196 THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. vinced the Saviour died for sinners, right. Willie would not expect to see asked for mercy, and obtained it through me so soon," he remarked, thinking of the blood of the Lamb. He has been Brother Wheatly his late son-in-law. the means of me seeking the Saviour, When asked by one how it was with ~ission and finding mercy,-also two of his his soul, he said, "Triumphant, trium­ brothers and a sister l !tnd we hope, phant, triumphant ! " His last words JULY, '1878 . through the help of God, to be the hum­ were, "The blood of Jesus Christ, God's ble means of bringing many more sinners son, cleanseth us from all sin." to know and love the blessed name of the His poor wife was enabled even t l Saviour; for· it is a happy life to love rejoice in the midst of these flames. and to serve God. W e have five young For some time a dark fear had oppres~ed children to bring up : may the Lord her lest her loved one should wander l{lall! help us to bring them up in the way of again into sin. His mind had seemed religion. I HAVE BEEN A WIFE SIXTE.EN to be far too much engrossed with busi­ ness. So that now, in the very presence YEARS, .~D NEVER XJ..'EW HAPPINESS TILL xistenoe with anyb::>dy! What good can MY DEAR HUSBAND WAS CONVERTED, of death, she who loYed him with the Long may this glorious Mission prosper, truest, most unselfish affection, could tl1 , L d ? m·se there is a hell-a lake that burns is the earnest prayer of thank God for his safety, even though wiLh of\1· 1md brimstone, whose worm dies not, and where "A CoNYERTED DRUNKARD's WIFE." purchased at the price of her widowhood. II Jlr is not quenched, an outer darkness, where there She could· not weep in sight of such a He began speaking in public for Christ is w oping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and where one Sunday evening, fiye months after death-bed, for when all power of speech his conversion, at the corner of Sclat r had f[Lil d him, he waved his handker­ the smoke of their torment Street, when one of his old mates came chief around his b ad with a triumphant Ascendeth up for ever and ever. look, and so ascended upon hi ghforever. out of a public-house and offered him a l•! v ryb tly who has been converted knows there is a hell, because pot of beer. From that time he He di ed on the tenth anniversary of persevered in the work without flagging. his conversion. the y Ill v th mselves passed from death unto life; they have trembled He used at one time ·to go every How many drunka1·ds shall we get to 111d ~ 1 ' 01\ll tl and gasped on the brink of the awful gulf, and have Sunday afternoon at three o'clock to the follow him ? How many more drunk­ ards' wives shall be made glad, even iu he t 11 Hil l\(, h d from the jaws of the destroyer by the Almighty hand; public-house doors, and distribute the lu y 1\\V B 1·itish TV01·kman and other pub­ the darkest hour of sorrow ? It is for Lh dr adful flames stretching out to grasp them, and heard lications carefully amongst the men as · us to determine. t il I'O llring f the waves of wrath that were about to dash them to they went home, conversing with.all he THOMAS WINTERSGILL OF STOCKTON, 11 ill fur v r, before they fl ed for refuge to the only hope, and could very closely about their souls. was converted a'8 18 years, under Bro. ht· 11Lh d the first free, happy breath of life on the sure foundation He would offer bread to anyone in real Lane, stationed th n in this di strict. want, and would do his uttermost to Worked very hard for souls. Al waya 1f th l ock. People who have not been born again are dead. It get hold of every heart. ready to have a word at the Market Cros•, ' no us trying to make them see anything by argument. Argument For years he was the mainstay of the or anywhere else. Was a bold champion I H l' .Jl n d th yes of one who was born blind. Do not argue, temperance work at Whitechapel, and for his Master. Was a moulder by he always made it his speciality to warn trade. Took cold, gradually grew IJIIt Jll'l\y. el o.n mo.k th m s e it all, as he made us see it. But everyone against the drink. worse, went into consumption. Ill whn c u hL w to d wL d s ? Hrs END thirteen weeks, but all the time was UN ·n :r. 'l'lill: PI'.l' MouTH. was almost tragically sudden. On never known to murmur, or wish his f t\l'H Monday the 18th Februay, he was sufferings less. Shouted the praises of " A lml'llt !Jilrl th fH· ," they say. Oh I that every child of present at the farewell tea of Sisters God till the end, then said to his mother, 0 tl w r suflici ntly afraid of any approach to the paths that lead Reynolds, Sayers,andBurrell at White­ " Jesus is precious ! " and fell asleep on 1u cl struotion I How strange that whereas almost everyone is chapel, in his usual health and spirits. His breast. l!e was greatly beloved by t o.void even the neighbourhood of outward danger, On the following Wednesday he was all who knew him. We laid him in a t aken ill at his work, and had to go quiet spot iu the cemetery, and, oh! lu·iHLil\11 an go s r ell ssly to the very edge of the gulf of ruin home. But there was no thought of how many shed tears t hat day as the fi'Ulll wlli h th ey ho.v m d their escape, ancl rather encourage danger until the next Monday morning. procession passed along, determined to th tnH l v s nml th l'i:l iu n arness to it than in the farthest possible At Jive o'clock that morning, he live a better life, and serve God, as our suddenly sprang out of bed, and· said to dear Brother did, aged 21, when God ti paro.ti n fr rn its v ry appearance I ·who does not condemn the his wife, " I am going home." He then took him home. I improved his death, mo.n wh hns hncl half his life blighted with the drink curse, and who had all the family of eight children and many that night were saved, people Biill r fuses t giv up the use of it alt6gether, but pleads that he brought to him, and charged them each sobbing all over the theatre. Oh 1 may t to meet him in heaven. his companions, who are left to toil on, will 1md must k p "ju~t a littl "? And yet there are other After bidding eacll of the children prove faithful. We shall then mee t in tl1in B, such as tho 1 v f mon y and dress, not so openly destructive, g.:>o d-bye, he told t4em that he should that land where the inhabitants never uuL .inRL n certain t v 1'throw the soul, with which the L ord's be gone to heavefi before they came say " I am sick," and where hearts will p pl ntinunlly tamp r, t th ir own misery and danger, often to home from school to dinner. He said never bleed at the loss of our dear ones. r epeatedly that be was "trusting in May God help us to meet our dear t l1 i · wn tl!tmnation. J e ~us arrd going home. All right, alP BrJther there! AN NIE Dnrs. Y tt ltad tL bcs tting iu- on might almos t say it had you-before 170 THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION M.AG.AZINE. 171 your conversion. It was your master, and it cost you dear. You have the mastery over it now, as a rule, through the power o.f God. five minutes, when five hundred men were hanging ovei· the eternal But have you laid it aside, got rid of it altogether ? or does it some­ gulf, before the eyes of thousands more-of the desperate ruilh times overcome and bring you into condemnation still'? If it were of boats and steamers to help-of the few minutes of struggle and to gain once more the hold it used to have upon you, that would be cries and rescue, aucl then the awful stillness of the watery grave, hell upon earth, and hell in prospect. Do you trifle with such that had swallowed half the crew. What should you have done if you a danger? Do you say, well I have not lost my hold of Gocl had been there? Is there anything within your power that you altogethet, although I am not doing so well as I used to do ? would not have done, and · done without a moment's hesitation, to That means I am nenrer hell than I use d to be ! Are you content save those poor drowning men? Do you believe in hell as you to remain so ? How much nearer still to hell may you not be in believe in the sea? What are you doing to save people from hell ? another week. Perh aps, then, an extraordinarily severe temptation But then when we do bestir ourselves to do our utmost they say will come, and then-how will it end? Do you really believe in we are "extreme." From one end of the country to another they hell ? Oh, awake to righteousness and sin not! find fault with our bills, with the names we give to our halls, ancl What did it mean when you shrank back from doing what you with other little things we do to arouse the attention of everybody felt you ought to do yesterday? It meant shrinking back towards who is going to hell. hell, nothing less! There are the "faithful unto death," who wear D:> you see that man on the railway platform? He is just step­ crowns, and all the rest, the "unprofitable servants," who are bound ping down to cross the line. He does not see the train that is and cast into hell! It is forward- through the 1ions, over the coming, and that will have torn him to pieces in a few seconds if serpents and scorpions, into the city, or else backward to perditio11 . you do not s"top him. Suppose you scream " Murder ! " or " Fire ! " How can you ever rest with duty neglected if you believe in hell? "But there is no murder, there