1'OETLAND ! generally and universally understood wbat DAILY PRESS, the country la now engaged in. We have as CLOTHING. MERCHANDISE. BUS i OHM all will miscellaneous! BUSINESS CAEDS. BU T.OIXiNLAlf, Editor, agree, a free government where every K!Sb(JAliD&>. M1SCEUL AN man KO US. has a right to oe with other published at Se. 88* EXCHANGE HTBKKT.by equal every To Grocers. | man. In this great this form of gov- H. struggle, m DUDS OUAOALOVPB MOLASSBS,a Maine REMOVAL !' EDWARD BURGIN~ **. A. A CO. Women t, and of is FTiTmD GOODS! 1 7 A Bonnet Notice to KC8TEH I every Aurnan for Stip farm right, AIU nice article letaiins. Forsalebv 30S Bleachery, WHOLKSALK DIALBII Owaeri, j endangered if our enemies succeed. Tnere is Oct 8t—2m C. C. MITCHELL k SON. Congree Street, —MMit— more ran Involved in the contest than Is realized PORTLAND NATHAN to*ylaav Daily rasas!* published atfcS.OO • P. B. MAINE. GOULD, ileal and p*r v«ar. by every one; there is involved in this strug FROSTt Apples. Corn, ¥\onr, Sliinpintr Merchants! f hr :& aiusStatm Pcmbai* pubilshod every Thnrt gle the question whether your children aod Choice Appples, jiut reoeired and Merchant Tailor, d iy :nornia*,ai SH.00 per annum, in *2.26 Ivleroliant 200 l°r Straw, Lace & Bonnets Alio, Ground Book Salt. advance; my children shall tr.e we \ Leghorn rams-ed If witoin Mi mouth*; and 611.50,if enjoy privileges Tailor, to N«. 131 Middle street, where he U w. 11 kn:wn tbit the cltir.n. of Porting d nr* paid payment be »>^roBfH fc CI)Is.FORD -AKD- will be jased the have enjoyod.” HAS pt to meet his tiriends and custom- ix lutfl.tMl. in delayed beyond year. 94 oetSltf No.6 Limes*. Commission merchant Inrge.y itw cub* lr*Cc. Abe, w- Exchange ora A good assortment of C'loiha and *• Not until Slavery is annihilated, throughout Street, Trimmings K“'‘ “»*> u not ..v. • « it Ola Me., 10 lb* i.ljnd GENTLEMEN'S oonsian ly on hand. 0 *'er rhe United can come tho HATS, rog PUBOHASS ABD SALBOP : cl|yio u. lorntry, anditr. tur*lii»- 8tates, longed-lor * Katea of tT Particular attention given to for ** o Advertising: of Bleached & cutting i, ., WMbw •«. *- anu awl**. *. Kba Peace—a true, holy, and lasting H Pressed at the Shortest Notice others to make. 108 Oac moh of In ¥»*o.R» • b oief.ioiu «uuv# Of ttw space length of oolumn, constitute. founded on Jus- iooo Tons Sept 12—(13m Oats. Cuba.; a Peace, Union, Ekeedom, -ALSO- Bariev, Bye and uu bipain»i«r. to a* tier “bqua&x." baled itfcbto'* *1.60 tice, and Humanity. FALL quality Bay, and 600 tons loaee Hay "born ** ‘Ob Ol luuia«M, UL- per quart dally first week; 76 cents per week OVERC0AT8. wanted HfCani loaded with Corn In bulk ftaeol charge. toLarbi^i11 U.° lab* FRST by HATS & Port. >o aoli.o. U.n- after; t .irev insertions or less, *1.00; continuing eve- WINTER BONNETS DYED. Dana & Co. tol.gul«r»\ju.f ',*n“*“ The Union and Emancipation Society, i OVERCOATS. DENNISON. PIEBCE k CO., Warehouse No. 130 Commercial Street, ed bee “**- «•*»*• *>= Mely- ry oiher day after hist week, 60 cento. ootll dkwtf or '“C.'?1" SOI Commercial Street. And c.ww^'1.”0. inp^te. ©o w oar Half tr.-nare, three Insertions or less, 76 oents; one By order of the Executive, Sept. 6,1864. DRESS SUITS, made *° haV° °rde" City Mius, L»raring Bridge. hip mascots Fish course is tne tb* ®u* week. 81.00; 60 cents per week after. Offices of ™«&L™t«ade^ and Salt, olW one \umx the Union and Kmanc:pation Society, joneleoddm Vf*®«n»l» « them Under head cf *2.00 business suits. taut juitauu corr ,*lh,u to oh* AxrcauBirra, persquare per 51 Piccadilly, Manchester. >•» of Week; three insertions Pss, *1,60. &c. JAMES B. BACKLYFT. Luther ,bc“ro*“o*r delivery VESTINGS, Ac. Scotch Canvass. Dana, , PoftllUll, BK.ADL.EV, MOULTON A ROGERS mio the ua^u“l d"‘ Ei-bcial No-ncss, .‘2 00 per square first week, aagSl 8m. liverod bgb .ra idoa2!5S!'Th*l“ t er Woodbury Dana,} wUh itew bvlvsot square after; three insertion- or less, 21.(0; ▲Iso a assortment of Oi 1A B0LT8 of "David Corsar k Son’s” Leith, John A. 8. WHOL 1*8ALB DlALXKS IS mdvog. V*VU el,00 The of the St. Lawrence. good Dana.) HllinC. "fitoTi kfcV'r •*,**i C,'u‘rf’ thre® Hieertions, *1.00; one week, Eapids a sail-cloth of soperior quality, just re- when tbe bghien do.l»#r iv oa >bj.e *1 o' oslved direct lrom Inneldtf lbt»j nr.owneu We had a idea that there were Liverpool, at d for sale by ii*bt*rn by pnr.i,,,hf ... vague rapids CLOTHS w Aujerliseraente inserted in the Meins Statb for the ARMY and NAVY. EVAN k wealth. drain and ne 1 b tboir cr. nud nre in the river St. Lawrence; but the I MotilLVEBlT, DAVIS, economyjs Flour, Provisions, "cmTuvel ob.w. 7? P4«?a ( which has a circulation in magnitude, 34th—dtf 181 Commercial JOHN T. 1 large every part cf Sept St. KOGLKS & CO., 88 Commeroinl street, ogdiatanc.towinbalugpuc. ,na .SoiyJ the the Impressiveness of the same Garments or suits manufactured in the very best subsoriber respectfully iniorms his Iriendt Thomaa Block, ov.rnigLt, or be tacStti.elforOOceatipcrsqaarein addition to the wildness, in bnrg.u uiachar.ad uy nl |ilT7 for i manner, THEgeneral that he will Commission BOBKBT con is n M-Ve rates, caoh insertion. tar exceeded any idea entertained. When Treenails. Merchants, BBALBY, ) Mina*',>nd tbe tqurv.ee aio»v 1 b,' X.UOAI. Kcricie at usual later. C.K.BOffLTOB, .bat a oi tun ligniera o*aa »r. you can realize the idea of a steainuoat AXfO WH0LS8ALK DBA LARS IN 5 PORTLAND. MB portion io.t or..« »/ must going 0AK A. G. BOCBBB. ami vtssei atd owners aie Trsoficn*t,dv.ri!s9meBte be raid foria ad- amid the Latest I™AII‘8’ft' ) tie quiiedtopaj / V.-nto down hill deafening roar of a water- two , 100,000sWE Repair Gentlemens'Garments aayUdtl In © her words, the ©w.u* m*»ur# oxv«»ui BijsiuiiSB Nome a«, (o fai/, then you can realize what it is and at aiBONTON k are insure the fai h u *esj reading columns, 13 oents to run short notice, at a very sma'l advanoe from , OF EVERT DB8CBIPTION, Flour, Provisions & required to oi tu* Hg tor one iiiKt-riion, No down the of former 48 Commercial Whart Groceries, erme of ail o hem perlite charge loir than fifty rapids the Si. Lawrence. pr.ces. Please oall and examine. 8 1 N tt £ R: » ana the hunt sty living wXa* cent: icr each insertion. There are Portland, Jane 18,1861. janel6dtf thore. or to take ti.esocouut minor raptds, but there are three AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR PRICES No. 61 Commercial Street, empl- yed tho j P. B. 94 St. Aadea to t-is the charge lor liA storage has nea*- KiT'AU communications intended for paper ones. this we mean FROST, Exchange and principal By those which Bo that 1> doubled wi hin a lew ana L» to td- •hoaid be directed to the “Editor qfthe Emt, to Homey earn be Saved in these Wow Timet, SEWING MACHINES I ytai* i.kely one in the Portland, Oot 8—ecdSm MB. rSLoe to sum those oi a lu sines# character to the Eublithcn. approaching distance, present | j POBTLAND. any whioh imercfctjd partus there the 3. &. No. 28 may eee h tuv.u tar ion rsuBTtlio ol description ;-*eonted appearance of a bar of raging foam as STOBY, Exchange St. ge. every CIGARS and TOBACCO. _Jnneldflm * Lnd.r these ciroums+»nces tfco ttrj atd With dispatch. frightful as the breakers to the mariuer. The ! Ang 27—dtf WOODMAN, TRUE CO., thipmt agentsof owners upon orsuUaUcu onteied into an first in the descent are the P. Traveling Agent- rapids Long J,awt ! Wholesale and Retail. I AGENTS, «grefmiut S pt. 1,1.14, in reiau< n to ifce out tr, Truer, or the 1. E. FERNALO & NOTICE. and The roar is SON, forth pur* use o; *.ving to.ice tv al. cone ined "" ——— Long Leap. deafening. No*. *4 aad ..... aww.i The the undersigned. cold our Stook ot 56 JEJ idle Sueel. they caused it to waves dance up and down and cover the WM. having be pu.iiehea with tjeutnitsef sign, I ALLEN, Coal and Wood to Messrs. iu our 1 Jfi„ WE, Randall, HeAUs- H. Needla. ers, cai y piper* Iu order that .‘Lire river with white. The steam is shut Merchant ter do L. and Trlmmlngi ala ay ftl ha a*. mmy Nov. off, and Tailors, f I Co,, obeertully recommend them to our DAVIS, be no mi apprehension about Us Utims, it is inter led Saturday Morning, 19, 1864. the boat is B&t in store the LAnansT and bxst former customers. MeBHtf carried rapidly along by the natu- assortment of All persons having demands in this statement, v z: ral And Dealers In against us are requested to them tor settle- descent of the river. The is present Bookseller, Stationer, We, the and! for feeling pecu- ment, and all persons Indebted to us are A CARD. undersigned, shipmasters agon's liar. Ton the same requested AKD MAKUFACTUBBK OF owners, beret y es tuat on end a ttr the realize excitement as to make Immediate the old stand mgi nrtt day The and of the paymeutat where ot all Progress Prospects Great j when into the Cent’s one ot the geptemoer, lfeet, cargoes ladtn ou boajd or you plunge snrf for a bath; and Furnishing Coods, undersigned may be found for the present. the j DOMESTIC Premium DR. S. C. Island of Cuts, stn bedeliv red and received for Freedom in indeed those on CIGARS A America. the bow do receive a for _ SAWTKB WHITNEY. Paged Account Books. FERJIALiD, Struggle bath, j alotgeidei wi hin reaofc tf vessels Uokies, eac. the surf No. 87 Middle Portland, June 9,1864. Iunel3d8w p lag We wilh the flies over the deck as in a storm. Street. PAPER long lumber, which ii w to vowed tj the suozw reprint pleasure following ex- to he lound in the State qf Maine, the entire lot HANOINOS. vessels' by The next, the of the Ho, 68 crew*, eocordmg to the ©us oms of the pi in* cellent address issued the and rapids Beaubarnais, ever .Exchange Street, Portland, He. DEKIIS1, in the united mutes. v by Onion are 18 miles comprising ciple ports in extent, and in that distance de- Coal andfWoortJ No. 17B Mlddl f treat. of Our facilities for cur tuiwa.d Gooding, Geo. Emancipation Society, Manchester, an as- scend 90 feet. There are four supplying customers, with _Jnneldtl j H.Mar.