably by intensive deforestation and inadequate agricultural ?ractices, which lead to an intense land erosion. The Bes6s delta is similar, as shovm in figure 2, but at a smaller scale (17). CRO S S SECTION 10 >" 0 -10 -zo .. -40 . s . s "tJ~ t . " -so ~'"'- •g 0. ~ -· . '' ·.{_:_:~ ·-s ! · ~·. :. · _, :.,:".:.'-·- -::.a-·---·-- -60 -;-...:_--:-51 ---=:-.:... ;:- St s1 .-_ "o-st '<t r 70 0 100 200 300 m · .. - ~ c z -SO HORIZONTAL SCALE :! / z -90 ~m CROSS -SEC T I 0 N II / ~ 1-' E N .. 0'1 "tJ "' -eo '<t Recent Qua ternary -90 Cl ~~~j Clay -100 ; C3. Gravels and /or sand 1?7771 Blue clay and marls Si tt and fine sand, m ~I Pliocene) Sl c .:...-'J (with or without clay) t ~ ~ 0 ~~ Fillin; material• CJ- Fine sand SITUATION MAP ON THE 5! !with or without clay) "§"""'""" } Old Quarterna.ry LLOBREGA T DELTA LEFT SIDE 5 LJ Sand and Pliocene • • • .. (medium and/or coa.rse) C ~ Conglomerate Fig. 4. Geological cross-sections in the NE border area of the Llobregat delta (1) (2). ---30-- Altitude of aquitard bottom (m) ~ Brackish watttr in the aquitard ""~ ~ Salt water in thtt aquitard 0 I T £ R R A N g/t ct- 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 0 0.5 •• 0 20 :::: 0 10 .. \ .. l ...... ' ~ :: :~-!------.,.+---! ---- • t_:'"; r iO ---- o·l ~ Ell} •o ""lrl -, ...... ., _I' ~'='~ , I ., 1\.) :;; ~ 20 ' - lO 4o -...I ..... .. x .l -.. " ~. E ~ t30 ·D-•. ·- ~101 ~ c:: LO -L I ~ • LO -~ b" I .. ./ f:=71• / so ""' ""' ijs/ A: I___Rlir .. - -0.. 60 I ~ .. P aq u1., ~r . ~H Q Q ~ f-70 I I 1.. 70 ..... I I fr I I u: ~ f. SO ·~ Fig. 5 • Chloride-ion logs of several cored bore-holes in the Llobregat delta (8) (10). 128 3.- Groundwater abstraction The main abstraction points in the Llobregat are sho~m in figure 1. Most of the wells are deep tube-wells, ex­ ploiting mainly the deep delta aquifer. Total abstraction has been steady since 1965 through 1978, at about 130.106 m3/year, but the center of mass has mo­ ved from the valley mouth towards the Prat area, closer to the sea, since annual abstractions for supply have decreased and the industrial pumpage have increased. At present total abstraction is 100.106 m3jyear, due to sea water intrusion problems coupled with the general economic depression. In the Bes6s area, total abstraction peacked in 1965 at 60.106 hm3jyear and have esteadily decreased due to the ex­ cesive increase in water salinity and the shutdown of indus­ trial wells, when the factories moved to other areas in res­ ponse to urban and tax pressures.
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