is no fire; it would be deceiving the That description of the man who believed in hell, running away man ! " Would any body be so particular as to notice that if you with his fingers in his ears, listening to nothing, looking at nobody, cried out anything tbat came most readily in such a moment? crying, "Life! life ! "-it is not all fancy, it is all real. That is Perhaps you cannot speak- the awfulness of the danger chokes how people liYe when they believe in hell. Is that the way you live ?' your utterance ; you could not make your mouth send forth u. sound or do you run away from bell as like running after money, or a name, if it were to save a thousand lives. There is not time to get at the or comfort, or position, as makes very little difference ? Beware ! mau and pull him back. Suppose you dash to the gwund some SAVE OTHERS FROJ\1 H ELL. costly vessel you are carrying, or suppose you sm1sh with your stick "If by any means I may save some." P aul evidently thought be · the nearest lamp, to get that poor fellow's attention ! It would be could; and if God is no respecter of persons, so may you, if you are the act of a raving maniac. It would be most damaging. It might only willing to use the "any means" required; if, like Paul, you injure people who were in perfect safety. ! t might_ cause a very are willing to be a fool for other peoples' sakes, willing to lay down great deal of trouble. B ut would anybody blame you if + ev saw the your life that others may live, instead of going to hell. man's life was saved? Would they begin to describe to you how "You go to hell!" is the common expression of the ruffiaJJ . the same end might have been gained without the use of such: Alas ! it is more. It is the plain English meaning of the lives extreme measui·es? Oh, no. People believe in sudden death of multitudes of the Lord's people who do nothing for the salvation beneath the engine. Do you believe in sudden damnation into hell? of others. " I am going to my place of worship. I am going to If you do, then give yourself body and soul, time and strength, to get some spiritual food. I am going on my happy way to heaven. the great task of saving people from going there "by any means." Oh, JeF, I am sorry to see tl1at so many do not appear to care about "In season and out of season;" amidst evil report, and good report; religion; hut I really do not see what I can do for them.u And so whether you feel equal to the effort, or utterly incapable of it-go on you leave them, do you-to go to hell? And you say you believe in the strength of God to save some. L et all your words and ways in hell tell everybody that you believe in hell. You have so many days in Oh, if it be true that these men and women who are about us which to save that man-days, nay, perhaps only so many hours, to-day are going straight down into that gulf-if it be true that those minutes, and then the chance will be gone fvr ever. Oh, seize it eyes are going to be piteously lifted up to gaze afar into a beauty while it lasts! "By any means '' save some ! Hell is earnest, they can never attain to-if those tongues are going to be parched in gaping, blazing, roaring up for ever. People who believe that must the quenchless flames, and those voices to swell the awful chorus not hesitate, and argue, and compromise. They must rush and cry of despairing agony-up, man, and do your uttermost! You heard aloud, and wrestle witQ. the principalities and powers, as desperate of tl1e loss of that German man-of-war the other day-of that awfnl heroes only can. They must lay down their lives to saYe some. Will you do that? D o you really believe in hell? 172 THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. up for three hours. We tlien beg:m again at a qnA.rter to two, and sung to the large GAIETY THEATRE, CHRISTIAN MISSION WORK. Hundreds following. When we entered, to our great surprise, it wail e:npty, but the crowd that followed soon made a good congt·egation. Vv e cannot tell our dear friends tho feeling that thrilled through us as THE MONTH. we stood on the st:.tge for the first time and seeing the crowds flock in. Ga,zing on their anxious faces, we wondered who wa,s sufficient for these things. We soon saw who was, when at the close we saw three precious HE work is still extending. The Opening Services at M anch e s~ e r souls crying for mercy. When we began at a quarter to six in the T and at Blaydon have been somewhat smaller and less effective :M:arket-pbce, though such a feeble band, we sang through the streets, t han they should have been, owing to the want of sufficient accommoda­ and invited the people into the theatre, We had about 1,000 people in· t ion. But by way of compensation tlie opening ?f Barnsley has, fol' side. We did not have much liberty in speaking or singing, and at the rapid, overwhelming success, surpassed all our prevwus expenence, t~e prayer meeting, most of them ran out. Of course we were greatly d.i11- sisters havin(J' been ea"erly enga(J'ed after only three weeks stay m appointed, expecting to see many saved. devising mea:=:s to iucre~se the sitti~gs in the hall used ·for weeknights, We began open-air at -seven o'clock the next night, and got crowds and already holding 600 or 700 people. round us, most of them miners, and after talking and singing we invited The services held by Miss Booth in the Circus, at L eads, reachi.ng them into OUl' week-night hall, the small theatre which is called t housands of people every Sunday, ha:e been e quiv~lent i.o .th~ opening THE MECHANICS' HALL. of a new station, and ought to result m the formatwn and eqmpment of It holds about eight hundred. Sister Smith ar;,d I then sang through the a new force in the town. streets to the hall. Men, women and children ran from every direction Whilst ail these extensions have been going on in the country, London to see two females singing through the streets by themselves. 'fho hall l1 as not been forgotten. We are anxious to do more and more here, and was in no wise fuU when we entered, but the mob so on filled it. Much have, during the month, taken halls in Acton a~d ~ otting Hill, where we li_berty in l?rayin ~ , s i? g in~ and speaking. Our s ucc~ ss began from that have every prospect, by God's help, of acc~mph s hmg a g~eat wOi'k .. mght. W1thm tile fortmght, we have had 13,:1, professed to be sa,ved, There is still great and blessed growth m the compames gathermg at some of t.hem the most interesting cases I ever met with. Sunday morning prayer-meetings and in the numbers pressing on to engage entirely in the work. ·we shall be forced on into ma~,r: more One was a young woman, who had said they had come for that purpose. extensions within a few weeks simply in order to give opportumt1es to ,. been a member of another society for Both sprang to their fe et, and cried, some time, but never knew she was "Lord save me." Soon He heard and these ardent souls, whom may God multiply a thousandfold. a sinner until she came to our hall. answered. There God met with her, and broke her THREE YOUNG ~IEN, heart, aud bound it up with the cords of Who heard us speaking in the open. His love. She has been with m every air, followed us into the hall. When BARNSLEY. night since, aud is quite useft1l to us in asked if they were saved, they said" Oh, speaking, singing, and praying. no; but we have come to get saved;" and HEN 've entered this town it was in a gren.t con;tmotion. Some A WRETCHED BACKSLillER, after much wrestling they were enabled said we had come with another religion, others said we had come Who told me be had been saved twenty to sing, "Jesus saves me now." iWn opposition to other societies, and prayed. that we not years ago under Mr. Booth, but had We could tell you of many more ~ight h~ve strayed from the fold. He came several interesting cases, but time will -not SJlCcess, a.nd that souls might not be saved t~rough our_mstrumentahty nights, and was greatly wrought upon ; permit. ! 1:ost of them said we had come to preach w1thout Chr1st, and to open but when asked to start for heaven, he WHIT-SUNDAY a new way. to Heaven. So we were watched up and down the st~eets as said, ''Not to-night." But giving the Was a grand day. Many sought and a cat watcl:ie!! a mouse. But God, knowing our hearts, and seemg our invitation again in the middle of the found Christ. Monday we had a tea for motives were. pure for the extension of His Kingdom, encouraged us, i11 prayer meeting, with teara streaming our young converts only ; forty met down.his face, he jumped over the gal­ together to take tea witb. us. Then we spite of what was said. . . lery, and came forward. After agonis­ went in the open air J'or two hours ; We meant Vict01'!J or Death. So we began m nght good earnest on ing with God some time, the light shone sang through the streets ; and invited ~ unday morning at ten o'clock, May 26t~, having three dear b~ot~ers in. He sprang to his feet, and shouted, the people to a Public Lovefe,.st. When from Sheffield to help us . •We commenced m t_he Market-r,lace bJ: smgmg, "Glory be ·to God." He has since we got in, our hall was neal'ly crowded, brought his brother, and he has got and soon there was not standing room. " We're travelling home to H~ave~ above, vy1n ron go? ~ud m a few ea ved also. They are two ready workers We began, and the power of God seemed moments hundreds came runnmg m every d1rectwn, expectmg to hear us for God, willing to do anything to push to fall on everybody. Forty of the younq sing without Christ, and speak without Christ: But the~r t ?ars and theit· on the cause. converts got up and testified of Christ's O' reat attention showed us there was a hungermg.and th1rsttog after the A MAN AND Hrs WIFE saving power during the fortnight. ·. ; eli criou of the r, ~ rcl Jesu3 Christ. Th ~ interest of the meeting was kept Came one night to our meetiug ; when Many wept, and at the close eight 0 asked to give their hearts to God, they started for heaven. Last night was