-, j separate stages, subscriber haring purchased the Stock ol j ttiunoH.Dn.Dioc aad luui,. i. ii. Vnuey, taoiueljt'oie. sociation which hat done and is the and arc Coal CKA8. J. doing good Coteau, Split Rock, Cedsn and Cascades. promptness, fidelity despatch unexcelled. 250 000. THE and Wood, and taken the stand recently I SOMUMACBEB, b U. Lav.s, bbutal Meirymaa, The mode of ooonpiedbyMessrs. head of Portland, May K, 18C8. U •Jam- 8 l. E. J. work for our cause, and which deserves our descent and sensation is similar Our Stock is large and desirrble, presenting all Sawyer f Whitney, j Howe, bikiiav, j Maine wharf, are now to William to the preceding. The is prepared supply their Fresco and Banner Anderson, henry D. Green, gratitude for Us efforts to form and sustain a scenery, however, the Novelties of the season. former patrons and the with a Painter, MenJ. t>. 'Irue. Jamee far more and pablio generally, Dr. J. U. HEAi D ham, picturesque, these, by many are ftne assortment ol No. 144 Middle Street, John Berry, C. V, correct public sentiment In Great Britain and TERMS "NET CUSH." Dealers and cousumers are of bla entire Dailey, i considered the finest rapids in the river. The requested to examine dlapoaed internet in bit Mount fort, Jamee U WELL PICKED AMD MR. Office to Dr. S.C. Joseph iiutehi'ion, Ireland: 1 this which are SCREENED PORTLAND, HAVING -ronld oheerfuliy channel has been carefhlly sounded, and the Portland, Ang 10,1864.—dtf stock, among the well known brands FEKNALD, Joshua Pola d, Jobs W. Ciowtl or, ■dP Work cxoouted in every part of the State. reooommend him to hi* former patient* aad the pah- Goo. W. steamer look the most out of of Old Coggins, John E. Keniay, To the People of Great Britain and Ireland: I the way track, I Company Lehigh, Uo. Dr. Fbxxau>, from long expo' lence, is prepar- in junoltf Lyman S. Clark, I/twu Milii tii, the wildest oi the i Sugar Loaf __ ed to inaert Artificial Teeth on the "Vulcanite Fellow Countrymen : Untruthful state- I part foaming cataract, Seventh Lehigh, Baae,” Andrew J. Fettencill, A. n. Weiner. Regiment, Espaniola, and all other methods known meute aud efforts and almost those beantiful cov- ! F. Hazelton Lehigh, to the proleeaioa. Waiter W. Look, Walter unscrupulous are still being ; grazing inlets, Augustus York, Portland. U. IMS Merr)man, cred with trees Locust Mountain. BURGESS, FOBES, A CO., Mar tt Ihos. J. Gmuau put lorth by the enemies of free which are surrounded up to i Flora oh Brcio, Superior, Meant, Meed, government, thoir No. 104 Middle Mr’s, ■AHUVA0TUCKB8 OP ihca. L. Libby. G. W. Davie, Jree and free to deceive and very trunks with the river water. Street, labor, education, Bunker White and Red Berry C. bin all, E. A Marwick, mislead as The third and last and those within Hill, Hnnrt Clat, Ash, WOO# you to the lacts and merits of that rapids just returned from Boston and New York Diamond aud Japan, White Lead, Zinc, Paints, AMI COAL Charles Merri 1, Dav d Keieer, Jr. of are La Lorbenry, r Great Struggle ior Freedom, now sight Montreal, Chine raptds.— ; HAS1with one of the EniNSTrB, La And Ground Win. Ft is Kdwara Dell. going Hitica, with the best Oolora, D. H. Iituak M le. on between the ol the These are more dangerous than all the rest. Together quality of CHEAP fob CASH ! Atherton, loyal people United AKD DBALBR8 IK to land It oik, k lit States and Until the of the steamers have LARGEST AND BEST STOCKS American Eagle, Tip bturitva&t, the rebeUious Slaveholders' Con- recently pilots Top, Charles bawycr, S. V. Kan dal, not dared to go but have been OF Cn'tnberland Coal ! Wm. E K.G. federacy. down, obliged S Black Sea, Drugs Medicines, Paints, Oils & Varnishes. SPRING MOUNTAIN, LEHIGH, HEZILTON, I lioyu, kork, to secure the Keoalia, A Coal Cros on. In your name, but without services of an Indian in the vi- Superior for Blackvmitht. SUGAR LOAF, OLD COMPANY LEHIGH, LO- Greg McUilvory, By in ft your authority, Paint and Color E W C.lffo d, the of called In these C 1a O T H s , Punch, Kc Qloto, Factory, Jfo. 29 Afunjog St., CU8T MOUNTAIN. JOB MB, DIAMOND, WEBS- liavia, friends the Slavemongers in this coun- cinity, Baptiste. general rap- Also, Hard and Soft Kttsoa J. b. ids Wood, TER and BLAl K HEATH. Theae Coale are ot the Wheeler, Widow, try, united under the banuer of are caused by ledges in the river, but here —FOR— Cheroots, Manilla, Omco k 80 Charles Cbae. 1 Soutnern In- Delivered to order In Salecreeaaa, Commercial 8«,, very beet quality, well tcreened and pioked, and Bartlett, hie John there are in addition any part of the oity. Hubert dependence Associations, have recently is-, protruding rocks, and Conchas, La Flob. (Thomas Block.) warranted to give eatiafhciion. Oyer, Cbaa. h. Ciic.e, the Gentlemen’* Fall and Winter The former customers of a. u w niaaen. sued a Peace Manifesto addressed to the Peo-' sight is almost torrlfflc. Hurl Gate is Wear, Messrs. Sawyer A Whit- Hbhbt H. Bunouss. Alao lor sale beet of iu ney are respectfully Invited to give us a call. Portland, Sept. 1, left of the United States. placid comparison to it. The Bteamer al- Ever brought to this of CUABLBS 8. FOBES. FDBfLASD, U. pie city, consisting BANDA Under tins .he In that document it is most tocubes one like LL, MoA LLISTEB A CO. HARD AND HOFT WOOD, agreement chartering of ve ee'i tu audaciously asserted, big rock, which, Scylla, Portland. June 18 1V.M—Slv _mayl8dtf nut. within no hisses in its goueon eatiataciorlt) Osya, wu*a that aud the wrath at the French, German, English and Scotch delivered to a “Peace restoration of the Union trespassing stranger. i any part of the city. megeotl.m n liom Cuts wlo are inieie to in are Otherwise the skill of the is JONES & the ana s and me apparently more remote than ever;” aud only pilots to keep Beavers, Pilots, Chinchillas. Copartnership Notice, BLAKE, CO., Owen Coxxmoui St., head of Franklin Wharf. lighterage cargo cotsigi ol car- on the of the boat head to. IMPORTED HATHA CIGARS! go A, arrived hem, we bolkve inio.mta or strength this and similar baseless -AMD- It anil pen that tmusiba tel are made to call is curious to watch these steersmen.— Esquimaux, Moscow and London For Beavers, 8. ROUNDS A SON. thiecgiem Lnuu.ud, assumptions, you upon the j FLOUR&GRAIN maaiera muat ba held >. hr in. .1 There are fonr at All of whioh ho will make up in tne neatest manner Pert Mahon, Be Dates. DEALERS, teblBdly pomible h.e.*ie F.ee aud States to and i the wheel, while the And Bo Ter. ol or all ca. Our ab era le hue te.cad loyal pause give up captain at reduced Call ana Examine. BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENT cargi p appear 1 starda in front to prices. the struggle lor freedom;—that is, to recog- ring the engine room bell. 8ep« 2D—eodtonov21 Western and C adian Produce, WARREN’S I1QPOHVED atones to.hi* deinanu ivithoat ooa.u..lug or a M. subscribers on tho 7th to eonsu it o »r» ma nizs aud sanction a new Slave Ptcarel, the head pilot, stands first on the having day of May temdting and t],a, .nd nea L none,: Nebraska, Nevada, provis- All of which will be sold low for Timber cut in the and to Casb, at the old MAMUFAOTUBMM OF Kanuail A Woodbury. e. i Dahy, ionally organized as Free States. spring exposed stand of Lewis It Smith. KiUiekaiek. Are the beet Instruments of their clasB in the world. the j Scotch Canvas, Boyd A Hanson, t Met ph. r and or- weather with the bark much all the most artists in the Kilby, 8.Idaho, Montano, Dacotah, Arizona on, decays Nearly prominen’ oountry Edwaid Waite, J M iia sooner than if cut the ABIEL M. SMITH, 171 Fore St. have written to this and these and -FOB SALI BY- drnlrock, gauiz ed ts Free States. in fail. given testimony effect, Carriages Sleighs, William Ferris, b A Marw 8ept 30—dtf instruments are in oonstant use in the concerts of ok, 9- and show to be to MABKXD DOWS U B b K Hayti Liberia (colored rec- Experiments apples equal Having the price of Cigars and the most artists—as Gottschalk and Preble street, (Sear Preble Hoase,) Deene, Banaal. people) ... " distinguished JAMES T. PATTEN A CO. Wm U. • to ■ oguizpd as Independent potatoes' improve cows, and decidedly Tobacco, as well as other goods, to conform to the others—as well as in the :nu in the