«FECIAL NOTICES. the War PKOPOMAL8. THE POBTIiAJFD DAILï GEN. GRANT. GOLD AND SILVER. BASE BALL. of the U. S. Α., and adopted by Depart PRESS, RUSSIA AND ENGLAND. ment, January 16, 1885, for guidance of the U. 8. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the A., is hereby authorized for the instruction of the Production the lTenr THE PORTLAND RESERVES. for provisionn.- PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, of the Country in Militia of Maine. ProposaisOffice of Light-House Inspector, First Dis- Estimated Director Burchard, Under the above name a nine has been So n.uch of orders a< conflict with this at At 97 Exchakqb Street. Portland. Mb. Rapid Strides Toward Recovery 1K84, by organized previous trict, Portland, Me., April, 1886. The Afghans Announce Their Sub- order is revoked. Sealed 18.—Mr. Burcbaid, di- in this city, composed chiefly of last year's Port- hereby Proposals will be received at this Office Address all communications to Still Made. Washington, April Colonel E. C. Partington,Inspector Hide t'ractie·, until 12 o'clock M.. oil Being rector of the ic bis annual mission to Gen. Komaroff. land Reds. Their is to play witli local teams Friday the 15th day of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. mint, special report object is hereby charged with the datte· of η strict obser for Provisions for on the in the May. 1885, Vessels and Light- production of gold and silver throughout the State, and that they will give their Tance of this order; ho will arrange all details and Stations in this district. Terms: Eight Dollars a Year. To mall eubsorlt- United States for the calendar year of 1884 es- seems certain. New be held responsible for its proper execution. Regi- Form of proposal and ors, Seven Dollars a Year, if paid in advance. opponents good games quite printed instructions giving He Is Able to au Hour Upon timates the of the to have mental and company inapectors may correspond di- full as Rates ο if Advertising: One inch of the Sleep production country Russians to Seize Herat in are to be the week. The particulars to the articles required, and the space, been: Prepared uniforms procured coming with him. terms of of column, or twelve lines consti- Gold, 830,800,000; silver, computed at selection made is steel blue with red stock- rectly delivery and payment, can be obtained at length nonpareil His Bed. grey, By order of the Commander-in-Chief. tbie Office. tutes a "sqnare." the silver dollar coining rate, $48,800,000; Case War is Declared. and and is a list ings jerseys, grey caps. Following S. J. Gallagher, The 1.50 first week: 76 cents an increase ae at made C. right is reserved to reject the whole or part S per square, daily per total, $79,600,000. This shows of the players present up: Soule, c.; General. week three insertion? continu- over Adjutant of any or all bids, and to waive any defects. after; oriels, $1.00, the yield of the previous year of about Small, p.; Maguire, lb.; Burns, 2b.; Archibald, 3b; A. ing every otner day after first 60 cents. New York, April 18.—Last night's refresh- G. If.; cf.; Jordan, S. CROWN1NSH1ELD, week, 8800,000 in gold anil 82,400,000 in silver. The of Russian Men-of-War Con- Soule, 83.; Rumery, Purington, YULIiOW fEVEK IN 8IOUKFOB0. Half three insertions or 76 one unbroken was toward Arming Commander U. S. N., Light-House Inspector. square, less, cents; ing, sleep another stride total deposits of at the mints the rf.—Maine Sportsman. $1.00; $50 cents per week after. 2 gold duriDg aprl7 eod3t week, the General's recovery. From 10 p.m. till year BLACK-LISTED PLAYERS REINSTATED. Special one-third additional. amounted to $50,518,179, of which $30,- tinuing at Cronstadt. Hsw the Disease was the Notices, a. m., he slept without troubled with the Brought ap Under head of "Amusements" and "Auctioh being 807,200 was reported as domeetic. The exporte At a special meeting of the .held for FUKL.-oj^ce of which has hitherto caused him so much Haco Illaay Year* Ago. Sales," $2.00 per square per three insertions cough of gold bullion, exclusive of United States in the reserve rule ProposalsLight-House Inspector. First District, at Port- week; in his New York, Saturday, jumpers or $1.60. pain throat. amounted to The total land, Me April 10, 1885. less, bars, only 8115,000. London, April 18.—A despatch fiom Con- and contract breakers of last were reinstated of ?iew À poor old man in seedy garments, who said year (Biddeford Journal.) The leading 5 cent Cigar Eng- Sealed Proposals will bo received at this Office THE MAINE STATE PRESS. deposits of silver bullion, exclusive of r*de- stantinople sajs that the Porte has been offic- be had travelled ou foot from and as follows: Hugh Daily, Ε. M. Grois, Fred Dunlap located as we in land. Ask your dealer for this brand. until 12 o'clock M., on Friday the 15th day of May, Galena, 111., posits at the mints and assay offices, was $36,- ially notified through the representatives of Although are, presumably Published every Thursday Morning, at $2.50 a had known and and of a tine of $500 1885, for Fuel for Veesels and Stations in this fought under the General, of which was entered as do- in that George Shaffer, upon payment of the we M. A. JEWELL & CO., Successors to if in $2.00 a 670,731, 832,305,036 Germany and Austria that city their one of the healthiest portions globe, District, for the fiscal 1886. year: paid advance, year. paused in front of the house at 6.30 this morn- Chas. 444 year ending June 30, Advertisements inserted in the mestic. The exports of domestic silver countries will consider the each; John W. Glasscock, Charles Sweeney, β. W. SIMONTON & CO., Agents, to Forms of "Maine State respective are not against visitations of the most Proposal and Printed Specifications giv- has ing and doffing his weather beaten hat prayed were which Fred Shaw, up- proof full Press (which a large circulation in every part $17,697.067, of $2,148,578 were treaty annulled if the Turkish government al- F. Briordy, James McCormick and 448 Fore St. ing particulars as to the kinds of Fuel for his When he turned Buf- The winter of the required, of the State) for $1.00 per square for first insertion fervently recovery. United States bars and Hawaiian coin oc Russian war in on payment of a fine of each. Boston, deadly epidemics. 1G17-18, maylS entf the quantity and the terms of and 8700,000 low either English ships, $1,000 quality, delivery and 50 cents per square for each inser- to go the tears were coursing each other down falo. Detroit, New York and St. Louis payment, can be obtained at this Office. subsequent manufactured of domestic silver of 1884's pro- the event of a war between those countries, to Chicago, first winter spent by Richard Vine· on Saco tion. the old man's cheeks. He refused assistance voted for reinstatement, and Providence and Phila- The right is reserved to and all bids duction which would leave the export of do- pass the Bosphorus. The despatch reject any offered him tboee and not through delphia against it. Notices of the reinstatement river, was signalized by a terrible peetilenoe CARPET BEATING Βϊ lACHMEflY and to waive defects. by present, would mestic as entered at the a and the any undeposited silver, has caused decided sensation, action were sent oat and the above mentioned -AT- A. give his name. custom Saturday, which broke out among the Saoo tribes. Its S. CROWNINSHIELD, house at its commercial value, $14,- of the powers named is generally viewed as will be to with club Commander U. S. WEATHER INDICATIONS. At 11 o'clock the behind the players eligible play any April Fo» er'x Dye Iftouee and Carpet Beating N., Light-House Inspector. draperies part 858,479. Fifty-three incorporated companies as decidedly anfriendly to England. 29th. The Chicago and Providence clubs made an exact nature has never bean determined. It Κ aprl7 eod3t of the General's window toward the were and come, park working gold and silver mines, paid during Much excitement has been caused in official effort to have the new pitching rule revoked was called the bnt was most a Washington, April 20. aside and the General himeelf "plague," likely 13 PREBLE ST., opposite Preble House. All car- pushed stepped the year in 277 dividends $7,567,698. During circles by this news, and both powers are the old one restored. Buffalo, Detroit and St. The indications for New are close to the window was in a which was disease akin to email ροζ. The mortality was pets Thoroughly Aired by Powerful exhaust England pane. He aitired the same period some 207 assessments were lev- roundly denounced. Louis joined strongly in the movement, nuu ctcaui icuuiaicu otuaui aitauu- dark suit of clothes. the New York and Philadelphia. ια«Γ, uj patent warmer, generally fair weather, windd gener- On his head was led on 117 on which it is estimated that The Times' St. opposed by Boston, fearful. Dead bodies were foaod lying on the mines, Petersburg correspondent The matter was and it was inents. black skull cap, and about his neck was folded over had been Later that finally compromised, ally southerly and lower barometer. $4,000,000 paid. says: details state the Afghan unanimously that the new rule should be shores, in the woods—everywhere. Vines and Carpets Cleansed til all seasonsof the year. a red silk handkerchief. His face was not pale agreed losses by Russian bullets, cold and hunger tried during the month of at the end of which won- sneodtf For Tuesday slight!; warmer fair weather is but it wore a strained on that May, his men "boarded" with the natives, yet aprll ezpressi amount to 1000. The Sarik Turkomans, act- time, if the rule works to the serious disadvantage indicated for New was almost pitiful He stood erect without RECORD OF FIRES. derful as it seem, they without England. ing under the advice of the Russians, pursued of any one club, it shall be repealed by a mall vote, may escaped save of his which he held in the support, cane, them almost to Herat. It is rumored that the and the old rule restored. barm. Says an old chronicle—"Nevertheless, METEOROLOGICAL BEPOBT. right hand with the left hand upon the OfBcc Burned. clasped Nowapnper Sariks encountered a portion of Sir Peter THE BROCKTON Τ Β AM. was the that coat lappel. The white cuff relieved the though the mortality greatest ever μ,ι,υυ e. m.] Indianapolis, Ind., April 19.—The fire at ι Lumsden's convoy. They also burned his old The Brockton team has at last been made up, and dark the handkerchief a bit of in the memory of man, Vine· and attire, adding Sullivan the Times Komaroff has a Rus- happened today destroyed office, camp. Gen. appointed is as follows : of Taunton, color. The General's gaze at first was out Masonic , George Bignall who in the cabins with these Hall, American Hotel and five Btoree. sian governor of Penjdeb, and has put Sarik hie men, lay peo- a„· toward the park and traveling up and down Loes last year of the Bay Citys; , W. C. Taylor; ο $50,000. officials in charge who are Russian subjects, mail UIOU|UU« wu· V» »"VU» vif· ·β·ι >Ηβ·ι * Fifth avenue glancing at length and leisurely first base, J. A. Cudworth of Providence, formerly {ΙΙΰ 20,000 Ton· ·( Coal on Fire. here is convinced that, if war s ο down to the sidewalk near his saw a Everybody heads to ache bo long aa they staid there." It houee, he Herat be- of the Bay Citys; second base, W. M. Eloridge, who *» ο breaks out, the Russians will seize a as an all these i group of reporters and the stalwart policeman Bostoh, April 19.—Fire has been smoulder- with Kent Howard in the left Held, and was undoubtedly filth disease, & for the fore England can turn around. I have the itself to A. «IDE ai week in in and confined Positively the best FIVE CENT Si who stands at the steps. With a common im- ing past shel No. 4 of the Bos- McGuunigle in the right, are the only local men moit deadly epidemic, m, li "S CQ best for that Gen. Komaroff ton authority stating who ëncceuore to pulse, tbe officer and reporters saluted the Gae Company's coal sheds on their wharf the nine, and are all well known. Rudderhen, the people whose physical condition waa each CIGAR on the market, made from advanced in accordance with orders the General, and with his right hand, he suddenly off Commercial street. The shed contained express will play third base, comes from Brain tree; aa to encourage it. with no from the governor of the Caucasus, and Gen. centre field will be tilled of the Boston Re- selected stock, flavoring releasing the cane, returned the with 20,000 tone of coal, about 5,000 of which have by Shaw, In 173S the settlements αροη both aide* of Woodmansee &Garside. courtesy Komaroff's to St. ex- serves, or Condon of George Hoflling of the natural flavor Block Island 130.501 47 xG true Three times the been saved. The smoke is of a peculiarly suf- telegram Petersburg Braintree; the river suffered from the effects of an epi- except imparted 47 military dignity. daring stated this. Baltimore will play . Manager McGunni- Boeton, Mass 30.46] fnrannnn tha notiant maa anar of tKo min/Jnni focating character and the pressly demic disease which swept the whole northern ; in its The justly celebrated slioes manufactured by the x6| greatly impedes ; gle ia confident that he has secured a winning team, the fine tobacc used Me 30.37 43 «νυια υι by late firm Eastport, xS| reuiuvai, WU1CM IB UBlllg carried Oil Vienna, April 18.—A telegram received and the season will be next a coast. Parson Smith of Portland, wrote in his of Mt. 30 x5 New Yobk, 19.—There was no in opened Saturday by Washington.. |30.5l April sign aud and here states that chiefs have sent a a on manufacture. 47 night day, bangs heavily over the .the Afghan game with the Tufts College nine. joarnai, October 31,1735: "We had fait Portland. Me 30.451 x4| in the Grant mansion from 11 o'clock last T7" woodmaivseje; & garside, 46 entire North end of the city. It is impossible account of the sickness, which broke oat at Sold by all Druggists and Retail Albany, ». Y 30.48 night nntil 8 a. m. to-day to distinguish it from SATURDAY'S GAMES. 46 x5, to estimate the loss, bat It will be heavy. The submission. It also Buys that a proclamation, and which is as far aa Por- are now made exclusively by their successors, each New York, Ν. Y.. 30.64) x3| its neighbors. Even the accustomed light in At Baltimore—Bostons 7. Baltimoree 8. Kingston, got Cape Dealer» generally, and wholesale 30.55 45 x3 coal is not insured. signed by the governor, has been issued at and carries off a children pair bearing the name of Philadelphia the General's room was missing. Cyras W. At Providence—Beacons of Boston 9,.Brown Uni- poise, great many W ashingtom, D. C. 30.5* 48 x2 Herat ordering that nobody be allowed to en- versity 0. and young persons, and alarms the whole by 61 Field drove np to the house at 9.45 and had a Charleeton.,, ... 30.381 x4 NE ter the that the be closed At 0. it at Bcar- short conversation with the whom he citadel; city gates Cambridge—Harvards 16, Roxburys country." The next year prevailed A. GARSIDE & SON Jacksonville, 71a. 30.27 63 x2 NE General, BURNED TO DEATH. from 7 m. to 5 u. that no cereals At Yalee O. said he p. m.; flour, Brooklyn —Brooklyns 12, boro, and proved almost universally fatal. Ga 30.37 62 χδ NE found feeling and looking much better At 7, Buft'alos 5. As a Savannah, or olive oil be exported ; that caravans be per- Washington—Nationals November 4,1738, Parson Smith writes: "The guarantee. Cincinnati. Ohio.. 30 31 60 x6 SE than on his previoue visit. At 11.30 a. m. Col Terrible Crime el a Demented At 2. Youth mitted to enter the on Philadelphia—Athletics 13, Metropolitans Ν. Y.... 30.43 53 city only special licenee; throat distemper it still exceeding bad in Saco." Buffalo, *12 S Grant pushed aside the hangings at the east Near Pa. At Newark, N. J.—Providences 9, Newark· 5. Corns &ToHiliii$on Reading, that all Russians be directed to no how Mich 36 present We bave means of many died Alpena, 30.32 x3 SE side of the window of the General's room, and At New Haven—Yale Freshmen 8, Amherst knowing A Die 30.24 51 x7 Ε Philadelphia, 19.—A themselves to the governor, and that every the GARSIDE & SON Chicago, as he held one of the curtains back the Gen- Pa., April special Freshmen 7—ten innings. from disease: Duluth. Minn 30.20 38 x0| Ε despatch from Reading says that about 4 house hold in readiness lor service tno well- At Indianapolis—Indianapolis 8, Milwaukee· 0. The yellow fever was brought into Saco river PORTLAND. manufacture a full line Ladles' Misses' and 45 eral appeared at his elbow and then advanced snlm ! Marquette, Mich.. 30.23 x7 SE o'clock this fire occnrred in α two- trained men. At St. Louis—St. Louis 0. the Weat at least in mar30 Children's Fine Machine and close to tiie window and the morning 3, Pittsburgs by vessels from Indies, Hand, Goodyear'e Milwaukee, Wis.. 30.27 41 —1 Clm pane, bright,warm frame thinks that is Welt Shoes in all the el the story building on the Allsace Truck TheTagblatt Afghanistan lost GBOCUDEBS. three instances, 1791, 1796 and in 1802 In prevailing styles. St. Louis, Mo. ... 30.16 661 *16 SE sunlight morning streamed fall upon Mr. A, Garside an of will farm, owned by Aug. L. Wentzel, and situated to England. will the Bow- 1796, the whole number attacked by the diaeaae WANT being originator styles St. Paul. Minn.... 30.14 58 x2 S him as he stood fall; dressed as on yesterday. The Portland base ball elub play IF YOU continue to cater to the taste for 30.00 several miles from that city, in which four eleven of whom died, as we either public something Omaha, »ebr 57 x4 SE The General and his son were conversing, and Jahrood, April 18.—The Ameer, before de- doins on Fast day, and the Golbys on Saturday. The way 43, ▲ Fine Job of Preeiini;, hare your War· new. Dak... 30.16 37 -5 ;NE persons—Harry Wentzel, aged 11, and Oharles from the record of Dr. Aaron mho waa Bismarck, at times the former smiled as he looked down parting yesterday, said that he had ordered the will be in the beet oondition Porter, tuent* Cleansed or Dyed at St. Minn eons of the and grounds put possible Vincent, in the street. Wentzel, aged 13, proprietor, tribes to repair the road from Gabul to then Biddsford's only physician. On the opposite side he saw a Herat, for Fast and a be looked Τ H Ε Ohas. and Fred 16 Day, good game may tor, In a vessel came to the wharf χ Else. Fall, procession of men, women and children stroll· Heitzinger, brothers, aged and that reinforcements had left Candahar for June, 1802, up and 26, burned to death. Worknen are now engaged on the grounds, and the In Biddeford with the fever on FOSTER'S FOREST CilY DYE in both and as the respectively—were Herat. He believed that Kussia might yield to yellow board, HOUSE, ing leisurely directions, John a diamond will be covered with sand and rolled, and Knoll, half-witted vagabond, who unable to a good but it not being known for several days, many 13 Preble £)t., Opp. Preble House. General's presence at the window was ob- remonstrances, being give with a clay foundation will make a surface as A. GARSIDE & SON slept on the lower floor, has been arrested for excuse for when all were and fell victims to the disease. MAINE. served by those outside there was a simul- her aggression. Only smooth as a floor. Persons having teams are re- exposed No Kid Gloves Cleansed ev- having caused the fire. It both and of Ripping Required. taneous lifting of hats by the men, while the arguments have failed, he said, must war be quested to drive into the next Held beyond the spread throughout towns, sixty- ry day. aprllsneodtf The fourteen fatal. Those whs Fine Slioes Penobaent Open. women smiled and many nodded and received considered, and then the Afghans will rise as grounds, where hitching posts will be put up for three cases, proved their and a man to look recovered. Bangor, 18.