.. ~ 174 THE CH.RISTIA.N MISSIO~ MAGAZINE. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. 175 a melting time, and fourteen started He has amwered my prayer by sending present from Stockton with the Evangelists, Sisters Davis and Jackson for heaven! Hallelujah! you." and Brother May, of that town, Brother Marsden from East and Brothe; In one particular corner of our ball We are heartily thankful for the kind may be seen every night an aged man help and assistance of the friends in Pratt from "Yf est Har_tlepool, together with Brothers Robinson, Thir lwall, with ea ger and attentive looks, and Barnsley. We have still to mise £'i and ~~enhml, the 1l1hddlesborough commanders. I opened the meeting tears streaming down his face. When per week. Donations and tracts will by gmng out hymn 454. asked what he was weeping for, he said, he thankfully received. Believe us to " All things are possible to Him, "Praise the Lord, He has heard my he yours, :fighting in the army of King That can in J esus' name believe. prayers. Forty-eightyears I have prayed J es us, RosA. CL,u rr.ur , Lord, I no more thy truth blaspheme, the Lord to send women prea chers down .T.ay it was not. The one Some had been making themselves ready. Surely we ~ame very near the thought, the one realization of that hour was the immediate presence of M arriage Supper joy that early morning in Sunderland. We think so. Almighty God, saving and saving, filling and filling to overflowing with. The love feast which fo llowed was good, thou.,.h0 somewhat disturbed bv His unutterable glory. the early departure of the Felling friends. • Brother Marsden spoke at the sacrament service, and in the glorious Judging from that night, certainly Sunderland is a sunny land. lovefeast which followed we had testimonies which must have equalled Whit-Tuesday, 1878. the testimonies of some around the Throne. \Ve had seen the King in In tb~ STOCKTON Old Theatre 300 people or more came togethet; His beauty. Our mouth was filled with laughter. We shouted with the from Mtddle s bor~, East and West Harillcpool, and a few from Whitby, shout of triumph, and sang a new song unto Him who saves with a full at 10·30 for th~ rught. ~he Evangelists present included Sister Davi8, salvation. The closing words Brothers Robmson, Th1rlwall, Trenhail, Marsden Pratt May and "Thou nevrr, never wilt forsake Stevens. The delay in sottling down was perhaps 'unavoidable, b'ut all A helpless worm that trusts in Thee," felt the importance of the oppo~tunity. Everything. was ready, the are still true. Glory be to Jesus. doors cl?sed, the Lord. J ehovah rugh at .hand. Every heart beat with June 5th, Wednesday Night, 10.30, in the Chapel we use for cxpectatwn-some curwus, perhaps one or two inclined to be cavilling weeknight work in SuNDERLAND. About forty of our dear converts strangers looked on from the back. The meeting commenced and after from Felling (which is some twelve miles distant), and about twenty the rea.ding of a part of John xvii., the special request for oneness with from North and South Shields, made up with the Sunderland people God being dwelt upon, Brother Robinson spoke. Then we went to a company of about one hundred and fifty in all. Of course Sisters prayer; and, oh, such praying, such desperate, determined calling upon R'. Agar, Jackson and Cope from Felling, with Bros. E. Blandy, Brock, J~ sus to manifest His a.haighty, sanctifyi_ng power. It was answered. Coombs and Sales from the two Shields, and Bro. T. Blandy and First one and then another began to prmse God,- began to shout , or Sr. Lock were there. laugh, or cry i . but up to on. o'clock, when we broke up for a little The opening hymn and prayer were followed by a short address on season, the roam work was nltghtenment and conviction. Holiness, specially adapted to young converts, as with a few exceptions .The goodly ~umber. presont rendet·ed the delay in getting on again the who 'e of those present were in the service of sin three months ago, wtth the meeting a httle longer than we liked. But it was turned to and then followed by glorious testimonies ft·om Bro. Coombes, Bro. good ac~oun~ by some. A dear man who bas long been serving God, in conversmg w1th me, was qu estioning the Divine ability or willH! •""ne!on and his help3r> nee:i; L H l sa vas snls thare as 1vell as i1. th& much sympathy, pr.1.ycr, and help just h:~.ll. Tb.e p:l.lt mouth h of Manche3ter, where larger Riess His holy name! Some of tile full SJ.il for gl9ry. He thanks God be­ WE have opened fire upon another of buildings were obtainable; but we were ~vo r st characters in B laydon have been cause we go t him to sign articles and t he largest cities of the Kingdom, and pledged to Ancoats. W e had already &£teed.' C'lrn ~ on bn rd the GJspel Ship sailing although it would have been d eli ~ htful got foothold, and we were not to be WnA-r TIIE PEOILE s .~Y- for C1uaau's shore. to have been able to report that m the driven back. After a good deal of hunt­ " If you have only b en the means of A BE \UL'[FUL Sraur. first few weeks we had already accom_­ ing, we found a saving that man .(C tllling him b:v his A dear old wom;tn 0 1m ~ to our b:~.nd plished great wonders, yet we are in­ SALVATION RooM, uicku'lme) , it will have be3 u worth all m ~J t in g- , with se veutv-four year> of sin clined to be quite as well pleased upon the right in the midst of the people, occupy­ your trouble in com ing to l:Haytlon." ou bet· b 1ck:. S!J.e criei fvr mercy, and whole that &u great an undertaking has ing the upper part of five houses facin g Said another, a dear worn m, "You do G J:i for Cnrist's s'lke t ook it off. She j?roYed a great fight, and that the only a great open space, and here, for the not know me, but I knnw you. I can got up off her knees rejoicing, and waut hope of victory seems to lie beyond a time being, we have fixed our head­ never thank you enough for the gooi t o the other side of the h:~.ll aud brought heavy campaign. quarters. The staircase is narrow enough y-ou have done my familv. You know her husban.d, who was sixty-nine vears At first all seemed to be fair for to remind all who enter of the strait 'r. F.?" "Yes ." "Well, that's my of age, and got him on. his knees. Whe11 gloriously rapid and easy victory. We gate and the narrow way that leads to lad. Do try and keep him; there is he got up, the wife asked him if he had secured, as we thought, a large life. But many a one has already gone such a change in him;" but God, alone, was all right. He said, "No." "Down Music-hall in Ancoats, the very place for down it with a light heart washed in the change hath wrought. Both these yo u go again, then.." and he did, and us. The open-air services were attended the blood or the Lamb, and it will, we cases are entering upon the work witn GJ:i took him in. Hallelujah! night after night by crowds, and on the are confident, only serve in some coming all their hearts. H allelujah! 1 A. B.l.CKS LIOING PRODIG.I.L .opening Sunday, Bro. Pearson and the day to make it all the clearer that if I hop3 the Lord's people will help us, as Cams to the m eting on S11 nd av with t wo Sisters Smith, who had accompanied our entrance into Manchester was not t he place is poor, many out of work, and his wife, who was '1. Catholic. He con­ him to the work, succeeded in getting of the grandest we kept climbing until others working half-time. May Go;l fe;;sed his wanderings til us, aud He 250 people into the Music-hall in the we got to the top. forbid that His work should be stoppdcl that h:ts promise l to heal all our back­ morning, 500 in the afternoon, and 900 The following testimony from a in the least for the want of money. slidino- 3 t ook him, ani also aboolved the at night, when stranger will serve to show that our · T. Boakrtt. wife from all sin. Tb.ey j oined the THIRTY SOULS labours are already preciously fruitful. 21, Cowen Street, class , and are now on tho hap py way to came on to the st age to seek mercy. "Sir,-I feel that I must just send a The Haughes, glory. They had caught others on weeknights line testifying of t be glorious work that Blaydon-on-Tyne. OviHt Ere Irr¥ SouLs previously, so that the prospect seemed is going on in connection . with the Have been born for Go i during the past bright ind eed. Christian Mission in Manchester. month. The largest number we have But, alas! the success was too great for " The Salvation Room is very well WHITECHAPEL. hrtd at one time wM seventeen, when the devil and his agents. The next day attended every night. Souls are saved "We shall conq11er through the Blood." Miss Bootn preached. We are glad t he owner of the Music-hall declared we in every meeting. 'V E rejoice to lmow that while God is so that she came to pay us a visit. could never have it again, as people " I believe there are some open-air wonderfully blessing the labotLrs of our Help in the shape of money or tracts eomplained, and it would injure him. meetings held in the town on Sunday .dear brothers and sisters in the noun try, will be gratefully accepted bv But we did not for a moment despair eveninl_l'S ; but the people never heard of he is also rememb ering us. 1\fen and JorrN WrLsox, even of that particular district. We open-au pr