cit- hadboorne, KLUilUltald. Republics. principal PORTLAND, ME. 8 8 Bain er, Geo W Urn. 10. for whenever Such instruments arc Price He. field, Three millions of slaves declared forever preferable feeding cattle. price of Gold, and being determined to reduce the ies, required. ] Bath, James r D U A A Annual Statement 836 to 8599 each. Theeeinstruments bo found reeman, barton, free Proclamation of the bare pasture enriches not the nor I call the may Sale UO and U2 Drake k B by President, 1st I soil, etoek, attention of tbe trade to the same. at the Music Rooms of the where Rooms, Sudbury St., Boston, Mass Dtvk, Thoa ael* fattens the subscriber, they *>/ W k BOLTS Superior Bleached James M January, 1863. animals, nor increases the wealth OF THE will be sold at the manufacturers’ jnneltf 1 Easier, 8 Martin, prices. &\JU 800 do All flax “Gov-1 k Kussel, B J 11. All Slave of the owner. Long I Alma w t Perley Wlllaid, Fugutive Laws utterly abro- ernmeat Wurkl, Southard k One animal Western Massachusetts Ins. Wm. Alien, Jr., H. 8. EDWARDS, oontraot,'’ Woodbury, T V klbier, gated. well fed is of more value than Go., M. PEARSON, 800 do Extra All Long flax | I E Jo C Stewart's St. aan, Henry email, 12. The Inter-States’ Slave two poorly OF No.349} Block, Congress 800 do H*Yjr Mine J K U T bo mar Trade abolished. kept. PITTSFIELD, MASS., Nos. 13 and 15 St Silver Bowker, Means, Ground once well Exchange Dt ivorcd In or tltnry Luting, Jamas Bain, 13. Negroes admitted to in plowed is better than Mad* In with the __aprlSdtt Plater, Portland Boaton. Equal Rights compliance Laws of Maine. •f L W u K the United States' Court. thrice Nov 8—dim Ann MAsurAOTUncB or Rstb. Apr»ito.i86i Davis, Poyd, poorly. November 1,1864. TRANSIEN i’ PRICE LIST gpasdti Adams k York, Chaa Merrill, 14. Equality of the Negro recognized in the Charles Folks, UeoW Darla. ros SILVER pub.ic conveyances of the District of Colum- all WARE, L D Cole, Samuel U Daria, Capital Stock, paid in, $150,000.00 WILLIAM A. PEARCE, Norton stover, kdwa*d Hail, AX APPEAL 938 Congress St., Opp. Court House, Ms. Over Blocking Felt Hats for 1864, Portland, Chas B Ingraham, Chaa T 8ml'b, 15. All rebel States from return- Surplus Capital $06,232,48 AT Wm prohibited j I TO THE L# All kinds of sneh as PLUMBER! Renter, Jams U Lee, _ Wore, Knives, Forks, lug to the Union with PICTURE_FRAMES Invested as follows, vte ED Wi'lard. Croataa Slavery. Cake in the Sweetcir’g Bpoons, Baskets, Casters, Ac., plated um oi Uregurt 10. Free labor eelablished on numerous InU. S. 6-2') Bonds, valued at.92^,876 00 Bleaohery, 312 Congress St. beet manner. Emery Curbing, I P Pinkbam. CLEVELAND dr In Massachusetts State valued Patriotic & Benevolent Chas B plantations in South Carolina, Louslana, Mis- OSGOODj Bonds, at.. 1R,4L6 71 On Saratoga, Christiana and Eugenia shape, SO Also, Repairing and Re-Jtnishing Old Silver Varney, Aj PetunnUl In Vank Stocks, valued at. 28 2>;5 cO oents. Ware. Force and Water Albert Chase. J C York, sissippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas. and anggdSm Pumps Closets, \o. 147 middle In Railroad G> sCo Stocks, \alued.a‘ 1.676 00 3?eot>le of OnJooky Crown and shape, 60 oents. Samuel Bounds. Dante o Darla, 17. Free Schools for the of St., on of real eitate 01 Main©. English NO. 194 EXCHANGE STREET. k Education Freed Loans Mortgages 96.816 Blocking Felt Bonnets, 60 cents. I Stephenson Co., William Anderson, Loans on collateral securit es, 48.6 >3 90 Carriages, Ihomas Connor, Isaac Slaves in South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennesee, EVAN’S For ooloring, SO oents additional to the above Carriages PORTLAND, UK. Paik, BLOCK, Cash on hand and in Banks,.... 9 607 72 Bui Alv.n Neal. Peter braff.m, and in Eastern Virginia. Office of Maine 4gemot, I prioes. Firmly and Neatly Finished. Cash in hands of agents and iu iraneitu, .. 14.263 17 Hollk at. Clair, Hill, 18. The wives Have on hand the largest assortment ef 63 street, Portland, Me.) Milliners prices In proportion. septSS dtf Joseph and children of all Slaves em- Personal propeity and other investments, 3,2*0 97 Exchange J. P. Warm, Cold and Shower b^'.bs, Wail Henry G Timmons, John T Palmar, ployed as freed men In military and other ser- having been made from cur Maine LIBBEY, No. 20 Preble St., Wm U Ayers Bhobal Menyman, Total 48 APPLICATIONagent* at Washington, and 2nd Maine Ca airy, BRADFORD & HARMON, Brags A Silver Plated Chas David vice of United declared tree. Abbktb,...$246,232 for sale, at his establishment, a Bowls, Cocks, Dyer, MeCa mon, States, PICTURE AND OVAL Pensacola, for artie es of fur our Maine variety k 19. MIRROR, Vegetable,* OFFERSof Carriages made in the neatest and most sub- Dyer Pierce John W Crouther, Negroes, whether bond or free, enrolled Soldiers in at Pciut. and Pension and Claim Andrew J LIABILITIES. Hospitals City Washington Agents, stantial manner. The assortment a>1 the description of Wator Fixtures lor Dwel- Chase, Chaa Kinney, as ol the Pensaoola; a* tno of this state are ever comprises part military force of the nation. loyal people (Established in different styles of and will be Evertling Houses, Hotels, Public Char sawyer, Joshua Btront, Losses adjusted and due.. none. to to our 1861.) Light Carriages, they Buildings, Shops. 20. The ol ready respoed brave sold.ora, it« propos- sold on Ac., and sot in the Nathan 8 Daves, Waller loyal people Arkansas, Tennesee, vava'Sia \ claimed and unpaid.. $7 0 00 continue to devote their and exclu- the most ffcvorable terms. Persons intend- arranged np best manner, and all Merryman, 1 ed to rai*© Two Thousand Ebls uf Pitatccs: special In Filths A B am. In New before the and 00 Apples, sive attention to ing to purchase Carriages will find it for their inter orders town or country faithfully executed. Ah Wheeler, Webber, Louisiana, Florida, (Rebel States,) seek- England—purchased very great *, reported unadjusted,. 5,980 and Vegetable?, and Sorwatd the same to the Maine STILL the prosecution of Claims for Chas P advance In all of I est to ©all and examine before elsewhere. kinds ol jobbing promptly attonded to. Constantl' Knapp, l.yman b Clark, ing a return to the Union on the basis of free- kinds materials—are prepared to E. H. President. at and to bo distrib- baying sell at Kellogg, Agency Washington Pensacola, Arrears and luneaSdtf on hand LEAD PIPES, SHEET LEAD and BEEN Mlcah bampeon, Koas k Btuniraat. dom to all. J. N. uted to cur bray* sjldie sin Hospital-'. Pensions, Bounties, of Pay Dunham, 8ec'y. PI MPS of all descriptions. dtf S'epben c uuntey, ieton k Bale, Ail donations of tue above Prize Money, apt 21. An amendment of the Constitution to WHOLESALE OR Sworn to Nov. 1st, 1864, before me, art cles may bs sent to Jonathan hi Knapp, J 8 Winslow, pro RETAIL, m« at Poitlaud. Free has been hibit «. ustice of the Peace. transportation pro- And all othor claims the b W' Wm Y Ford, Bran A slavery every where and forover, Henry Chickering, overall against Government, New Bedford MeUileery, Darts, passed j vided of our Railroads running into the city. boon licensed therefor. Copper Comp’y. J. Lewis FURNISHING as the former and can assure their A Rare Chance for Business.” JnneSl.—dtf Metal, GOODS, «p'oipl)y only aah 'or what la nari- for an Amendment of the they customers and the public Augusta, Nov. 1, 1804. f and Constitutiou to pro- that all work ieatlyeuat riiht. Futif they prefer to generallv will be done in the NX AT- account of my health, I will veil at a I commend the abovo appeal to the charities Spikes, Nails, ye., Chambers 1 2 ctope- hibit for evM. bargain loyal Nos. and Free Street JBIoet rate wlvh the )ater t< r txacilne uu- Slavery JCST and most ft'OXKMANLIKB MANNEX the of of the of tho Mate. j hepurpcreot 28. \ ON following property, consisting people House for Sale 1 oToua term* and ilHIcui < a poMtiv* ihe The Federal Government forbidden by Samuel Cost, Governor of Maine. Eating kt short notice end delivered at any port required. H. i. fc |pj«ry upon (Over Libby Co.,) I the form r, it ia very much to be legrttted, but taa- Cougress to man as a House, Stable, out-buildings and Nov 4—dtf employ any Slave in any Store; Ono-half of the Establishment MeUILVERY, BYAN k DAY18. u- rer be rnbmltted to capacity. OLD FRAMES RE-GILT, Also, 40 ACRES OF LAND of the very beet de- Bept 6.—dtf j! P. Lew£’. PORTLAND, MR. 24 Cue hundred and on. The noose ia atoriea with a piazza; it fifty thousand negroes, To look to script Si; HARMON & No. *7*7 Middle CITY OF PORT LAN O. equal new. contains ten finished rooms. Also a Ell SEAVfiV, St., lylldtl mostly freed Slaves, in the pay and unilorm of large large GRANT’S COPPER A SPICE MILLS. the well arranged and very convenient. (Successors to Bradford if Harmon,) Federal Government, as soldiers of free- is finished VTOTICE U gi-en, that It le Portraits & The stable large and for a number ot ATKINSON & ORIGINAL v VALISES hereby the Intention dom Will continue the INGEBSOL, ESTABLISHMENT. TRVNKSj j of the Connell fighting for the Union. Pictures, j horse?; there are aleo two large .hods adjoining. city to Iny out, n new etrert, or AND for then Be 25. A new international treaty by the Feder- Cleaned and Varnished In the best style. The above are well adapted for a hotel and stable. Can be purchased at a bargain. This is the most public wny of the city.