May 2007£1.00
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ROYAL AIR FORCE & DEFENCE FIRE SERVICES ASSOCIATION MAGAZINE Wanted For Model- urgent! ling project, june 2007 catterick air publication arMY event cancelled due specs on dp2? to operational coMMitMents! see page 22 see PAGE 18 – ‘one For tHe diarY!’ INSIDE THIS 24 PAGE ISSUE 25th AnniversAry of the FalklAnds WAR IN 1982 robert cApA - WW11 photogrApher & rAf crossley crAsh creW - mAgnum photos london member, W/o dAve stArkings mbe RETIRES from rAf mArhAm After 37 yeArs service neW cobrA 2 fire vehicle @ mod st AthAn - AssociAtion shop 2007 1 Flashpoint Magazine - May 2007£1.00 brief history of the Association Formation of the Association CONTENTS The formation of the Royal Air Force & Defence Fire Area Coordinators were subsequently elected to cover 2 Brief History of Services Association took place at Shoreham Airport in East the U.K. the Association Sussex, on the13th. May 1995, when 23 ex-service personnel The Intervening Years got together to settle the question of why there wasn’t an 3 Who to Contact Many changes have taken place since then as the organisation relating to the trade of firefighter when most and front cover Association established itself over the intervening years other trades had formed one of their own many years ago? photo detail and, with its formation, colleagues, past and present, Inaugural Committee Formed now have a better chance of finding each other again, 4 Editorial renewing old friendships and making new ones. On that day, when those founder members turned up from The Association publishes Flashpoint magazine 3 all over the country, they went on to form the inaugural 5 Chairman’s times per year with information, news, updates, articles, committee of the Association and elected the following reunion report anecdotes, photos. and stories. Officers and Committee:- Association membership is 6 Secretary’s Member made up of ex and serving firefighters and includes those membersletter President Late John Arthur 11 personnel who made up the Air Force, Army and Royal Vice President Ken Rimmel 20 Navy* Fire Service Departments, which has becomethe 7 Treasurer’s Chairman Keith Penfold 9 Defence Fire and Rescue Service. Together we are the report Vice Chairman Mick Clark 2 Royal Air Force and Defence Fire Services Association. Secretary Dennis McCann 7 Associate Membership is open to ex and serving 8 Letters Treasurer Late John Knight 21 personnel having a minimum of three months service Editor * Late Alan Alsop 49 with the Civilian Aviation Authority (CAA) Licenced 12 Robert Capa & Aerodrome Fire Services. WW2 Crossley * Royal Navy have since founded their own Aircraft *The position of Editor was first introduced in 1995, when 13 New Cobra 2 @ Handlers Association. thelate Alan Alsop took post as founding editor, but after the MoD St Athan formation of the Association in May of that year. 14 W/O retirement some members asked if the photo could be replaced, suggesting that something more modern might RAF Marham be apt, theArea difficulty Coordinators being, what? Elected However, it’s your magazine and, the customer is always right, and i took the suggestion on board. the idea of repeating the brief History of the association, 15 Finningley (and the raF and dF&rs), was to allow anyone reading it to know who we are and i appreciate Memorial - Brummie Yates that, for regular readers, it might seem a bit repetitive! Flashpoint was designed as an ongoing advertisement for the association to encourage potential members to join us! and i’ve trawled 16 Your Stories the through the archive and found the photo below, and will try to remember to replace it from time to late John Taylor time. The photo below taken at raF leeming 16 May 1996, shows:- l/r - F/f russell barnet, and 17 Association members, tom sellars, joe shackleton, the late eddie Mashiter, the late billy bannister, the late Shop jim souter, Mike king, dave Murray and l/FF tony eaton. the crash truck backdrop is a Mk9 18 Next Issue, News, Views Updates and Deadlines 19 RAF & Defence Fire Services -News - Views and Updates 20 Photographic Memories & Updates 21 25th Falklands Anniversary 22 In Memoriam -MK6 and DP2? 