—The Penobscot river wae a dignified response from the sick man at the one man to repel the invader. His policy wag accommodation, provided survived the fourth day generally April KIEL'S REBELLION. after the teams the is in window. At 2 o'clock the entire staff of determined upon and would not be changed. It while game progress. The following report on the sanitary condi- AEE THE BEST. opened foi navigation to-night. It bad been phy- The defeated the Elm Streets, Sat- sicians met in after which this was founded on common sense, not on oaths. Young Eagles tion of Biddeford at that time, we give ver- SPARKLING closed 120 consultation, urday, 28 to 15. in days. bulletin was issued. His people must accept it as ho had, and must batim et literatim, from the original now These Shoes are on sale in Portland at the The Bowdoin boys call the battery of their nine Reported Repulse of Gen. Middle- trust him as he had been trusted England. the "six-foot possession of Horatio Herrlok, Esq., of Massa- Btore of An F.rtitor Coivbided. (2.00 p. m.)—At a consultation held at this by battery." The Afghans would never surrender an inch of The base ball have not sufficient chusetts. The report as will be seen was made April X8.—Β. T. editor of hour, Dre. Barker, Sands, Shrady and ton Denied. Bangor players Boothbay, Cox, Doug- territory or allow their to be a interest to form a nine for the coming season, sa] s in 1802—eighty-four years ago, and was signed lass were present. Gen. Grant was found to country high- the Boothbay was cowhided for the Ruseian would mean the Bangor Commercial. l)r. Porter of Biddeford and Dr. Shannon Register, publicly an way army, which by be in improved condition, both general and The uniforms have arrived and satis- most in t'ue street this afternoon. The assailant wag occupatian and of a line of Colby prove of Saco, who were known as among the local, as compared with the last statement. protection long in IRVING J. Government Faith in McDougal's Ruesian communication and resalt in ruin and factory every particular. eminent members of the medical profaesion at Mr. Lewis who went before The physicians in attendance are and have A new player, Matthews of '88, has been develop- BROWS, Best, immediately loss of The would Bee that time: UNDERWOOD independence. Afghans ed at and will tlrst base for the Dealer in Fine a and was held in been in entire agreement coneerning the man- Mission. Colby, probably play magistrate $500 for his ap- this and would find that is team. Jenks. agement of this case. England helping oollege Mr. in court. An them to retain their freedom. The have but four men of last season's wish you to communicate to the Pub- pearance alleged slanderous J. H. Douglass, M. Colbys Sir,—We D., 3b, Putnam Larrabee ss, and Good- lick the state of the Malignant Fever which has article in Cox's was the cause. Geo. F. M. D. St. Petebsbcrq, April 19.—The arming of nine—Boyd, cf, paper Shrady, Doubtful win, who occupies the pitcher's box this season for prevailed in the town of Biddeford for soma time Boots and Shoes. Loyalty of the Bluckfeet In- men-of-war at Cronstadt continues. Orders Fire in Presque I.l·—Road, in Kail Con- Unless an unforeseen change for the worse the first time. past. were issued to today to have all put to sea. The Boston Institute of nine the Un the 11th day of Jane a vessel arrived at thia OF THE GOLD BOOT.) di ti«n. occurs, there will not be another general con- dians. Technology play (SIGN Advices from Samarcand state that Gen. Bowdoins in April 28th. Port from Grenada (having lost a lad on the voy- Water. sultation for a week. Dr. Shrady will not call Boston, Preeqoe Isle, April 18.—The new house of Komaroft's over the has fav- The Providence club the Boston Unions (Bid- age). Within a woek after her arrival fonr Men Spring until Dr. will be victory Afghans play again Wednesday. Douglass in had been on board the vessel were aeixed with 421 Street. Frank in the north of orably impressed the inhabitants of Bokhara. defords) Providence, Thursday, and the Brown who Congress<-* BrowD, part Presque in charge, and will remain if Gen. Ottawa, Out., April 18.—Excitement was and of natnre and all died. Many aprll eodt nights, Eleven fast steamers have been bought University Friday Saturday. Fevers very Malignant Isle, on the Caribou burned this morn- Grant desires. The other doctors are to be in intense here to-day over the that Gen. 2 he Herald the Boston Unions the other People of tbe town were on board the veeeel road, report at various points as Russian says play readiness to to Middleton had met a ready equipped Portlands next which is an error. The but none of them sickened. On the 6th of July The contents were saved. Loss respond a call from Dr, Doug- with repulse and heavy Saturday, ing. $1200; privateers. & ainee that time a number of other lass should a change take place. The General loeses this morning in attempting to capture Unions play the Anihersts at Amherst, today, and two Women Insured for $800. A Tiflis despatch to the Moscow Gazette in Providence with the team on Persons have sickened and most of them with SV Λ fMI Si Γβ this afternoon slept an hour upon his bed. Clark's Crossing. Inquiry at the Providence league department says that Russia cannot rely on Persia in the Thursday. Putrid Fevers, (none of them however were on The snow is going rapidly. Roads are nearly Dr. Douglass said at 9 o'clock tonight there of the militia gave contradiction to this state- event of war with England. Some Ruesian The game at Waterbury, Conn., Saturday, be- board the vejsei nor visited those who had been lieo. υ. ùnaw οε arn will be no bulletins issued the ment, which had been published in the after- number of Ueatbe within the uo, impassable except mornings. People elated daring night, tourists have lately been expelled from Khor- tween the Waterbuiys and Boston Unions, resulted sick.) The whole and Gen. Grant will be without any medical noon papers. The minister of militia received in favor of the former 14 to 11. Eleven town since the 6th of July Is eight grown Persona, over the railroad prospects. rassan while have been ad- by innings attendant a from Gen. Middleton Englishmen freely were Mullen and McKeever were the Un- in the whole twelve with Putrid Fever. tonight. telegram to-night, mitted. played. making Eaeaped from Jail. stating that he had arrived at Clark's Crossing ions' battery, while O'Connell and Hurley officiated Tnere have also died two women with Decay, for the The secured a of one child with and two children Probably 585 AND 581 CONGBtSS STREET, and without encountering the rebels. The impres- London, April 19 —The Daily News says Waterburys. Unions total quinsy, Machias, April 19.—Knights Parker, 11 so the whole number of deaths aprl7 sn2w· WASHINGTON. sion in the department, however, is that he that the statement referring to the cession of base hits, and the Waterburys 24. with worms, that the Grand Menan thieves, and Crowley of Colby is trying to arrange games with the Bidde- within the town since the 11th of June is 17 Per- has made a mistake in splitting up his com- Penjdeh to Russia are purely imaginary. the Preniilent. fords and Belfasts. sons. Calais escaped from the Machias jail last night Appointment* by mand. He has now 800 men with Feather Beds and Pillows only him, Saturday was a great day for goose eggs among We are happv to communicate to the Publiek by meane of a false key. The former were to Washington, April 19.—The President to- and would have great difficulty in holding his the college boys. that tbere ia not at this time a Sick Person within own if attacked the rebels of last the town All those who have been siek, who have REÏOVATED be tried in the April term at Calais. Crowley day made the following appointments: by before he is join- THE OLD WORLD. Dulfly, season's Boston Reserves, who ed by Col. Otter's division, who have gone eigoed an agreement to go to Rochester, Ν. Y., with survived the fever, are well and able to go abroad — — was sent up for for Ministers resident and consuls general—Wm. we have taken ntmoet care to BY 'HftJOHl ninety days drunkenness. round to relieve Battle Ford and then to form Manager Jackson, has not been sent for by that en- every day, and the D. B. Loxbam of Florida to Bolivia; Baylies and will not the of so malignant a disorder. Patent at A Railroad Man a with Middleton at Batouche's terprising party, consequently play prevent spreading Sicam jflacbinc Promoted. W. of Indiana to junction Cross- with that AARON Poster. Hanna Persia; Walker Frain A Crews of Two German Vessels club. ASKHtt Bam ing. high military authority states that it Five Richd. C. 19.—F. W. of to members of the team are Shannon, FOREST CITY DYE HOUSE, 13 PreVe street. It gob, April Cram, general Louisiana Roumania, Servia and Greece. be Chicago suffering would certain defeat for Middleton to at- Eaten Cannibals. wiïh sore arms. is not safe to use beds after sicknesB until they eastern freight of the Maine Central Consuls—James Mnrrav of Nftw York, at St. by Biddeford, Aug*t 38,1802. agent tempt to face the rebels with equal numbers. It is said the Brockton stand needs have been renovated by steam. aprllsneodtt PAINTS. John, Ν. Β. ; Boyd Winchester of grand inspec- P. S. We wtih the Prlntera in Boston to oom- LIQUID railroad, has been tendered and has Kentucky, It is a well known he that one man tion befere it is accepted at Nice, ; Chas. P. Kimball ol fact, adds, occupied. mnnicate the above for the benefit of People and Illinois, in ten of our a Callahan, catcher oi last Portland OK. £ B. REED· These are in every respect strictly first-class the position of general manager of the New at volunteer militia can hit target That Osman Has Been year's nine, Veaaels passing thither. of linseed oil and the Sehttgart, Germany. at 500 while half-breed of Report Digrna is open for an engagement. Clairvoyant and Botanic Physician, lfledi- Paints, composed pare highest Bruuswick yards, every Riel's of combined exclus!ve- railroad, embracing 140 miles of The Steamer Alert. League players say the increase in size of the cal Koomë 59£ bougies» dt.,Port!aud, Me. pigments; by processes following is brought up with rifle in hand, Killed. UK THE ROLLS B.N. in richness batsman's position is a great fjradey our own. They are unequalled by any road. Mr. Cram was suoerintendent jf the Steamer Alert which was loaned to the which he knows well how to use. The improvement. Dr. Reed treats all chronic diseases that flesh is gov- govern- The Maine Sportsman says that of the and permanency of color, and are the most durable ernment the O'Connell, BENEFIT TO-NIGHT. all c?ses that are given as incurable by & North American railway by government of Great Britain ment, however, place great faith in the execu- Lawrences, is a well known SHETLEY CAMP h«ir to; up and economical paints ever produced for general Europaan previous Lewiston player, who tbe allopathic and homœpathic physicians. 1 will fur service in the Greely relief expedition has tion of the guns shell. Th3 last officiated at first base for the Biddefords. This at the Portland there will be a structural purposes. Sample, sheets and pamphlet to its consolidation with the Maine Gatling sbarpnel Severe Between French year evening, rink, case to treat and cure them. I find aDout Central, been Fighting take their "81KUCTURAL DECORATION'* ordered to sail Wednesday next for Hali- greatest fear of the government now is the The other players of the Lawrences huve good rec- and exhibition of can cured. free, by and is a railroad man of much grand skating party fancy akatlng four fifths of the cases given up to die be mail. ability. Hon. fax where Commander Coffin will torn her possibility of supplies being cut off. Should and Chinese ords and altogethar it is a formidable nine. The a distance with their Troops. by Misa McClellan of Wlnalow'a rink, under Examination at by letter, Ε. B. the over to the British admiral the the rebels succeed in the old Portland uniforms have been renovated, and Boetoa, and of residence and one 2 cent Strictly Pare Color* in Oils, Varnisheu, etc Burpee, present general manager, commanding capturing supply will be used full name place North Atlantic fleet. R. P. Schwerin trains there would until the new ones are made. The new the management ef Shcpley Camp, Sons of Veter- and Examination second and BRIDGE succeeds hie late Hon. Isaac Ensign undoubtedly be great suf- suite will be stamp $<2.00, sight ROOF, CAR and PAINTS, brother, Barpee, made up of light grey flannel, with a has been ordered to report on board tbe Alert fering, as there is no chance of food ans, While Miss McClellan is stranger to the •oneultation free. in various colors. Are especialy adapted for out as vice this obtaining Egypt'· War. blood red trimmings, red stockings, cap same style president, arrangement enabling at once for in the interior well known ia New York Office hour» 9 a. eu. to 9 p. m. marSsntf buildings, barns, fences, and for iron and rough special duty. beyond that sent in from out- as the Bostons, with two strips of red trimming. public of Portland, she ia him to moro time to Suakim, April 19.—Five thousand Amarars woodwork. devote other important The Cholera in side. While there is nothing positive that Knit jerseys, with full with the letter L on Spain. have notified Gen. Graham are to sleeves, in which he is the Crowfoot is to show after they willing the breast, will be provided, and a jersey for jK enterprises interested. The new The of State has received a de- likely treachery j lighter of the Roller·" lias been unanimously be- uvcational. ASBESTOS BOOFING. Secretary join the British and light Osman Digna. The very warm weather also. The jackets will be of the "Queen will take in aboat a month. spatch from the U. S. Consulate at the ber by the partiou The standard and reliable Portable for arrangement place Madiid, meut here British have occupied Deberet. A few of same color as the uniform. The first game will stowed upon skating fraternity Roofing, be is informed the place little confidence in him. He ' or flat in not saying by director general were seen in the but they take place April 25 th. and the Sbe doe· not resor instruction in and Class- steep roofs any climate. Skilled labor is the recognized chief ot the Blackfeet nation, enemy neighborhood larly pnblie generally. English in its BATH. uf hea'th there is no cholera in and that retired to the hills. The force return- Mr. D. W. Mahoney will have the general super- to what is commonly known as trick required application. Spain, while under him are English skating, bot the case Eagle Tail, chief of the intendence of the Portland bal) and will to moiiens. ical Studies GENUINE ASBESTOS STEAM-PIPE and BOIL- The new steamer will sail recently reported in the province of grounds confinée herself eicluiively fancy She Haytien Bepublic Piegan tribe, 1000, and Bed also attend to the business. in bnt it is the ER COVERINGS, PISTON and WICK PACKING, from Bath the of this Valencia is not cholera. numbering Crow, advertising is an expert these; easy, graceful last month for Boston- chief of the Blood 19.—A rumor ia current here The Louisville and Cincinnati nlnha nnanari λ «p.- il! «a to priTat» pnpils by the enbeorib MILL-BOARD, FIRE-PROOF PAINTS, PLASTIC tribe, numbering 2200, both Suakim, April manner in which they are executed tbat captivates She is booked to sail for the 10th of to the effect that Ojman has been killed nee of a on STOVE LINING, CEMENTS, COATINGS, ETC. Hayti May. forming part of the Blackfeet nation. The Digna championship games in Louisville, Ky., her audiences. She dances lively jig rollers as a Next week she will have trial trip on the Indian states that his own followers. yesterday afternoon, before a crowd of 6,000 peo- as it (he did not have skates on, also a Send for Full Descriptive Catalogue, Samples, Etc. AFTER MANY DAYS. department even in the by easily give· Kennebec. event ple. The Cincinnati! won by a score of 4 to 1. most exhibition of waltzing. This J. W, of the Blackfeet remaining loyal and go- Cairo, 18.— Oaman Digna has written perfect party Is COLCOM), CARIBOU. April for the benefit of the Camp, and tbe fine exhibition ing on the warpath against the Crees, the lat- to the Emir of him not to A Remarkable Sequel la tbe Wreck of Berber, advising naine Militia. and low price of admission should draw a W. W. WHIPPLE & Mr. Parfait Gagnon, one of Caribou's busi- ter, taking man for man, woald win, as because the are build- large CO., the Mteinman. they fight any more, English audience. 13 Street. Steamnbip 'Daniel are most Headquarters Mains fioyd ness men, died very suddenly last Tuesday. determined, and in every way are a to Berber and Osman Militia,) A MYSTERY AT THE BIJOU. tltf ing railway Digna'e Adjutant Genebal's I»u24 He was in bis when he was Halifax, N. S., April 18.—A wonderful better The Crees who are now in the Office, Paint threshing barn, fighters. army is dispersed. and all the week Drugand Dealers, a came te connected with are Augusta, April 13,1885. ) Commencing to·night continuing taken with strange feeling, and said that he story light yesterday warpath intermarried with half-breeds, of the Another Meeting Emperor·. General Orders, Ho, 3: at the the Nana will hold her 21 ... would go into the house a little and in the ill-fated steamship, Daniel Steinman, many of the latter with which Bijou, mysterious Market Sq., Portland, Me., while, living them, I· With the view of the ol minutée he was dead. wrecked at Sambro a when 124 has had the of London, April 18.—The Emperors of Ger- increasing efficiency afternoon and evening. To find what five just year ago, effect influencing them in al- the Maine Volunteer in rifle and receptions IN THE WORLD. and Auetria and the Czar of Russia are Militia, practice, BEST A G- Ε Ν Τ S lives were lost. Previous to liance with Biel. The many Nana will be to and a FREEMAN. leaving home, government has great af far as practicable conform to the prescribed regu- is, people obliged go see, and mar 21 dlwtMW&F2m Peter Andreas one for another to be held this Michelson, of tbe passen- faith in Rev. Mr. with his arranging meeting lations for the U. S. Α., as laid down in S. E. of such a wonder is hard to Starbird's mill in which McDougal, Stony Gapt. description give. Suffice Freeman, manufac- $3970 and other for as it is spring. The place chosen for the meeting ^ia Blunt's boo £ of gers, deposited valuables, Indian scouts, believed h· will be able, instructions, adopted by the War it to tbat Nana is a woman—what there is of tures salt boxes, clapboards, staves, etc., was safe with one of in the castle of a Galician nobleman in Austrian the and conditions ol say keeping, Herchind Hasle, by going advance of the troops who are Department, targets previous her—and eats, drinks and sleeps as other ladies do. burned last Wednesday night, together with and took a close to the Russian frontier. It is qualifications for the several classes are herebj Denmark, receipt therefor. Prob- marching northward, to quiet the Indians, territory, She is a mysterious person, though, a· all will say the and more or less of the by that William desires that changed, and the rules will th€ machinery partly ably imagining that no legal evidence would whom he is and understood Emperor following govern who see ber. To-night the De Coma brothers will RODERICKS manufactured material. The worshipped, prevent great rifle practice for the season of and until engine was badly ever be that he had the a yearly meeting of this bind be held, believ- 1885, also forthcoming money, bloodshed. otherwise ordered. Inasmuch as the ol appear. injured, but the boiler was not much Herschind refused to to that this will preserve between the quota ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. damaged. return It the dead ing peace ammunition is more than the number of rounds re- The mill was valued at no insurance. Winnipeg, Man., April 18.—Press dig- three countries. CHERRY $3,000; man's relatives. Thereupon the Danish quired to the at distances The attractions at the rinks this week will b· as C WILD The cause of the fire is unknown. patches from Battle Ford say every bouse and complete firing required minister communicated with France and China. for it will be found to foreign Stephen store on the south side of Battle River has qualification, advantageous follows: STRONGEST Silk FARMINGTON. tbe Danish consul at this to bave some of it expended (especially by those in· Ε1Γ 100-yd. Tobin, port, spare been and all not , April 19.