180 THE CHRISTIAN MISHION MAGAZINE. THE CHRISTIAN .:MISSION MAGAZINE. ~SL POPLAR. CANNING TOWN.' Kingdom of Heaven, and that God sees a backslider of 4 years, during that time T:rrE Lord uf hosts is with us. lien and " The cleaf are made to hear, the blincl re· them. Said one man to me, "Why don't I have not known what peaoe is. I know women ~ are ;feeling the mighty power of ctive their •ight, you stay inside,_ then I would ;DO~ mind well that God says, 'My spirit shall not God, and man:y have oried t . . I have been than nll th ot ~s ·put together. I ::un. a backslider inJ heart; . but, bless th.e 'intention. Thank God, life saved, soul w. W B.ITFIELD. ·glad I got converted." saved, devil defeated, grace exelJ?-plified, Help much needed. Thanks fo~ par­ Lord, I amiliappy.in Jesus now." No. 4.- " I was very blaok with sin, Ju.sT r-N Tnu;. angels rejoicing, and us shoutrng. Is eels of tracts received from J. Atkinson, but now the blood of J esus cleanses m not this a brand plucked from the I was called. to 2ee .an old gentleman from all sin. I am whiter than snow." Es r. and lady that heard me preach.. They >b urning? No. 5-.-" I had a very•h ard heart, but 'l'he same night a WOID;an .who had wanted toJbe .saved, and they had been God brbke it· I have been a -i'ough one. COVENTRY. .trying to sa.ve .themselves. • I told them heard us before, and knowmg the pluoe but J esus to~k me in and pardoned all where we stood, and the night, came to Buo-riiEU IRONS, of Bradford, who went to give over ·. tryi-ng; and let J e,sus save my sin." to help Sister Reynolds a few weeks them . . \Ve got.down on our knees, and ihear us and followed us into the hall. No.6.-'-- " I am glad I oan stand up and I asked her if she was converted, she ago, writes :- . t hey then and there received the par­ say what Gdd has done for my sou~ . " The past week has been a glorwus .dO.nin~ love .of, Jesus Christ.. A llhort said, "No." "Would you like to give He has saved it from hell and made 1t your heart to God ?" "Yes." Up she got one. I never was in such powerful time•after I was culled to see him. He fit for heaven." meetings in my life. Last Tuesday we .was taken suddenly v:ery iJ!J; he-is laid and wrestled, and prayed ~ill she !l'ot , uoh are the experiences of many 1into liberty, the same morn1:ng hav~n g had nearly twenty souls, very good on his death-bed. now. ·He· took hold others who have lately been brought to of my hand,and 1said, ·' 'I am.very happy been locked up an hour trymg to find oases. . a saving know.ledge of the truth by the­ peaoe. " The dear Lord is blessing us m a in . Jesus. l shall soon -be. with my instrumentality of our work here. wonderful manner, both spiritually and Father in. heaven." His bed1oom is A man upwards of 70 years of age, Money and tracts are greatly n eed~it :financially. Yesterday we had an ~xtra. like heaven below. He praises

- - ~-- ·o.: •·I 184. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. 185 home-a prodigal. Came home penni­ and save the los,t1 and he tried, and them. 1\Iay God keep him faithful. soul," he replied." "And you will go less, with only rags, and half-starved ; proved His boundless love. Next day Thus we had salvation wrought in the into the open air and be a true Mission but Jesus took me in, and made me there was a grand gala in Rotherham, mill before it was fairly set going. man ?" 1 added. "Yes, body, soul, happy." and while he was singing with us in the At night we had a good open-air and spirit," he answered. Another said, " God smote me iu the open air some of his old mates came up and meeting, processioned to the mill, had Mr. Roberts tells. me he has si.Rce Opera House. I came to laugh; but eaid, '' Aiut yur going to sup with us?" every seat full. Sister Goddard preached, spoken in the Hallelujah Meeting, tell,. they cast the net, and I got drawn in." and we shall not soon forget his happy Sister Dummage sang, and at the close ing the people he was saved in the One night a gentleman pointed out a smile and firm reply, as he shouted, nine precious souls came out for Jesus. Circus, and these have been his happiest young woman who was speaking to "No; I got saved last night." Halle­ Hallelujah! Looking for more. days. He means to work for God all someone by her side about J esus, and lujah I As for myself, I am under the doctor's his life. Lord give us more such. said how it amazed him to see her. I SoN U'1) MoTHER. hands. Bear us upon the bosom of your . "CoME Now," said, "Do you know that that girl is a This young man came and was blessedly prayers; that God may strengthen me I said to a big man with two younger saved prostitute, has been on the town saved. Went home and told his mother, in body and soul that we may get the men by his side. They wP.nt forward five years, and only saved three days and led her to Jesus. Now they are lever of the Gospel under Attercliffe, seeking pardon,~_ and have since attended ago. ~ What can you expect?" helping one another, and helping us in and turn it upside down. God can do the meetings. vne, I am told, in giving One night a man told us he had not this war. it. Hallelujah! hi~ experience at class, said how he been into a place of worship of any sort Some of the worst characters in the J. SKIDMORE, bad attended St. James's Hall for six for thirty years. He said, " Three of town have been saved, and are running 9, High Stre~t, Attcrcliffe, Sheflield. weeks before, but Monday night the my children came to your six o'clock well, standin~ their ground amidst arrow went home to his heart, and he meeting, and one of them offered me bitter and trylllg opposition. got saved. .sixpence if I would go to tho Opera Whit-Sunday was a grand day. Mrs. LEEDS • "I'M A BAD UN." Hott e on Sunday, but I would not go, Goddard was over fron;t Sheffield, and THE CIRCl'S. Towards the close of the meeting one but to-night I could not stay away. I preached in the Theatre. Nine souls ONCE more we are to the front in Leeds. night when most of the penitents had wa s obli!!'ed to oome to this meeting." professed to find peace. The Circus having been obtained for found J)ardon, a tall woman was led Mr. '\V. Abbott is our honorary On Whit-Monday the Sheffield friends Sabbath services, Miss .Booth came down forwar from the back of the hall, and treasurer, and he will be glad to receive came over to our help. '\Ve proces­ to conduct tho 1irst month's m Lti ugs. she dropped on her knees, and burying money to carry on this work. sioned the town, headed by a banner Already thousands hav h ard the word her fa c in her hands, rocked to and Yours in Jesus, given for the occasion; and led by M:rs. of life, and many prco iou, souls havo f ro in anguish of soul. I spoke to her WrLLIA.M ConnRmGE. Goddard, Father Clay, of London, Bro. t epp d into life and lib rty. for a minuL , wh n she began to beat RoDNEY SMITH. Allison, Bro. Skidmore, and others. We take tho followin &" from M:iss the form with her hands, and shrieked 4, Birmingham Street, The place was roused. Then we went Booth's notes of interes tmg cases of out in agony of spirit, "I'm a back­ Bolton. to tea in our conversion which have come under her slider! A backslider ! A backslide!· ! SUVATION WAREHOUSE. notice. Once I loved Thee, and met with Thy ROTHER HAM. The after meeting was filled to excess. "S.ll.VATION." people; but I have wandered away­ M:any could not get in. Hallelujah . On Sunday J?-ight, after the invita­ a way-away .1 I'm a prodigal. A pro­ "A fire gocth before Him, and burufth up We have taken this building, which tiOn had been given, a man jumped over digal." "But you have come back home His enemies round abou t." holds about 700 people for weeknight the front seats (his wife followin") to again," I said, "and He will take you THERE are hosts of determined, persis­ work, aud have already seen sinners the penitent form, and in a few ~ut es in." Then fixing her eyes on me with tent, and bitter enemies of the Cross in crying aloud for mercy in it, six, and sung "I've got salvation, I've got sal· a look of despair, she said, " But I've this town. But now, as ever, God can ei~ht, and twelve in a service. vatiou," aud ho began to praise God been such a bad un, such a bad un ; " and does, and we believe He will, deliver Help us if you can with funds, which 'aloud. and again rocking herself, she cried, us out of their hands again and again. are much needed. '' Catch hold of my soul! Catch hold "A backslider! Two years a back­ During the past month we have ex­ Yours in the fulness, of my soul! " cried a man with his slider ! " At length the burden became perienced the opposition of hell, but, Wn.LIA.M BE.N.IfF.TT, head .b?we~, t:> the ground in an agony too heavy to carry, so it rolled away at glory be to Jesus! many have ground 63, Eastwood Street, of. spmt. I m a wretched backslider. the feet of Jesus_; and the