23 Brief Histories of the RAF & DF&RS 24 FSCTE & the Manston WOT1 Flashpoint Magazine - May 2007 2 Who to contact Officers and Committee Northern Ireland co-ordinator vacancies - East Kenneth Green member 255 Editor Flashpoint Yorkshire - Midlands, North, Scotland Honorary Life President 2 Brooklands Drive Dave Kenyon member 239 (1) - South East. Other areas as Keith Penfold member 9 Whitehead 47 Grange Avenue necessary. It’s not too arduous, just 80 Pitts Field Carrickfergus Thornbury a matter of keeping in touch, and Cricklade Antrim Bradford BD3 7BE Wiltshire N. Ireland promoting the Association when tel/fax 01274 666 043 SN6 6AW tel 01960 372 595 able to do so. If you can help, please tel 01793 751 536 e-mail: [email protected] contact a Committee member. Australia President Area Co-ordinators Bill Wylie member 785 Dennis McCann member 7 Unit 4/35 Lulworth, Devon & Cornwall Lyall Street Clacton Road Wilf Longmire member 83 Victoria Weeley Heath 28 Cormorant Drive Australia 3977 Clacton on Sea St Austell tel Melbourne 9769 0826 Essex Cornwall CO16 9ED PL25 3BA tel/fax 01255 830 546 tel 01726 642 74 tHe national service (raF) association reunion and parade @ tHe raF MuseuM Vice-President Norfolk Joe Shackleton member 22 cosFord, sHropsHire, sundaY 24th june Steve Doran member 41 2007 2 Westminster Close Ronal Eston 22 Gunn Street Middlesborough Foulsham latest arrival time - 0930 hrs. Cleveland Norfolk TS6 9NU outdoor parade assembles - 1100 hrs NR20 5RJ salute by air commodore gammon, dcae cosford. tel 01642 285 098 tel 01362 684 132 email - [email protected] limited seating will be available for family and Chairman friends. John Goupillot 358 RAF 2 Cricketers Green parade will incorporate a short service of remem- Steve Bowden member 413 brance and the last post and reveille will be played. Rawdon Station Fire Officer Leeds RAF St Athan a flypast by a Hurricane and spitfire will take place at West Yorkshire Barry approximately 1300 hrs. LS19 7YS Glamorgan contact: pat Honey, 87 park lane, knypersley, staf- tel 0113 250 0768 CF62 4WA Mobile 0798 0113 885 tel 01446 798 393 email - [email protected] Wales Front cover Vice-Chairman Ian King member 242 John Arnold member 394 Warren Bungalow photographs 22 Crookes Broom Lane John’s Lane are courtesy of Hatfield Hirwaun Magnum Photos Doncaster Mid Glamorgan London from DN7 6JN Wales tel 01302 351 196 CF44 9TB an item first tel 01685 811 131 published in The Secretary Times Sunday George Edwards member 238 South magazine 29th 8 East Close John Hurl member 564 Ecclestone Park 34 Copt Elm Close May 2004. The Prescot Charlton Kings caption read: “An Merseyside Cheltenham RAF rescue crew L34 2RA Gloucestershire awaits the return tel 0151 426 5093 GL53 8AE email - george.edwards46@ 01242 522 503 of a bomber damaged by anti- London aircraft fire over Treasurer ‘’Jess’ Jessup member 133 France, 1941.” Geoff Varley member 221 44 Quentin Road 3 Fairway Lewisham Girton London Cambridge SE13 5DF CB3 0QF 020 8463 0737 01223 276 772 invitation to all members - Let’s have your personal stories, Lincs and Cambridge Membership Secretary anecdotes and photographs for publication. Remember, Howard Harper member 682 it’s your Association, and Flashpoint is produced for your John Hanley member 69 34 The Westering 17 Carnegie Road Meadowlands enjoyment. That’s why we need to tell of all those many Peterborough Cambridgeshire experiences out there. If your article requires a photograph, PE8 6AJ CB5 8SF remember to enclose it along with your article, and send to 01780 784 964 01223 292 298 email - john@hanley7438. the Editor by mail, or email, at the address detailed on page 3 – Who to Contact. Please enclose an SAE for the return of photos etc. Thank you. Dave Kenyon Editor 239 3 Flashpoint Magazine - May 2007 flashpoint editorial promotions - To celebrate their old station from their Service days. the 25th Reunion in the page 14 - W/o dave stark- useful contact numbers presence of our Honorary ings, on his recent retirement from RAF RAFbF - The Heart of the RAF President, Sir John Sutton Marham and We all wish him a long and Family:- 0800 169 2942 KCB, your committee happy retirement, and hope to see him at decided to promote Keith our reunions? Thanks go to, Dave Tudge, RAFa - The Royal Air Force Penfold, from President Marham Fire Section, for providing ini- Association:- 0800 018 2361 to Life President, Dennis tial details and Denise Foggett, Assistant SSAFa Forces Help - The Soldiers, McCann, Vice-President to President and Media and Communication Officer at Sailors, Airmen and Families Joe Shackleton to Vice-President. All three Marham, for a copy of the Press Release. Association:- 020 7403 8783 were delighted to accept the honour, which The full colour centre spread is is well deserved for three of our founding excellent and the item on the delivery of the the royal british legion - RBL:- members and all the hard work they’ve new Cobra Fire Vehicle at MOD St Athan 08457 725 725 done to develope the Association. was provided by our RAF Coordinator, Flt RAF records and Medals Section the front cover again gives Sgt Stevie Bowden. Thanks for that, Stevie. - Building 248A, RAF Innsworth tremendous impact to the magazine and I chairman’s comprehensive re- Gloucester GL3 1EZ thank Ernie Fisher for sending the details port on the 25th Reunion at Peterborough some time ago from the Sunday Times on Page 5, outlines some positive proposed public records office Kew Richmond magazine.