—beginning nt the I .lore is in and there is present tensions of ti mover street nnd oonbnulng he good shape, no better central and a ran al Government with this kingdom, for the have also received a fresh PENSION Eating Honse in tho city, has foil J. o Kennebeck sup- They supply of Trench ! place for trade in Cumberland County. BUSINESS,■ GRANT, ! etreet: of the Slave Trade. imitation of of customers. It has also one of Traveling Bags And the Joint pre-sion The ab >ve is situated in the plasant vil- In all its branches, at the old stand in Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of Bunding Committee of lb# City nroperty • on e of 26. The passing of the Homesteads Bill ebony lage ol Upper Gloucester, twenty miles from Port- Manufactured and for sale ounoil lnying ont l ew streets, In puttnen and rosewood :.u order • "nth the free aud landless become frames, land and within two miles of three Depots on the No. 88 Dow’s Celebrated Soda Fountains, of the Oily t-rcil, Dew'd ■ ,^mll ... -r city. For one business it will be found tbe this l*th dny of Nov. A. 1861. Ho Until the is seeking I address, in all variety of packages, and warrantee Given nnder onr hnjd< Match, Charge Claim Collected. All orders la the or from the The of the Federal Arms Looking-Glass Plates of all Sines Re-Sel. best opportunity ever offered in this class of business M represented. city country promp*. 1864' Military progress Charges as Low as Auy other Agency. lv vcLnllAB. I Is Government 7 3-10 Loan. in Portland. Coffee roasted and ground for the trade at short eeptitiklM JACOB iqnaiiy and proves to every They have also a of CAL B V. Bcewonia | Committee a-touishiug, large variety PhotogroLt oasej of will arsis' of seid’erf notice. ttUed*_ Stock and < In Necessity relativhs Parties will u stkwakt, on Impartial mind, tnat the Southern cause is as hcmicalt, Coses, Comoros, fe., fc. wishing to pnrebase please apply at tW~A.ll goods entrusted a ‘.the owner's risk. War. and seamei, until their is rece.rel from the h. Ladd, fn lip cot of as it is infamous This Bank is to receive to money marchlOdtf 126 CTBUS f hopeless ultimate success *•* Maktlb akd Pxkb Glassu mode to prepared subscriptions ATKINSON A INGERSOL’S, Exchange Street. 126 I'. XBOWMAB. | New SU. Its order. United States J»<> In basis and its The fol- the new 7 3-18 loan in su n of 85S and at arrogant in aims. Wi h the facilities them npwards, Winnie G. nncnn, J afforded they can get nn ; •ept27dtf Ao. 77 Middle Street. lowing facts will situ- from date of to : illustrate the Military any piece ef work in their department ol btufoete paying interest subscription August *"r. Harmon his teen constantly and excla-ivo'y E. J. D. LARRABEE & novMdtd ation. as we 1 and as as can *■ CO., M. cheap be dune in Boston or 16th, the date of the new loan. cngiffcd in t e bus!* esi for the »>ast fteen X- arn, Hugh Phinnev, 1. At the NewYok Liberal uimount made to tbe and :■ now ihe in tue Portland Committee No, 69 Exchange St., Concern rated commencement of the war, thir- trade. The notee are convertable at the end of three eldest practitioner Country: Army aid matron a ,n*>rln bis friend, oastoirei. teen States were sept27—dtf j red the busi e ;soi morj ttian 12,000 THB Manniaetnrers of all kinds or W°FV? and firmer claimed by the leaders of the years into c„nt 5 20 bonds. OF Uk*“ »h» and spooie'paying 6per po «o'8’othe entiresati lao ion. oi™. ^he u" Store A o. 121 Newhorns' FRUIT WIN3D, rebellion, sought to be from the Cl imaota en- oirrcoff waeie ho intends to on the disrupted Ma ne One-eighth per cent, will be allowed on all amounts cai ak once fro the advartage of curry Federal Government. State trust their nave had TJ. S. Christian Commission. (Blackin'i’» Military Agencies. of $1000 and over. B. C. SOMERBY, ng bisine-s loihos^ woo long FRAMES Made Without Fermentation. States I experience, liia are wel* and extensively known. — FOB — Stove and Furnace Business, have either de- fol wing State Agents for the relief ol sick Portland ng. 1.1884. dtf Ca«hier. at THIS win* pontuti » wild heir {ia*1 or Z. K. Hai-moe, Chairman, r. K. Hayes, receive* Store* 119 Hid- clared loyalty, have been from THEand oun ed ill and and delicious Orvor rail body. rescued Soldiers, prompt1 y i J.D. 3EAVEY. dle street. In all it# branches. of ail kinds, of the °*the I cheeriuh, famish any information, either Oil "8T0VE8. 1U» lroia choice Inal- **»? Confederate Armies. personally Mr. J D. Sea rey will continue the insurance bus- Treasurer. Cyrus Sturdivant, receives Honey at H Paintings, newest and moot prepared or and to Engravings, approved patterns* laucu* Irim 8. I he Federal has by letter, assiatsmoe soldiers and their i ires* as Commercial finite; and Iteymr* power gained a firm Mil- 8. _A_. heretofore oct22tf street. A ot terr- friends; EMERY, | Photographs, Classes. itg a«d pecv iar more itary or a Naval base of Soorotary, Henry n. Bnrgese, recedes Letters at Looking remerltblo footing, operations in lath of 80 and Ranges, ain toe, jos.r.r-s each ot the States. Commercial street. Manufacturers of all kinds ot Furnaces rebeiious Col. Benjamin H. Hinds, AYEI It’S Andrew hctliuv proper! ee Das Conservatorium der J. Chase, Dr. W. V. Johnson. otk- 4. It has grasped the great Hunk zu Leipzig, Hallow Ware. ,„ki g none ra’otatie.' securely Missis- 278 F iaMUdtt Tia'snd diott- a Street, Washington, D. C. more t-oieornti-g. sippi river, and established powerful block- teacher of the iVTOULIDIKTa-S STOVES bought, or taken in i-g PHOTOGRAPH 87° Second band mm turn gtken-ng ade over still ROOMS, To —FOB— ,ng the few Southern ports held by Col. Robert R. Corson, Merchant Tailors and Cutters. eaonsnge lor now. the rebels. Foaxaci*. and Tin Waxb re- A half taken a Piano Forte & Musical HAVE left with Mr. W. D. James, No. S3 Hid- Picture Frames and mtotuh Kiisss. Wiae.glaee •« L» 188 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Looking Glasses. t notice, in a laitlUnl manner. fact will themdlfcWf,1:* So obvious is it that the Southern Confeder- Theory, 161 Middle si., I die Btreet, Portland, copie-* of the true science o 1 paired a. shoi sharpen of treatmeit aria. The Trade on when other mode acy must succumb to the Col. Frank E. Howe. NO. 11 CLAPr’S drafting garments. Mr. J. furly understands the supplied with Black every ultimately just pow- BLOCK Walnut, Imitation he Uotdfor Own. er 18* tneory and practice aa well aa I do. and can com- Rosewood and and Gilt i Grateful for former patronage, hopes by etriet U,ed vmrew Weakneet, kidney and irrepressible of the free Broadway,.New York City. PORTLAND. Ebony, Oral Frames. n„r for etl ion. spirit North, municat as well to othera. OTIS MaJDISOX. attention to business, aud lair dealing, to receive a Vted far Indig no Cot Congress Street. Portland, 1 ITcngw that Government has dared to 8*-d*w. [Maine. nov8dtf I u< skate ol lav or. Into for recognise Portland, Sept 16,1864. uruer. publio r. u ennjdlv growli * pnhllo frvor, those the would-be Slave Empire in the South. Oct 31 Stawftv I Get. 2*—dtf.> who"us* ft onoe*la vari* blv bay lithe second time in mind 1’ost Osrics, Portland, 1 Notice. from a dinner wlue many in of all Bearing these indisputable facts, Having received authority Mr. Madison, I It is used »• by place Novs 6th, 1864 I A LL persons unsettled accounts against am to furnish ail th* informs* we ask von, the free and Bccnn * having I prepared necessary others. liberty-loving people ci>ang» of time of the Western THE SPANISH ! -tV 'hi estate ol tae JateJostph Giaj\ wiM pleaas I tion, and those who wish with the rules, MATCHES of °J supply may Ike Sedentary, Good fur ’he the United Kingdom, not to be led away OX for ll*o Winter the ! call at No 6 South sire t for settlement, wltbo t de- at Mr. N. S No. 63 Middle street. flood for Conevmptire, weelern mZ' arrangements, — USB TaB — Gardiner’s, Good ke invalid. in tbe name of iu fa- N0V' W"‘ 0,0,8 “ lay- J C Administrator. ReptlA—:3m W. n. .IAME8. Of the best manufactured and for by crafty appeals, peace, this Anoe at 7tb’ SHfcKIDAN, quality foreale by ii o'et"g */ n Portia, d, Nov d8w It le refreshing slier a tiresome walk, and vor of a cause that excludes the possibility of 4,1861.- The quit* A. T. DOLE. P. M. A.RCTUSIIVE, Cheapest Agency to tbe sedentary and e< ■ t alt scent it etn be ssid to all and and —°°vSd3g_ STATE OF MAINE. peaceful righteous government, — — Iron Portland Invaluable. boa ebold enreld hart _. PR PjtOR collecting nil classes of claim* arising Match Comp’y, be truly Kvery that embodies all the crimes and Board. A the us*. cruelties that Instructions on war is that of the a supply oons'aatly on 1 and for iamil) offend earth. tbe Flute. FEW First Class Gentlemen boarders can be Executive Department » heaven and desolate CANADA ! FORE STREET, Win, to BEARS’ GREASE A accommodated witn board at Augusta, f»ov. 1, 1854. ) ASSOCIATION,’ Tkie Wine ie Unft’nm'ed, Thio Unfer- The words of President Got “MAINE WAB CLAIM .... Baise. following LincolD, j For the and the hair. 81—2*. 