people, who HoNOR BuRRELL, their arms of rebellion, and joined the Give me back the salvation I've lost T were much broken down, sang, '' Oh, rapidly-increasing forces of God and 37, Tustmore Street, Rotherham. Give it me back, Lord, give it m~ depth. of mercy, can there be mercy the Christian Mission in Rotherham. back I '' and louder and louder his cries still reserv d for me." Hallelujah! to God and the Lamb. became. You ATTERCLI FFE. " A:n:& II.nrr ? " A BRAND PLUCKED FRoM THE BuRNING. "Oatch hold uf my soul," and the said on of our brethren, to a man whom This man had been a backslider 20 OPENING OF THE SALVATION M!LL. I"t;Jrd di.d take hold of it, and filled it he had noticed listening very attentively years, but was attracted by the open­ I AM glad to tell you the winds are With Himself, and ho began to glorify during the service. "I'm anything air work to our services, came and blowing, and our mill is going. Halle­ God at once, and shout d for joy, while but that," replied he. "I'm wretched." felt and cried for mercy. God soon lujah! we eang- "But you want to become happy," saved him, and now he is at every meet­ While we were cleaning it on Tues­ " The Spirit an swers to the blood, added the speaker. " Ah ! yon don't ing, to the front of the fight, ready to day, a man came in who bad been with And tells me I nm born of God. " know what a character I've been. Its tell what God has done for his soul. us the night previous at Rotherham all through the drink. I'm separated LosT AND FoUND. and God laid hold of him. The Spiri "HEART AND SoUL." from wife and children." "Well, will " I am lost! " said a dear man, 64 years had wrought hard with this man, and On shaking hands with a man 1vho you give your heart to God?" in­ of age in the Theatre, when spoken to the Lord had taken two of his dear was full of joy, having passed from terrupted our brother. "I will," and about 1nis soul. "I am lost ! " But we children to heaven 1(\tely. Though they "death unto ltfe," I said, "Now you off he started to One who proved to be told him of Jesus, who came to seek cannot come to him, he is going to mee . must work for God." "Yes, heart and hie beat friend. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. 187 186 THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. Rot to get good, but on purpose to outside, we were met by Sist&·s Agar "OR! llA.VE MERCY!" him ; lie was the greatest swearer in this mock" the hallelujah men," when God and Coates with the Bishop'Auck'aud groaned a man who was down before town; could scarcely speak without some met him and stopped him in his mad Band, when we sung to the Market­ God. "Have mercy! have mercy! I'm filthy language. One week he said he took career · he had been card playing all place, held an open-air se~vi ce , made a such a sinnP.r! Such a sinner! " and his all his week's wages, and with two of his the afternoon. Now, from that night, collection, and got 4s. l Od. m hand after whol e frame shook from head to fo ot. brothers, went off with it, bought a con­ eards, gambling, drink, and everything all was paid. Hallelujah! We then sang As he pleaded louder than ever, " Have certina, and go t drunk; the next morn­ that is bad he has thrown overboard. back home, and let everybody k~ow wh_en mercy ! " "He will!" responded our ing he found himself lying in a ditch Hallel ujah! we got there ; held an open-arr serVIce brethren. " He says He will! " and so wet through, with the concertina torn in Two AGED SINNERS. at night; preached ind~or s; large ~?m­ He did, and set that trembling sinner 1? ieces. H e would play at any parties One Sunday night we observed two pauy; nine souls, pra1s_e God! Ihus free. for bee r; he has been before the magis­ aged women sitting together. W e sp~ke the Lord is true to Hts word. All A BACKSLIDER. trates for thrashing a policeman a ccl to them, and found them under convw­ things work together for good to them "I've been a miserable wretched fined 17s. 6d. Thus he went on till one tion. 'vVe prayed for them ; but all that love God ! backslider," said a woman, "but a Sunday morning he heard us singing in was dark for some time, till they both '\VIDTSUNTIDE. month next Stmday night I went to the the street, when the spirit of God tsok knelt together, and one began to cry, We have had some heavenly meetings. Circus, where I saw I might be restored hold of him and showed him what he '' Lord save me ! Lm·d save me! Lord Saturday, June 8, we had the first tea. again. I gave my heart to God, and was. Thus he remained some time, till save me!" H e h ard that cry, and iu The Hallelujah army paraded the town t his has been the happiest month in my one night he came to the People's Hall a few minutes the ery was changed. in the aftemoon. At five some two life.'' She is now a member with us. and heard Mr. Bramwell Booth preach She shouted, " Glory be to God, I do hundred came together for tea, which "No UsE." from the words, " The time is short." believe ! Glory be to God, I do believe ! proved a great success. Notwithstand­ "Come and give your heart to God," This made him think that he might be Glory be to God, I do believe! •: loud ina the raiu at night, which came down to-night," I said to a miseru.ble-looking in hell befor ' morning, so he got up and and earnest enough to make devils fly, ino torrents, the meeting was well sinner. "No use," he said. "Shottld came out for pardon ; he had not been angels rejoice, God's people shout. ~n attended-good time. One man started begin cussing and sweari11g first thing to­ out long before ho go t up and shouted, a few minutes the other broke out lll for glory. Sunday was a day of power. morrow morning. I live with a wicked and he did shout, " I am saved, halle­ 11 imilar words. They both found liberty, Brother Lawley, converted fighter from brother. No use." "But it is use, my lujah!" The next day while we were and left happy in J esus. One is GG, th Bradford and Leedham- converted friend, if you get the 1·eal thing," I visiting we came to his house ; the woman other 71. dog-fancier from Leices ter, were with replied. "Come and tell the Lord all s:1id that her husband was at our meet­ A liAr.l.J.:LlTJ ATJ TlliP. us all day; theatre was packed at night. about it." He did, and J esus listened ing the night before, and had got con­ During the month we hav had to Thirteen s uls came and knelt at the to the story that poured forth from not verted, and she was coming that night appear before the mn gist rot s at llishop Saviour's feet. Glory to God in the .only his, but many a burdened heart, to give her heart to the Lord; we urged Auckland for stree t preaching. This highest! Monday afternoon, did s o ~e that night, and stretched out His hand her to do it then. After ');Jrayerd and was t'l us a very pleasant journey. God mi ssioning. Evening, held an open-an· -and saved the sinking soul. singing she got liberty. Thus the Lord gave us grace and power for the o~ca ­ service; crowds listened ; many were Oh! may He, who knows what tempta­ has made another happy home, halle­ sion. The jom-ney, though four mlles, smitten. At nine we sang to the Hall tion is, keep them in the midst of it all, lujah! was a happy one, being surrounded by to a Hallelujah coffee supper. It was until safel y landed where " Rocks and S.lY En ON lUS SlU T. some forty of God's people, many of well attended. A young man was saved storms we'll fear no more." This m.1.n came the next night n.ntl them young converts, who were deter­ whi,le we were having supper. To God Pray for uq, The interest is increas· heard Mt·. B. Booth preach from "Who­ mined to go with us even to death. vVe be the glory I Money is needed. We owe i ng. Conviction is spreading, and we soever will, let him take the water of arrived about eleven. W e were not something c.n the hall fittings. Please hope for a mighty break down all over life freely." The spirit of God strove detained long before we had our sen­ send donations to t he town. mightily with him; he felt his need of tence passed, and we were f1a sed down­ Yours as ever, Yours, the water of life ; he saw clearly that it stain among t he shining buttons. W o R osSELL and LA.WLEY. JonN RonERrs. was for him; the word "whosoever "rang soon knew what we had to pay; but it 113, Craddock Street., Spennymoor. l2, Reeves Street, Little London, iu his ears, sank into his heart, and while happened to be on one of the mornings Leeds. he was sitting pn his se at~ all at once when neither of us had money to pay the spirit of God descended on him. with, so we were politely asked to STOCKTON-ON-TEES. He prayed while the se rvice was going "'Walk this way" by a gentleman with So~rE say she is a good woman, others SP~NNYMOOR. on; the Lord answered his prayers 1>ome keys rattling in his hand. 0£ say she deceiveth the people, and with P.aA.ISE God we are still on the winnin~ before leaving his seat, he felt the Lord course, we wer r ad y, and were obliged such like r p rts friends have come side! The battle has bee n severe ; but had pardoned all his sin ; he is now to be willing, wh n just starting, down from far an near to get the truth for with Jesus at the head we have had no going on his happy way to heaven ; his came one of the Lord's good and g n - th Ill elves, and v ry many have gone need to fear. Oh, hallelujah! we can wife also has given her heart to God; rous ones, who believed in the Hallelujah away r ~ oi o in g in a precious Saviour truly say, " Thauks be to GJd whicll they are both in the hallelujah army, men- queer fellows ns th y appear. He who can save also from the care of one's giveth us the 'victory through our LorJ. living for God and souls! Glory to asked if we bad money? W e assured own reputation. Glory be to God ! ..1 esus Christ." Jesus! him, "No." The officers said it was a All ages and some of the worst of The following cases will show that we A MocKER CA.UGlH. pity for us to be locked up. H e laid chal'l1cters have got saved during the ~ve not laboured in vain:- A young m~n got up the other night down the money, and we w re again at month. GaEA.TE S 'l~ SrNN Jm IN SPENNY il!O OR. and said he had been two days a Chris­ liberty, having seen the keys of a pri on "I F1mL AS LIGnT AS A F E.