—The blockade of Formosa Λ»·«αη<1—To-night, Sons of Veterans skating no efforts to ransacked, goods appropriated experienced in practice,) at one hundred and one in the Market. On the 1st of worth of find the receipt if at all possible. the raised on ladies' Wednesday, there Ι^·1>ΙΆ day July, $5,000 cor- have now been destroyed. All persons other by French was the 16th. hundred and before party: Tuesday, night; fifty to Every spool warranted full measure. Bodies and wreckage washed ashore from time yards, undertaking will be a gams of polo between the Ulrigos and poration railroad bonds fall due. The Farrn- than thoee the town on the north Hono 19 —It is that on the two hundred to time have beeu and occupying Kong, April reported qualify yard range. Portland Mechanic Blues; Thnrsday there will be ington Journal understands that the holders of carefully searched, side are and are destitute. II. commanders will see that the in- divers who homeless, many If there has been severe fighting in western Ton- Company three sessions—forenoon children's session; these bonds will then sue to recover the have been working on the wreck struction in rifle in the is Friday, the absence of communication continues quin between the French and Chinese troops. practice armory thorough ladies' complimentary skate check party. BALSAM for the past year have a look out before the soldier to on amount, in the Circuit Court in Portland. kept sharp Cboake dog and bacon will become The Chinese claim to have been allowing practice the range. for this document without succese. staple victorious,but Capt. Blunt's instructions on rifle whicb Bijou—Te-mcht, double attraction—the De Coma Moat valuable remedy known for Coughs, Colds, Should they do so the question must then be Recently food in the near future. It is estimated that admit that suffered practice, in wonderful feats and a small trunk they heavily. contains much valuable information on brothers their Nana; Tues- Iloiireeueee, A et hum, CONSUMPTION, decided on its merits. In worth was washed ashore containing a 1000 head of armory prac- 1890, $8,000 cattle and 600 horses were driven Kat(n Cannibal*. will be issued to the various day. ladies' skate check complimentary party; cut our method ο Knitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Influenza, number of letters and papers. These were by tice, commands, and Above represents improved and all disease· of the more fall dite. off the Indians. caiico cap and apron NILK. Mer- Whoopiiic Cough, by Agricultural enterprise will remain the property of the State. Wednesday, party; Thursday, putting up ETIIJUOfDËKY Throat and from the Favor- GARDINER, turned over to tbe consul. They were of Berlin, April 19,—It is reported that the music afternoon and and Lunge. Prepared has been thoroughly checked. AU seed in the III. Record books will be issued to each company (Fast Day) evening polo chants will find this a great improvement over the ite of one of the late leading course sjaked so as to of the Prencrlption badly and the ink run, natives Hermit Islande in the Pacific in the scores maile mes at both sessions. The teams will it much more of Famous Chief has forbidden Mr. country is destroyed and farmers are which by members, in all prac- contesting old fashioned skein embroidery, being Physicians Portland, Maine* Engineer Haley be almost obliterated and therefore unintelli- generally bave eaten the crews of two later. and forr his Skill in and equally eofor his succcss ruined. The season is Ocean, German tice upon the range, will be entered. This record Κ given Friday, guess party, Saturday, convenient ιο handle. These Quills contain about surgery, Wakefield, the owner of the occupied propitious, but all work In Curing A (lection· of the Throat and building gible, but among them was the long looked-for merchant vessels. The gunboat Hyena has will be kept open to the inspection of all member? ladies' complimentary. three yards each, or a trifle more than the ordinary and used over 80 the to rebuild the re- is suspended. It is reported that Instructor Lungs. by hira in his practice for by Gunnell, baker, part after much Consul been sent to the cannibals. of the militia, BAY skein. 45 cents for sample box of fifty with a success unknown to other receipt, which, difficulty, was punish ALAMEDA8, 3; STATES, 1. £g|^*Send years any preparation. cently burned,unless be makes the room where Payne's bcdy chopped up and thrown IV. All the Tobin, deciphered and translated. He has Cable Notes. practice upon range for the purpose At the Alameda· defeated Quills. EVERY the oven is located A wise about the barnyard. Instructor Jefferson is a of must Bath, Saturday night, fire-proof. precau- cabled the news to qualification be under the supervision of s good Copenhagen. with the States a of three to one. IVηβίa Fmhr'r. iirftz 40i*. Wast>« Silk 25c tion. prisoner Poundmakar. The persons The funeral of Edward Pierrepont late commissioned officer, or the company inspector ol Bay by score Tbe time BOTTLE within the rifle or a non rules and designs for GUARANTEED. MILO. stockade number 506. Instructor American Charge De'Affairs, took place in practice, commissioned officer desig of game was 7% minutes. The Bay State· won the 60-page book, containing Remember thia and bear in mind it is Not a Quack silk of every sent to McKay and of Sweet Grass reserve Rome from the American nated by the company commander. And all return» first in 20 seconds, and the Alameda· the next knitting goods description, any Medicine but a reliable lamily remedy. Ask ior an excitement was created last week HOG CHOLERA. family Saturday Episcopal goal six cents in Quite started down the made must be certified to oy such officer, and th< three in five seconds each. address for stamps. RODERIC'S COUCH BALSAM. Saskatchewan River in a church. Two thousand persons, including & at Milo by the escape of a deer-slayer frcm ar- person marking upon suitable blanks provided foi THE Β H AI NERD ARMSTRONG CO., small boat to Prince Albert. He was threat- members of the diplomatic corps and many c. & T.'s, 2; FALMOtrrus, 2. marl2eod3in 35 Kingston Street, Boston. and TAKE WO ΟΤΠΕΚ· For rapidity in reliev- rest. He took the train from Katahdin Iron Alarming Prevalence of the Di>ra*r in that purpose. and certainty iu curing It It* iucomparably ened with death for Rae. Rae and commercial notables were present Tbe above clubs ing Works, riding in a box car with some horses. Berkshire warning Agent palitical V. The practice season will close October 15tl named played Saturday night at Superior to any other remedy. County. was Th e The in re- The proscribed by Ponndmaker. Crees Spanish Embassy Paris deny the and the returns to the State of rifle the Falmouth and In a gold by all Dealers· Price, 35 Gent·· game warden journeyed by paBsenger car inspector prac rink, the game resulted Pittsfibld, Mass., April 18.—The alarm hereabouts, it is reported, will not act decisive- port of a conspiracy in Spain. tice must be made on or before November 1st. Dona'd. Brown me is to be introduced mohl7 nr Af *ν.Λ still remain. X UK 1TJ.UI1 JU1. LLVllLy χα. iuuure, WHO ner in Which red other in blue. Kach will and Healthi- Some rare bargains Hayt They Shall Be Tested. POSITION. landi the; player be Cleanest, Purest, Sweetest may be remembered gome of our citizens af Λ Hold Train countiy, and threatening tbem if the tax is equipped vltb a small raoqset similar to that used Tuning and repairing to order. by Washington, April 18.-The following circular Bobbery. The position is the same as heretofore adopted st Bed in tlie World. the mute eon of the late Mr. not paid. This sheet has caused consterna- in plajing laorosse. and lam to flag posts will be George Moore, was issued the Dallas, April 19.—A bold train rob- fly with this exception : At 300 yards, either a kneel today by treasury department: Tex., tion used to designate the « Tlio players will take has lately been paid $1,100 each for two pic- occurred late laet Texas & amoDg all who have friends or badness in- ing or sitting posture must be takeu. (See Blunt' goa Good for Catarrhal and Lung Affections, Hay The department's circular No. of 22 bery night, on the positions similar to those in polo, and will tures painted in Paris. We had heard before C2, May Pacific terests in that interior towns. Cacores is capa- Manual, pages 88, 80, DO, Paragraphs 227 points Fever and Asthma, Nervous Exhaustion, railroad, at Wood station, a few miles 225, count the same as they do iu polo. The ball used that Mr. Moore had become 1883, prescribing regulations for the sampling and ble of any atrocity to maintain the little 232.) Neuralgia and Rheumatism. distinguished west of Miueola. Joseph Toblowsky, a mer- pow- will be a rubber tennis ball, two ouaces in wsigbt. Thurston abroad as a and are to notice classification of and under the er he possesses in the interior. BADGES. Samuel thia sugars on a painter, glad molasses, pro- chant of Dallas, and a stranger, took passage The game will be played scientific principle, as measure of his A manifesto is Paragraphs 610, no merit. Very few pictures are visions of the tariff act, approved March 3, 1883, in the caboose of a train in order to Spanish published today in· 511, 512, 513, 514, 515; Page player will be allowed to catch the ball in her freight and 200, will in the kind of now sold fqr such prices, except those of the and for reach here citing the people against Americans. News 198,190, govern bade racqnet and carry it any distance, but paesing It price7$io.oo. 3 Free St. Block, PORTLAND. allowances o£ damage, is hereby supple- nearly a fall day earlier than by es issued for sharpshooters and "old masters." Mr. Moore is a cousin of Miss from the interior is not and much marksmen, wliicl from one to the other above the surface will be a janl2 mented as follows: waiting for the regular passenger train. The reassuring are the same as those used in the U. alarm is felt at Panama over the S. A. feature of the sport. After the game is introduced, Augusta Moore, the popular writer of poetry train was a and when it prospects of VI. The allowance of 1. In the case of or mat are very long one, stopped ammunition will be lift it is that It will become very popular, as it OU and who was a bag sugars, which an attack government from Cauca. expected J. H. HATE Y SEEN prose, Waterville girl yeare liable to for wood at the wood the trainmen all by troops rounds to a man and no soldier will be allowed is devoid of the of and GAUBERT, be affected l)y continuous exposure tc yard The reugliness polo better and Manufacturer. ago. went to the health of the American troops is good. use ammunition that to ladies. Proprietor wind or freezing weather, the appraiser may, when- engine, leaving the caboose and ill belongs another. Compa fitted for The "Portland IN GENERAI. ever nies having no ammunition will make 203 niddl« ror.lmid, me. Beauty," practicable, cause samples to be drawn and occupante a long way back in the darkness and requisitioi N0TB8. St., A NEW FIVE CENT OICAB. sent to '.he for the same when wanted. Not more than on mar27 dtf There seems to be a laboratory for test dally as the sugar ia thick timber. three armed GENERAL NEWS. In the Alameda-Fairfield same at pretty general foelint Suddenly negroes, thousand rounds will be issuod at one Skowhegan, Put in β of it is a handsome, fin< discharged. The so drawn and sent in time to an; up boxe 100; large, among the farmers of Aroostook thai samples with navy into the caboose, and then Thursday night, there was a dispute over the last a county should revolvers, sprang company, only to such as flavored cigar ; it has only been in the market fe"w represent equal proportions of the mar k. the leader companies pre The referee, Mr. W. H. the future prospect for starch will not warrant In all cases where saying, "Throw dp yonr hands; pose to practice under the rules. goal. Mathews, requests us months, and has won for itself a reputatioi practicable bag sugars will bi Mrs. of inherits foregoing to state that he was as referee already them in in to as yonr or life." Mr. was Morgan, Lexington, KyM $1,000,- VII. The accepted and decided that to none. us order for 501 putting many potatoes the] sampled short trier. money yonr Toblowsky Company Inspector of Rifle Practic isiisecond Give your withjthe 000 by the death of a baroness. the game in favor of the Alamedas, 3 to 2. B. did last 2. It that relieved of 81000 and a watch and will inspect the rifles as as once tw< MrsTI to we them to eatisfao year. appearing in the case of nearly gold oftenj every POOLE, guarantee certain the tournament in try; give perfect sugar* Thofcas Carney, of has for and make For polo Boston the if can return time. particularly if ot low or it ie chain, and his of $15 and Pittsburg, Pa., applied months, dupliaate returns of the same ti to-night Of tion; not, you any grade containing sand, companion iewelry. a divorce on the that hie following clubs have been selected: OAKDIftElt, ME., difficult to ascertain the The ground wife has become so the General Inspector of Rifle Practice the first Alamedas, Bay THOMPSON & HILL. dlv NEW YORK. true polarization of a marh sable robbers then fled into the timber. with base ball da; States, Gloucester» and Woburns. apl6 a it infatuated that she bas neglected his of every other month in the blanks fur The first game by single test, is directed that so much of th€ year, upon will be between tbc States mark shall home and practically deserted in order to nished for that purpose. Bay and the be retained on the wharf as will him, Company Inspectors mus Gloucester»; The Alleged Deaerter from the Engliil permit up a constant attendance the and secoad between the Alamedas and the State oi' Maine. additional samples to be sent to THE keep upon games, report immediately to the Commander the conditioi Woburns; the Jaboratorj DOMINION. that third by the two losers for third and Army Given His Liberty. when the test of she contemplates joining a female base ball of any liflc not found in condition. The con fourth money, Executive Department, original samples is not satisfactory good and the fourth by the two winners j In both of the club. dition of each rifle must be onterod th for flrst and Metaphysician, Augusta, March 27,1885. J New York, April 18.—Mrs. Mary Ireland foregoing cases, the accepted test ol Seriou· Charge Again»! au Kx-Premier »f opposite second. 1 the should be the A. J. Glesieux was conse- manufacturer's number. Has taken rooms at is that Petition for th< whose busbaud as inti , sugar one most coinciding Monsignor yesterday The for seems hereby given was, alleeed, inveigled nearly VIII. rage polo to have victimized a tin 1 with the of all Quebec. crated in the cathedral in Baltimore as Par- Vacancies that occur in the ο NOTICEPardon of James M. Pote, a convict in Canada and thence trans average the tests made. liishop position Fairfield farmer, who was so by English officials, 3. When a ti bus and Company Inspector of Rifle will be at one· foolish the flrst of this State under sentence for the crime of Bur sample is desired .of or mat Qckbc. April 18. Mr. Chapleau, while Premier Infitliliam Apostolic Vicar of Idaho. Practice week as to sell his Prison, to for trial on the ol bag horse for which sum he 58 BROWN STREET. ; ported England charge the Gibbons was the consccrator. The filled by Companv Commanders, notice of whicl $βδ, bet NO. glary. Entering and Larceny is now pending befor. sugars, appraiser may, if in his judgment it of Quebec, is with Illegally paying $100,- Archbishop and lost upon the desertion from the British army, has receive< I shall be charged new is a must be sent to the and General Alamedas.—Bath Independent. the Governor and Council, and a hearing thereoi [ necessary in order to obtain a correct sam- Bishop native of Belgium, and 41 years regimental Iuspec The first and second word from her husband from of the 000 to the Bank of Montreal, on account of an ad- of tor of Rifle Practice and plaoes Id the Massachusetts PORTLAND, will be in the at Sterling Caetle pie mark, cause both tho and the re age. Brigade Headquarters are now granted Council Chamber, Augus original The of merit league settled for Gloucester and State. on the of dated the 0th stating that he has been re sample to be sueh vance to Contractor McGreevy. It appears ttiat he figure will be determined as prescrib Bay lie will see every other week ta, Monday, Twenty-seventh day April inst., packages sampled under special Rev. Dr. David Stern, of Wilkesbarre. Pa., Sat- iu If the Woburns can defeat the in Wliere h patiente as made one Girard an ed paragraphs page Blunt'i Oloueesters the next, at 11 o'clock A.M. leased, as no evidence conld be found agains supervision shall insure the correctness of the deputy auditor, Illegal appoint- urday, took at the 517, 510, 522, 200, last game to be and and poison Wyoming Valley Hotel, Instructions. played by both «lube, will have ORAMANDAL him and he "would not work, the test ot the so taken will b« ment, that the said uirard authorized the pay- and died tied the they October 13th. SMITH, surren-ler." Irelanc samples yesterday morning. IX. Peabodys for lb· third The Fea- Commencing of State. accepted as the true test of the but when it ment under instructions. Chapleau has been sum- Competitions will bo arranged for encamp place. apr7d2w Secretary said he was left and wall sugar; Four the bodys and Brockton have withoutjmoney had,to shall to moned to attend the of the com- prisoners escaped from Massachusetts meut week, and liberal otTered for iudivid Cltys completed their IIOI KN from 9 (o 12 HI., t< appear the appraiser that tho packagei sittings provincial prizes series, and but two OFFICE to Edinburg. selected for mittee of the State prison Saturday. One of them has been cap- ual, company and company teanr games regain to be played—the ·"· l!on»tllliuiou FUIÎK sampling do not represent th« public accounts to explain transaction- regimental team, Uloueester-Woburn 3 und 1 la W 1*· mark he justly tured. and skirmish firmes. The tar- and Bay State-Globe. eodtf DIRIGO MINERAL WATER. may cause so much of the mark to be skirmish, company As will be ηΛ 11 the Oklahoma Itoomere. seeu by the the Fal- Rumoring sampled as may, in his ic Dan Mace, a well known driver of trotting gets used, and the manner of conducting thesi advertisement, Iced water ruins digestion; Dirigo Water improve judgment, be necessary horses, mouth rink is still the best of music for Kansas Citv, April 19.—Tho Times correspon order to ascertain Ie Doe» Not Want the Office. died in New York of matches will be a test of the marksmanship of tht fnruishiDg it; is always palatable, refreshing and healthful fairly the test or the sugar. city yesterday afternoon, its patrons. The rink is . dent from Camp Kussell, Indian ferrite the case of militia, at 20o,30i> and 500 »nd at dis- open afternoon and even- TO LEA Delivered cool and from the telegraphs sugar in or other wooder T. Bright's disease. yards, and has daily, refreshing spring ry, that all the settlers been removed frac hogsheads, Habtford, Conn., April 10.—Henry Sperry.of tances unknown and While the in- ing. one of the best of floors. Our cane will the water cool froii baye packages, the test to bo or shall A of unexpected. To-night improved keep accepted, resainple, this has the of en- Newark, N. J., despatch yesterday says ex- ladles will have free use of skates. 11! Oklahoma, though the cattlemen still remain. Th ) be the test of a city, resigned position stamped crease of percentage of qualification as marksmen in Ou» Thompson block, No·. 