21 FnRR 8TBBBT. ▲n of the Portland, mented, T,.i, Wine te VuftrmenUd. In an beMEt^KS?o°nL[a;CrbyoVeVn,^^t'^an Men at at the growth luxuriance of adjourned session Executive Council, in are controlled by n disinter. address on the 18th of August last, ! preaent storet l will which the exeenses BLA< KHk K A Shaw A Co Mo. 87 Federal j be held atthe Council Chamber, in Augusta, on Prepared and for sale by L. CO, Indicate Involved In : Strwt the Beware < f imitation*, an 1 s:e that the R8 of la Portland W T. clearly the principle the blt^en signature CTO Repaired and Made to Order, at Monday, the twenty-fire* day of November Inst. All orders |n the or from aay P"1 Wore*-ter Hats. For-ale by ‘ °,<,l0Ck' Ii and name and p ace comspond. ?! city, end (leai.ru present struggle: “I wish it might be more ! 1'“*“.»luh,t24 U(,i^ | COE A MeCALLAR’8, Attest: EPHRAIM FLINT Jit., world where promptly filled. PHILLIPS, fc CO., and by Druggists OoTV.^ For sale hy the Druggist*. noylldlm I A '.7—Itnd • oar lax is respected, 0Sl27»V(l*m, Oot, No. 86 Middle St novidtd Secretary qf State. eepMdtf generally. Candidates. Union in ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. Letter from the State work of it. He crie3 out,—“We have private Presidential Votes-Defeated Spirit Georgia, Capital- 1>IEP._ MEW DAILY PEES& been the We have been permitted to read and make Not. ADVERTIBEMKN1S. THE most cheering character from item has going Augusta, 18,1864. Mr* Vehitable, wife of John advices of the The following More than two-thirds of the crew of the In thi* city. Nov IS, a brief extract from a private letter from a tN To the Editor of the Press: 7 month*. POBTCANU, MAIN JR. Yes, they were private—and rounds of the papers: Gray, aged 68 yearn every quarter." citizen of Keargargc are native-born Americans. The commissions have been issued In New Gloucester. Sept 22. Mr* I’ettoy B, wife of were never the smallest vote of leading Atlanta, Ga., to his friend following M. L. A. bo that they confirmed by ‘‘McClellan receives of the Joseph fenny, ugod 14 year*. TeCTUREsT private at the elec- in this who resided in [fcJFGvn. Emory has taken oommand since my last: he at anv candidate except city, that place for I Eastern papers please copy.] the Look up, cries, the Presidential eight In Tfc« Fictiow, his celebrated new on the four votes. John Bell at the last election but 1st Lieut. Co. ele s*lt, to order. on this." wake up in season to reach the polls was so tied down at Atlanta that it was next The Bays all the mills in Co. Charles E. Carr, Belfast, leotuie. “Look on this Picture—and then jy Bangor Whig H; PICTOU NS. Barque U P —4G0 one was a little higher, he having thirty-nine tons coal, to boors opeu it 6 o’c.uck. Lecture commences at 8th. the road9 were bad. to an for him to has Princeton were fire a few Waterville, 1st Lieut. Co. I. J L Farmer. It would bo to the last degree If Perhaps votes. in in impossibility leave; so he destroyed by days C; George Perry, 7.80. amusing Next order came Gen. Scott, Brig J D Lincoln—339 tons L days be.ore since. The was saved. F. coal, J Famur Hoke's for tha ocurtc (It 00; Eve- and mortification at On the 5th of November—three with in been compelled, during a of terror, tannery First Battalion Sharpshooters—Charles 8 T JOHN N B 8oh Francis Lectures) *2 it were not for shams 1852, forty-two votes; Henry Clay long reign Harriet—35 chaldrons a. 60 cents. the with Thos Paddock. ninz Tlcke the favored public 1832, with and Martin Van Bu- to suffer on without his gy Our little joker says if the soldiers are Co. G; Stillman coal, Ker order such rascally deception—to read, now that election, Aryus, forty-nine; giving utterance to Sawyer, Rockland, Captain Ccnimittec, It has been great on ren in 1840. with Even in the well fed on will be better able to C. C. OtU. H. un- another “calculation.” sixty. quartette The letter from which the foliow- turkeys, they Archer, Cberrylield. 1st Lieut. Co. eM'KoON, the election is over—the cool, deliberate, complaints. nor 9 td Cor. was of between Craw- SAILING Or OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. fceo'y. all this tall. This time, it fight 1824, Jackson, Adams, is gobble up tbeenemy.—New Bedford Mereury. Orders have issued trom the War De- practiced by the copper- “calculations,” ford ing extract made—copied only to show the been principled deception that was and Clay, the latter had thirty-seven Journal’s table gy Miss Lovely says that the males are of no partment which for trans- STIiXU 9ROU FOR BAILS head editors and speakers, for the of the Louisville (Ky.) votes.” writer’s spirit—is dated, “Atlanta, Sept. 27th.” say, “Applications and Iron purpose most to look account from the time the ladies stop kissing Bremen..Southampton.New York. Nov 9 j Machinists Founders, was encouraging fer of men 1 endorsed. It It absent from on furlough, Y'ork.. *.* cheating the people into the belief that tien. The Journal is not quite so well posted as says: them as infants till they kiss them again as lov- hospitals, Etna.Liverpool.New Nov ME. Mr. Guthrie saw he bo- not Australasian.Liverpool.New York.. .Nov 5 HARKISOX, at and if it, probably “I have of often since ers. will be nor will such transfer McClellan would be elected President 1 These its minute figures would seem to indicate. It thought you you left, entertained, Virginia..*...Liverpool.New York...Nov 8 to his trunk in reference to taking and as often wished we had left when be made and gan pack has overlooked the fact at the time of you did, ^"Travelling is said to take all that is wood- except upou sufficient evidence of Citpof Dublin_Liverpool.New York Nov 12 predictions promisee alone, should con- that, Nov 12 T. of the Treasury. Here it is. Compare but we have lived, if liviug it is, till we have en from men, os transplanting takes the woody to travel. Moravian.Liverpool.Portland. H. Kicker Ac Hons, i demn these deceivers charge Madison’s first election, in 1808, George Clin- Inability All men failing to return Asia. .Liverpool.Boston. ....Nov 12 political to universal and don’t if seen the old flag float over our home once particles from cabbages. Sometimes, alas, there it with the result, laugh you can to hospitals from which fur- fc'dinburg.Liverpool.Now York. ..Nov 16 kiscraCTCuu or of them knew ton received six votes; that at Jackson's sec- more, while it our hearts and is very little left. they received contempt. Many undoubtedly it: yet gladdened China.Liverpool.Boston. ....Nov 19 help is worth a it has loughs, upon the will be .Nov Woodworth and better all the while. these bold as- ond election, in 1832, James Floyd received great sacrifice, not brought jy Eighteen millions of new copper cents and expiration thereof, J Erin. Livorpoo).New York.. 22 Planing Machines, Shingle But, by ‘‘The is stated and there is a 26 problem cheering that immediate protection that we had antici- six millicns of two-cent piece have been coined reported as deserters. disabled Canada.Liverpool.Boston.Nov Stave Machines, Saw Arbors, Shafting, sertions, they designed to deceive the honest of the solution. New eleven votes and William Wirt seven; that at Permanently Hecla.Liverpool.New York.. .Nov 2* prospect right York, Gen. Sherman best, after within the last two months. And still no one New pated. thought men can report, as directed by circular No. Cuba.L’verpool.New York.. .Doc 3 Castings for Mills und Machinery, voters who confided in and thus secure Pennsylvania, Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Van Buren's election in 1836 Daniel Webster to issue an all the 8, them, taking the town, order for has any pennies to make change with. Beliona.London.New Y'ork.. .Nov 11 j Plows, wa- Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, Ore- Adjutant Generals, office, January Bucklin's Patent Harrows, a few more votes. Imposters of the first received fourteen votes and Willie P. Man- people to leave, either for the North or the 22d, 1804, gon and California are morally certain to vote gy An operator in the American Telegraph to the nearest Medical American. 19 I Door Rolls various in eleven. South, and they have nearly ail left, and it op- Director, for Huai dis- North .Quebec.Liven>ool.Nov qf styles ter, they should have no confidence placed for him 126 ten more gun a Golden Kale.New York. .Calitornia_Nov 19 I McClellan, giving votes, a office in Boston, named Berryville fell in fit in and sizes. all con- erates hard upon some; yet if it is necessi- position of their cases.” 