Copyrighted Material
Akureyri Art Museum Ash Wednesday (Öskudagur), 32 Index (Listasafníð á Akureyri), ASI Art Museum (Asmundarsalur; 253–254 Reykjavík), 128 See also Accommodations and Akureyri Church, 254 Askja, 5, 373–377 Restaurant indexes, below. Akureyri Summer Arts Festival, Asmundur Sveinsson Sculpture 34 Museum (Asmundarsafn; Akureyri Swimming Pool, 256 Reykjavík), 130 Alafoss Factory Outlet Association of Independent Tour General Index (Mosfellsbær), 151 Operators (AITO), 56 A Alafoss (Reykjavík), 141 ATAK Car Rental, 42 Alcoholic drinks, 29 Aðalstræti (Reykjavík), 120 Access-Able Travel Source, 52 drinking laws, 378 Aðalvík, 227 Accessible Journeys, 51 GENERAL INDEX prices in the airport, 41 Atlantic Airways, 40 Accommodations, 61–66. Aldeyjarfoss, 263 Atlavík, 351 See also Camping; Mountain Aldrei fór ég suður (Isafjörður), ATMs (automated-teller huts; and Accommodations 216 machines), 47 Index Alfaborg, 361 The Atom Station (Laxness), 23 best, 9–10 Alfacafé (Bakkagerði), 361 August Long Weekend eco-friendly, 55 Alfaland (near Akureyri), 261 (Verslunarmannahelgi), 34 landing the best room, 66 Almannagjá, 157 Aurora borealis (Northern money-saving tips, 65–66 AlÞingishús (Parliament House; Lights), 36, 193 searching for, 65 Reykjavík), 121 Aurum (Reykjavík), 139 star-rating system, 65 American Foundation for the Austfjarðaleið, 346 types of, 62–64 Blind (AFB), 51 Austfjarðatröllið (Eastfjords Act Alone Theater Festival Andey Island, 342 Troll; Breiðdalsvík), 341 (Isafjörður), 216 Angler Adventures, 72 Australia The Activity Group, 67, 73, 185 Angling
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