Uif!Kpvsobm!pg!Qbdjgjd!Vojpo!Dpmmfhf Winter 2007 REAL LIFE: STUDENTS’ QUEST viewpoint STAFF editorial viewpoint Executive Editor Julie Z. Lee, ’98 |
[email protected] Editor Lainey S. Cronk, ’04 |
[email protected] ASKING HARD QUESTIONS by Lainey S. Cronk | Alumni Editor Herb Ford, ’54 |
[email protected] Sometimes people worry about me. I can see Layout and Design Barry Low, ’05 |
[email protected] Art Director Cliff Rusch, ’80 |
[email protected] something like a wince when I ask certain ques- Photo Editor Barry Low, ’05 |
[email protected] tions. I can sense that under their intelligent de- Contributing Writers Christopher Togami, ‘07 Copy Editor Rita Hoshino, ’79 bate about possible answers they’re thinking, “Oh Cover Design Barry Low, ’05 dear, she must be struggling with her faith!” and PUC ADMINISTRATION “Where is this questioning going to take her?” President Richard Osborn, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Administration Nancy Lecourt, Ph.D. Vice President for Financial Administration John Collins, ’70, Ed.D. Uif!zfbst!evsjoh!boe!kvtu!bgufs!dpmmfhf!xfsf!gvmm! jofwjubcmz!tqjmmfe!joup!fwfsz!bsfb!pg!nz!mjgf-! Vice President for Advancement Pam Sadler, CFRE Real Life pg!rvftujpot!gps!nf!jo!ufsnt!pg!sfmjhjpo/!Ipx!up! jodmvejoh!Hpe!boe!bmm!uijoht!tqjsjuvbm!boe! Vice President for Student Services Lisa Bissell Paulson, Ed.D. 4 Students’ Quest for Relevant Faith xpsl!uifn!pvu@!Ipx!up!bqqmz!uifn!jo!sfbmÒps!bu! sfmjhjpvtÒboe!uif!botxfst!pggfsfe!cz!nz!sfmjhjpo-! mfbtu!qptu.dpmmfhfÒmjgf!jo!b!xbz!uibu!J!dpvme!hsbtq! xijdi!xbt!gvodujpojoh!jo!tvdi!b!ejggfsfou!qmbof/