PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, SATURDAT MORNING. NOVEMBER 1864 19. WHOLE NO 7B9 1'OETLAND ! generally and universally understood wbat DAILY PRESS, the country la now engaged in. We have as CLOTHING. MERCHANDISE. BUS i OHM all will miscellaneous! BUSINESS CAEDS. BU T.OIXiNLAlf, Editor, agree, a free government where every K!Sb(JAliD&>. M1SCEUL AN man KO US. has a right to oe with other published at Se. 88* EXCHANGE HTBKKT.by equal every To Grocers. | man. In this great this form of gov- H. struggle, m DUDS OUAOALOVPB MOLASSBS,a Maine REMOVAL !' EDWARD BURGIN~ **. A. A CO. Women t, and of is FTiTmD GOODS! 1 7 A Bonnet Notice to KC8TEH I every Aurnan for Stip farm right, AIU nice article letaiins. Forsalebv 30S Bleachery, WHOLKSALK DIALBII Owaeri, j endangered if our enemies succeed. Tnere is Oct 8t—2m C. C. MITCHELL k SON. Congree Street, —MMit— more ran Involved in the contest than Is realized PORTLAND NATHAN to*ylaav Daily rasas!* published atfcS.OO • P. B. MAINE. GOULD, ileal and p*r v«ar. by every one; there is involved in this strug FROSTt Apples. Corn, ¥\onr, Sliinpintr Merchants! f hr :& aiusStatm Pcmbai* pubilshod every Thnrt gle the question whether your children aod Choice Appples, jiut reoeired and Merchant Tailor, d iy :nornia*,ai SH.00 per annum, in *2.26 Ivleroliant 200 l°r Straw, Lace & Bonnets Alio, Ground Book Salt. advance; my children shall tr.e we \ Leghorn rams-ed If witoin Mi mouth*; and 611.50,if enjoy privileges Tailor, to N«. 131 Middle street, where he U w. 11 kn:wn tbit the cltir.n. of Porting d nr* paid payment be »>^roBfH fc CI)Is.FORD -AKD- will be jased the have enjoyod.” HAS pt to meet his tiriends and custom- ix lutfl.tMl. in delayed beyond year. 94 oetSltf No.6 Limes*. Commission merchant Inrge.y itw cub* lr*Cc. Abe, w- Exchange ora A good assortment of C'loiha and *• Not until Slavery is annihilated, throughout Street, Trimmings K“'‘ “»*> u not ..v. • « it Ola Me., 10 lb* i.ljnd GENTLEMEN'S oonsian ly on hand. 0 *'er rhe United can come tho HATS, rog PUBOHASS ABD SALBOP : cl|yio u. lorntry, anditr. tur*lii»- 8tates, longed-lor * Katea of tT Particular attention given to for ** o Advertising: of Bleached & cutting i, ., WMbw •«. *- anu awl**. *. Kba Peace—a true, holy, and lasting H Pressed at the Shortest Notice others to make. 108 Oac moh of In ¥»*o.R» • b oief.ioiu «uuv# Of ttw space length of oolumn, constitute. founded on Jus- iooo Tons Sept 12—(13m Oats. Cuba.; a Peace, Union, Ekeedom, -ALSO- Bariev, Bye and uu bipain»i«r. to a* tier “bqua&x." baled itfcbto'* *1.60 tice, and Humanity. FALL quality Bay, and 600 tons loaee Hay "born ** ‘Ob Ol luuia«M, UL- per quart dally first week; 76 cents per week OVERC0AT8. wanted HfCani loaded with Corn In bulk ftaeol charge. toLarbi^i11 U.° lab* FRST by HATS & Port. >o aoli.o. U.n- after; t .irev insertions or less, *1.00; continuing eve- WINTER BONNETS DYED. Dana & Co. tol.gul«r»\ju.f ',*n“*“ The Union and Emancipation Society, i OVERCOATS. DENNISON. PIEBCE k CO., Warehouse No. 130 Commercial Street, ed bee “**- «•*»*• *>= Mely- ry oiher day after hist week, 60 cento. ootll dkwtf or '“C.'?1" SOI Commercial Street. And c.ww^'1.”0. inp^te. ©o w oar Half tr.-nare, three Insertions or less, 76 oents; one By order of the Executive, Sept. 6,1864. DRESS SUITS, made *° haV° °rde" City Mius, L»raring Bridge. hip mascots Fish course is tne tb* ®u* week. 81.00; 60 cents per week after. Offices of ™«&L™t«ade^ and Salt, olW one \umx the Union and Kmanc:pation Society, joneleoddm Vf*®«n»l» « them Under head cf *2.00 business suits. taut juitauu corr ,*lh,u to oh* AxrcauBirra, persquare per 51 Piccadilly, Manchester. >•» of Week; three insertions Pss, *1,60. &c. JAMES B. BACKLYFT. Luther ,bc“ro*“o*r delivery VESTINGS, Ac. Scotch Canvass. Dana, , PoftllUll, BK.ADL.EV, MOULTON A ROGERS mio the ua^u“l d"‘ Ei-bcial No-ncss, .‘2 00 per square first week, aagSl 8m. liverod bgb .ra idoa2!5S!'Th*l“ t er Woodbury Dana,} wUh itew bvlvsot square after; three insertion- or less, 21.