117, 36 to 48 hours; use of can* tree; water per galloi sample representing every packag* slept almost all day from ^lOftiSS occupants of two ranches. Improvements on whicl of the which has 11 Secretary Frelinghuysen and sharpshooters will reduce the number 121 and 123 Middle street, a few di vrs beiot 10 cento. mark. velope agent, he held fornearly years, the etfect of but roused up several times qualify' >3 were the last have eu 4. anodynes, ihose the second and first claesei In the for wholesalt or retai destroyed by military week, A of the tabulated and was ing, yet reaching joint assembly at Springfield, 111., Satur- the poet office; titled suitable ItlJNDLK? » S copy statement providec under eight postmaster There are a to take a little nourishment, and partially con- K-IJfc., camped en the ground, and continue to graze thei : for in b< generals. will be known as good shots and in the line of pro day, 8 senators and 20 representatives answered witii linished, airy basement?. Ren paragraph 60 of said circular No. 62 shall large number of for the the scious during the eveni»g. His physicians think business, light, proprietors. 413 Fore Ulreei cattle. Troops are now in to an applicant· place, motion. the roll-call. Morrison received 10 votes, Logan reaeonabie. of H. K. THOMPSON, No. 16 position intercept exchanged daily Between the ports of New York chances in favor of L. Eaton him a little weaker than Saturday, the Inquire le** dtf considerable being presumably Wm. though X. The "Instructions in Rifle and Carbine ■*. and the rsst were The then Me. 1anl4dtf force. Philadelphia and Boston. ft of Firinj scattering. assembly 3rackett street Portland, lawyer this city, and Lson of ex-Senator Eaton, change is very slight. for the U, S. Army," prepared by Capt. S. E. Bluni adjourned. i to waver in their to tIfC PBEHB. beginning allegiance the HlgCSIXJinillOCR. I.ONT AND FOUND. BUSINESS chances. ΝΝΑΝΟΙΑΙ» British. The present Ameer has no reason EIVTKRTAIKimENTR. to love the Brief advertisement· ore MONDAY APRIL 20 English. On the contrary, hie Inserted under $ ALE.—$450 bays an old established MORNING, 1st SKATING sympathies would be with the ihin bend one week far 19 cent·, paid in FOB class employment office bueioess, run by FALMOUTH KI\K, naturally Rus- present owner 3 advance. years, located on Washington St., Cor. May and Danforth Sts., We MWSICIANS-0O If war is to be the outcome of the Village, containing seventy- William G. Davis, present live well divided in S A houie 25 no Portland, From PfewTerk at which state can find some other man for that place. acres, hay and pasture land, JLE.—Lodging rooms, MAKK P. Emeby, City, the folio win 2 it is WM. M. F. C. 50 tons and 20 FORbetter location in Boaton, rent of house Portland, i>tuourMieu ArtïsiB win controversy, apperant that every mo- HABIRSHAW, S., 5.05 euts hay pastures head, buildings $100 FbedebickRobie, appear: There is a seat in the Senate chamber for $4000. JOHN C. 93 a month, rooms are all rented for more than 3200 Gorbatn, ment of a Chemist of the Ν. Ύ. State good, price PROCTOR, Ex- Samdkl A. UliaM iCuiiun Jucb, Soprano; [Tir. William «I. delay is gain to the Russians and Agricultural Society. St. per month; can be bought on terms. SAM- Holbbooic, Freeport, Mr. Sherman. change 17-1 easy Κ. B. Shephekd, Wiucb, Tenor; Hi·. Jlax Kleinrich, Basso. a UEL G.CURRF, 45 Milk St., Boston. 20-1 Skowliegan, positive loss to the British. The former Andbew P. Wiswell, Ο Κ MALE A row boat for sale, or to let for Ellsworth, Ticket*, including Reserved Weal*, so PROF. F. SAIiE—$1200. Liquor saloon, 10 rooms Philip Henby The Ohio Democrats are have strengthened themselves on JAMES BABCOCK, 4.52 F the season: can be seen at the PORTLAND Bbown, Portland, $1.00,1.25 and now on sale at exceedingly already FORoverhead on Tremont nice parlors with Chables F. 1.50; Stockbridge's State of PACKING CO'S York street. 17-1 St.; Libby, Portland, Music Store, where books of the anxious for a clean of the the frontier that there seems Assayer Massachusetts. warehouse, slips, etc., very central Fbedebick N. Symphony and all sweep Republican to be little piano, location, making Dow, Portland, the music on the will money; right near 4 of .Joseph programme be found. doubt that It SALE.—House lots in 3 lots on large halls; plenty business; S. Wheelwbiqht, Bangor, Doors officeholders in that state before the fall would be utterly for Deering, been 5 open at 7, Conoert at 8. To avoid any dis- impossible the south side of Lincoln 6 lots on always successful; years lease; license sure; Henby S. Osgood, Augusta, STILLWELL & FOR St.; Pearl other turbance by late comers, the doots will be and have the British to the GLADDING, 5.00 2 on Grant 4 of these are business compels sale; can satisfy any one we Leonard kept campaign been industriously prevent capture and occu- St·; St.; corner lots and Williams, Yarmouth, closed during the performance of movement. Chemists to eituated the side of sell for no fault; investigate. HILL & CO., 178 William W. Bkown, any of Herat the New York Produce Exchange. upon the hill with splendid Portland, Half fare on M. G. T. and P. & O. R. R. gathering evidence of offensive pation very soon after war was of Washington St., Boston, Masp. 16-1 William B. Portland. 0., Late partisanship view the city of Portland and the surrounding jaoSl Gould, eod3m train on G. T· for miles. apl4dlw to lay before the President. declared. country Enquire of L. J. PERKINS, β A JLE— house, 14 rooms; very These 489 Lodging analyses show that the Tartrate of Lime Congress St., Portland. 1C-2 FORcentral location for boarders and lodgers; blaok walnut and hard wood furniture, good car- The constitutional to Current Comment. SALE—A 9 fin- GRAND proposition change which the Powder condemns cottage house, containing pets; nice dining room and kitchen; rooms all let; J. B. Brown d SKATING PARTY Royal Baking Company FORished rooms, situated on the south side of Lin- Sons, the dale of the Ohio election from October low rent; making $60 beside the rent every —AND— coln street, at Woodfords month; BÛT PILLSBUBY FIMDS A HOME in its Corner, Deering; lot 65 sickness the only reason for sale; sold at a sacrifice. to November is so THESE. advertisements has been found in its own feet front on Lincoln and 65 feet worded that if a majority street, front on HILL & CO., 178 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Springfield Republican. Pearl street, and contains feet. In- BANKERS, Exhibition of Fancy of the voters can 12,278 square 18-1 Skating wish, have two elec- of L. — they "Massachusetts has no quire J. PERKINS, 489 Congress street, Port· BY market for politi- baking powder. land. SALE-Diniog saloon on one of the best 218 Middle tions every year, one in October and an- cal 16-2 Street. tramps from Maine." FORthoroughfares in Boston; big transient trade, MTSS other in November. SALE—Second hand at 250 daily now; neat estab- NOT A TYPICAL DEHOfBAT. carriages bottom feeding pretty place, Sterling and Continental Exchange McCLELLAI, Cleveland's Powder does not FORprices; one coupe rookaway, or close lished years; this place has always made money: Superior Baking open bought and sold at most favora- Of Winslow's Kink, Boston, un- The Philadelphia Pretsr. front, two phaetons, three top buggies in good con- grand chance for some one to step right into a pood Canadian heirs of the Lawrence- three with small will bear ble rates. der the of Uncle Randall is somewhat better. contain or Bone dition, carryalls, one two-wheeled chaise, business, capital; investigation; Auspices It may Ammonia, Alum, Lime, Potash, (light and in good and price $450. HILL & CO., 178 Townley estate have placed their claims for be in order to note here order,) grocers express wag- Washington street, that Uncle Randall ons. C.G.ROBINSON, 30 Preble St. 16-1 Boston, Mass. 18-1 Traveling and commercial letters of Shepley Camp, Sons of uncounted millions in the hands of a is always a deal better and it is ABSOLUTELY FREE Veterans, lawyer· good than his party. Phosphates, business with credit available in all SALE—At Centre situated on SAL.E—Baking splendid issued, the If are wise will make the A NEW Deering, route and three nice stores they they lawyer's YOBK PABADOX. FROM ADULTERATIONS. FORLeland street, 2-tenement contains 12 FOR connected; busi- principal cities of Europe. Portland house, ness $600 to $900 rent and Skating Rink, fee on and North American. rooms, with stable, fruit trees, &c; sized weekly; cheap long contingent success, attend to good lot; leases; business ran ten fine good well of water· pleasant and sunny location. years; teams, splendid Investment securities and sold. MONDAY ETGMNG, APRIL ÎiOlb their regular business as if had It may seem somewhat N. customers; fixtures, oven and everything very best; bought nothing hap- paradoxical that By S. GARDINER, No 40 Exchange St. 16-1 jan31 eodtf Admission tickets 20 cents, for sale members the great drop iD real estate in owner has a fortune left him and leaves the country· by pened. Xew York JOHN JR. & of the Camp and at the rink. ap!7d3t shonld an end to S ALE—Second hand Bicycles; one 50inch SMITH, CO.,242 Washington St. Bos put cheaply-constructed Mass. 20-1 A. A. Ij^OREnglish bicycle, with ball bearings, a bargain at ton, The tenement tenement houses. BIJOU great house disasters in one 52 inch Standard Columbia SEATING PARLOR, NICKERSON, $50; Dicycie, in first SALE—$500. Dry and fancy goods, small REVOLUTION rate Federal New York last week were not without some THE ANCIENT JOKE ON HAND order, $75 ; one 54 inch Standard, $65. At C. ladies' and Street, opp. the Park. FOB SPBING H. FORwares, gents' furnishing goods, store in LAMSON'S. 201 Middle street. 16-1 and business run 15 with Wall Street Stock Open every Afternoon and music Ev- The in SERVICE. years splendid succefp; Operations. Evening, compensation. building inspectors show cases, for ery Wednesday and Af- SALE—Stock of and i,ood fixtures, etc., complete success; COMMISSIONS REDUCED ONE-HALF. Evening, Saturday the have Chronicle. groceries fixtures; a one room for will invoice rare ternoon*. city already found seventeen newly Pittsburg first class the best of house-keeping; $700; FOR location; reasons for sell· a of And chance for person small means. JOHN SMITH Moderate in 3© or 5© Shares built houses that are now the rurallst an ing. Address G. R. Press Office. 16-1 operations ΙΟ, 3©, ready to tumble, and crafty plants old TAILOR, T., JR. & CO., 242 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 18-1 half-barrel in his legitimately conducted. "io-"admission ίο':;:." the new real door-yard and advertises estate exchange declares one of S AJLE—Lot of land 40x80, on Melbourn The reserve the to in the city papers: "The location is imme- management right refuse admis- its to be "to the loss of FORSt., pleasantly located; will sell cheap on easy TO JLfifT. sion or skates to objectionable partie.*. objects prevent life diately on the banks of a a on lovely fresh water terms. Also, house Emerson St., with stable; BELTOH & ROBERTSON, marlOdtf BERT C. WH1TTIER. Manager. by the of builders." pond, where guests have very pleasantly located, fine views; will sell on easy greed frees facilities for Brief advertisement· are inserted under BANKERS Ar boating, bathing and terms; now is your time to buy. Address I. B. W., BROKERS, Ashing throughout the Press Office. 15-1 tàU head one week far 25 in No. 18 WALL NEW It was understood that the tour of the summer. cents, paid STREET, YORK. — A — advaaee. Ν. Y. Stock and Prince of THE FIBST AND BEST FINE LINE OF Edwards & 7 (Members Mining, Petroleum STODDARD Wales Ireland was for the BAFEGUABD. SALE, $I75.—Piano, Son, LECTURES. through and sell FORoctave, 4 round comers; splendid rosewood ΠΠΟ LET-A very pleasant and convenient lower Exchange) buy on the Exchange all active of the Irish an Philadelphia Press. Second Lecture, purpose giving opportunity to carved lege, top and bottom mouldings, a rare bar- A tenement at 79 FRANKLIN corner Railroad and other stocks, in lots of The best STREET, express thslr loyalty. The announcement, safeguard against cholera, yellow terms easy. Call between 2 and 7 p.m. C. of Federal and opposite the Park. 18-1 lever and every other species of disease le Çiin,oung, 108 Brackett St. 15-1 10 TO 1000 SHARES, CITY WEDNESDAY APillL 22. in one of the that "the MHI O «.ET—Small central lo- ON HALL, EVEN'S, 1» pleasant tenement, »3 TO PER reports, royal party Mm «5 SHARE MARGIN. cleanliness—cleauliness not merely of 8 ALE—Parties at catlop. at 412 per- wow, contemplating building Τ App'y Congres» St. 18-1 Commissions one-hulf usual "In arrived at son and rates. with Great safely Klllarney" indicates that apparel, but of air, food, water and FORWoodfords can find some very desirable house Europe Sculptors." habitation. It FOR GJENTUElflElV'S lots on Pearl for sale on reasonable terms. LET-A pleasant, deeirable and convenient full information sent FREE on application» The true starting point of the Treasures the Irish do not grasp the with must be acquired and main- WJEAR. street, journey. opportunity For particulars call on C. A. RACKLEFF. 15-1 TOupper rent at No. 212 HIGH STKEET. Price mar2 eod3m of Sculpture of Athens. Their resting place in Eu- tained—involuntarily, if the individual month. ropean Galleries. great eagerness. «■ will, J17 per 17-1 Reproduction of characteristic J, ...wvtiuw UlUOIIi SALE—A fine carryall (standing top,) .Ancient Sculpture. The sensational in art. Dawn LOW PRICES AND FORPortland make, but little at a LET — Two «tory house with stable, of the Renaissance. Michael his life and The Times THE DATS OF THE PIUZE FIGHT ABE NUM- GOOD WORK. need, bargain; large Angelo: Indianapolis suggests starting also box buggy with top. Kimball make, for sale by TOlot of land, and fruit trees in bearing, on Con- works. Canova. Thorwaldeen amid his creations. a Bartholdi roller skating rink, and thinks BEBED. C. Κ. H A. WES. 177 Middle St., Portland. 15-1 gress street, at Libby's Corner. Apply to GE0B9E Modern Art in Sculpture. Glories of the French Ladies' Genuine Tailor-Made Latest LlBBY, S3 Exchange St. 14-1 BONDS. Exhibition. The mission and ideal. Baltimore Newmarkets, Styles. Sculptors' enough money to build the ι edestal could be American. SALE—Some extra manure. Inquire at NEAT AND Magnificent Ellustratiortfe. It really looks as if prize will have SACKS, SERVICEABLE. FORHARLOW'S STORE, Corner Congress and LET.—A convenient rent for a small family cleared in six months. The is a fights Forest Sts. at 275 Evening tickets, 50 plan good to go. The at 15-1 TO CUMBERLAND ST. 14-1 reserved, cents; now on Bale at couotry large has determined WALKING JACKETS, NOBBY AND GENTEEL. Music Store. one, but it will hardly come up to the New to Stockbriage'B Concert at 7.45; Lec- stop them, and now in New Orleans, the Ο R S ALE—Beach wagon and new harness. LET.—On Ocean St., Woodfords, two story Desirable Securities on hand for ture at 8.15. aplGdlw York World's idea. People like to skate, but stronghold of pugilism, the prize F Enquire at No. 409 CONGRESS ST. 15-1 TOhouse, containing nine rooms, large stable, Investment of fighting all in good repair; eight acres of land if wanted; will April Dividends. had rather have their names in the season has closed for want of paper patronage. SALE OR EXCHANGE-Farm in let for a term of years. Address C. H. ALLEN, the council has about 4 miles any day. Moreover, city passed an or- FORGray, from Cumberland Centre; Standish, Me. 7-2 dinance to prohibit any further and contains 100 acres; 40 acres tillage, balance pas- meetings ture BALL. and woodland: BE BASE of LET.—A TAILOR — set new Chamber Set are This is sad news for the aprl6 FINISH. good buildings; orchard Cherry Americans not slow to claim their sluggers. CUTJFÎT of fruit: 600 cords wood ; some timber. ■with liair mattress and woven wire to H. M. PAYSON & grafted pine TO spring, CO., share of the heavens. An enterprising NOT THE MUCH TALKED OF BEFOMEH. By N. S. GARDINER, Real Estate Agent, No. 40 a reliable party at reasonable price. Address K. C., street. 14-1 Press Office. 16-1 DkA^n Τ 1—J Boston Journal. Exchange 32 Street. B01VD01NS vs. - mch31 Exchange eodtf PORTLANDS, Mr. Curtis Stevens of - - SALIi—House lots at Libby's Corner, on LET—Large furnished front room, man and to give an asteroid the firm name. The Hallowell, Me., who GKtAT Wharf, and Union day is of GINGHAM SALE FORCongress, Liberty streets; TOwile preferred. Apply at house, 14 MELLEN Inspector the Railway Mail has also two story house and lot on Wharf terms ST. FAS Τ Δ "ST is very frigid indeed when a Yankee adver- been Service, street; 10-1 notified that his resignation is desired. easy. For particulars apply to GEORGE L1BBY, 93 STOCKS ANO BONDS. tiser goes to the rear. We shall soon expect Mr. Stevens has been nineteen in the for SATURDAY, Exchange street. 14-1 j LET—Front parlor, also Bleeping rooms in vs. yeah TO private with or without board. Address Colbys to see an chait service and has an family Portlands, astronomical dotted with the excellent record. His SALE—Farm in Gorbam, about two miles 0., Press Office. 1β-1 from the names however, can be filled a FOR Gorham Village: property consists of APRIL of all the patent medicine concerns in by needy two SATURDAY, 25th. Êlace,lemocrat without experience, who could a story house with ell and outbuildings, barn mo LET—Alcove room, 153 HIGH ST. First National Bank Stock. the 40x85, thrifty young orchard with variety of fruit, 1 161 Merchants National Bank country. not be put into α car Stock. postal to handle the apples, pears, grapes, well of pure about 105 National One Fare on mails. water, Traders Bank Stock. All Railroads. It is not civil service how- acres of excellent land divided into field and pastur Caico National Bank Stock. The New York Sun all that a reform, says minis- ever. Millett »8C» tmv* uui ill LI/lie 11Λ ΙΛ3ΙΙΙ1Η WAftTT»- Game & «vwu, JOOO, y Cumberland National Bank called at 2.30. Little Stock. Admission 25 cent·. of ELISKA ter to Italy has to do is "to attend at court, to WITHOUT GLOVES. easy. Inquire DOUGLASS, Gorham Maine Central R. K. Stock. ap2Q dlw liage. 11-2 Brief ad vertiuementa are iuaerted under Portland 6 cent Bonde. be on City per present official occasions, to present Boeton Herald. Ohio and OFFER SATURDAY ONE Ihi. head one week for 35 cent., paid in County City Bonds. The MORNING, CASE No. Pacific R. R. Americans who wish to he presented, and to Leadville Herald serves notice on 6s. Messrs Sullivan and PORTLANDJHEATRE. go a round of ceremonies that Ryan that "the people Fast through might to care an FOR SALE BY Day, April S3, 1885. (flat!· of Montana prefer to take of insane | as well be s'traightout honesty a man that likes nee and just left unperformed," and it SALE—In Gorham, about miles WANTED—Situationpatient by yonng to take Evening. gloved politeness in al! events, and eight care of old and has particu- from the a farm of 60 people had some experience. thinks Mr. can do those as in a Blue FOB city, acres, good build- Keiley larly prize It adds Undressed Good reference. W. J. things fight." significantly cuts from 30 to 40 tons of Conant, East Cambridge, Indigo ings, hay. Enquire of Mass. well as that, if the affair to MA RK aprl8-l Swan & THE GRATTAN he be a Ginghams or anybody. Perhaps can, but if coming proves hip- MOSHER, Gorham, MRS. L. A.JORDAN, Barrett LIÏËRÂBY to the satisfaction of — — on the 10-2 ASSOCIATION, this is all an podrome the mountain at premises. ANTED—A situation ae bead waiter or carv- In American minister at the court ΧΧΓ 186 middle St., fie. DION BOCCICAUJLT'S Charming Irish cowboys. "Messrs. Sullivan new Portland, and Ryan will 8AJLJE—A two story dwelling, ell, janl9 eodtf Drama, of King Humbert has to it is a ar- or do, good never be able to testify against the men who FORwoodhouse and stable connected; situated on given. Call address, F. W., rear 6§ Clàrk street. for hot Green St., in Gorham terms lor 18-1 gument abolishing the office altogether, , them.' Τ Village; easy; par- CTS. PER YD. ticulars inquire of DANIEL DOUGLASS, Gorham, BONDS. or at any rate for making a large reduction SHAM BUILDEBS AND SHAM BUILDING·. Maine. 9-2 capable woman for general a wafher and ironer Rockland 6e & 4s. Bath 6a 4a In Ν. T. WANTED—Ahousework; good cook, Ik the salary of the incumbent. l'oet. Worth 12 1-2 Cents. Tliese are make room for new I today in Line Plaids and Stripes. stock, required; good wages will be paid. Call at 208 No. Pacific Gold.Ga Maine Central, ,7s & 5a Colleen shall sell brass No more appropriate work for the in Window. FORSALiB—Tomy and japanned cages at the DANFORTH ST. 18-1 grand Display following discount: Cages for $6, $4 and a Anson... 