19 them hereafter 1 They have forfeited than are necessary to elect him. We confidently In explanation of the small vote for Mr. Pennsylvania.New Y'ork. .Liverpool.Nov ty—and we are satisfied that it is—let us a street in that city, on Tuesday morning, and General Lorenzo America.Now York.. Southampton.Nov 19 men, in political believe that Connecticut, Indiana and Michigan in it is a act of Brigadier Thomas, Adjt. fidence In them as honest Douglas 1860, only simple make the sacrifice or auy other for the sake of died soon after. j City of Baltimore. .New York. .Liverpool.Nov 19 PLANINO, will also vote for McClellan, while there is some Gen. U. S. who has been color- j[IRON be rated. And yet, facts of to that four restoration of the best A., organizing Champion.Now York. .New Origans. .Nov 20 matters, and should thus reason to believe that New Rhode justice to the history say the Union, and the article on Presidential votes and de- Alteration,, and Repaint Hampshire, gyThe ed in the has raised some Africa.Boston.Liverpool.Nov 23 since the to- that Government on earth.” troops West, sixty- Done in the manner scarcely seven days have elapsed Island, and Wisconsin will vote likewise. The candidates were legularly in the field; feated candidates" was in the hands of the com- BoruttMia.New York..Southampton. Nov 26 j mos| approved on rtuorabie Oceau terms. T. U. and only States which Lincoln may with thousand of these troops. He has some difli- Oueon.New York. .California-Nov 29 I ttlLKKE fe eOKB. tal refutation of all their prophecies, they upon the lowest of the four was Judge Douglas, though positer when J. W.’s article received. This Nova Scotian.Portland—Liverpool.Nov 26 ; Harrison, N07 19,1 SOI.—sat tlf v certainty are Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Will the in and lieutenants for of as briskly and as in the electoral was next to the Negro Troops Fight? cult; getting captains City London—New York. 26 I are at it again, confidently Iowa and Kansas. General McClellan in our colleges high- will explain why his does not appear. .Liverpool.Nov his He Morning Star.New York New Orleans Nov 26 i never made a false in all est in the vote. Mr. Lincoln received Fenno, formerly in the Adjutant regiments. organizes .them indepen- Social Levee. though they promise opinion will be constitutionally elected President popular Major gyThe Bangor Times says the wife of Rev. Australasian.New York.. Liverpool.Nov 36 ! General’s office at now at St dent of of the which ex. “*ora'ian.Portland.. Lincoln over Engine Ben I Bet aLl such stuff be scouted in November.” of the and Mr. Augusta, Louis, was any military boards, ..Liverpool.. .Deo 3 Ball, e, Mnnjoj Hill, their lives 1,857,64 popular votes, Doug- Dan’l McGregor seriously injured in Lubec lor the York. Liverpool.Dec 3 AT betied, of sick and wounded soldiers, as deserves to the Jerusalem! in to the Bangor Whig, amine officers for commissions in colored •*,.New on hereafter as tt be by honest 1,365,796. While Mr. Douglas, with this writing says: last week by being thrown from a carriage while Jir**n‘a.New York. Liverpool.Dec 3 7j o’clock, Monday ni6ht a radical German whoever he see lit North Star.New \ ork. California.Dec 8 lCr~> lekets 26 cents, tioed music in attendance. men who have been thus far deceived The Chicago Telegraph, of his received Gen. A, J. one of our very best a regiments, appointing may by large popular expression party Smith, crossing bridge. Corsica.New York.. Havana. Ac.. Dec ft Nov. 19-dll* said: after the battle of Tenn., and not them to an examination. it. Fremont paper but twelve electoral votes, John C. Breckin- lighters, Tupelo, gy The Lewiston Journal says Charles R. subjecting .Boston.Liverpool.Dec 7 1 where the-(list U. S. saved will to or The was full of confidence “The nomination #f McClellan is the strong- had Infantry, colored, was if not The General appoint captaincies of Soksisteore, Argus, Sept. 8, ridge spirit only 847,953 popular votes, the rode tothe from Kitteridge seriously, fatally injured OflUf, Depot Coinaisarj est which the Democrats could make, and Abe day, up regiment, jumped these have —if we its columns—and it electoral votes. the discharge ofa while lieutenancies in troops, officers who may judge by Lincoln must now be defeated it.” seventy-two his horse, and grasping the hands of the dusky by premature gun firing M1NIATCK.K ALMANAC. 223 Street, by held these In Maine who said: the men, according to a salute in a few since. positions regiments If this is the how weak is the heroes, despised who, Winthrop, days .November 19. D. C., N**vembtr 16 1^64. “strongest,” can recommendations from their former Washington, “The of this district have had modern democracy, had no earthly rights Edwin J. March, a York County get Sun riles.6.68 I High water, 2 55 people enough votes for the The Voice of Nullification- “ jy Esq., (pm).... Proposal*, In duplicate, for Five Hun* next man. Three States—21 which he was bound to Sun sets. 4.211 Leugth of agY*.98i of the present administration, and unless all the respect, said, Bully who studied law in Saco and emigrated to regimental or brigade- commanders. These I llfo, Wm McCarthy, seaman, give bonds,

LOST. ,1111 Al. BENEFIT * The Davenpit* Outdone Portland and Penobscot River. iasg RITES! Good News for the Unfortunate FOlk THE NATION reducFd the evening of 1 lie 15th between Deerfng Bail and uanlbrth street, a lilTSr A correspondent of the London Morniny ON largo bold Cross coa-ad. Fall and Winter Arrangement, 1864. Tne Under all! meet wl h a liberal insurance company. AT THE that the Mauilestatiou” TO TRAVELERS reward bv lesv- life Post says “Davenport I IMPORTANT ing It at LOWELL A 194$. Clurter STAUNCH AND TO THU oENTKR’s/ Incorpcratid Perpetual 1BI LOVO SOUGHT FOK of tying and untying is an old trick THE MEW, COMMODIOUS nuV17d.f Exchange street. COE’S DYSPEPSIA United Etates Hotel, Room No. 2. the ludlans of the northwest North West and South West. CODE! among coast West, of all Life — STEAMER LADY Information most eucewilul Assurance Com* DISCOVERED AT LAST. LANCr, Wanted. a net accumulation of America. He was traveling in 1W4, and THISpauies baa now of over Built expressly lor this rent*, W D LITTLE Cbarles Billings snipped as ffrst officer on The World*• Great met a certain Thomas McKay, who had MB.board barque 8. L Bryan', in August and died Remedy in Bis CAFf. WILLIAM R. Agent far nil the grot leading routes to Chica- Havana, uot. 7tb. effects can be bad by ap- 0. —Fom— deafness, been In the Hudson ROIX, Hay Company’s service. Cinoinnatl, to coFr l.s * WOuirbUff 86 $600,000.0 Cherokee Remedy, Will is go, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukie, plying Y, Commercial commence ter Fall and Win- sue or on own alter 20 is tbe Noises This McKay told tne of an ad- -gm*» ualena. Oikoeu, St Pant, Lacrosse, Green Bay, t, Portland, board barque a. L Bryant its bl-toiy years’experience in the lead, tuifowing story xraSaagrfwrt-.r / on Molt D A V Beaten. evidence ol tu management, auu ot tbe I rrangement yuinoy, St louia, Louisville, Indianapolis, Cairo, beat superior Dyspepsia and of his some " ,■ II,™ MORNING leaving is adores to loose wbo intu.e Indigestion! Db venture years before: GOtcber 17th ete.,etc aud ia prepared to turniah Ihrouyh Ticket* P. B.—Wearo informed bis mother and sister left yreat advantage* chargM fy, m tt!e lar c,tmb Kang-r ovury at 6 -AND- ilouday and .h irsuay Mornlxg Irom r ortiund to ad tbo priucipal cities and towns in Baltimore and csine aorta when Hie rebellion broke attention is asked to tbe folio »ing facts : awd all Neuralgia Khtuuia bin, Ail lima! wa3 a Indians o dock tjnciai B “Thero camp of Nhquaily the loyal states and Canulas, at the lowest rates ol out—nay be in this vie.nity. 'rofum, Cun,umri!on, Brooch will Wharf, foot ol af near aud mem was a lamousmed- Lemming, lt.ve laUreal laie, aud ail need ul intormation Nov 16—dlw* COFFIN A Dividends ol this Affect., n’, Throat I> 111 ul ier, Dieea ej y.,. outs, amuug otatr.tree., Friday oheertuliy granted. WOODBURY. Tbe Annual Company i0ll mau would call turn. Portland, eveiy Tuesday Travellers will find it to their to INJECTION. ofthe Heir, la. tnlargoteebt of ihe icine or conjuier, as you at aa lar t» the greatly advantage CHEROKEE Diseases Dy.p-p ’jinr Evening, Oo’olocs, to: Paigo or procure their tickets at the ate now a of t*rr hldneyp, Court patioo.l.r^r. I 'Inal couw tell lUut was go- loe will Eastern, Boet- Wanted Pika' cnap everytuiug oermlt, oonaeotug w.tn 'b* Immediately. OF TH1 i'ara’y.