(0; ▲Iso a assortment of Oi 1A B0LT8 of "David Corsar k Son’s” Leith, John A. 8. WHOL 1*8ALB DlALXKS IS mdvog. V*VU el,00 The of the St. Lawrence. good Dana.) HllinC. "fitoTi kfcV'r •*,**i C,'u‘rf’ thre® Hieertions, *1.00; one week, Eapids a sail-cloth of soperior quality, just re- when tbe bghien do.l»#r iv oa >bj.e *1 o' oslved direct lrom Inneldtf lbt»j nr.owneu We had a idea that there were Liverpool, at d for sale by ii*bt*rn by pnr.i,,,hf ... vague rapids CLOTHS w Aujerliseraente inserted in the Meins Statb for the ARMY and NAVY. EVAN k wealth. drain and ne 1 b tboir cr. nud nre in the river St. Lawrence; but the I MotilLVEBlT, DAVIS, economyjs Flour, Provisions, "cmTuvel ob.w. 7? P4«?a ( which has a circulation in magnitude, 34th—dtf 181 Commercial JOHN T. 1 large every part cf Sept St. KOGLKS & CO., 88 Commeroinl street, ogdiatanc.towinbalugpuc. ,na .SoiyJ the the Impressiveness of the same Garments or suits manufactured in the very best subsoriber respectfully iniorms his Iriendt Thomaa Block, ov.rnigLt, or be tacStti.elforOOceatipcrsqaarein addition to the wildness, in bnrg.u uiachar.ad uy nl |ilT7 for i manner, THEgeneral that he will Commission BOBKBT con is n M-Ve rates, caoh insertion. tar exceeded any idea entertained. When Treenails. Merchants, BBALBY, ) Mina*',>nd tbe tqurv.ee aio»v 1 b,' X.UOAI. Kcricie at usual later. C.K.BOffLTOB, .bat a oi tun ligniera o*aa »r. you can realize the idea of a steainuoat AXfO WH0LS8ALK DBA LARS IN 5 PORTLAND. MB portion io.t or..« »/ must going 0AK A. G. BOCBBB. ami vtssei atd owners aie Trsoficn*t,dv.ri!s9meBte be raid foria ad- amid the Latest I™AII‘8’ft' ) tie quiiedtopaj / V.-nto down hill deafening roar of a water- two Style, 100,000sWE Repair Gentlemens'Garments aayUdtl In © her words, the ©w.u* m*»ur# oxv«»ui BijsiuiiSB Nome a«, (o fai/, then you can realize what it is and at aiBONTON k are insure the fai h u *esj reading columns, 13 oents to run short notice, at a very sma'l advanoe from KNIGHT, OF EVERT DB8CBIPTION, Flour, Provisions & required to oi tu* Hg tor one iiiKt-riion, No down the of former 48 Commercial Whart Groceries, erme of ail o hem perlite charge loir than fifty rapids the Si. Lawrence. pr.ces. Please oall and examine. 8 1 N tt £ R: » ana the hunt sty living wXa* cent: icr each insertion. There are Portland, Jane 18,1861. janel6dtf thore. or to take ti.esocouut minor raptds, but there are three AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR PRICES No. 61 Commercial Street, empl- yed tho j P. B. 94 St. Aadea to t-is the charge lor liA storage has nea*- KiT'AU communications intended for paper ones. this we mean FROST, Exchange and principal By those which Bo that 1> doubled wi hin a lew ana L» to td- •hoaid be directed to the “Editor qfthe Emt, to Homey earn be Saved in these Wow Timet, SEWING MACHINES I ytai* i.kely one in the Portland, Oot 8—ecdSm MB. rSLoe to sum those oi a lu sines# character to the Eublithcn. approaching distance, present | j POBTLAND. any whioh imercfctjd partus there the 3. &. No. 28 may eee h tuv.u tar ion rsuBTtlio ol description ;-*eonted appearance of a bar of raging foam as STOBY, Exchange St. ge. every CIGARS and TOBACCO. _Jnneldflm * Lnd.r these ciroums+»nces tfco ttrj atd With dispatch. frightful as the breakers to the mariuer. The ! Ang 27—dtf WOODMAN, TRUE CO., thipmt agentsof owners upon orsuUaUcu onteied into an first in the descent are the P. Traveling Agent- rapids Long J,awt ! Wholesale and Retail. I AGENTS, «grefmiut S pt. 1,1.14, in reiau< n to ifce out tr, Truer, or the 1. E. FERNALO & NOTICE. and The roar is SON, forth pur* use o; *.ving to.ice tv al. cone ined "" ——— Long Leap. deafening. No*. *4 aad ..... aww.i The the undersigned. cold our Stook ot 56 JEJ idle Sueel. they caused it to waves dance up and down and cover the WM. having be pu.iiehea with tjeutnitsef sign, I ALLEN, Coal and Wood to Messrs. iu our 1 Jfi„ WE, Randall, HeAUs- H. Needla. ers, cai y piper* Iu order that .‘Lire river with white. The steam is shut Merchant ter do L. and Trlmmlngi ala ay ftl ha a*. mmy Nov. off, and Tailors, f I Co,, obeertully recommend them to our DAVIS, be no mi apprehension about Us Utims, it is inter led Saturday Morning, 19, 1864. the boat is B&t in store the LAnansT and bxst former customers. MeBHtf carried rapidly along by the natu- assortment of All persons having demands in this statement, v z: ral And Dealers In against us are requested to them tor settle- descent of the river. The is present Bookseller, Stationer, We, the and! for feeling pecu- ment, and all persons Indebted to us are A CARD. undersigned, shipmasters agon's liar. Ton the same requested AKD MAKUFACTUBBK OF owners, beret y es tuat on end a ttr the realize excitement as to make Immediate the old stand mgi nrtt day The and of the paymeutat where ot all Progress Prospects Great j when into the Cent’s one ot the geptemoer, lfeet, cargoes ladtn ou boajd or you plunge snrf for a bath; and Furnishing Coods, undersigned may be found for the present.
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