Texas Independent Bancshares, Inc. Voting Trust 86.720/O 440,401 Texas City, Texas (United States) Mihhell Chuoke, Jr., Trustee Gaddis Wittjen, Trustee Charles T

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Texas Independent Bancshares, Inc. Voting Trust 86.720/O 440,401 Texas City, Texas (United States) Mihhell Chuoke, Jr., Trustee Gaddis Wittjen, Trustee Charles T FR Y€ oMB Number 7100{297 ApprovBl oxplr€s Soptember 30, ?01 I ffiuftffi$#ffiffi Pags 1 ot 2 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Annual Report of Holding Compan es-FR Y-G Report at the close of business as ofthe end of flscal year This Report is required by law: Section 5(cX1)(A) of the Bank This report form is to be filed by all top-tier bank holding compe- Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. $ 18an(cX1XA)); sections 8(a) nies, toptier savings and loan holding oompanies, and U.S, inter- and 13(a) of the lntemational Banking Act (12 U.S.C. SS 3106(a) mediate holding companies organized under U.S. law, and by and 3108(a)); sections 11(aX1), 25, and 25A of the Federal any foreign banking organization that does not meet the requir* Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. SS 2a8(aX1), 602, and 611a); and sec- ments of and is not treated as a qualifying foreign banklng orga- tions 113, 165,312,6'18, and 809 of the Dodd-Frank Ast (12 U,S.C. nization under Section 211.23 of Regulation K (12 C.F.R. S SS 5361, 5365, 5412, 1850a(c)(1), and 5468(b)('1)). Return to the 211 .23). (See page one of the general instruclions for more detail appropriate Federal Reserve Bank the original and the number of of who must file.) The Federal Reserve may not conduct or spon- copies specified. sor, and an organization (or a person) is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. NOTE; The Annual Reporl of Holding hmpanies must be slgned by Date of Report (top-tier holding company's fiscal year-end): one director of the top-tier holding company. This individual should also be a senior official of the toplier holding cornpany. ln the event December 31 2016 that the top-tier holding @mpany does not have an individual who is Month/Oay/Year a senior official and is also a director, the chairman of the board must N/A sign the report. lf the holding company is an ESOP/ESOT formed as Reporteds Legal Entity ldentlier (LEl) (2(}Character LEI Code) a corporation or is an LLC, see the General lnstructions for the authorized individual who must sign the report. Reportefs Name, Street, and Mailing Address l, Timothy R. O'Brien Name oF lh6 Holdlng Company Dlrector and Oficial Tavaq lnr{anandcnl Rannch: lnc CFO, Advisory Director L6galTltle of Holdlng Comparry TiUe of he Holding Company DirBctor and Officlal 3232 Palmer Highway aftest that the Annual Repod of Holding Companias (including (Malling Address ol th€ Holding Company) Street / P.O. Box the supporting attachments) for this report date has been pre- Texas City TX 77590 pared in conformance with the instructlons issued by the Federal Clty State Zip Cod€ Reserve System and are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Physical Locauon (tf difiBrBnt from malllng address) Wth respect to information regading individuels contained in this reporl, the Repofter cedifies that it has the aulhoity to provida this Person to whom questions aboul this report should be directed: information lo the Fedoral Reserve. The Reporter a/so certrlTes Catherine Pofter Secretary that it has the authoity, on behaff of each individual, to consent or Name Trtle object to public of information individual. release rcgarding that 409-7664324 The Federal Reserye may assume, in the absence ol a raquest for conf,dential treatment submitted in