«. with all and erary de-ate 1 ott P„rcamout Kail- Union Ticket 31 which Infcau ing to Uuppeu tor a hundred years to come, Maine aad Portland, Sxco t Office, Exchange it,, Y EN vbo vr sb to engage in a legitimate business, Per the human body, cored effectually by roada from Stations, Jiay.ng Bts- Fifty Cent, COMPOUBD BABBS ABU LBAVB8. so Mr. determined to consult Boston and Way (ur STAIRS.) JXk in whiob parlies have made jr.m »6 to #25 a FBOM BOOTS, believe; Ogden ton a 3 o'clock P. M. day by a Bmaii u. vestment of f.om #160 to are been for several Declured annu- him. Well, we an went to his lodge, wnich Focknnd. Camlen, Bel- W. D. *260, ana have years. CHKHOKEG the Indian Dtuotic The Boat will touch at LITTLE, Agent. invited to au examination of some of tbe most lm two yeaes. REMEDY, greet M. as mane ana pud alter STOMACH Mrs. 0. BROWN’S same and boih AND Was made lue Die Sioux fc Hampaea. ally, cures all such as In- BOWELS theirs, t. Bu.k purt W .terport tor tbe Old Line Mall portaut sin inventions oi tuo auU each and disrates of the Urinary Organs, to and f.om Passages California, by age; n>e of which a dividend is ucclared paid upon covered with buffalo skius. His as t as son gera ticketed thiough Steamers and never b en wuh pmes ways, Panama Itailruad, may be secured by have betore iot.odu ;.d in the New Eng- svEttY made, whether tue parly ax or oontineuco cl the Inflametionoftho Kidneyp, Law eooe, Sa’em and Lynn payment tic*tig Urine, as the was in the Boston, Lowell, early application at this office. wtf land States. A rare is bere Offered for in the United btutes Metaphysical Discovery!! ! Well others, round, shape of in’ormatien, apply to J. O. maygodk oppert in.ty not. otuer company Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Gleet, Gon- For more extended euierpriiing meu with small or Cir- Prepared by the Proprietors of “Coe’s a about twelve leer aud at the tee lo-»l at the various large capital. dots tuts. « Cough sugar-loaf, high, Kand-irk Ba-iro-: agents sent orrhea, and la reoommended in three YORK & CUMBERLAND RAIL ROAD. culars tree. E. CHAP51 AN, J it, a**eis on the 31st of December a* sbowu especially PRICK 90 OO. oi it he had got a of Mast. ro of the P. 8. A P It* last, Balsam.” top parcel bells. There ulam« ue *Vot novl6d2w 220 st. of Fluor A M. Abiel Congress by the hew 1 oxkinsurance Com-wssioners Keport, cases Albut, (or Whites In Females. was in the when we E-n iri *. Hailroada; Somerby, homing lodge went in A or were sumcicntio provide lor its ‘complied premi- It Is in a the Or,irn° Square. Buston. Pert land; Lang Deljno.-Bos’on, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. " prepared highly concentrated farm, c*s .t 10 Arch him iu the middle the dividends Street, ouly squatted of it, and a CBAS. SPnAK, General Wanted. um reserve," payment ot “All its from Philadelphia. Agent. dose only being cnetotwo tesspconruls three H8 Band ttreet. Neve tee* bundle ol buffalo robes 17.—dtf- auu every other uttLiiy, contingent or absolute, is lying agaiust the wall Ootober after rr of Dyspepsia not only the sore forerunner of death On and November 1st, 1861, SHALL tenement, part a bouse suitable a clear net ot times per day. of me These we •arejS&gsgrj and leave su>plus but the companion of amiscrable lodge. afterwards lilted up, M^SHstra ns will leave as follows, until fur- A for a small family without children. The rent is lite. It bas well and a'teratlve in its a been oalled tbe Nation's for more aud were sure that no oue was ther notice: wanted Andress Box 1512 Portland It is diuretic rtlon; purl rying scourge; porsons, quite under immediately. old and male and extracts from Ocean Leave baeo River for as 6.30 and 9.10 P. O. tao it tod both young, lemale, suffer from its them. Mr. Ogden told him that we had come Montreal Steamship Portland, novl6dlw* $1,807,050.17. and'lernslng blood, oorrsiog twin a'lits | Go, A. M„ and 6 40 P.M. ravages, than from all oiher ailments combined. It to consult Wui as a This is than and vigor; thus lromihe the whole of its great medicine man about m One of tbe following first class Leave Portland for Saco River, at 8.00 A. M. and surp’us nearly $l,0u0,00o.00 larger original purity removing robs system vigor and energy, gives MRS. BI. Wanted. ot other Lue in the Uui.uu 6tales and total u, somethiug mat he warned to kuow. He was of thie Line, via:—Peruvian, 3.00 and 6 30 P.M. that any Company system all pernioioua coulee which have inluceddis- weariness Indisposition to theee onoc BROWN’S Nortu Amciioan and larger than any other, with two ex- and active; renders the stomach almost but au old ^^^^Mtrf^bibeiaia, Jura,U^l- The 2.00 P. M. train out aud the 9.40 A. M. train with furnished or unfurnished ro.’mt #1,6jo,000 strong powerless to nailed, having nothing on ease. the and has lor its B^SSaKUIgian, Nova Sootixt), Moravian, Da- into Portland, will be height trains with passenger BOARD,oy two gentlemen ana one laay; best of refer- ceptions. digest food, attendants. PHRENOLOGICAL bjtfalo robe over his shoulders and a cloth wrn now in this CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended »' an CHART, niaauwx., tail trom Quebec xvkry Saturday ears attached. ences g ven Address lor one week a at this oilce. parties insuring Company participate ally about nis this and loins. Morning, for Liverpool via J endomerrv. Stages connect at Gorham for West Gorham, aovlBi—olw* in tue benefits of large increasing surplus. or inisant to the CH.ROKEG REMEDY, and Heartburn, Nausao By Fowu. k io Headache, Constipation, Wam., Hep,mber "Alter Mr. he went Also tue steamers 8t. David, St. Gkorgr, 8t This Company has paxu the assured in Dividend* p, 1W8. Ogden had spoken Standish, Steep Fails, Baldwin, Denmark, Sebago, hculd be used In oonjuuction with that mediclce l.r at and General which Andrew, tiv. Patrick, iri monthly irom Quebec Bridgton, Lovell, ill ram, Brownfield, Stomach, Debility through a lot ol maneuvers aud autics, for Fryeburg, Lost. all cases of Gonorrhea. Fluor Albut or Whit t, lar*e »ud Glasgow. Propai and re.urn tickets issued at Conway, Bartlett, Jeckson, Gleet, viuMy'enough br,lB' he called and then, al- i-imington, Cornish, $2,350,000.00, qf the whole System, health, uud to”u?tai>?itltBYo?' for “making medicine;’ reduced rates. Fir passage spply to H. & A. AL- Porter, Freedom, Maditon. and Eaton, N.44. STONE Hsrtln Collar, on Willow slreet, be- Itsclf.e s a'e healing, soothing and dsmuloent; re- lung l.fo *,1L^*auiloU uot a bream ol while the total amounts for claims death ex- haviV d!«. • ",b' though it was a calm, LAN, Montreal, or to J. L. FaKMt'E, At for West Ea- A tween tbe Commercial Huuee and Middle paid by and instead atauiial, health?, vigorou, perfect Bujcton Center, Buxton, Bonney moving ail teal ting, h-at, chorifee p.in, refusing its subjects a particle of nourishment or mat ?“■ Wind commenced mayl dti No. 10 Street, Portland. South L •tieet. Tt e finder wi.l bs su tabiy ruwardtd re- ceeds y inspect* yon have the moving, the lodge rocking Exchange gle, ni’Dgton. Cimiugton, Limerick, New- by unendmaole that is hearty food, without the penalty in themosl ,«* ^ki and turning it to tbe Commercia. House, of the burning and almost pain paying laihtr.your mel eet 1 our Iroui bids to side, at times almost field, parionsiiold, Osaipee agonising distress, and oftentimes prostra- than eapeoially Thf, i?»~ violently lor South novia d8s# $8400,000.00 with ail the oomplete one person iu ten mur* ‘-own At Saocarappa, Windham, East Stand- experienced marly cheap quack injec- tion. To meet the of this ol tV.usLiid off? 1?.!°*** as if it were blown by a gale Internitional ol.cio* isauea on tue no terrible'Tavages worst 8trOD|(lj ind ue M>* so prostrate, Steamship Company. iso, Sebago, Denmark and f n-jorfciting ten year plan all we fnagijn v and Bridgton,— Tuesdays, I was. disuses, have prepared to btaiid * ,re wi of and than rising up going down Thursday aud as Well a* xii ail tne outer ueuax oxri3. Hot by loirktl laci* *, wind, Saturdays. Wanted. or CUt tii9 on and all this time the bells DAN. jc-very Cwnsiutraio mau wx,o win to In- the use of the CHEROKEG REMEDY nd plau purpose toiU e»i the other side, CARPENTER, Snpt. apply Life By o,it» Calais & St. John. Oet 81.1864. dtf surance the same principles that wumu aim in mi,I .or dmref tf were and clashing, and making a ter- Eastport, Portland, PAINTER at E. R. LEMONT'S Carriage Fac- guide CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at «f.V0ei‘°1?.d“-lcn-J^a**** clanging iuulkiisg other in* vUineiAis, or in the luauagemeuc oi all ol a A tory, Preble Street, Portland. "*’* “ rlbe row; men Budden everything hie otiit* wui the same time—all impropor discharge are re*overt B P<"Ton* TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, Nov 10—dlwc business, asaUreuiy invisugaie the ud- "COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE” bay6 Philosophical*turu^of'mind** became perfectly still, aud he told us to go vantages qf Ute AUmul enejit System, as iiiu tra- and the weakened organs gra speedily restored ts in t^e and we our ■ outside and see what wob on the of the Of Canada. ccu uisiury oi this Company, Deiore lusur.hg full and pledge reputation upon oar statement, top On and after March 2$th, vigor streng.h. wa w jon use the Monday, Situation ins life iu auy otuer. tay tv do so he win when say it will ‘Reductio ad lodge. When we went outside we looked the superior steamer NEW Wanted. ncgiecting Absurdum/’ and tkow sra-gtiug fiububly puy liom 10 to 26 uoxxar* ou a 100 a* For full get a from any druy for some oue near *™9**5SB* E B. Win- WINTER ARRANGEMENT. WIDOW lady, who is a every pirt'cuius pamphlet prop— ^ Immediately the lodge, but BRUN&WICK. Lapt thorough bousekeeper, the ox ui* lttnuxe to luiorm ches wishes a fituatiien in price himsexf. store in tha country, or writs us and we wjl m -.11 do.?uTi?.