4a P. &O.R.R...*.6a At the of the can be than a $5, $3 meeting police commission jury imagined in- I allow 30 cents on each dollar: nurse searching We call special attention to the above as piece, Cages for $2 girl who lias had experi- of the sham the is limited and or at 20 on on Saturday night, α plan for examining vestigation building department. quantity about, cents each dollar; Cages for $1 or WANTED—Aence in taking care of young children and at 10 on can ABETAS Such an investigation should be at cannot be duplicated at this price. about, cents each. PORTLAND BIRD give good references. Apply at 103 STATE applicants for places on the force was begun STORE. ST. SHÛRTLEFF, police once on the street 7-2 17-1 Bawn ! Sixty-second NO. 194 iTIIDDLE •submitted to the commission for examina- catastrophe, STREET, Portland. and every citizen who has of the for home- knowledge Yacht For Sale, capable girl general 1.1884. tion by Mr. W. Thaxter. An outline existence of unsafe habitations WANTED.—Awork. A permanent situation will be January janldtf Splendidly mounted, with special Sidney should be in- à "Gussie" given scenery, vited to Sloop yacht "Leila," (formerly reliable Call at 290 Danforth Street, be- Grand Tableaux and of this is give information the of 26 feet over 10 feet help. Elegant Costumes. plan given elsewhere. Apparently concerning Freeport,) all, tween 4 ana 9 p. m. 17-1 same. As to the miserable who MILLETT & /4Λ berm, 4 feet draft, safe, roomy, and able, the certificates of three citizens beings apl7 LITTLE. JSLk ΙΛ. Evening prices, 75 and 50 cents. Gallery 35 cts. testifying erected these cr· αα ολαπ du ο /Ιηηΐ»!".- ~·« FOLEY", St., Thompson gins from first and is Mrs. Wallace. application, rapid, radical, per- the merits is arrived erly 13-2 The Most Delicious Coffee in the manent, and never for a short time only in the price ol at,"the controlling interest -inar- failing. now in the receiver's and The Ruesians in One hands, hereby offered for and second girl and man at World Afghanistan. bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Sol- sale, must obtain the road and property. WANTED—Firstmy summer residence on Falmouth Foreside. vent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one Cabinets and Panel Full be Sir Peter Lumsden's seems to pack- Photographs. particulars may obtained Dy applying to to JOHN W. P. & O. R. R. despatch age, forming a of all Apply DANA, Office, complete treatment, druggists, the receiver of Vermont National Bank, St. Al- corner for $1. Ask for Sanford's Commercial and Brackett Sts. 13-2 —FOE SALE BY ALL— settle ".beyond a doubt that Gen. Komaroff, Radical Cure. Pot- To meet the demands of the we have bans. Vermont. ter and Chemical times, de- Drag Co., Boston* termined, for a short to the The Property, Bonds, Stocks and Judgment afore- long before his attack on Panjdeh, had offi. season, give public people to know that I the advantage of obtaining Strictly First Class Baid will be sold together, and for the same sealed WANTKB—Theremoved to ΝοΓΐ15 and 117 Kennebeo haye JOSHUA Μ Β Collin·' Voltaic Electric bids are asked for and be St., RETAIL cial notice of the agreement between Eng- B&B Photographs at Popular prices, and therefore will received by the un- and tbat I bave the largest stock of LEADING DEALERS. in*tantly affects the at St. Refrigeratorsim ftS efi ÊÛ S 8HIMa"lep quote dersigned Albans, Vermont, up to the 6th day the State 0! Maine and prices lower than ror be- land and Russia that Β Β β Nervous System and banishes of on which pending negotiations gSJBCB May, 1885, day tlij same will be op- fore. J. F. Nos. 115 and 117 Kenne- WPain· Λ perfect Electric examined and the sale MERRILL·, which were then neither the Rus- Β0ΓΓΒΒ Β FINELY FINISHED CABINETS ened, determined. Bids bec St., foot of Preble. proceeding, U* Battery combined vri-h a in IS THE cm should be explicit terms and amount, and the Î1'orouH Planter for twen- Now at $4.50 former reserves the to WHITCOMB! sians nor the Afghans should advance into or A per doz., price $7 per doz. undersigned right rejeot any and all Partner with $10,000 to ty, Ave cent»*. It annihilates bide that may be made. In HOWARD w mm & cash capital wholesale business. — — the Gen. Komaroff s SUFFERING NERVE Ρ vitalizes WAITED—Silent$13,000 CO., SCPPOBTED BY ΠΙ8 disputed territory. Γ Pain, Weak and Worn Bidders aie required to a bond or A rare chance for a or the PANELS, give deposit a capitalist right man. All Out Parts, Tired prevents Dis- certified check for 10 attack on was in strengthens Muscles, per cent of their bid as a correspondence confidential. Address Box Penjdeh made, therefore, and does more in one-half the time than Now at $5 per former doz. for 1578, ease, any doz., price $9 per voucher their responsibilty, the same to be re- Portland, Me. 11-2 BOSTON, direct violation of au agreement, ol which he other plaster in the world. Sold everywhere. turned if the bid is not accepted. {θ b9 eod3m ORIGINAL COMPARAND ! ap!6 ThM&w2w Bids with bond or check should sell the and ORCHESTRA had full notice. The remains to be sealed and en- obeepest best safe- question Satisfaction Guaranteed olosed in another and burner In the ticket® envelope directed to the un- AGKNTS—Toty lamp world; big pay all the Evening $1.00, 75c and 50c; Gallery iJalp'a at St. round. Address G. L. Κ EN Matinee tickets 35c; be settled whether his advance was Honey thegreat Cough cure, 25c.,50c.fell — OR- dersigned Albans, Vermont. year YON, 57 liroad- 75c, 50i and 35c. Sale of seats com- This sale is made under an order of way, Providence, l:. I. 26-4 mencti made of the authorities Glenn's Sulphur Soap heals & beautifies, 25c. the United Wednesday, ApiU 22. ap20dlw with the connivance States Circuit Court for the district of Vermont. (.ermanCornRemover kills Corns k Bunions MON EY REFUNDED. GEORGE W. T*TAI«TKI>.—Ladies, at St. Petersburg, or upon the personal re- HEN DEE, something entirely new, PORTLAND SKATING Hill's Hair and Whii k«r Bye—Black and Brown, 50c. Receiver Vermont National Bank of St. Albans. Τf perfectly simple and easy, no photograph RINK, of Komaroff alone. And <6 to $10 per made lire can- Feb. 1885. no glass, ladies and In or merer Br··.' sponsibility Gen. Pike's Toothache Drops euro In 1 day by agent» St. Albans, 26th, painting, yonng girls city Block, middle HI. Minute,S5o vassing for us. at Studio. mar 7 country can earn $12 to $20 per week, work sent that is one which it is not to be an Apply S&Mtmay6&w0t-10 going Dean's Bhcumatlc F1IU ore a sure cure, Wc. by mail and furnished all the year round, distance PILES. OPEN EVERY EVENING, easy matter to dispose of. Russian diplom- jaalS eodlidp&wlyariB FARMS FOR SALE. no objection, no canvassing, no stamp required for reply. Address PIONEER MANUFACTURING inul^TlIlN ISCBRTl. acy it deceitful, and is prone to indulge in CO., Box 5098 Boston, Mass. 24-8 i.adikm, AUlflloolUIi One known as the McLellan farm, owned by Mrs. io«ent«. denial without the use of knife or ligature by ΝΚΛΤΕ 10 ambiguous phrases. Already a sort of Wiggin, containing 60 acres of tillage, pasture, Canvasser ΙΉΕΓΗΜ, CENTS. orchard and wood well Wanted. CUBEDDr. C. T. Fiek, 68 Pleatant street, Auburn. P. S. The that the St. were MOTHERS! land; watered; brick house management reserve the right to re- authorities a Treats all diseases of the Rectum with- fuse Petersburg LOOK INTO THE MERITS OF THE tvith wooden out buildings; near SoUeit subscriptions for daily and weekly successfully, all objectionable depot, churches out detention from business. Seven parties. aware that Gen. Komaroff was to ad- md schools, at Gorham Village. ΓO newspaper. Address with references, years experi- deo31dtf C. H. going ence and hundreds of cases cured in different KNOWLTON. Manager. The other, known as the Codman owned oct24dtf A. B. Box 1557 Portland. Me. parts vance has been but couched in such farm, by of the State. made, Mrs. Devine, contains 50 acres of tillage and pas- Read the following testimonials and see those re- terms that it did not conviction to the sure with an orchard of 250 apple trees; 1 carry the ROOMS TO LET. ferred to, which will convince the most skeptical: and mile from village; building of wood; a nice cider Philosophy irt of Music, nor These be — English government the Euglish people. PHOTOGRAPHER mill. farms will sold at great bargains. Portland, Dec. 3, 1884. BY — SOLARTIP to Brief advertisement** are inserted nnder G. D. We. the undersigned, been the at seem to be Apply WEEKS, having successfully Indeed, latter, least, 3 can 514 CONGRESS ST., PORTLAND. April 1, 885. Gorham. this head one week for 45 cent», paid In çreated by Dr. C. T. Fisk, recommend him to DB. convinced the confidence of the His method is BASHFOBD and SlATt STRUT thoroughly that it was not sincere, SHOES ! mar28 da aprû dtt advance public. simple, CHOIR, and no Under the a FOR YOUR BOY8. almost painless, requires detention from Direction of I?lr. Kofzncbnmr, and that fact is that KomarofTs move- They business. jjwilU*.Ai«REAT hXvINO LET-Two or three rooms, furnished "or un- ment was In MONEY, and your boy β west of New street. FEED H. THOMPSON, 30 Union St.. at Chestnut Street pre-arranged. will be TOfurnished; High Inquire Church, Thursday pleased. None genuine FOR at No. 561 CONGRESS ST. 1S-1 KICH'D K. GATLEY, 50 & 61 Union St., the without trade-mark and "John SALE. Evening, 30th. Just what condition of on the GEO. 72 Parrie Portland. April things Mûndill & Co." on each HUMPHREY, St., pair. D.F. GERTS, 455 Cumberland Admission, 25 3Γ» frontier is at is doubtful. Beware of imitation· with DESIRABLE property, located ut Dunstan's LET-Desirable rooms with board, at 74 St., Portlaud. cents; reserved seats, cents. Afghan present, West JOHN F. 60 Sale of reservod names Bounding similar to A Corner, Scarboro, 9 miles from Saco, 3 TO SPRING ST. 18-2 MERRILL, Cross St.., Portland. seats will commence at Stock- One Komaroff Solar ALBERT CHASE. 30 report says has abandoned Tip. TIIEREISNO miles from Pine Point Beach, 1 mile from depot; Preble St., Portland. bridge's, Monday morning, April 20th. DISAPPOINTMENT with of TO LET—A few choice rooms at No. GARDINER 5 Doors open at 7. 7.45. another Îonsietiug 2-story bouse, ell and stable, and store WOOD, Temple Place, Portl'd. entertainment at Penjdeh, while represents him as THESE «HOES,for they are as wood ar we office in C39 House beat N. W. 191 Federal The aim of this lecture and is to and dealer will »itb post store, and 20 acres of excellent KOO!TlACongress street, entirely by MORSE, St., Portland. concert give as represent them· jrour say bo too. Bteam. fire risks: excellent bath far as the state science having established a provisional government, tillage land; will be sold together or separately; avoiding rooms: prosent of musical and the irould be a desirable summer tirst-class in every particular. Lays to the sun all Names of many ladies treatod in Portland will be limited time permit the true theory of music ««s re- indicate that Russia residence, without vealed which would had decid- itore. Apply to day. TELEPHONE No. 557 X. 14-1 given at the Dr's. Room. by the history of music and illustrated by $1000 RJEWARJO. at No. 318 the great masters eo to retain the or Ladies inquire Cumberland street. that music may become more ed permanently place, at any BE LET—Unfurnished rooms at the St ENGLISH LIN It. S. intelligible to the masses and approach its true po- FERTILIZER. GARDINER, No. 19tf Middle res sition as it hands to Tobacco Police Julian Hotel, St.; good the universal art. rate to place in friendly Rus- The P. J. Sorg Plug Company Examining Board will be in session at TO apl7td the Aldermen's in \·. 40 Exchuuge Street, Pertlnad. taurant connected with house. Apply to R. W advertise to the consumer who THE Room, the City on sian Interests. We can well believe the re- present Building, UNDERWOOD, Janitor. 13-7 sends in the greatest amount of Spear Now is the time to apply it. Pat up in Bags of Mmurday KreeiPB. April IS, at 7Vi o'clock, NOHCE. the Russian on the 10, 25 and 50 For sale for the purpose of lietenlng to any suggestions ports that operations Head Tin in one lot pounds. by which orW. F. DRESSER LET—The and best second floor for IT U. S. PERSONS are hereby cautioned Tags by July 1, citizens may be pleased to offer the largest HOTEL, against new ROOM18, touching TO business in over & ALLharboring or trusting of the crew frontier have not been without influ- 1SS5, one thousand dollars cash, every police law and its practical (OWNKR) Portland, Woodman, True any of the Afghan application by the now Haskell & Co. British bark "Kestrel," on. KENDALL & WHITNEY. Co., occupied by Lord, Posses- Every Saturday, front 9 a. m. to Olson, Master, from Cadiz, and that the latter are tag to have the firm name sion 1. of GEO. W. as no debts of their will be ence on tlie Afghans, « given July Inquire WOODMAN. 4 contracting paid by feb24 d2m d2w b°apl6 C. W. GODDARD, Chairman. West Soarboro, p. ut. tain or cap- aplO dtf 2-4 inarll oodtf couaigueee. apltkUK ASE, LEA.VITT * CO, «TEAMEB*. raii.roadh. Eriepref Valencia New York..Lapmyra. ...Apl 23 M1HCKI.LANEOU8. INSURANCE. New 23 THE PRESS. Illinois Central >.. 126% Adriatic York..Liverpool ....Apl bake Shore. 59% WeBtphalla New York. .Hamburg —Apl 23 THE Michigan Central CienfuegOB New York. .Cienfuegos.. .Apl 23 LINE. NAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD APRIL 20. New Jersey .Central 85% City of Berlin .....New York..Liverpool Apl 23 DOMINION MONDAY MORNING» New York.. Havana 25 Northwestern...... 96ye Newport Apl 1884. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. 1885. and Connecting Steamboat Lines. Northwestern pref 132 Pavouia New York.. Liverpool.... Apl 25 New York Central V03/s Celtic New Υογκ..Liverpool....Apl 25 On and after KIONDAY, Oct. Wit and Wibûoiu Rock Island 114% Suevia New York Hamburg....Apl 25 Liverpool and Portland. 20, St. Paui Pennland New York. .Antw-rp Apl 25 mm mutual DIRECT SERVICE. 1884, Passenger Trains leave 72% St. Pan! .. 106 Luerda m New York.. Amaterdam...ApI 25 Portlaud as follows; right hand is and her pre* DATE OF MAILINU Prosperity's industry, Union Pacific Stock 48 (ieieer New York Copenhagen. Apl 26 Bar ii From Portland : For Bangor. Bll.worth, Harbor, left lijud frugality. western Union Tel .... —. Wisconsin New York. 28 £8% .Liverpool... .Apl Best. Vauceboro, Ml. John, Halifax, and the New York .Breu-en 29 the Adams J£x. Co.. 134 Eider Apl Declared TORONTO Oth HI. April. Ml. Andrew·, Ntcpbca, American Ex. Co New York. .Havre 29 "Royal" MONTREAL Province*, Normandie Ayl LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 23d 91% April. Arooatook roiimy, 1.25 p. m., rla Lew· "Poor Fellow!'' Alton & Terre llaute. 20 Baltic New 30 York..Liverpool....Apl CABIN—860.00, $60.00. and 1.30 and (11.15 p. m., via AaMalm; do Sardinian Portland 30 lato·, He suffered from insomnia, which means he preferred ..Liverpool Apl OF KIAINE, IN 8110.00. for Ac Β. Κ., î 11,16 p. Boston Air Line RETURN—#90.00, Hnngor PiMcnfnqui· 89% Prepaid Tickets issued for $15.00. for Kelfael a«d DexJ«r, couldn't sleep· It arose from over-work, fol- Bur. & Cedar Steerage αι., Mkowbrciiu, .... 63 Govern- Rapide Powder Organized in 1S4S. For passage or freight apply to DAVID TOR- Jl 1.16 p. m.: Welerrille, 7.00 a. nervous in this Uanaaa Soutnern 30 MfNIA'i'UKB ALMANA0 APRIL 20. Baking Investigations by I.26.1.80, lowed by prostration. While RANCE, General Agents. Grand Trunk R. R. m„ 1.25, 1.30, *11.15 p. m.; for Angaata, Central Pacific Sun riee« 4.47 I I2,22 AM Has bad he shot hie wife and 31% water thlrty-tlvo years' experience. Freight Offices, Foot of India St. llnllowcll. (ianliBfr nnd Hriauawflck. state, developed symptom? Del.A Hudson Canal Co 84% Sun sets «.31 I H,gh ( 3.22 PM declares ment Chemist Mott—He daci) dtf 7.00 a. m., 1.30, *6.15, Jll.16 p. m.; Ha th.7.00 bad not Del. & Lackawanna of 13 44 ... of raving mania. What a pity he 106% Length days nt ..10(t4in RECORD IS a. 6.15 and on at & H. G Mt«&t "αβ· JTS ni., 1.30, p. m., Saturdays only Deuyer 6% Moon sets morn. ( ... 8[t81o taken Brown's Iron while t'.ere was I II.16 m.; Kocklund, and Hnoi A- JLi·- Bitters Ε. Tenn., VTir.{& Ga 3% to all Others. p. Royal Superior cc In K. H., 7.00 a. in., 1.30 p. m.; Auburn some for him! Man- Ε. Tenn., Ga. allanOneT" hope Mr. Noah Hollaway, Va., &, pref 5% 71 hd PATR DEATH CLAIMS, WITHOUT at night. Through Tickets to New York, via the Navajo «c. 1 00 SUNDAY, Aprsl 19. Office, Μοττ, Chemist, first and M cond clan·. for express to you for the relief and the are com- various Rail and Sonnd Lines for sale. Limited Ticket», my gratitude Fathe IT DISCOUNT, immediately proof» Freight DeSmetr 6 50 Arrived· taken as all in the Province· on sale nt had been to 61 New Feb. 1885. and satisfactory, and without waiting 90, usual, J. II. COYLE, Jr.* pointa benefit your Vegetable Compound Broadway, York, 12, \ plete 60, reduced ratei*. Sch Blanche, (Br) Neagle, Cienluegos, with 115 or number of sepSdtf Manager. who has been troubled with ul- i'tiliferaia «loclu. any days. ΡΔΥβΟΚ Gen'l my Wife, milling hhds 14 tes 11 bble molasses to Qeo S Hunt & Co. * * * TUCKER, Manager, ». Ε. G*n 1. Pas*. At Ticket ceration and a turner 21-2 (By Telegraph.) Scb Alice M Gould, from We- tern Banks, with The Powder is ISSUES POLICIES on all BOOTHBY, Aft. weighing lbs., Royal Baking absolutely pure, approved Portland Pet. 1 β. 1884. 8,OoO lbs halibut. and its PACIFIC MAIL S. S. Cu Jac21dtf so the doctor said. She has been un- gjj* Francisco, April 18.—The; following are the IT plans, Ar 17th—Sch Β A Lubec for Bos- •losing official quotations of mining stocks to-day: Baker, Brown, for I have so found it in tests made both for them and TO der the treatment of the doctor for ton, wiih loss of bead of foremast. Has rapaired many premium plan and CALIFORNIA, Best & Belcher 2% and is to AdjustedNON-FORFEITURE INVESTMENT PLAN andWereester six years. be said be could ready proeeed. Portland Line. Finally Bodie ...... 1% the U. S. Government. are special features of thii company and issued by J A PAN, CHINA, do nothing more for her, that she would die in Chollar 2% EAST MACHIAS—Sid 17th, sch Lucy Hammond, none other. Yellow Jaoket...... 2 New do. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. fi. 24 h our-. Then I commenced Com- Thompson, York; Alma, Johneon, Sandwich Island*. New Zealand and ueiug yoar Gould & Curry 2 I will' still further and state because of the fa- BE ADVANTAGES of this Company are sch M A Heed, Plummer, go that, Australia, as as she commenced to take it SACO, April 18—Ar, EXPERIENCE. STRONG FINANCIAL pound ; soon Savage 4Ve Perth eld Τ AGE, of Trains. Hale & Norcross 6 β/β Amboy; Tivano, Chatto, Rockland, (and LARGE SURPLUS, Steamers eail from New York tor Aspinwall on Arrangement she commenced and now she for cilities that have for cream CONDITION, EQUITABLE getting better, Potosi 1% Kennebunk.) company obtaining perfectly pure and ATTRACTIVE PLANS, and conservative the let, 10th, and 20th of each month, carrying On and after Monday, Dec. *»tk can attend to her domestic affairs as well as Eureka 6^4 management. passengers and freight for all the above named 1884, Paweonsrer Traias will leave San Francisco, April 11—Ship Μ Ρ Gracc has a. and Crown Point lYs of and for other reasons the Call or send to any Agency Office for a circular porta. Portland at 7·30 na., she ever could." cleared for with ctls wheat valued tartar, dependent upon proper at Worcester Sierra Navada ... Liverpool 61,667 of Steamer of 10th doe· not connect for San Fran- 14.35 p. in., arriving lVs at its plans. Utah lYa $84,778. The following charters are reported: cisco. at 2.15 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. Returning leave ship wheat to direct at £1 "My dear," said a man, "onr club is solng to Hagarstown, Liverpool of the same, and the method of its S team ore gail from San Francisco regularly or Union Depot, Worcester, at 7.45 a. m. and 11.16 a. 8s yd; or Havre at £1 10§: ship Occidental, wheat proportion preparation, at Portland at m. and 6.40 have all tho home comforts." "But when is The Wool Mairket. Japan, China, and Sandwich Islands, New Zealand m., arriving 1.15 p. |p to Liverpool direct at £L lis; skip Governor Itobie, JAMES SINKINSON and Australia. ra. our home to ha*e all the clubcamforts?" aeked 18 — the THE ROYAL BAKING POWDER IS UNDOUBTEDLY Boston, April [Reported for Press]—The wheat to Liverpool direct at £110s; Samaria, to For sailing lists and further Fer Clinton, Ayer Junction, Fitchburg, bis wife. is a list of quoted this afternoon : wheat at or 36s for orders. Freight, Passage, following price" Liverpool direct, 31s, for Maine to or address the General East* Nashua, Lowell·, Windham, and Bp- Ohio and Pennsylvania- Manager Agencies, Information, apply THE PUREST AND MOST RELIABLE BAKING POWDER em Agents. ping at 7.30 a. m. and 14.5& p. m. * FBOM MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. If you have a Sore throat, a Cough or a Cold Picklock and XXX.... 34 & 36 ME. Κ. A. ADAMS 4fc CO., For ITlancheeter, Concord and points North, aj Choice XX 32 Ar PORTLAND, 19·53. @33 at Antwerp 17tb inst, barqne Carrie Winslow, OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. mar4 eodtf 113 Stale Cor. Broad JBoatoa· try Β. H. Douglass & Sons' Capsicum Cough FineX 30 Street, St., Hoc § 31 Loring, Portland, O, Dec 8 via Queenstown. feb8 dtf Far heater, Npring vale, Alfred, Wat. Drops; they are pleasant to the taste, perfectly Medium 30 & 32 Sid fm Bombay Mch 25, ship Henry S Sanford, crboro and 8aco Biver, 7.30 a. na., Coarse 26 @ 27 and .New York. HENRY A. etc. 1^.55 m. and (mixed) at tt.HO m. Re- harmless and will surely cure you. Pendleton, Alleppy MOTT, Ph.D., p. p. S ichigan— Sid fm Lobos Mch 13, brig Manson. Cleaveland, turning leave Rochester at (mixed) 6.46 a. m., Extra and XX.