Catechism. Pref Ace
Bl Prl1L1pS, t'<lC.HN<D Fl.RS"7 · - 1621 THE FIRST or MOTHER's CATECHISM, CONTAINING COMMON Tf-IINGS NECESSARY TO BE J{NQTVN . AT AN EARLY AGE·. I , By the Rev. DAVIDBLAIR, AUTHOR OF THE SCHOOL DICTIONARY, UNIVERSAL PRECEP'.fOR1 MODELS OF LETTERSt READING EXERCISES, &c. &c. THIRTY-EIGIJTH EDI'TJON. -------=- JLonnon: Printed for WILLIAM' D.ltltTON, 58, Holborn..J1ill; And sold Ly Darton, Han·ey, an1I Co. Gracecl1urch-street; -G. and W. B. Whiuaker, Ave-mari,a-Jane ;-Long man, Hurst, and Co.; Sherwood, Neely, ~d Jones; and Baldwin, Crarlock, and Joy, Paternoster-row·; Simpkin anci Marshall, Srationen,'-court ;-J'huq.Je aod Burch, Jewry-street, Aldgate ;-Jolin Harri~, corner _of St. Paul's Church-yard ;-Wilson· and S011~, York_;-. Henrv Mozley, Derby ;-and all otli'er Booksellers. Printed by J, and C, A<llard, 23, Bartholomew Cloae. 821 I CAUTION. As ~everal very inferior Works have been brought out in IMITATION of this sue- . cessful and approved FVork, the Pttbli., {!,re request~d to beware of such 1 MIT A TIONS, and to order BLAIR'S FIRST or l\tloTH:t:rt's CATECHISM. PREF ACE. -- THE Author of this simple performance has always been a zealous admirer of the ex- - cellent · Catechism of the Church of England, and ,of the successive Catechisms of Dr. W .at.ts. As Introductions to the first Princi ples of Religion, they cannot be taught with too much diligence, and he hopes they will uever be aband~ned in every system of Chris ~an Education~ In presenting to Mothers of Families, and ~o Teachers of Children of both Sexes, a new Catechi~m, his object will speak sufficiently f pr itself.
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