‘ w:rkne»^OpP0,1,* Q’icen, far K^bbin^ton, St A ndrews and Ca ais. nd UP TRAINS. Souiately, day you It. you who have elined to ad *°Um' was a white which than that oi other iu America. jpr o crow, certainly bad not with John Leave a Gentleman, Wife and 8 any Company lived .or years upon Graham Bread and dic-t, ber^op..*Mh Jghti Stage coaches for M cbius, acd at St Portland for South Paris and Lewiston at7.40 Daughter, years Meltable Fries, CHEROKEE INJECTION, 92 per bottle,or plain You hare been there when we weut it. BP'old, a suit of rooms with board. mjorwation iu lexeruuoe to ail iho com- who dare not eat anv thing the least-wise Urge Idaaliiy and Couatioslreree. into w.lh steamers for Predo’icktoD, and with steamer A. M. Also Island Pond, there with good ftoomB hearty- which gvos connecting furnished or for which will no given at thi* oihee, irom coiu- because nas iuagioatlon aud ■ “so we returned to tor Winder an oa ifax, and with trains for Montreal and the at P. unfurnished, liberal compen- panies iretiy three bottles for 95. first, the Dootor ordered tho plainest I origlnulitv von are’ him and told him what Emperor Dipby, West, 1.26 M. ever int er satisfied t.-an when the E. N. A. Kn iroad far Shediac and all sta- sation will be paid. Address G. J., box2201 inissiuhers Keport* lorbu.coo. ive years. food, and seoondly for fear the distress it causee- poriag ov??V>me we had then he me as If »ay DOWN new No. 30 Sold by druggists everywhere. toaspoonful easily pnzzltd win tickets of the Tbe are not Wednesday afternoon, ont of a carriage be- Exohacge St, eompitcsrhns. Yen have a lie- his old so we our own lassoes Through prooured Agents and Clerk Company responsible for baggage to lor unravel ropes, got good on board Steamers. amount in ONtween Exobange 8t. and a of Me. nlty ing eausts. Your Spi ilna'lty Is any exceeding S60 value, and tbat per- Emery St., pair SeptlT—dtf Portland, DR. YV. R. MERVVIN A Co.. e and larrats aud took iiis Gent’s Boots. 'Ibe Under will arge, h.eh elevates ycur mind into the ni (horsehair ropes,) UM 4 °,<,loek P’ M* Monday® d sonal. unless notice is given, and paid for at tbe rate be suitably rewarded COE’S t en aid buffalo robe off him by them with JOHN E. nuknowu. Yen prom so natch and tied him up; first, we Timr^aV00*'*d of one passenger for every $600 additional value. leaving DOW A SON. cor- SOLE FSOPBIETOBI. yonisolfonly bat- ner of and OFFICE OF THE pincss or succe, > as w. rk Sit C. J. Exchange Milk Sts. ociUOtf yoa really oal; leror theme restres* tied his bands behind his back; he was squat- W»y3 c. C. EATON, Agent. B&YDGEs, Managing Director. trust to H. BAILEY, you Providence. ted on his hams aud and we Ued Ids Superintendent. No. 69 Liberty St., New York. heels, Portland, Nov. ATLANTIC Is so Urge that yea w Uh 7,1864.nov7 Wanted. DYSPEPSIA .k?0"the 1,ove,?1»?'fobationwill legs together, and his hands to his legs; then Portland and Boston Line. CURE good »nd favorable opinion 01 everybody- 4 SITUATION as Salesman, a man you want all to give a anl we tied a rope round his and tied him PORTLAND & KENNEBEC by young of AJiD IT WILL you beany generous ri* body, R. R. Mutual Insurance cepuOn. all ot a heap as it and knotted the You were, ropes THE STEAMERS Company, canto! bear a frown: a smile Is rnefhi»e f© at so that one would think it NEW YORK, January 1864. your waile a every turn, SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 26, Believe Ton soul, frown is, to yoa, a blight, a storm would take a man at least half sn hour to c:u>t> Forest Lewifton and Instantaneously. and a sorrow. City, Moptreal, Commencing Monday, April 26,1864. Cherokee Cure! Y"cu have suclsl him adrift. then thus st-ong feelings—are capsb'e of Well, somebody proposed S»00 REWARD. Trustee?, lu conformity to the Charter of the enabling you, by hearty eating, and tbe use ol as a WT1, until farther notice, run as laving friend, wilesnd mother: and If p-cre ly that we should Ue him in the this wa* a jgIR* Central or sibmitvhe statement the cure after eaoh meal, (as often as the food dis- m net; follows: I ,rlictafa«U»gq Faesonger trains leave Skowhegan tor wharf, around tbe Grand Trunk THECompany, following of .t:d, s*.daily, would feel at home in tho uomesuo seine that and varc; a affairs on the 31st THI GBlAf tresses yon, or sours on year will net we bad at the camp; so we Leave Atlantic Wharf, Po*tland- SSffMjSa Portland and Boston, ai 8.46 A. M An- ONDepot Calfskin Wallet Contain- its December, 1363; stomach,) yon get circle ing a considerable sum of received on Marine in a very few days so that you can do without the rolled him up in it, knotted the ends every Monday, and *Uoia, ii.oo A. M., and Bath 12 10 P. at. Augusta money, and papers of no Premiums Bisks, In character and disposi"on jea arepre-em'tent- together, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday value to one but 1st medicine, and tbe time at 7 ck Y. for Portland and Boston at 6.80 A. M. Batn 6.30 any the loostr. The Under will be f om January, 18.3, to 31st De- exoept occasionally, by the ly In intellect sou and also secured them with a Friday, o’olt M at.d Indi Wharf, ttoston, INDIAN MEDICINE. first is used womanly. your tende' cy to res. again rope. Ue rewarded as above on 1863. 2 98 bottle np, we will guarantee Iree son a evary Monday, and AM. returning tbe same to No 8 cember, #6 '4,398 you -d plats you are decidedly ma-calue—ehsa asked us to his knife near Tufsday, Wednesday, Thursday Central or 72 from and able to and put him; this we at 6 P. Portland for Bath, Kendall's Wharf, Brackett street. Premiums on Policies not marked off Dyspepsia, eat, digest enjoy into tec nil men. u wish Friday, o’clock M. Augusta, Weterville, as a among y yon were a man; it down about a Mill- ana Portland, 81, J864. 1st 1868, 21 hearty break.ast as you ever sit down to in \ cur when did, laying yard from as Fare m 4 skoyrhegan, at 1.10 P. M. Aug aug31dtf January, 1,706,602 COMPOUND FROM BARK AND LRAVRS yuurlite fa’ls back into th.*domestlo otauuel. him, abin.f2.00. ROOTS, healthiest hours, and we will forfeit to the was Fr- taken as Portland tor Bath and P. M. you pr’ce y n are contented as a wow he lying looking like a ball of net. He ight usual. Augusia 8.16 of the an: bat have erar lelt a amount of Marine euro for bottle, upon your shewing that our statement told us to out of his The company aie not reoponsib’e for to Passengers for stations on the Androscoggin Bail- Lost. Total Premiums, #10,006.0.1 17 An unfailing Spermatorrhea, Semina, de-dre f r more inttlecinil elbow room. go lodge, aud not to baggage ic e» have bee" issued is not eorrect. any am nnt fGOin value, and t at road will change oars at Bru.swiek. do po upon Life all diseases You bars a scod of lasts and look in unUl we heard the bell exceeding per- from Fire Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, and The medicine is bat and memory prfre'plea again so unless notice ven and The 110 P. M. tralu Portland at the pasture of Mr. Francis Bob- Bisks; nor upon Bisks discon- powerful harmless, whilst bat Ihe or futolleit 1 ea riug. al, isg pa d for rt tin jate from connects QTRATED a strength your in the iea» n- When we out we on of Kendall's Mills with kv erta Westbrook, lust month a three old nected with Marine Bisks. caused by self polution; sueh as Lost of Memory, single teaspoonlul will at onoe relieve tbe p- got looked the top of one passenger ibr e^ery #6 0 additional value the Maine Central Bailroad lor year dyspe ;ngcejaitui nt: sodicnr reas n‘ng power cornea off >rom tic sufferer, the whole bottle would not the for the white Fee. 18, 1868. dtf It. Bangor, Ac., arriving samo evening. gray Colt, small site; whoever will return him or Premiums marked 1st Jan., Universal Lassitude, Palos in the Back, Dimbess of materially from Co str lodge crow, and had hardly BLLLiNliS, Agent. as It is Carnality, I'eality. etivensr, kUta- Stages leave Bath lor Bockiaud at 9 A. M. and 3 give information whore ho may bo found, wM be 1863, to blat Deoember, 1863, #7,697,666 66 Injure him, entirely vegetable and contains noticed that it was before we heard the Vision, Premature old Weak Difficu no phytioal power, Imitation anl Mirth!nines*. gone P. M. biUtabiy rewarded, by calling st No. 89 Spring St. Losses | aid during tbe same period, 3.S06 661 01 tgt. Nerves, t/ opiates All classes 01 disease that have their ori- bell. We rushed E s fn a disordered stomach in, and there was the old New Stages leaves Augusta for Belfast at 4 P M. FRANCIS EJCERY. Belarus of Premiums d 18 of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefhlness. Eruptions gin and are dispel- > beg England Screw Co Expetses, i,082,967 bowels, In giving the above xtraels from my Phre ologl. seated in the middle Steamship Stages leave at e.10 P. M. for Portland, July 13,1861—dtf. led In tha same instantaneous way, tbe use of gar of the lodge as wo had bkuwhegan Anson, on the Face, Pale Countenanoe, Insanity, Consump- by cal Chart, i do ae having a two old object in view. Solon, Ac. The Com.arty has the assets, seen him at first, wiih his buffalo robe on and fol’owing via: and all the dlrefu I caused de- Hrst, Re au