~TEIER , " This man said the other ni~ht, "Hal· tian, but had been a notorious sinner. cell, but not the inside. Oh, Halleluj ah! says an old man, just b ord~ring on lelujah! I am saved from all sin!" H e He said he was a noted gambler and a In a little time we were in the street, s venty year~. It was a meltmg scene told us he had bee n the greatest sinner drunkard, and followed the vices of the praising God that we were counted one Sunday night to see him with his .i.n Spennymoor ; he was such a drunkard world and the devil, until the other Sun­ worthy to suffer for Christ's sake. Once wife crowding on to the stage ; and to t hat his own parents would not own day night when he went to the the1tre 188 THE CHRISTI.A.N MISSION MAGAZINE. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MA.GA.ZIN.E. 189 bear him cry for pardon ma de the tears traordinary thing happened, for once quiet spirit, which, in the sight of God, like it. Hundreds wanted ·to go with gush from many eyes. .And how he the Captain got stuck in the mud ; is of great price. us on the morning of the day, but we shouted when amidst several seekers his however, they came all jolly enough a I could give you very many cases of could not sell t ickets, as our boat was voice could be heard ; his poor thin little later on, and in capital spirits in conversion if spaoe wodd permit, but f ull. We started at seven to the tick : hands crossed together, his face shone spite of the rain coming down in tor­ jyst a few must suffice. a grand journey; not an unpleasant with :Qeavenly briglo tness, " Bless the rents. We had a glorious lovefeast Two SISTERS. word. Our singing mixed witil faith Lord, I am savP. d, l know." before they left at night. · brought God down with us, and a very TEN I EiltS A BACKSLIDER. AN ALL NIGHT OF PRAYER, On e heard us at the corner of the street, precieus feeliug pervaded the company, One afternoon, to the great joy of all conducted by Mr. Bramwell Booth, will and while listening to our singing, she glory to God ! After three hours' sail said : "I thought my heart would break ; present1 a man leaped upon the stage not be forgotten for some time to come, we arrived at Middlesbro', where we while tne hymn was being sung, and I trust never. Oh, how near God drew I thought of my Saviour dying ; I were met by about 500 of our Middles­ groaned aloud for mercy. He very to us, and wh at a work was wrought thought of my sinful life ; I d e te rm~ne d bra' people. A procession was formed, soon found out God was love, and we that night. Then came a stripping t o do better." She went home and satd to with the Sunderland banner l eadin g~ · :finished up with a shout over this dear time : one sister threw off her bonnet, her sister : " Let us go to the Mission." with " Holiness unto the Lord" in bola. · man, who was , to use his own words, others their feathers, one his pipe. " N0 ," said the other1 "indeed, I sh a~'t, letters, telling all th e people our motto. "Plucked as a brand." "Oh, glory hallelujah!" we did shout I'm goin!l" for a walk:; I. am not gotng Hallelujah l And such a sight I never Time would fail to t ell of all that has as several were prostrated by the power with that lot." Her sister left her, s11. w. 'fhe road was lined for a quarter been done. of God. We heard His voice that came to the meeting and gave herself of a mile with thousands of people, and W fiiTSUNTIDE night, t etling us to go forward, and eo to God and was saved; in the me ant~m e , the power of God was down on us as we just past will not be forgotten by very we will, won't we, brethren and sisters ? a companion had called to see the stster sang to our Linth orp Hall, where a good many. On Monday we met in full ANNIE DAVIS. and talk about a new dress she had, lunch wall provided for our friends, force and bnttle arrny. Proc ssioned to 8, Sydney Street, Stockton-on-Tees. which so upset the poor thing t~at she after which we formed up, ma1·ched to :NoRTON, n village somo three or four was very s ~t<1 when another ran Ill and the Market, and held a monster open­ miles out, announcing all the way there told her '' Y ~ur sister has found Christ. air meeting, led by Mr. Bramwell what we intended doing. The friends She is ~Pepiu g- in Spring Garden Laue Booth, where we met with some opposi­ who had invited us were delighted at Chapel." " Oh, d ar," sho uricd, " there tion from those who were againsi our such a force, provided us with a wag­ S U:--.J DERLAND. will be no more fun now, all our plea­ Lord. But we had a mighty time. gon and seats, the grass being wet. sure is gone for v r. w shall. nov r bo 1 T ars flow d freely, ond doubtl ess much W e commenced firing at twelve. The Humble and thankful I sit down to wri e happy any m ~r ." Dltt h ~ r stst. r o ~m o everlasting good was done. To God be Of God's mercies in the month that is gone. crowds gathered from all round, and by The rock has been rent, the water has ilowad, home with h r face beammg wtth JOYi all t lto glory ! W e prooessioned to the changing the lead ers we were enabled To refresh us while passiag along. and told her how happy she was am Oddfellows' Hall, where a substantial to keep at it without ceasing till 5'SO. urged upon her to come to J esus. ~h e tea was provided, and started home­ Had the most profotmd attention. We Tms has been the month of months in came the ni ght Miss Kelly was to g1ve wards at 4.30, got on board without then wound up by having a real mis­ my evangelistic history. Hundreds of her fn.reweli address. She asked her to trouble, set off amidst thunders of SODA' sion prayer-meeting on the g r a~ the souls have trembled and cried, and a promise to meet her in heaven. The from the host of God on the shore, and rain gently falling upon us. water goodly number of them have joined the promise was mqde, and she got no rest answered by us on the boat; and, what fi rst, then came the fire, and down went army of King J esus. until she started for heaven, and then to was best of all, while we were coming t hree precious souls, sobbing aloud for Mr. Br11. mwell Booth paid us a flying see them night after night speaking and home, we sang ancl prayed until eight :tnercy on visit, and many in Sunderland will singing for Jesus, it WOU;ld have done unconverted changed masters, and joined UNCONSECRATED GROUND, remember it for ever. The Saturday your heart good. She Sil;td. afterwards, the Halleluj ah folks, to do their Halle­ and all around were signs of convic­ nig1t and Sunday, 1st and 2nd of June, " but this is real joy - this 1s true plea­ lujah work, and go to their Hallelujah tion. The friends who had a ~ ked us to were times of especial power and bless­ sure. I thought I Phould hnve lost, home at last. Halleluj ah! come stood beholding the things that ing, many souls sought and found the but I have gained. I don't want any­ Many thanks to our friends who ho.vc were done with their hearts and eyes Saviour, and the t hin!!" now but more of Jesus." 0 may helped us in the pa>t. There is much overflowing, saying "This is good." ALL NIGHT OF PRAYER, God keep them. more to be done, and therefore much It was good, too, of those friends to on the following W ednesday night, at needed to do it; and although our HIGHER G .<~. ME TliAN PIGEON-FLYING. provide us with such a nice tea free of which friends from Felling, and North spiritual work has moved every one all charge. We did get the good things of and South Shields were present was the "What a change there is in me," said around in every direction, I am sorry the land. time of such a baptism of tn1 e Holy one ; " my wholc.mind was s t on ~i geon­ our fLI1o.nces have not b on healthy. TH1l LoRn BLESS Tmm. Ghost, that many of us hardly knew fl.yin g and dommo s and gamblmg on Donations to carry on the glorious w·ork Our time being up, we processioned whether we were on earth or heaven. Sunday. I al ways spent hal£ my money are v ry muoh needed just now, and back to Stockton, preaching all the way Such a giving up of self ; sueh a laying in the puhlic house ; but now I hnvo will be t hnukfully received and acknow­ home, some hundreds of our people down of earth with all its fashion and turned it all u p, and instead of looking ledged by yo urs labouring for souls. up at pigeons flying in the air, why I right mad with joy. W e t9ok the town trifles ; such a taking hold of God. J A~lE S :FLINI OF.F, Treasurer, before us, blocked up the streets with Oh, Hallelujah ! the very thought of it look right up t o J esus, and I'm so happy people, held furth at the Market -cross sets my heart all of a glow, and :fills my I cannot t ell you how happy I am." 175, High Street, for an hour, then a glorious lovefeast, soul with joy. WHIT-MONDAY. JorrN ·w nrGHT, Secretary., more salvation dispensed, and so ended Pipes and tobacco, feathers, flowers, Just a w"ord about our Halleluj ah h ip. Old Pilot Office; aud the day. Tuesday, Capt ain Cadman gold and silver and brass pins, alberta, Some of the folks here do not lik th Trros. BLANDY, Evangelist, and his and broaches, were put away, and a way we expressed ourselves about it ; .A.R:MY FROM WIITTJJY determinate deci.ion come to to be but they were bound to confess they 3, Noble Street, Hendon T alley, were expected by ten, but a most ex- adorned for the future with a me.ek and never s ~w one go out of Sunderland Sunderland. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION MAGAZINE. l!H 190 THE CHRISTIAN MISSIO~ MAGAZINE. and I have tti11e pipes, and.futtl' f ea tlwl's, evening, all but the women should have WHIT-MONDAY AT BISHOP NORTH SHIELDS. and flee lots of t o b e~cc o twist. Halle­ to sit on tlie ,floo1·, for want of seat!. AUCKLAND. vVE are again without any report from lujah! But it i.~ so . If you can send Coombes I HARDLY know how to begin about this station. But we .laear of go Jd times " W e had a gootl time last n i~ht . a form or two, d . the day we had here yesterday. We of opposition, of salvation; of increasing­ Four souls were saved- two of them W.B.B. commenced our meeting at ten o'clock, forces, and rising expectations. Halle­ black men, and while one was praying I in the Market. There were about one lujah! thought I was going up to heaven. SOUTH SHIELDS. W e make one or two extracts from hundred people around us. We then Praise the Lord for ever I THE past month has been one of unceas­ had a good procession down to a field, the letters of Bros. Coombes and Sales. " On Satarday night we had it good, THE 0PEN-Arn VVonx. ing warfare, in which we h ave been -the street all in an uproar. Before we outside and in. W e had a ' Come and encouraged by victory, though the fight­ had been long in the field there were "We held an open-air meeting on See ' Meeting, and three precious souls Sunday morning, on the New Quay, ing has been hard. Upwards of 200 three hundred people round us. The came out for Jesus. One man cried have professed to find the Saviour in our power of God came down and filled our and there were about 300 men stood and out, 'Lord save me !-save me !' and listened for an hour. They seemed meetings during the past few weeks. souls, and we can ·ied the meeting on till while we were pointing him t o J eJus, many of them dark and hardened ve1·y near five. The hallelujah glory - riveted to the spot. Oh, glory to God ! he began to shout, ' I do believe it I A lot of the new converts spoke. One sinners, serving Satan might and main: went through the people. Many said Jesus saves me now !' Another-a but now t hey aro blessedly change d, and they never were in such a meeting. We dear man said, ' Last Sunday morning woman-came and f 11 at tho penitent my wife asked me to get up and make their homes, instead of being scenes of closed with "R allelujah." i'o ~m like a lump of lead, ana. cried, riot and dnmkenness, are abodes of We went out again at six, and, when her a cup of t ea; but I swore at her and ' Oh, Lord, I am such a sinner ! Do the child, and came out with the inten­ righteousness, little palace3 of the King I got there, crowds of people were wait­ save me .' ' \Ve prayed for her, and of kings. We give a few instances. ing for us; and we went into it right tion of getting drunk; but I met yon, she soon began to sing, 'Now I do feel and heard the singin g on the Quay, and , A VVRETCHED B AC KSLIDER. and left. One dear old man almost felt happy in the Lord!' This man had been in a good position to the ground while SI en king, the power instead of goi ng to Sam Brown's (point­ "SUNDAY SERVICES. ing to the house), I went to +, ho theatre, in life. Had property and servants, of God was s:> mightily felt. I hardly "We commenced in the tialvation Hall and more than this, had loved and knew what to do with the people, the and on Monday I went to the Mtsslon­ AI D Sunday morning, at seven o'cloc k, room, when I gave my heart to God ; served G.,d, holding a position of trust throng was so great. W e processioned with a prayer me tiug, and astonish d in the Church of Ch.ri st, but through with about two hundred men and and I feel I must tell you. You know the natives. Oh , hallelujah I we had what a dnmka1·d I have been.' Several the ours d drink lmd lost his hold of women, singing, fifty-three pr se nt, and twenty-three d, and lo t his all, and was reduced "Oh, the Lamb, the bleeding Lamb, spoke in the same style.'' prayed. Bro . Sal s spoke. We sang, to penury and abj ct misery, when he The Lamb upon Calvary." "We had good meeting. It was rain­ and shouted, and shut up in an hour. heard us singing i n the streeh, to the Temperance Hall, others throng­ ing at all tluee open-air services, but the "We were out again at ten o'clock, people stood and the congregations were " My Saviour sulfe red on the tree , glory to ing on behind. The people ran in and and at a quarter to eleven we sang down the bleeding Lamb." grand. t o the hall. The Irish yelled; but, out of the shop doors to see what was He followed to the Durham Tneatre, the matter. They were shouting all " Blessed time in the open air on glory to God! we gained the victory. Monday. About forty of our people. Good time inside. and sat for a long timo listening, until along the street, '' Glory be to God!" I gave out the hymn, The power was so great. I felt I was Grand pro cssion . Glory to God . H all '' Good congregation in the afternoon, . packed. Hallelujah! and about 1100 at night. It was a hard "Behold I behold the L ~ mb of God, On the little to lead such a band of men and Cross !" women, but J esus and I conquered. "We had a good open-air meeting on p ull until just as we wero going to close W e got to the Temperance Hall, and, Wednesday and procession down to the the meeting, and God fell on us, and His eyes fillei with tears, and his heart in a few moments, the place was full. new place, and there were so many peo­ fo urteen came out f·>r salvation and was broken. A I was goi.Rg round We hardly knew what to do with the ple in it that we could not see the end. found peace. Glory I 'ollcetion, £1 see k in ~ penitents, he stopped me, and people. I comm encecl the meeting with 'Ihe Irish began to yell and push, and 17 ~ . Yours, pulling down tho devil's said, ' Oh, Mr. lllandy, it was the old singing, then the brethren prayed short, they hit two of the women, carried on kingdom. story of the Cross. I know all about it. and then we sang, frightfully, kicked the door and threw " THE FIRST TEA. When asking him whether he was '' Be present at our love feast, Lord." mud at the window. H ad to have two " Our t ea was a blessed success. saved, he said, "I was once.'' I pressed and it was a feast of love. Over eighty policemen to see us out. Glory to God l .About 500 sat down. But the best of upon him the necessity of yielding his men and women got up and testified; not a hair of our heads was burt.'' .nll was the meeting at night. Miss whole heart to God. He there and then some of them wept while they ~pok e . "WEEKNWHT WonK. Agar was in the chair ; aud I think closed with the offers of mercy, and his While we were singing "Last night, Tuesday, was a time of I should not say to man y if I say there constant song now is "The Jews they crucified Him, power. 'Ob, Glory! forty-two spoke. were 900 to 1000 pe ple. The Odd­ " I do believe it, I do believe it; But He rose." One man said,' Last Saturday night I was fellows' H all was pack d, and at the I am saved through tho blood of the Lamb . the power was so great, a stout woman in the theatre, laughing at the foolery prayer meeting Thirty-four came out My happy soul is free, got up on to the platform and put her there; but on Sunday night in the same for God, and got blessedly saved. Oh , For the Lo rd hath pardoned me, arms rolmd me, and cried for mercy. I place I gave God my heart and He has Hallelujah ! " Halleluj ah to Jes us's name!" was obli ged to turn it into a prayer made me happy.' At the close, eight God bless our brethr n, THE H APPY PAIR. meeting, and /recious souls got salva­ precious souls came for pardon. We are Coo111mts AND SAI.'ES. F irst, the wife was brought to our tion. W e ha £1 4s. 2d. collection. It going to hold an afternoon meeting to­ 79, Howard Street, Hall one night by a neighbour, who is was a day filled with Christ, and made day and another to-morrow. We are North Shields. one of our members, to return thanks a mark on Bishop Auckland. rising. N.B.