·· @ 29 New York. 11.10 a. m. and 3.36 p.m.; arriving at Portland mm — iim — Fine 28 $*29 Ar at Bathurst 12th sch Μ Ε 9.40 a. m., 1.15 p. m. and o.40 p. m. "We are in the same said inst, Higgins.Wood, (mixed) rowing boat," Medium 30 @ 31 Boston via Goree. pram For Ciorham, Maccarappa, Cumberland one with dif- ome to Douglas Jerrold. "But Common 25 (g? 26 Ar at Zanzibar 16th inst, barqud Annie Reed, PHILADELPHIA 91illa, Weatbrook and Woodford'» nt ferent he answered. Other Western sculls," Crowell, Tamatave. Direct Line. 7.JO a. m., Ii.35, ti iO and (mixed) *6.30 Fine and X 28 @29 ATLANTIC Steamship Modium 30 (g 31 ITS Κ Ml OK AN I> A. The ri.53 p. m. from Portland eonneotias of are Common.... 25 From BOSTON The most obsiinatk oases Catarrh @26 Sch Bramhall, Hamilton, from Hoboken for Port- Ayer Jlnnct. with Hooaac Tunnel Bonte for Polled—Extra 25 w 30 the West, and at Union Depot, Worcester, for cured the use of Ely's Cream Balm, the only land, put into Vineyard-Haven 17th with jib split and by Superfine .. « > 20 33 Mutual Insurance Every Wednesday Saturday Mew York via Norwich Line and nil via @g and cathead broken, by contact with a schooner in Co., rail, It is not a or No 1 "...... 12 & Β. agreeable remedy liquid snuff, @16 entering the harbor. From PHILADELPHIA Hprincfield,also with Ν. Y. IV. Ε. B, Corn Ding and delaine- for and is For cold in the hoad it Seh Nellie A Drury, from Rockport, Me, has ar- OF NEW YORK. ("Steamer Maryland Rente") Philndolphin. easily applied. Fine and No 1 ..34 and and ana combing 35 rived at New Orleans with loss of ex- Every Tuesday Friday. Baltimore, Washington, the South It relief at once All Fine delaine sail», having is magical. gives drug- **«31 @ 37 perienced heavy weather. From Ixrag Wharf, Boston, 3 with Bouton At Albany Β. B. for the We»t. Low and coarse 28 Close connections made at Weatbrook June sell it. Price 50 cents. @30 Sch Effie J Simmons was ashore 18th, on &yland- INSURE AGAINST MARINE p, m. From Pine Street Wharf gists Modium unwashed 24 at 10 a. m. tien with train of Maine Central R. and {£25 er reef, LI, having struck while in tow of tug Jos Philadelphia, through R., a tara ca- Low un > I have been sufferer two y from washed 20 (a 22 Cnrtis. RISKS ONLY. Insurance one-half the rate of at Grand Trunlr "tanafer, Portland, with through California ... 10 of H rand Trunk R. R. tarrh or cold in the bead, having @24 Sch Blanohe Allen, White, from Pensacola for 'sailing vessel. traine distressing Texas 15 25 for the West the Penn. R. and Tickets to all West and Sonth @ A pinwoll, with lumber, was ashoro on a reef at This will take risks at their New Freight by B., Through points over my eyes. Gradually the disease Canada pulled 20 £ 30 Company office, South by forwarded free of com- may be had of S. H. Hellen, Ticket Agent, Port· pain Point Toro about March 30th. She was hauled off on Vessels, and and issue connecting lines, Do Combing @ York, Cargoes Freights, mission. land & Rochester Depot at foot of Preble St., and of worked down upon my lungs, my loft ear was previous to 8th inst by U S steamer Galena. the open policies to risks at «Smyrna washed 18 @ 20 BEST THING ™ Ladies, Read This, as it will merchants, making binding Rollins & Adams, No. 22 Exchange St. April 17—It is feared that the German KNOWN soon as water-borne. Ten Dollar·. Honnd 918· almost voice was me. I uunwashed 10 London, Fanage Trip •Does not at Woodford's. deaf, my failing pro- @ 16 steamer V orsetzen, from Portland Feb 11 for Ham- stop 26 28 Meals and Boom included. J W. PETERS. cured one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and BuenoeAyres ($ burg, has foundered at sea. y26tf Montevideo. 26 ιί| 30 WASHIN(riOT BLEACHING Benefit One or More of Your Premiums on Marine Risks from 1st For freight or passage apply to five was to 31st withiu days my beaiiiig restored, Cape Good Hope 26 @29 FISHKRllfiN. January, 1884, December, Κ. B. SAMPSON, Agent, Australian 32 M 40 IH HARD OR SOFT, HOT OR COLD WATER. 1884 $3,968,039 44 Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. and the pain ceased over my eyes and I Sid fm Haven schs 31dtf 7Q l.ong Wharf. Boston Donskoi 20 @ 23 Vineyard 16th, Miantanomah, SAVES LABOR, TIME and SOAP ASIAZ- Premiums on Policies not marked am now health. I recommend- and Idella Small, south, for mackerel. Friends. off 1st 1884 70 ΟΗΑΝΘΈ Ο IT enjoying good Prices are January, 1,447,756 TIM®. without improvement and concessions Ar at Vineyard-Haven 17th, sch Oasis, fm North v.NGLY, and gives universal satisfaction. INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. ed it to some of my friends. One of them sent α ρυβιιινα uuro.— days. JAMES PILE, NEW YORK. at Pork—Long cuts, 14 00: short cuts 15 00 Sid 11th, ship Μ Ρ Grace, Williams, Commencing, IVov. 3,1884. For Garham, 7.86 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. m Lied. 50@15 Liverpool. febl3 John Η. Vaueant, Sandy Hook, E'liott Co., @16 60 backs $15 50^16 00; light backs 14 00® PORT GAMBLE—Sid 9th, ship Jere Thompson. eod&eowly ASSETS, Far Uorkaai, Montreal, Quebec and Chi- $14 50; lean ends 14 mesa 15 00 1.30 m. Ky. 50@S15J00 prime Peterson, Shanghae. MUBDOCK'S FREE HOSPITAL. a TRIPS PER WEEK. cago, p. @$15 60; extra prime 12 00@12 50; mess, $14 00; PENSACOLA—Ar 17th, sch Sadie Wilcott, Jack- ARBITAMl pork tongues atl4 00@16 00; Western prime mess son, Boston. The Staff of the at No. l> Surgical Hospital 30 Lev- 289.38. STEAMEHS OF THIS Vram I.rwl.toa and Anbnra, 8.80 nu, Thro» degrees of miuing speculation: posi- pork SC— In sch Eva $12,938 $13@13 501_ BEAUFORT, port 17th, May, 3.16 and 6.60 p. m. r~.t of Π ΧΑ. i^9vTR/. Λ ία «V.- «Ι..ΛΛ, erett street, Boston, ie in attendance daily from 9 tive, mine; comparative, miner; superlative, McDuflie. from New Yore. LINE WILL. Ι.ΚΙΙΚ Frona Garkau, 9.46 a. m. and 8.30 p.m. mixed. — to 10 A. Six Per Cent Interest on amount Out- minus. 10-fb pails: 8%@8%c for 5-ïb pails; 8Va^9o WILMINGTON, NC Cld 17th, sch Vineyard, M., except Saturdays and Sundays. Frozu Chicago, Montreal and Quebec, for Λ ft> Samana. BAIL ROAD WIIAKF, pails. Rosebrook, We do this to show the value raw which standing Script Paid On and Af- 12.36 p.m. FreshBeef— Fair of food, foot of State Street, every and Thurs- stoers 7Va@8y2o^fb; licht steers RICHMOND—Cld 17th, sch Fostlna, Philbreok, Monday Pullman Can on an» our condensed and insoluble ter Feb. 3, 1885. at β m.. Palace Sleeping night train No adul eration in the Yeast Pow- at Hy2@7%c; choice 8ya@83/ic; choice heavy hinds Saeua. liquid food is, free from day p. for Eastport and St. John, with Cougress connections for Parlor Gars on day train between Portland and Mon- ll@llVac; good do 10Vfe@llc; light NEWPORT NEWS Sid 18th, gchs Helen Mon- matter, which enables us to save life when all other Calais, Robbinston, St. Andrews, it is a Cream Tartar bak- 9Va@10%c; Grand tre»:. der, perfectly pure heavy forea 6%@6%c;eecond at 6 (a; tague, St Thomas; Boston. Dividend to Policy Holders on Pembroke, Honlton, Woodstock, Menan, good quality Ms Green, Spartan, Griffin, foods and treatments fail. Wind- TICKET OFFICES It was never kDowu to a 6c* rattles at 4%®51&c; ribs at 7@8c: rumps at 13 NORFOLK—Sid 16th, ech Clara Fletcher, Sar- in Campobelio, Digby, Annapolis, Yarmouth, ing powder spoil We have never lost a case from shock Premiums'I'eruiinating 1884, Monoton, Amherst, @14c; rounde 7@7%c; rump loins at gent, Berbice. following sor, Halifax, Newcastle, Pictou, and batch of flour. ll@16c;loine Fort 74 Exchange Street, Depot at 10@18c. Ar lbth, ech Alfaretta Campbell, Campbell, from an operation, even of the many that we have opera- Shediac, Bathnrst, Dalhonsie, Charlottetown, Grand Falls and other stations on thf «*eans—choice large hand picked pea at 1 Providence. 40 PJER CEIT. Fairfield, 50@ ted on, that other hospitals and surgeons have re- New Foot of India Street. 1 5δ φ» bush; choicc Now York email hand-picked BALTIMORE-Old 17th, sch Emma C Mlddleton, Brunswick and Canada, Inter-colonial, Wind- fused, and we have never a woman over three sor and Western Kail H A M % CRCi Al do atl OOiaJl 65; email hand-picked poa. Lee, Gardiner. kept Annapolis, Counties, Roads, FI «ÔIAL VorruoDt, and Routes. TICKETS SOL·!» AT "bEJDCCED RATES AÎIDjÊiû at 1 60ifti 70; common to good at $1 40@i 45: PHILADELPHIA—Ar 16th, gchs Susan Ν Pick- weeks prior to an operation, and never gave over a Losses Paid in Stage Thirty Days Tickets Issued and checked t· forilrdï-i WSioleoais ûKarkeib choice screened do 1 40; hand-picked cied at 1 45 Hat tie irum Through Baggage a)nily ering, Haekell, Sagua; Dunn, Poland, tablespoonful of our Liquid Pood four times daily; destination. ®1 50, and choice screened do at 1 60; com- Cardenas. After Proof. PORTIAND April 18. 30@1 that in mon do 1 10@1 20; choice at Ar 18th, sch Cardenas. quantity thirty days will make ten pounds «-Freight received up to 4 p. m. and any In- ueiron, ûnicago, inuwaiMce, improved yellow-oyes Maggie Dalling, Dalling. formation «jannea, The markets generally are quiet and prices contin· 2 00; old-fashioned yeilow-eyei* at 190 ®1 95; Cld 17th. scbs David S Siner, for of new blood (the system contains from 26 to 28 regarding the same may be had at the Ciacianati, Ml. L«ai«, Omaha, Hagi. Guthrie, Saco; J. D. JONES, President, office of the Wharf. no in red 1 95. Boston. Freight Agent, Railroad Ht. Mall Lake tinue steady with excitement any department. kidneys 90@1 Helen, Cnaso, that we can build case bo CHAKLES DENNIS, Vice naw, Fanl, City» pounds), proving up any President, For Circulars, with Exenrsion Ron tee, Han Apples—We quote good Greenings at 2 00@2 50; Cld 16th, ship Red Cross, Reed, San Francisco; H. 2d Tickets, Dearer, Fraicieeo In some branches there has been a slight improve" that they can be not on suoeeesf W. H. MOORE, Vice President, State Rooms and further information at Sweet Apples at 2 00@2 25; common do at $1 50; sch Sarah A Keed, Clark, Calais. only operated ully, apply and all in the A. A. HAVEN, 3d Vice President, First National Bank point· ment under the influence of fine weather. During Baldwin* 2 50ία>2 75 bbl. Evaporated Apples at Ar 17tb, barque Emita, Crowley, Sagua; brig but that a relapse never follows an operation when Company's Office, Buildlag, J. H. CHAPMAN, Secretary. corner Middle and Exchange St». West and Southwest the week the gspeculative markets weakened and er&7tto;pft. Arcot, Cates, Cardenas: L Staples, Stowers, from nnr T.innM ΤΓηηΛ ίο ηαοΗ Northwest, Arecibo J. Β Gen. but at rt&y—Choico prime hay quoted $18@19 ΟΟφ ton WOIjFB'S COYLTS, JR., Manager. there was a sharp decline in most instances, A»d when are we no3 fair to good $ @$18 00; choice Eastern fine 16 00 NEW YORK-Ar 16th, sch Ρ Hall, Kel- other food» available, J. W. MUNGËR & at JOSEPH HICKSON, Uenoral Manatar a better The New York CO., th· close feeling prevailed. @■$18 00; poor do at $13@$14; Eastern swale 10@ ley, St John, NB; Β L Sherman, West, Amboy for can «how thai with Liquid Food we can ™î»- RWIAB, β. P. A. and $11. Kve straw, choice, £21 00®$22 00. oat *lv&w Kdw Brewster. SCHIEDAM AROMATIC CORBSSPOHBENTS, J. STEPHENSON. ïunortn tendent and Western markets to-day closed strong Boston; DeHart, Eastport; George build up a patient in half the time usually epS I10SS11V ton. Bird, Gray, Rockland; Spartel, Hallowell, Whiting; MAINF STEAMSHIP COMPANY higher on Wheat, Corn, Oats, Pork and Lard. Poul- required. cutter—Choice Northern creamery old 20&22c; Manitou, Arey, Boston; Express, Hodgdon, Fall Soli icxsl PORTLAND: 19 1-2 St. Κ uni ford Falls and Backfleld Railroad. is Chickiena command lb at re- fall Exchange try high; 23@24c ψ New York aud Vermont dairy at 15gl8c; Kiver; Paragon, Shute, Warren; White, Foam, pps. If a lady prefer· her own physician or feb3,1886 dlmteodllm&wOwt! For Sfew forks fair to 00(200c; new at extra Hatch, St NB. fm New tail. Potatoes firm at full prices. No chaDge in good dairy 20@23c; John, Hampton, Fletcher, As a general beverage and surgeon, she can have him by his Hummer Amngeneu in EUecl Sept. Wtk Western fresh-made creamery at choice necessary paying Good Florida strawber- 25@26c; Bedford, corrective of Steamers lea\o Franklin Wharf, on Wednesday, 1884. Sugar; market very steady. common at June creameries Ar water rendered impure by fees, or any surgeon can have a bed as- .4c; 18@23c; at 16 18th, brig Sarah & Emma, Drinkwater, Guan- and Saturdays at β p. m.. Returning leave Pier 38 Connections ria Grand Trunk R>11· ries have been in Boston for 50 α 6Cc. Western fresh at Testable or other selling liye f l«c; dairy, made, I6@18c; ladle tanamo: sch Lizzie Wilson, Cbadwick Cardenas. decomposition causes* signed him for a private case (we not pay- East River, New York, on Wednesdays and Satur "«way leave Portland for Bnckfleld and scarce ana is asued packed at do fair to goodj imita- Cld 14th, barques Isaac Jackson, Welsh, as of at B. straw is very in Boston $22 by 14@16cj ll@13o; Boston; Limestone, Sulphate Copper &c, the ing them for their attendance) but will days 4p.m J. COVLJB, JR., Gen'l Ag-t. Canton at 7.36 a. m„ 1.30 p. m. tion creamery, choice, atl8@!9c. Jobbing prices Matthew Baird, Forbes, St Jago; Adolph Obrig, dtf some of the few holders. àroiuatic fechnapps is to care sepiil Leave Canton (or Portland 4.lb a m. range higher than these quotations. San Francisco; Newmau, Rio superior every for and nourish the patient before the Staples, Allauwilde, other and 8.46 a. m. connection$ with p. m. train The are of Cheese—Choice Northern at sobs preparation for these purposes. A Stage following to-day'i closing quotations J-lt^ll^c, fancy Janeiro; Palestine, Chadwick, Boston; Albert operation, if needed, and after it until for Turner, Chase Mill·. Welt Sumnor, Britten' 12c; lower to West icya L Butler, Ponce. public trial of over 30 vears duration in REDUCED OCEAN TICKETS. Flour, Grain, Provisions, tec. grades according quality; Cates, they are restored to health. Mills, Pern, Dlxiield, Mexico and Romford Fall @llc. PERTH AMtoOY-Sid 16th, echs Marcellus, Al- section of aar the largest, fastest and best passenger and isirust* every country of jan21dtf U. L. LINCOLN, Supt. uriour. fresh stock Western Paw tucket. Udolpho We challenge tuch results without the mail steamers between America and Eggs—All strictly lby2@17c; ley, Wolfe's its unsolicited en- BY Europe. viUi^rîino ana Mxd Corn 60@β1 i ie@iey2c; South Ar Hattie 3o Schnapps, use of Kates: First cabin to second cabin High 15@16c, 17th,sebs Turner, Keen®, Amboy; dorsement Murdock's Liquid Food. Wéjxmiî $60 $100; $40 iow 3 50 Potatoes—Northern Rose at Eastern do Diadem, New York. by the medical and a to intermediate $35 to 40: outward grades.. 25:^3 60@65c; Tnorndike, faculty Every institution that uaes Murdoch's $00; steerage, S. Soring awl No2 o roLloi,. ο 7 b'n 6 00 ».!<, ι·'.· v:2jÎ ΟΟ.α,23 00 Joe G M Porter, Mark General UDOLPHO we should have done Carlton, Pendleton, WOLFE'S SON & GO. without your Liquid Food. at Koad for Riv- 4000 connecting Wing Littleton,Welle 'cr ,;·;· Λ Ι .■ 2 ·< ;;4 <Κ> Hogs—-Koeeipt· 7,000 head; shipments hd; CITY OF PORTLAND. Wit Whç?t Hall, Relief, F Ν Tower, and others. We have eeveral now that we feel we cannot care and at St. < rough packing at 4 30@4 50; packing and er, Plymouth, Montpelier, Johnatrary *tsstt ϋ 0 5,6 50 ίο ολ£ ·. /'.& 23α·ϊ-*5 00 shipping Ar echs Millie 18 BEAYER for in other than 4 50 λ4 67% : 4 3 25. 17th, Trim, Barbour, Elizabethport STREET, any way by using it. the for all pointa on Passumpsic K. R. tPreMÎSICe. light 45@4 76; skips 25@4 for Boston; for Hearing Before Board of Mayor aud Sheep—receipts 8500 head shipments 160'> head; Victory, HoIoomb.Ainhoy Portland; Yours very gratefully, Aldermen. Leaves Portland 3.00 p. m., for all stations as Ortiuoerrioâ— jV;rP Edwin Stevens, Kendall, Hoboken for H. Never does not contain steady; common at 3 00; to choice 4 70 Newburyport WÊW YORK. Ε. PERKINS, Matron 0. F. S. varies, far as Bartlett. Gape Co î Ιό 00 ώ 17 00 £*.·ν .16 ί OrtlB 60 25@4 good Wreath, Pomroy, Franklin for New York. marié dlT the Honorable Board of and Aldermen @5 2 Lambs at 1 36@1 50. BRANCH 1 7 «now London. Mayor AKKIVAI.N IN PORTLAND. Maine.. 12 00^.13 00 ûi-j.u ... lb 00ά>1 δ δ1* BOSTON—Ar 17th, schs George, Baker, NYork; Hill, one of TO of the City of Portland: 1 85 J 5' τ. Î α ·. >() WORK», j 384 St. Paul *t., Montreal. the adultera- The Pîî» Ro?.lî 75'âil VÎA.H; .. 3 Eldora, Strout, Millbridge; Lizzie J Clark, Mcln- particle Portland Bailread Company request permis- 10.60 a. m. from Bartlett and Intermediate (ta- 1 : iienrf o:u* „, 1 65® 7ô Mess Tir.er..xi r.<<4ί oo gjtomeetie jMLarSifiM*» »yre, and Lizzie 1 aprl5 WS&Mtf sion to extend their double track on street ons. MEells, Piper, Rockport; Matilda, ^ CoDgress ViK^l 4LV& J 5·« as \l«i.«,.ll f:0 λ 1 *3 ·0 Pink tions used to reduce the cost of three hundred feet from the m. viarm»f* iBy Telegraph.) ham, Wiscasset. easterly present term- 6.60 p. from Burlington and M wanton, and S" fCye» L 90ι<5;2 00 12 .:„1.δ 00 C,ld 17th, brig Lucy W Snow, Burgess, for Gape inus near City Hall, and also to extend the turnout all stations on through line. ■ f x.w 18.—Flour is dull and rather Br ·»"/·. .^l)x 3 00;â3 25 H.* Pv î 4 Ο *4 50 Youk, April ! Verde Islands and Africa. near India street one huodred feet west from its J. HAMILTON, Snpt. CHA3. H. FOYE, AQ.T. iriaÎJ r":· g 55,&65ç ir.aiae 5t.