accordance with the Board's Area Code I Phone Number / Exlension "Rules Regarding Availability of lnformation,' 12 C.F.R. Pafl 261 , 409-9486219 that the Roporter and individual consent to public release of all Area Code / FAX Number in details the that individual. kittv. potter@texasfi rstban k. co m n Efiall Addr€ss Slgnature and Omdal 07t07 Address (URL) for$e Holding Company's web page Date of For holding companies not rcgistercd with the SEC- ls confldentlal trcatment requested for any portion F1{o lndicate status of Annual Report to Shareholders: of thls roport submission?...... l=Yqr 0 El is included with the FR Y-6 report ln accordance with the General lnstructlons for this report (check fl will be sent under separste cover only one), justifylng provlded E is not prepared 1. a letter this rsquest is being along wlth the report ,. .. ... tr For Federal Reserve Bank Use Only 2. a letter justifylng thk requst has been provlded separately..... RSSD ID NOTE: lnformadon forwhlch confidential treatment ls belng c.t. r€quostsd must be prwided separatoly and labeled as "confldential." O,lllce of Managsment and Eudgel, PapeMort Reducuon Pmloct (710t1O294. t4resh{ngton, OC 20503 1A2016 Texas Independent Bancshares, Inc, Tltol2ot FR Y.6 Annual Repoft of Bank Holding Companies EUEE$88!E As of L2l3LlrG Report ltem 1; Annual Report to Shareholders - Exhibit A JUL 10 2017 Note: Independent audit is Extribit B Repoft Item 2(a): Organization Chart: Toos Independent Bancshares, Inc. (*Incorporated in Texas) Texas City, TX 77590 I{o LEI avallable I Texas First Bank - 100o/o (*Texas) Rust,Ewing, Watt & Haney, Inc. - 10070 (*Texas) Texas City, T( n59O Texas City, 1X77591 No LEI's avallable Report ltem 2(b): Branches - Submitted Electronically 3l2lt7 Repoft Item 3: Securities Holderr Shares- r}6 0wned Common Texas Independent Bancshares, Inc. Voting Trust 86.720/o 440,401 Texas City, Texas (United States) Mihhell Chuoke, Jr., Trustee Gaddis Wittjen, Trustee Charles T. Doyle, Trustee Christopher C. Doyle, Trustee Matthew T, Doyle, Trustee T.I.B. Employees' 4.01-K Plan 14.79o/o 72,073 Teros City, Texas (United States) Dennis Bettison, Trustee Doyle Family Children's Trust 11.84Vo 60,136 Texas City, Texas (United States) Matthew T. Doyle, Trustee Christopher C. Doyle, Trustee Lawrence J. Del Papa, Jr. - USA 6.4Lo/o 32,530 Lawrence J. Del Papa, Jr. Texas City, Teras (U.S. Citizen) Current laura Del Papa Murray 17.78o/o 59,810 Wichita Falls, Texas (U.S. Citizen) Lawrence J. De! Papa, Jr. Lawrence J, Del Papa, Jr., Trustee Bancshares Trust USA 3,940/o 20,000 Caitlyn Del Papa L,23EO 6,257 Lawrence J. Del Papa, III 0.81o/o 4tt23 Ollvia Ann Estrada Houston, Texas (U.S, CiUzen) Personal 5.29o/o 26,861 Estrada Family Trust (USA) Family Trust, Trustce 3.780/to 19,192 Olivia Ann Estrada Trust (USA) Personal Trust Trustee t.4Lo/o 7,1 55 TOTAL 10,480/o 53,208 (3-2) No other parties own more than five percent 5 E IE s E E s ;o I ts F h c e s 6 ! .12 z z z 2lz z z z z z z z z z z z (l< z z <t < f, 6 6 6 6 E F F F F F trlh F ts * 2 llE g. E E tr E tr E :l- E tr E E nlE tr E E E ! 2 2 g s I 2 2 t 6 3 t *l* E F F tr F ts E E E P r t F H -t E z1 E E o ;o I 3 n E z ! I T = o H ; 3 N I E 3 q ! ! llE ! a s g -t- I I g B ; rls ; s B ; F E E F F F ilE F F ts F EIE F F ts E h h h ;lE E E ht; I o o o o o 6 tt o o o o o o o ala o o o a E E F H Y tlE E ts E E E HIH E E E z z 2 z z a al2 z 2 z z z z zl= z 2 z I rl f l f l I 5 = t = = ) - = rlr = = = z z z 2 2 z 2 z z z z o 2 o o o o o o o o z o o ts o F F F l. o I E I E I 3lE d E z z z l f = fls : I E s o u I o 0 g I o g 0 I = : ! 2 = = =o tr g EI- E .A o d o : I * 3 s F a ; x t t H F ts E R N F F E E ts ! E ! 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