-It seems a pity, tb ugh it fo r God's mercy to her in past illness. Yours in the so1:1l-saving work, " On Friday night we held our Holi­ -speaks volumes for the earn stn as of I n the prayer meeting she came out to LoursE AG.ut, ness Meeting, and, Glory to God ! over t he people, that out of a w knight the penitent form, under deep convic­ ELIZ.U!ETH JACKSON. thirty came out for the blessing of a · nard, and determined to do all in bad as I am, and I am a bad 'un, aint by all around, has been called by the a choice company of artistes had come hls power by example, as well as other I ? " said he, turning to another man Great Shepherd and Bishop of his soul to hold a. concert, they found themselves. means, to bring souls to Jesus. W he.n standing by, who answered in t he to cross over Jordan, and us the valley without au audience, while the Mission visiting this man, we found that h1s affirmative ; "there aint any kind of appeared in vi w, he sang with a calm people, by the kindness of tho owner of wife was unconverted, and of course we wickedness but what I am into." and a clear voice- t ho Leoturo Ilall, w re able, a few hit the iron while it was hot, and got on From this you can judge of the young " I't :~; be Its questiOnable featu res a lJ?. of thought do the t wo classes more fre­ sn hJect to ridicule. It is a means to' an Sion ~h e ran down to her mother's with of genuine belief. ' Tommy' made the her face bl d1ug, but I went to bed. quently come in contact than in matters most of his subject, and succeeded in end. The end is good, and the means of religion. W e are aware that we are OnJrh.t to_be welcomed having such an '\-Vhen I awoke, I saw my wife was not arresting the attention of his audience there, so I went out and got drunk. 1 ~aili DI!' (apparently) very close to the by example, illustration, and argument, end JU view.'' coast-line of newspapH-laud when ca l?e h o m ~ , and got a large carving­ as some of the 'higher mould' would knife, put It up my sleeve; went down drifting into the broken water of re­ have failed to do. The ' Hallelujah OUR FR IENDS IN H EAVEN. ligious di:fferences. Our only plea is t{) ~e r mother's, with the intention of Lassies' did not come ' to the front' )olling ?er ; but they saw the knife. that these di:fferences when presented during the opening services. It was J oHN PmcE. in exceptional forms, become fit f'ood The pollee '!'ere called in, nnd I was­ during the after-meeting that their Sun_nENLY there has passed away from taken t? Spitalfields station; but n~ for general criticism, and are not to be presence and influence became most Wh1techapel one of the oldest and best on?, C~lilln g I o press the charge, I got off. passed over because of their religious apparent.. There was nothing particu­ known of OHr br thren there character. What are popularly known lor some mouths before I was con­ lar in their appearance. There were Jo~n Price . was bo.rn i'n 1 30 in verted I could not sleep at night unless as 'rt vi val' services come under this only two; but distinctive in appearance Buckmghamsh!l'e. Bis mother died category, and are va1iously condemned I ~va s drunk\ very seldom !)Oing to bed and character. The first was, if any­ wh.e ~ he w~s. young. He had no Without cursmg and swearmg until I or defended (as the rase may be) lly the thing, next door neighbour to the mas­ rel.1g10us traimng. His father loved Wtnt to s~ eep , and .woke up the same in two classes of critics which we have culine. She had, at the first glimpse, a ~rmk , and h ~ grew up a drunkard. indicated. Until recently, we are free t he mor~rn g-wakm~ everybody in the harshll€ss of feature which repelled The sto ~·y of his wretched life and of his house. Wit~ my cu_r smg and swearing, to confess that we belonged (as far as rath r tbnn invited. You had only to ~n v:e r s10n could not be better told than so~eFe s m the nnddle of the night. the ' Hallelujah Lassies' were con­ note ' the gradual melting of the face's m his own words which follow:- E 1ght years a~o . God thought fit t o­ cerned) to the second class of critics. mood ' to become convinced of the mis­ We disbelieved in that which we had " D EAR Sm ,-I have reason to bless tho lay me on a bed of ~ 1 c kness for thirteen take into which fint impressions bad weeks, nnd I was g1ven up by all the not sEen. W e are now raised into the led you. The second was more dis­ hour that God put ~h~ thought into your hi gher sphere of believing in what we head to open th Mission at th East .l.!:nd d ctors. When I got better people tinctive in feature, and certainly more of L_o ndon, for it lms b n tho m rms of thought I would alter my life,' and be­ hat:e seen. We were with the 'Halle­ attractive in manner. Where her com­ lujah Lassies ' tm Sunday night last, at malun!l' me .nnd my family hnppy iu the como u st ady mai~; but no, I was as panion gave you the idea of arguing, love of hn st: 1t hns turn d me from a bad ns ." r. W h1le I was at work the Felling Lecture H all. Rumour, she gave the hope of kindness and with her idle tongue, had kept us urunkurd, blaspbcm r, and liar to a another trme, ~runk, I lost one of m • almost the foretaste of sympathy. Why true believing Christian. ' eyes by au acCJdent ; but that did n!t among 'the disbelieVE rs of the un­ they should be called the ' Hallelujah " A.t the age of t~irt ee n, I went as a make me a so ~ er man, nor make me· known.' W e determined t o take higher Lassies ' we cannot say. Though they ground- to judge for ourselves. Hence P.ot-boy, and remamed fO until I was ~ eave o:ff swearrng and cursing. I was have stolen a Scoticism in their title, sixteen. Here I got t he flavour of ill·ink m general, ill·unk two or three times 0 ~ our presence. W e found a large and neither can claim kindred with 'the miscellaneous audience-a strong con­ and I never lost it 1mtil I was converted S~m days . The ?unday that I was con­ land o' cnkes.' Both are southern in to. God, through the blessed words of Y I~ced I was a smner I had been drunk tingent of the working-class, its wives accent ns in manner. But apart from and its children being. prominent B1o. L-- .and Bro. W-- spo ken in tw1ce. these traits of character and appearance, th ~ open a1r. W hen I look T:mck nnd " I. clicl n?t think there was so much, features of the ' revival' gathering. On the ' lassies' carry in them and with almost every face there sat the expect­ ~h rnk how I have b at en my poor wife­ ~ app nt ss for me; but I do thank God them the comeliness of sineerity. The It was through th drink- it malt s rno fot· what h has clone for me. He has ancy of something ' out of the common.' whole service was a proof of howneoes­ Expectancy was not mistaken. The ashamed of mys 1£. lt was th word cha11 gcd my h rnt, He has fi lled me fuH opening hymn wos ' out of the co=on.' mry it is not to disb elieve that which :;ud the blo w, but sometimes the blow o! t~e love of Christ ; my greatest de­ The opening pray~ r was in unison­ we .have not seen. The 'lassies ' and first. After 1 got sober, sometimes it srre rs to tell sinners what a dear Saviour fervid and rough , broken into patches their work .a: e. not to be condemned for wo uld make me ashamed to look at her I have. f?und, and to tell them how 1 of. sincerity by · Hallelujah,' ' Praise t~ e eccentncihes which surround them. bla•:k eye~ ; but I do thank God there is found Him. the Lord,' 'l believe it,' from the 1:hey rcl!r~ se nt a 'York special in itself, no ftar of black eyes no iV ; for we uro " From a CoNVEJ:TED DRUNKARD sympathetic throats of scores of b'ma­ and reqmnug spemal machinery. They very happy together. BLA rnEADm AND LIA n . " • jid~ worshippers. Then came the ' ser­ have addressed themselves to an "~ wond r I have n vcr hal an ex · arduous t ask. They have conse­ A ~ coml?anion to the above we insert mon '-if so it may be called. The ploHon, for ~ lmv boc n drunk for a th followmg- 1 tt r from :- preacher was a collier, aged in years, f;ated them s~lv e s to heterodoxy. "ec)i: at .a tim . J tl111 a stol< r und ret young in the work of preaching. Ihey have sacr1ficed themselves to the e n ~· m e dnver. Ilalf !nY wng •s w nt for Ttu: D.JtUNKARD' s WIFE He called himself 'Tommy W elch,' sneers aJ?d scandal of those who do clrmk, and my wif wtts afraid to "DF.AR Sm,:-It was a happy. day for and we have no desire to rail him any­ not or. will not understand the purity speak to me, and tb 1100r hildr n m and my olulill·en when my dear hus­ thing else. His text was taken :from of. th.mr purpose or the high aim of their would get anywbcr ou of :my way. bund wa ~ converted to God through the Acts of the Apostles, and his ' ser­ mission. W e are now convinced that I was reckoned a regular "lushington" Br th rs L -- and W- - preachiu"' mon ' l vidently rame from an honest ' the Christian Mission,' as represented I lo t place after place, emu wn ut ~( nt th corner of Sclater Street. Seve~ heart, and was intended to benefit those ~y the 'Hallelujah L ~s~ies ,' is perform­ w_ork several weeks at lL t.im · l'o1· th y months a!)'o, on a certain Sunday h to whom In g. a work and exer msmg an influence ~cl not coie to employ a ~nmlmnl. ~vus standing at the door, wlten the ;in/ .. wh10h the Church bas either neglected ::Still I would have beer som how I did mg attracted ll.im. He went to listen 'The future was the myth of the unknown.' to perform , ~o e s not possess, or does not not c a~· e how, so that I did g t' iL. 1 wh m~ a b r o th e~ came and spoke to him' Tommy's rhetoric was not of the finest. care to exermse. A movement that can. have gi.ve.n one and si.xpen 0 for a lonn and,rndu ce~ him to go with them to th ~ It was of that rough-and-ready type reach the masses-that can work such of a sh1lhng, and though th re wu s not Apo lo MnsiC Hall, where he was con-