*vc ·~ Ile weak, sales 9.600 bbls; State 3 40@6 25; Ohio at Ar Son Pride of present connection with the main track. Oct. oclStf 3 18th, barque tag, Haskell, Salem; PURE GOODS 11,1884. Si;gô 4? dos 14wl5û ίι'ί*3λ·ί 3 ;*i4e 65@6 00; Wesern at 3 40@6 15; Southern 4 00 the Port, Parsons, Barrington, NS; Nathan Ester- PORTLAND RAILROAD CO., Turkey4 lifg20 @5 H). Willie H E. A. Wheat brook, Vesper, Cardenas; Higgins, Jones, by Newman, Manager. Geoee, 15^.17 Γη», & If; 7%ώ 8 advanced l@l%c on lower consols and Newport; G M Porter, Jones, New ïork; Kioka, But DOES possess the FULL Portland, April 15,1885. Ohiekeua lH'w'20 ■«•■•'ï 7%.;.8 unfavorable crop reports: trade less active; No 1 and nelley, Jesie, Randall, Machias; Swallow,Sher- I am an old man. For 28 I fit 8 & 9 White sales 160,000 bush No 2 Red for years suffered with i R. Pc·» 16â>18" nominal; man, do; Unon the Notice is at Sophia vVilley, Ham, Winterport; Lucy ulcers on my as the aesult of fever. VALUE of foregoing petition, hereby giv- liittit:/· May 97@97%c;584,000 do June at 98a/4(®i>9% ; Elizabeth Chur- riglit leg tvphoid every Legitimate en that a will be to all inter- &JAINE Baker, Kent, Rockland; Foster, hearing given parties do 1 bu«h do Amputation was suggested as the means of Gro*ni»r? #3 ο 25 ii€tl Ivj 2 12 «2 2δ 496,000 July 00%@1 01%; 96,000 chill, Orland; Collector, Holmes, Eastport; Niger, only ested, by the Board of Mavor and on PASSENGER SERVICE at 1 02*4 8000 do at preserving life. The doctors could do for which Aldermen, Qllt. Ed«e V«i... .23 25λ ΤΙιηοϋ;> 7fS"/l 86 August 02@1 ; November Wiscasset; James Cbilâs, and J Ρ nothing Washing Quality, gives WEDNESDAY, April 1885, at 5 o'clock m. 1 OtS3/a : 9915 bush. Adams, Nichols, me, and thought I must die. For three I 22, p. In Effect December 1884 Choies 20â22c (ÎÎOve·" iOrgHe receipts Wallace, Damariscotta; Edward L years at their room, City Per Monday, IS, Corn Bryant, Warren, never had a shoe on. Swift's bas a Bulldiug. order, .... Mixed Western at 52 Specific made it Cîood.. — l&aXda 3/4@lVee higher; spot Colson, Belfast; Periae, Keed, Boothbay; Saseanoa, every over anl6dlw GEO. C. BTTROKSS Πί»Π1βΑ. ©55c; do future at sales permanent cure and added ten years to my life. advantage Soaps 8to ru 10® 12e Miyscatel ,275 325 531;4@56>4c; 008,000 Ryder, and Emma A Cutting, Howe, Bath ; Kate * hu; bush. Wji. R. Hall Ga. 5 hejfcupt L-andon Làγ'ï .2 75^· 1 δ receipts 48,400 Lilly, Lewis, do. Reed, Co., of dofobtful Western Division. Oats at 39 character; Ycerxucnf lOMi al3Va O&dora—, ΙΟ#'· 3 y2@y8c higher;State 40@47c;Western Cld 18th, barque Rachel Emery, Wyraan, Bueno3 practi- TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND No 2 for at I have taken Swift's Specific for blood con- Sï ν faofy· .10% -i l 3Va Valecoift @4''c;sale8 95,000 bush, including May ech Ε M Bacon, Atwood, Eleuthera. poison Catarrh What is Catarrh ? AT 6.13 A. Traies for Old Orch- June and at Ayres; tracted at a medical at a dissection, while I recommended other ML—Way ^iKtlîvç·. 3v)%@39%c; July 4U@40M$c:receipts SALEM—Ar 16th, ech South college cally by Naco, 52,250 bash. Empress, Richards, was a medical student. I am grateful to that it It is a disease of the ard, Biddeford, hrnnrboBU, ■Qn^UU te< t- îfc 63/8 V&lescig Ο δυ rx7 CO ! Amboy. say UNITED STATES HOTEL. CSreat Fall.», Dorer, ·' Beef gave me a speedy and cure after mucus membrane, Henisebunkporl, ...... 6% Ex o*7 00 a. 7 5U % steady. Ar schs thorough my par- manufacturers in it. gen- liirgb 17th, Empress, Proctor, South Amboy; ents had of imitating Fxeter, 31 a ac heater aad t'oacoid, (via ·1 Pork iirm; new mess 13 00 λ13 25. spent hundreds dollars for treatment. in the 9fi»h· Florida,. — 4 .ν δ 00 Fred Smith, Breed, Port Johnson; Pearl, Robinson, erally originating Newmarket Junction,) Lawrence, Lowell Lard shade stronger; steam rendered 7 25, Augustus Wendel, M. D., N. J. nasalu passageρ a s s a and Οωΰ. per qu.» JVïoMina 3 Ot £. 3 50 Rockland. Newark, g~e and at Bo«toa 10.45 a. Butter firm; Western at State None should be deceived, how- η tain in its lIOBtOB, arriving L'ge Shore...3 25.α3 50 Palermo .. 3 0' (g.3 2δ 10@27c; 14@24c. PLYMOUTH—Ar 16th, sen Willie Hoi- maintainingg strong- Sugar steady. Martin, My wife from early girlhood has been hold in the nead. From L'geBanknow2 60 α; 3 00 L«Ks«nt>. brook, Amboy. suffering AT A. Trains for Old Coffee from rheumatism. She has tried as the word WELCOME this it sends forth 8*45 Π.—Way Orchard, 9ai(ux 2 2οά2 75 ne 3 60 s: 4 ( 0 steady. GLOUCESTEK—Sid 17th, schs many remedies, ever, point Krnni bnnk. KeiDe- Molasses dull. Mazurka, Lane, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit a virus Maco, Biddeford, Cod, 4 50®6 00 Palermo 3 00&3 50 Boston for So West Harbor; Alice Dean, BarlletS, poisonous along CSreat EnglisU Freights firm. from^Swift's Specific tlian from all the after the membranous buukport, Dover, Fall·, Hock, PoUoch 1 75α3 OC I do for Pembroke; Golden Rule, St others, and the Hands are linings Alloa Lawreace* firm at 33 Yéc. Rawley, George long and faithful trial. Clasped and the enter, Bay, Exeter, Haddock. 1 7δ®22 6 I Green, φ bbi 2 60&3 CO Spirits Turpentine for New York. through diges- illaaehetter aad Rosin steady at 1 Rev. Jas. L. Pierce, Ga. tive C'oacord, (via. Lawrence,) Hue... 1 <ô:.($2 2ô IETai o?at. " Petroleum Arm. Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable. Treatise on other troublesome ana p. Seal tf>bo* 14^0-18 SHeed 4'/2'4δ AT l.OO P. Train for Saco, Bid- Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. marL'l dangerous symptoms. M.-Exprew No. 1 12jx)lE OU. Chicago, April 18.—jflour firm; Winter Wheat vobëÎgn port». eod6 deford, Heanebank, Heuuebuakport, jX> 4 20 lor 4 20,® 5 00 The Swift Specific Drawer Cream Balm is a Aaokerei.^bbt. iLetOêcua..... 60@5 Southern; for Wisconsin Ai at 16th Evie Co., 3, Atlanta. Dover, f»reat Fall·, Rochester, Alloa Adelaide inst, barque Reed,Whit- or remedy based a Bay &o. 1.18 00@20 0€ Port. lUïi.P'tr and 4 2 5® δ 00 for Michigan, soft Spring Wheat at Ga., 159 W. 23d St., Ν. Y. jauld&wlynrm upon Lawrence, Lowell aad tier, Boston, (not before.) correct diagnosis of this Bay, Exeter, Bay **o. ».10 OttoJl 6% 3 tOa.4. 25; Minn. Bakers 3 50&4 50; Patents 4 75 THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY $1 at Boston Λ.ΟΟ an. Sid fm Bombay Mch 25, ship Henry S Sanford, disease and can be de- BoMioa, arriving p. faorc 1.18 00&21. OC ί>βτοβ Brill't. I @5 76. Wheat closed lysc higher; April at 84yg The finest tonic for AT3.J0 F, Train for Bid- £1*** JTOIJUIOLUU, Aiuppoy HUU J>ew Χ ΟΓΚ. BY MAIL POSTPAID. in.-Way Saco, 2 .... 10 50 Pratt* 12 No 2 at pended upon. No. OOâll Astral, & Via @85%c, closing 85% c; Spring 86y2^86c, Sid fm Mch nervous people is deford, Keaaebuak, £ Valparaiso 2, ship Portland Lloyds, Keanebnakport, Laree 3.... 8 00 a 50 Ligonia 'd% j No 2 Red 92y2@93c; No 3 at 85c. Corn is higher Hussey, Iquique. Hoe tetter's Stomach CiTe It α trial. Dover, Great Fall·, Bocheater, Alloa Hedium ... 3 00® 4 00 Silver White wii 9 unsettled at 46»/e@47c. Oats higher 33Vi^S4%c. Bitters, which in- .TlaachcMier aad C Mew -1- to load nitrate Bay, oacord, (via. 2 50 ■*«»/!«. Wa « nt· cal/.» TI„wl„n r>- Chartered—barque· 01i?eThurlow, Small 5tA®3 Contenial 9% at sures perfect diges- Market .Junction Kirtfr. I.nwrenre at Piragua. ÎfûSlûÊlfc Cream iialm Causes no is at 11 85. Lard 6 97 Gires higher 80@11 higher Va Off South Stack Mch Santa tion and assimilation, Ely'» pain. ■ '•well and Bwl», arriving at Union 00. Boxed Meats at 4 30, Bhip Clara, Dunn, Kail road @7 firm;?houldere 50@4 60; for New York. and the active per- 8*. m- ttecetp·.. short rib 6 short clear at 6 40. Liverpool their OUgtt 02y2; 38(c£6 Oft Waterford Mch Thoa M Reed. formance of AX 5..ΊΟ P. M—Way Train (or Kcutkaak, Pojutlaûo, April. 18. ReoeiotP—Flour wheat 30, ship Work, Belief at once. A Treatment 33,000 bbls, ΒΟ,ΟΟυ nush, Liverpool. functions by the liver Thorough Kennrbuukport] and all intermediate »ta- itecoived by Maine Centoal Railroad. for Portland oorr: 9l 600 btxsh oats 131 rye and As the ; 000tbaeh, 3/X.O Ar at April 7, eoli Ε bowels. tlone. 39 care miscellaneous merchandise; tor eou;te^ti;is* no. ha bush. Cienfuegoa Daisy Parkhurst, :©y 23,000 Hooper, Colon, (and eld 8th for Matanzas system acquires tone /oa«1»t 92 car& mis ellaneor. and Oarer (or Portland S.0· and fallow: higher; No 2 Bed at 97Ml@98c. Corn is higher at gietta, Wallace, disg; brigs Η Β Cleaves, Charlson, tranquil, Manhood, 4iS1/2@43!}4c. Oate firm at 35y2c. Lard at 6 85 for North of cease, and that name· EL BROTHERS, T. Ox aod Sceer WiAea 1*) lbs weight and over 6Vae-Pft Hatterae, Sullivan, Gupltil, disg; Unparalleled euocess in the oure of upwards of Six Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debili- Druggists, Owego.N. (αΰ 90. scLs Jos M less anxiety which is ja n25 WFM&w SUNDAY TRAINS Ox and Steer Hide* under 90 tte... —d cp ft Celina, Adams; Hayes. Lannil; Keueett, Thousand of the most difficult complicated cases ty, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, bbls. whea ba/?h, A Β and Elva Ε a peculiarity of the Cov; aii tî ft Beeeipts—Floor 5,000 34,000 Curtis; Perry, Bunker, Pettengill, within the last four years is the best evidence and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion Leare Portland for Ho· I on and Way Sta- Hides, weights e# corn < way 34,000 bush, oats 29,000 bush, barley 0,000 Dodge, do. STOMACH & dyspeptic, gives or excesses. A for middle- m. Hooton far Bail and Stag Hides, all weighta ... .. 4 c|> ft To book every man, young, tion» at l.OO p. Leave rye bush. At Matauzas Chae Thcet- to cheerfulnees. Of his Skill that needs a Trial. ... 10 bfcsb, 3,000 Apl 10, barque Loring, only and old. It contains 125 for all Portland at β.ΟΟ n>. Leave Portland Oalf Skins cfc> ft establish health on a aged prescriptions p. rfhipmeute—Flour 3,000 bbls,wheat le.OOOJotBh; rup; Skobeief, Tncker, and Matauzas, Orcutt, foi His Ladies' Periodical is acute and each one of which is in- for Uorrr and Stall·» l.»0 and dbeep Skins ... 7δο--φ each use Regulating Magnet chroriR diseases, Way corn 18,000 oate rye North of and Jose £ isure foundation, WILBORV C0MPÛUHD OF bush, 2,000 bush, 3,000 b&sh, Hatteras; Wonder» W hout medicine. valuable. So found the whose Γ m. LiHCub Skint» 5uc each Vidette, Sawyer, &ITTERs Working by Author, experi- 3-OOp. sell for North the sale all <4*0 ix-acon îikit!/· .· io 35c each barley 0,000 More, Carlisle, dlsg ; Geosgia, Collin, peerless invigorant. For by Druggists ence for 23 years is such as probablv never before Light of Hatteras. and Dealers MWF&wlmnrm Rendered Tallow ....··· tto# ft ~,Dbtboit, April 18.- Wheat strong; No 1 White at generally. aprl Ladies' suffer no longer, call and in- fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound Division. 1 No.2 Red at bid. Ar at St John. NB, 16th, sclis Sabao, Flynn, fron in beautiful French embossed covers, full PURE COB Eastern 00Vi; 98Vic no asked but muslin, IIVEE! OOOO.. B. Machias; 17th, Ulrica Κ Smith, Kichardson, do. vestigate, qnestions your gilt, guaranteed to be a tlnor work in every sense- .Slock TiarUei. Wheat—Receipts 17,600 bu; shipments SCOTCH TRAINS LEAVE PORTLATTD Cld 17th, schs James Warren, Drieko, New York LINIMENT" every ailment, ache or pain is faithfully mechanical, literary and professional—than any ■£ae follow nig quotations of stoefcj ar© received Princeton, Gray, do. described. other work sold in this Country for $2.50, or the OIL AO LIME. AT a.OO A. M.i Dailt, (Night Ρ nil man) for Itlarbeu. THE daily by telegraph: European GREAT REMEDY FOR money will be refunded in every instance. Price Haco, Biddeford, Kill.-ry, Porlwollk, Portland. Saco & Portsmouth K. R, 120 (By Telegraph.) MPOKEJV. only $1.00 by mall, post-paid. Illustrative sample Newbnryport, Salem, l.ynu and B·»* Penoerell Manufacturing Co 6 cents. now. au- at 6.30 a. m. 1012ya London, April 18 —Console 98% Feb 19, in Straits of LaMaire, barque Mendota Sgp^Coneultation and Examination Free from 9 Send Gold medal awarded the tan, arriving ΒΟβΤΟΛ «του as. from a. 8 thor the National Medical to the CSetthe Genuine Article,—The grenf pop- Λ Τ N.45 Λ. ill.: For Cape Senr- New York for Honolulu, (by ship Albert G m.tto p. m. feblldtf by Association, " Elisabeth, London,April 18.—U. S. 4y2s, 115ye. and Sore Throat of the Hon. A. and as- ularity of IVilbor's Cod-Liver Oil and boro. Saco, Α Γ.' 4. F .... 09 Hopes, at San Francisco.) Diphtheria President which, P. Bissell, Compound of Hiddeford, Henntbunk, wheat 7s sociate officer s of the the reader is Limt" has induced some to North and Month BozIjl, & .Maine- ... .175 Liverpool, April 18—Winter 9d£8-2d; April 2, lat 60, Ion 9, Daniel Stover Board, respect- unprincipled persons Well·, Berwick, ('·■■ ship Barnes, bead the to oil a article of their own Iflint & Pore ûiarquette » reterr«*i 80% spring wheat at 7s 6d®7s 8d; California averago at from Dublin for following testimonial. fully referred. · attempt palm simple nny Jnnciion, (oonnectlng tor all statlonl Philadelphia. but from do commcn 13 7a 4d£>7s 6d; club at va 7d@7s 9d;Corn at 5s l^d; The Science of Life should be read by the young manufacture; any person who is suffering on Conway Division), Kiltery, Porianonth, t»eae at 6s 4d. 62s bacon Jan. for and It Coughs, Colds, or should be careful U K. «i l?"t· Ûiuitt .... 37 ^Provisions, etc.,—Fork 6d; Portland, 6,1885. instruction, by the afflicted for relief. Consumption, Bock- Mr. where no Ne»buryport,Kalvm,UlouceMer, Now Vorâ & Sow 33s for short clear and 32s for long clear;lard,prime Batchelder -Dear Sir: I have used your will benefit all .—London Lancet. they purchase this article. It requires L»»n, CheMen and arriv- Kug I7Vfe 1 Boeton, Western 36s cheese at 60 u2« 3d. Scotch Liniment for ten and for sore throat There is no member of to whom The puffing. The results of Its use are its best recom- at 1.15 m. Mexican Central 7· .. 67% 9d; years, societ® Sci- Kurt,g p. its cannot and the equal be found, and I firmly believe it ence of Life will not be useful, whether youth, par- mendations; proprietor has ample evidence AT l.OO P. M.I For Saco, Hiddeford. Km· jstbw vozh «nsvoa». has on file of its Pure I kept Diphtheria out of my family, and will cure ent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Argonaut, great success in pulmonary complaints. nebnnk, Conway Janetion, Kiltery, Γβί fiBTBDa market· the worst cases if The of Lime a mavellous Gfliseoar) 92% Apple Jelly taken in season. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. Phosphate possesses most Porianionth, Newbnrypori, Nairn, Pacllc yreiifi ed St. as combined with the Cod-Liver fîortheru 39% (By Telegraph.) Mrs. John Soule, 71 Wilmot H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, Mass., healing power, pure Lynn and Boston, arriving at 5.00 p. κ. Omaha common 23% who be consulted on skill Oil by Dr. Wilbor. It is by the medical AT 0.00 P. M.i παυλνα, April 11.—There has been no notice- 7SO and 10 PURE may all diseases requiring prescribed (Kiprew) for Boat·· and pails (5 lbs.) Every should secure a bottle at once. and Chronic and obstinate diseases faculty. Sold by A. B. WiUJOB, Chemist. Boston, able change in the sugar market during the week family experience. Way Station*, arriving In Boeton at Vork «wct and » CIDER JELLY received from an that have baffled the other and all druggists. mar23eod&wlm ;>β*» Money and holders were exceedingly iirm and transac- skill of all XT ϋ AT principal tBy i eiegrapb. tions unimportant. The market closed dull with evaporator in llie country. Foi Also eOLDEJf SALVE for PILES. physicians a specialty. Such trea-*"-E^^*-A* ted Sl'NBAVNAT i.OO P. M.t KxpreM for oo- ton ana ïohk. April 18 on call easy at pricss nominal. Molasses regular to sale low successfully without any in-rflu VfiVT.V principal Way Station», arriving In New —Money 1@ Sugar, by ·**■ JJ ÎMPOBTBD at 1: stance of failure. Mention this 10 AJ f: Boeton at 6.30 p. m. 1 ^ per eat. closing prime mercantile paper good polarization, 3@3% reals gold per arrobe; M. W. dull at 4 and 4 Muscovado reals BATCHELDER, paper. ian31eod&wly TRAINS 4 a ft Foreign lixebunge 86-ii 87%. Sugar, common to fair, 3Ml@3y2 LEAVE BOSTON FOB PORT· Governments have been quiet and strong with gain gold per arrobe; Centrifugal 92 to 96 deg. polariz- 46 Turner 8t., Portland, Proprietor and Manufact'r For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, WINES k LAND cent m the bid in State bonds ation reals. LIQUORS of Vfc P«r Price prise. 4%@47β F. A. SMITH & AT a. m.. a sale Stocks in Matanzas CO., For Sale in Portland Backache, 7.30,0.OO 1-J.30 and r.OO p. a.., have been neglected, excepi of 1883 at 1UÎ. warehouses at Havana and by Cramps, Sprains, let all kind·, io Ike week day*, and t.OO n>. Sunday*. bonds have beeu moderately and strong, 49,500 boxes, 447,500 and 38,500 hhds; re- Burns and p. Railroad bags & 132 Commercial 81 T. J. Sts. Sciaticaf Scalds, late iu the afternoon, when they a ceipts during week 46,000; bags and 126,128,130 STEVENS, Cor. North and Congress iHSIOINAL PACKAGES, PARI.OK AND PCLLMAN KLEEPINO until yielded ό,ΟΟΟ boxes, apl 5 d2w Feet & fraction in some cases. 4,8u0 hbds; exports during the week 2300 boxes, H. H. HAY, Junction Free and Middle Sts. Bruises, Frosted Ears, CAR SERVICE arc if 27,000 and 5000 of which 3700 hhds anl9 d3m TO» RAU x ii0 roi towing i.o-aay:B oiojiiij.' quwabioiit bags hhds, WESTERN DIV.: Parlor ear on l.OO p. m anil and all other Pains and Aches. IODIDE OF IRON Government securities: 16,500.bags were to United States. train Portland to Boeton; U.00 a. m., Boeton to Lnit«d Stale* ondf. i»s il'1% Freights are quiet. Cured without the uee of the A safe, sure, and effectual PILLS, R. STANLEY & SON, Importers Portland. do do <*o 4Vas, reg ii2a/8 Spanich gold 234y2. Qr.Laville's Remedies knife. WILLIAM READ (M. D., EASTERN DIV.; Portland to Boeton, Pullman on States 60 M. Strains, POKE do do Ίο AVfce, coup ..il2% Exchange quiet; tho United days are the most certain for the cure of Harvard, 1842) and ROBERT remedy for Galls, the Academy of Medicine of Paris, NO. 110 SrKEKT, car from the 3.00 a. at Fistula Approved by sleeping car, (through Ea*t,) do i21/« gold ttigJ&yz premjdo short prem. .KKAD D. 1876). Kvann are the Medical Celeb- i'i. de do reg.,,, sight 8%@9V2 (M. Harvard, Sores, &c„ on Horses. especially recommended by Mr. dally. Parlor cars on 8.46 a. id., Ι.Ο&β.ΟΟ p. .... Scratches, Portland, do iio dO 445, COiip 121% llotiMe, 175 Trrmont Mt, Boston, rities of the world for Scrofula, (tumors, Ring's m.: Boeton to Portland, parlor car* on 9.00 a. m., ...... i.<*7 AND will ils merit». of p^itte «>a. "\αά AND jtreat FlxTULA, PILE», One trial prove evil, etc..) the early stages Consumption, Consti- General Managers (or New Englaart, and 12.30 p. m. week 7.00 p. m. dally. 1AÎLING DaWi OFSTEAISHI^ ALL Of THE 4iso, days, />..· DISEASES tutional Weakness, Poorness of Blood, and for Pullman car 7.00 m. a.1 no following κτ& me οϋ>βιηΐς Gout and Rheumatism are instantaneous. sleoplng p. dally. Fit Ο M FOB ItECTUifl without detention from Its effects and its periodic course.None FOB THE «KI.KHKATFS» and Weet, at 36 Sold by Druggists A-descriptive stimulating regulating Through ticket* to all point* South ^hcago « Alton Va New York.. 21 generally. business. References Send for 40 rue StDomingo St Domingo ..Δρΐ ecnt E. FOUGERA given. Price 25c. and SOc. Sold unless signed"Blancard, Bonaparte, Portland tieket omen, and at Γηΐβη Tick- & 150 pamphlet bv the agents: m. everywhere. depot cJUiobgo Alton pref... Alaska New fork.. Li ver pool.... Apl 21 A 30 pamphlet. Office Hours, 11 a. to 4 fenuine•aris." Price 50 cents and 81 .OO per bottle. Summit Mineral et 40 Eicbaue St., Porilaad. * Burr U 121 CO., North William St., New York, Spring Water, oaice, Chicago. Ouiney Finance New York. Rio Janeiro..Apl 22 PILES p. m. (except Sundays). £. Fongera Ac Co., W. If·, Agent» for the U. IJAS. T. FUBBEB, Gen'l Manager, 12% decs Jfirle.../. City Washington. ..New York. .Η*ν&Υϋπιζ..Αβ1 23 dlawlyM febl2 eodly deo29 M\»F4w«owlj ». Sola by Druggists generally. decSdlawlyM FRO» HAKR1NON, ΜΛΙΝΒ dec is) dtf Personal. THE POLICE EXAMINING! BOARD. ! music AND DRAMA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT* AUCTION SALB· THE PEESS. Dr. Seth C. Gordon leavoa tomorrow (or New The Public Orleans to visit the exposition. Hearing Saturday Evening ; THE THOMAS CONCERT. Mr» Thaxter'e MONDAY MORNING, APBIL 20. Mr. U. H. O'Brion is ill with inflammation Suggestions. Tonight City Hall will be filled with an audience F. Ο. BAILEY & CO., interested in to listen to the Thomas of the bowels. deeply music, The new police board gave a examining concert. Affording the highest compensation and We are glad to see Ckiet Engineer in the Auctioneers and Commission Merchants. Cloyee hearing Aldermen's room in the City continuons and a standard GRAND KID CITY AND adopting GLOVE VICINITY. employment, SALE. out again, and restored to health. last to all Buildiug Saturday evening persons whose excellence is a guarantee of the highest abil- Salesroom 18 Exchange Street. Mr. W. Y. WKW ADV£BTI8lin£NTH TODAY Pomery, formerly of this oity, ig interested in the manner of making appoint- ity, Mr, Thomas is enabled to command the services in F. β. ΒΑΙΙ.ΕΪ, C. W. AI.LEN town and gladly welcomed by his old friends ments to the police force. The was of the most skilled musicians of all countries, and Short hearing Long Wristed, Wristed, Lace and all marl4 dtf ENTERTAINMENTS. customers. his the finest and given in order that tte board obtain an orchestra is now, par excellence, over Base Ball—Portland Base Ball Grounds. might Falmouth C. H. McKusick of Portland, is of as of in to their which he ever drew his baton. It is unnecessary sorts of Kid at Skating Parlor. spoken expression opinion regard duties Ladies' fine Gloves HCHINEHS CABDN. here to refer to the and wide field of festival Portland Theatre-Denman Thompson. a candidate for the position of Lieutenant and begiu their work with some knowledge of high NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. work which Mr. Thomas has additionally conduct- Commander of the Maine Division, Sons of the ideas of the public. Curtain Poles—Owen, Moore & Co. ed to such glorious achievements throughout the Veterans. Mr. S. W. Thaxter had been invited to be Millett& Little-3. eountry, and which have linked his name with the Kid Gloves—Rines Brothers. Mr. B. 0. one of and submitted to Heed, the oldest and moat present the consideration cf his 81 Cents Pair. Lost—Gold Watch. highest musical results of generation. Suffice it Only per Pullman the board a series of W. P. Carruthers, Boston—5. popular car conductors on the Boston rnles which he had pre- that his place at the head of the music of America The fabric in these suits is guar- For Sale—Row Boat. and Bangor route, has resigned to accept a po- pared. These roles embody mach that is now is universally recognized, and with his reorganized anteed strictly Pure Wool, free Notice—Retail Provision Dealers. sition as clerk in effect in from or cotton and Wanted—Boy. in the Falmouth Hotel. other cities. The following is an and perfected orchestra, his present tour will enable shoddy will This sale will this not the seams begin (Monday) Morning For Sale—Cortage Lots. Major H. 8. Melcher has accepted an invita- abstract: Mr. Thomas to excel himself. fade; being double Wanted-A Girl. is in sewed will not the tion to deliver an address on be- All applicants for positions are to file their Miss Juch'8 voice developing strength, full- rip; pockets John & Memorial day appli- at 8 and will best values Smith, Jr., Co., Boston cations certificates her made from best Duck canvass o'clock, comprise In fore accompanied by of good moral ness and richness constantly, execution is Insolvency. Poet No. 80 of the Grand Army, Depart- not lees character, signed by than three nor more in the will not tear, and the buttons For Sale -Two Horse Farm Wazons. ment of than five citizens of faultless, her stage presence winning extreme ever Photographer, New Hampshire, at Eppine, Ν. H. good repute, and the city clerk fastened the offered over Kid Glove To Let—Rooms, a by patent process any counter. ia to furnish eacti applicant a copy of the and her personal beauty only fitting supplement Flue Portraits a spoolailjr, Rou*h and Tumble Suite—A. F. Hill & Co. The marriage engagement of Miss Alice police will not come off. rules and rare vocal charms. Mr. To Let—Two regulations. to her W. J. Winch is a Cottage.-. of the Examinations are to take on we For Swazey, daughter late,Dr. Swazey of place the second favorite tenor of and received much To-morrow shall sell also Sale—furniture and Fixtures. Monday of and November and Boston's, To Let— to Mr. Clinton of Portland is May at sach other HOTEL House. Springfield, Hay times as the of the from the London critics, when he appeared FOE SALE IN PORTLAND OPPOSITE FALMOUTH Samuel exigencies service may require, G. Curry, Boston—3. announced. Mr. will become a Sweden- and due notice of them is to be {iraiseη England. Mr. Heinrich, the basso, has appeared To Hay given in the daily Let-Tenement papers and to each at all the great musical festivals with pronounced 3 BUTTON KIDS AT 50 CENTS. Portland Me· applicant — borgian minister and preach at Fall River. individually. success. ONLY AT — Every applicant must have passai a physical ex- " " " " From Ε Β. Jarvis, E$q. Ex-Secretary Blaine will leave Washington amination of the city physician before presenting The orchestra will number 60 pieces. During 4 59 himself te the and his the of any movement at the concert, the J. H. M. Office Boston for his home in Augusta as eoon as the warm board, physical qualification playing WHIDDEN, D., Sunday Courier! \ shall be graded upon this examination. doors will oe closed. " " SucceMor I· DR· C>. II. βΙτΒΒ, 17 1882. weather sets LACE GLOVES 81 January th, f in. He has given up the lease of The Board is to examine the applicant in writing The following will be the from programme: Pfiftlenrt. mm 1VT Dr. F. W. Kinsman: Dear Sir—I have the Windom in which dictation, hand writing, spelling, arithmetic house, he has lived all and Symphony No. 2, D. Major, op. 36 Beethoven F. HILL & A. RESIDENCE: experience and with re- OFFICE AND Kaun frnnl'liid /λ» oaitavnl ηαηνα dn.ïnrr 4l.it min acquaintance police con A FINE 3 BUTTON KIDS AT winter to take effect in June. gulations. Adagio molto; Allegro Brie, major; (M, £l.OO Largnetto, A major; Scherzo and Trio; Al- " with a P. J-T_ TTnnnallv R A Phnamoll VnhV· Each member of the board is to mark the ex- S'» '» ·* J.ltïITTAlI νίΠϋι Α Τ 1 AU ter, hacking coagh, which, although I legro, D major; Allegro molto, D major. 187 Middle 633 Street. amiuuuua separately, ana tue average of these St. Congress never was ever I C. H. W. S. Romance—Euryanthe Weber apr20 eod2 w TELEPHONE 451. thought serious, annoying. Cook, Condell, Boston ; W. B. marks Bhall constitute the judgment ot the board. The relative "Unter bluhenden mandelbaumen." 3 KIDS 5© ap7 dim· commenced taking Adamson'e Botanic Coagh Law, New E. C. Au- weight to be given to quali- Winch. BUTTON WHITE CENTS Haven, Conn.; Allen, intellectual physical Mr. William J. Notice. fications, acquirements and experience No. Balsam, and found it relieved me at once. I gusta; Β. B. J. F. are 3 and 1 Hungarian Rhapsody, 12, (new) ..Liszt Murray, Pembroke; Perkins, β, respectively. the undersigned, Retail Grocer» and Prorii- TËNNEY & The on each DUNHAM, have only been taking it a week, and on R. C. E. were markings subject is to be on a scale WE,ion Dealers, hereby agree to cloee our Manufacturers and Jobbers of only Providence, I.j Gibbs, Bridgton, of 100 and the list of respec- And a eligible men shall be made Overture tive stores Wednesday, 22, and not un- out of all our retiring and my coagh has at tbe Falmouth last from up ) Aprlll open general closing surplus entirely disappeared. night. those whose general standing does not fall be- b Duo.''Like to a VU- til Friday, 24: PLAIN TIN WARE low J Wagner April I better and (eel C5. — — sleep nights better in the Mr. Cowles and Mr. Juglaris of the Dart- Îœ ion.' (Act III). ) John F. Woodbury, S. C. Goren, stock of AND In case of a vacancy the names of the three Miss Juch and Mr. Heinrich. Wonderful Gloves at LESS morning. I shall recommend Adamson'e Bo- month-street Art will A. P. Sawyer, W. S. Dunn, Bargain School, come to Maine highest candidates on the list are to be KITCHEN FURNISHING GOODS, eligible The Nations, (new) Moszkowski λ. αι. î^eiguLou, x. ». Λ tanic Balsam to all certified to the In case mcuonay son, my friends. today, to seek a suitable place where they can mayor. of more than one (Suite de aix pieces characteristiques.) P. W. Libby. A. W. THAN ACTUAL make in State Agents (or vacancy a list or Fierce, COST to France. 20 supplementary lists equal in num- 1—Russia. 2—Italy. 3—Germany. Bunker & Morris, M. A. April open a summer art school, as this year they In- ber to the vacancies to be filled and Dillingham, New Economist Oil Stoves, __MW&S&wlw composed of 4—Spain. 6—Poland. 6—Hungary. O. A. Chape, S. Hobart, tend names In the order of their rank shall be certified. Advice to mother·. giving particular attention to the sea- Quite a number of good seats yet remain, and will Small & Ricker, S. Winslow & 12 Exchange St., Portland, Me. All temporary appointments shall be made from Co., shore. As seon as the be sold at reduoed prices. John Cooper, Η. M. aprlO eo<16m Mrs. Winelow's should al- weather will permit, men on the eligible list and no shall fill a Wright, Soothing Syrnp person Carter & Coveny, Ε. B. & Mr. Cowles temporary appointment more than three NOTES. Knapp W., ways be used when children are cutting teeth. is to take his class out on Satur- months, G. H. McKenney & Co., Herbert and the temporary appointee shall not be made In- The Jordan, Rines Brothers. for parties holding exchange tickets for the per- G. H. Lord, Globe It relieves the little sufferer at it days sketching. eligible to a permanent Tea Store, once; pro- appointment during his formance of the "Colleen liawn," to be given at ▲. E. Howell, A. At the temporary service. Portland Theatre the Harris,, ap20 dit daces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the monthly supper of the Paint and Oil by Grattana, Fast Day, after- C. M. Adams, F. E. Lovell, Mr. Thaxtex's noon and evening, should take them to the theatre C. A. ohild from and the little cbercb awakes Club, held at the Falmouth Hotel suggestions were well received Rounds, W. L Wilson & Co., pain, Saturday box office tomorrow and them A. R. & and elicited some morning, exchange Moody Co., G. C. Shaw, as as a button." the club entertained questions and discussion. In for coupon tickets. The will be "bright It is very pleasant to night, Messrs. Charlei regular play beau- G. C. Shaw & Co.. A. L. Millett A mounted and out in Co., taste. It soothes the Samuel A. P. W. regard to the physical examinations, tifully brought fine style. Wm. Milliken & Co., Sewall child, softens the gams, Fobes, Bolfe, Fuller, H. Judge The reserved seat» for the "Yankee Lang. Artillerist," L. W. Lombard & & Goddard asked why, with one a to Co., Leighton Gage, DRESS and S. be GOODS. the J. physician at are allays pain, relieves wind, regulates the Woodbury White. After dinner Mr. produced City Hall, Friday night, being C. J. Pennell, G. H. Cloyes, member ot the board in rapidly taken up at and those who W. bowels, and is the best known for diar- Fobes narrated incidents of the trade here in accordanoe with tbe Stookbridge'a, Jobn Deering, Sawyer & Dyer, STEPHEN remedy intend attending should secure seats at once. L. W. BERRY, of tbe it was Leigh ton, A. R. whether from 1821, Mr. Bolfe in and Mr. Fuller in provisions law, necessary to have Our readers who are to the Winslow, rheal arising teething or ether 1830, going entertainment Stevens & El well, Wm. A. Taylor, 1838. Mr. the examinations condacted the to be given at Chestnut street church, April 30th, Martin W. causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Woodbury spoke for the Grocers by city phy- Beet, K. F. Green, Book, Card ana Job Printer sician. Bhoula be on baud at the sale of reserved seau at E. G. Thorne, E. Association, and Mr. White for the brush this Thompson, DecIO WS&M&wlyr Stockbridge's morning. Holders of admission Toi man & Ο W. Lombard & Mr. can Archibald, CO., No. 27 Plum Street trade. Thaxter said that all eligible applicants tickets exchange them for reserved seats on Snlivan & Osgood, C. N. Lang, payment of ten cents. LITTLE Harper's were F. H. piummer MILLETfT Bazar.—This beautiful entitled to an and Chase, & Co., weekly examination, judging Now is the lime to get tiokets for Stoddard's next Merrill publication is a welcome visitor to the Law anil Order League. Place, C. G. Files. I>. parlor from tbe number of applications nnder the lecture at Stockbridge's. Ihe lecture will be given ap20 S. KNIGIIT, circle. The number for the week has The last of tbe Sunday evening of d4t OFFER. MONDAT: ensuing meetings old system, the task of making all these exam- Wednesday evening. been received N. G. 484 On account of the Thomas by Fessenden, Con- the Law and Order League was held last even- inations would be necessarily long and tedious. concert, tonight's re- In grese street. hearsal by the has been until Insolvency. PAPER RULER. in the The physician on the board his Haydns postponed ing Chestnut street church. There was gives services next Wednesday evening. The society will Court of Insolvency for the County of Cumber- and it would be biing State of 1 lot 40 inch all Wool Dress Goods at 50 cents. Account Books Ruled to Order. a audience in attendance. The gratuitously, hardly fair to out "Saul" the first of May. land, Maine. large pastor, throw him the of Judicial upon work making so many The Cosmopolitan Club will produce "School" at April 18th. A. D. 1885. Supreme Court. Bev. Dr. Bashford introduced Mrs. B. 1 inch all 45 EXCHANGE ME. Caroline examinations. Furthermore, it wili be seen Portland Theatre soon, in aid of a local charity. In case of JOSEPH T. Insolvent lot 40 Wool Oxford and Cadet Mixed Cash- ST, POBTLAND, BEFORE JUDOE VIRGIN. STUBBS, Debtor% of the W. C. T. that the city physician has to do with The Brunswick Telegraph, speaking of the con- BOOM OS 3d FLOOR. Buell, corresponding secretary nothing is to give notice that on the seventeenth mere at Saturday—Geo. W. Barnes vs. Alonro the of cert to be given in that town by Grimmer, says : 62 1-2 cents; been sold for mar 2 d3iu Campbell as tbe of the determining ranking the men- His THISday of April, A. D. a Warrant in In- $1.00. Real action involving a disputed lino between the U., speaker evening. "Grimmer is so well known here as an 1886, duty consists in filling in the blanke furnished accomplish- solvency was issued by Henry C. farms of the parties on Harpswell Neck. Verdict Mrs. Buell has had ed musician that be will not fail to draw a full Peabody, Judge 1 lot 40 inch all Wool evidently much experi- him lor the purpose, and the members of the of the Court of Insolvency for said of Cum- Foùle Finish Dress all forplaintiff for $47. house. He brings first-rate talent with him, and County Goods, Herbert €f. Briggs, ence in work and a board determine the relative berland, against the estate of said Weston Thompson. D. Parks. temperance gave clear, standing of the some people who have never appeared here. The colors at 50 cents. George men from his Ν. Λ il. Β. Cleaves, well delivered view of the subject. The returns. people have so often listened to (Irimmer's orches- JOSEPH T. STUBBS, of Portland, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR ques- tra Jury finally dismissed. In explanation ot the educational examina- without cost to that will now to be an Insolvent — or- tion of a themselves, they adjudged Debtor, on petition of 1 lot 40 inch all Wool intemperance becomes woman's ques- Mr. Thaxter feel like the favor." Black Lace at 39 cents. There being no case for trial until morn- tion, said that it was intended to returning said Debtor which petition was filed on the seven- Bunting Tuesday tion ber interest as a Mr. P. Redmond, advance of Den American A Foreign Patents, ing, the juries were excused until that time. through mother and in a cover the points of an ordinary common school agent Thomp- teenth day of April, A. D. 1885, to which date 1 son, is at the Merchants' Exchange Hotel. interest on lot 24 inch Cotton and Wool Double Mixed much than is education. The from dictation was to Thomp- claims is to be computed. Warp Gray degree greater generally sup- writing son appears at the Portland Theatre and That the No. 93 Exchange St, Portland, Me. be with a view to ascertain the Friday payment of any debts to or by said debt- municipal Court. her interest as a charaoter of Saturday at 17 worth 33 cents. boalnau to Patent* and posed through direct sufferer. the ights. or, and the transfer and delivery of any property Poplin cents; ΗΓΆ1Ι relating promptly BEFORE man's handwriting and hie to Patti has 42 times JUDGE GOULD. obtained ability spell sung during her American en- by him are forbidden by law. falthfnlly executed. o. 6 St. 20-1 60° In the shade. three veying the route will be pushed on as as FOR Washicgton 492 & 494 CONGRESS STREET. at years he had spent among them unless rapidly thias hall were half-mast daring the da;. dtf The Oxford Bears reunion will foon occur. they could do so to gain new encouragement possible, and that the intention is to begin the ac- apl6 and for the tual work of GLOVES. inspiration futare. It construction as soon as snow The raltte of foreign exporta waa 8253,461 Mr. Lang'· Fiah market. their retro- the leave· spections did not have this then the the lut and included Mr. Sewall ol the firm of and tendency, ground. Before the ground is broken, Mr. Bur- week, 524,363 feet of lumber. Lang, Lang pastorate had been a failure. The past should pee states all land damages will be settled. Many Sixteen fishing vessels landed 92,500 pounds Sargent whose cellar was recently ordered by lead from the lower to the higher. Mr. of these who live along the route will give tbe of cod and haddock at this last week. the Mayor and Aldermen, to be cleaned ont Williams said it is the customs of some port of over their ministers near the olose of their sermons to re- right way land, as they are amxlous to The Sardinian is expected and the nnder the direction of the City Marshal, says Tuesday capitulate certain points. He recapitulated have the road built at once. In answer to a quee- Montreal will sail that he has been treated in the Millett —M. K. to T. J. land. Sarsaparilla cured me, and I can safely recommend Dress Suits a In testimony whereof witness hand and seal ol duction. Mr. the Chaplin Chaplin, The In Portland to the Cele Specialty, my Sinclair, baggage master, the following causes: $1500. it." Joseph Schoch, Peoria, 111. jy only place buy office this 24th of March, 1885. WARDS No. 541 Congress St. brated "COBB1, Lime. day has withdrawn his Yarmouth-I. S. Wilson to Ε. E. land d2w H. W. CANNON, resignation. Wright, A Pleasant Surprise, ap!8 mar31 d2m diseases. 1234567 Τ and buildings. $400. Iseal [Comptroller of the Currency. 8. D. et al toi. S. Wilson, land and build- Mr. C. I. Pitman, Dorchester District, Boston, mar27dlm of Accident 1-1-1--· Λ Sawyer H. LADIES' GARMENTS Board JHinaions. ings. $600, took Hood's Sarsaparilla for the simple purpose of LAMSOÎS, Croup his blood. He was MADE TO ORDER. eod4w .- — — QlisUaid—C. H. te Ε. land. purifying greatly surprised and Dealer in and for apl The Maine Board of the Woman's Board of l * ο Haskell Green, $1000 Agent negotiatedT Consumption gratified to find that it wae doing what all other Missions hae received $1,343.71 since Oct. Diphtheria remedies had failed to a severe 15, Ζ Τ — «. U. Nail Co. do—curing kidney FIGURED GLASS Bropey trouble with which he had suffered for COLUMBIA of which som $48 was received for eleven 1884, the Heart The S. Nail has been He recommends Hood's âC. KL. eft? W. and G. I ί Company organized years. earnestly Sarsapa- holding paid up Life or Endowment for doors, cars, ships Star Mission. Of the full Infantile J rilla for such Morning amount ~ complaints. American and with old Mutual Life or to order. ~ ~ ~ γ with the officers: and all the Leading Eng- PERSONSPolicies the other relia- GRASS churches m tide Jaundice 7 following LAWN SEED. ~ 7 ο ble who wish to of theBethel furnished $34.62;Portland Old — 1 and companies may dispose same or auxiliary, a*e i 7, President—C. S. Woodbury. lish Bicycles Tricycles. A mixture of tbe linest and most suitable Grasses Broken lights matched. -J Hood's Sarsaparilla negotiate loans thereon, may do soon application t Second Parish Church and Peo- Paralysis Treasurer—S. C. Perry. Hand Machined In stock. Alsa for Lawns, Grass Plots imd Cemetery at Young — — — Sold all six fur Second City Lot#, $35; Unknown __-_-l^— — — X ± by druggists. SI; $5. Made Λ tew good Directors—Charles Klch, S. C. Perry, C. 8. Wood- only &o. wholesale and retail — — C.1. H001> & by C. — — — — Bicycle Sundries, ple's Aid, $130.66; State street, $10; WillistOD, Water on brain A bury. by CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mua. H. PARLEY, W. r>. LITTLE, KEKDALL & WHITNEY. from PMtjand. Totals 22 100 Doses One Dollar. KOI middle St., Portland, Me. 4 KXCHANHE ST. $44.50; total, $254.68, 2123168 Capital stock, $100,000; paid in, nothing. d2w j janl dorm #p3 aprl 31 BXCHANOJE ST. dU aplS mar* eodly