
A Heroic Roleplaying Mini-Event

Written by Jayson Jolin Mini Event

ACT ONE Infiltration

ACT TWO Confrontation


Based On

Captain America: , 2016, by Marvel Studios

Written and Edited By

Jayson Jolin BREAKOUT

In the wake of the battle of Leipzig/Halle Airport, most of the heroes allied with have been captured and imprisoned at the Raft. The ultra- super-max prison, located at an undisclosed, submerged location in international waters, was meant for the most terrifying, insane, and dangerous of criminals. Now, it is being used to house heroes whose conscience forces them to oppose the Sokovia Accords.

But that is about to change, at least if Steve Rogers has anything to say about it. He plans to infiltrate the Raft, disable their defenses, rescue his allies, and escape before anyone can put of any serious resistance.

But that is easier said than done. General Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross is in command of the Raft, and in addition to a full staff of highly-trained soldiers, he has his own, Accord-compliant heroes to call upon, as well as his pet project, the Thunderbolts.

Once again, ’s New stand to oppose Captain America’s Secret Avengers.


This game material references the Cortex Plus® game system, available from Margaret Weis Productions Cortex® and Cortex Plus® and all associated logos and trademarks are solely owned by Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. and are used with permission. Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability of the purpose of this product.

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MCU Breakout requires some preparation before you, the Watcher, run it for the first time. But take heart, because in the MCU, it is a confirmed fact that the Watcher is none other than himself. That means that by running this game, you are acting in the spirit of ‘The Man’ himself. He’s with you, True Believer; you’ll do great! Excelsior!

Here’s what you’ll need.

̣Read over the entire Mini-Event provided here and become familiar with any datafiles and all key Scenes. You can find many of the datafiles for MCU characters over at Plot Points Blogs (shameless plug). ̣When you group meets to play for the first session, have each player choose a hero from the datafiles you provide. Also have them choose whether they are siding with the Secret Avengers or the New Avengers. The hero’s alignment in the movie can be used as a guide, but players can feel free to have their hero change sides for this Mini Event. The only exceptions are Iron Man and Captain America; their positions on the Accords are the linchpin upon which the Mini Event holds together. ̣Each player should choose two Milestones to pursue for this Mini Event. They may choose from either the character’s datafile or from the Event-Based Milestones included with this Mini-Event. ̣It is assumed that the players are using characters from the established MCU. If you allow them to play as characters from outside of that continuity, such as the one of the cinematic iterations of the ADVERSARIAL PLAY or the X-Men, it will be up to you as the Watcher to While it is entirely possible to play this design and distribute datafiles for those characters, and integrate Mini-Event exclusively on one side of the them into the MCU and the Mini Event. It might be wise to ensure conflict, the option to divide the table into that such a hero has at least one Event Milestone to pursue, linking two teams of heroes, each on an them to the MCU Breakout Event. opposing side, might appeal to your ̣Make sure that you have enough dice, plenty of Plot Point tokens, and group. If so, it is your job as Watcher to some kind of action order token for each player. You may also ensure that both sides of the table have benefit from taking note of each hero’s Affiliations and what equal opportunities to shine, and to Milestones the player has chosen. Keep this list near you for remain impartial to the outcome of each reference during the game. Scene. Be especially mindful of player ̣If this is your group’s first session of Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, versus player issues that might come up you should introduce them to the basic rules and go over the that will turn a fun game into a heated datafiles with them. Hand out copies of the cheat sheet for their real-life fight. Don’t be afraid to disallow reference. adversarial play if you feel it will be detrimental to your group’s enjoyment.


EVENT We chose to divide up MCU Breakout into three Acts for flavor; each Act has its own mood and tension level, as though each were a movement in a musical Breakout is a Mini-Event in three Acts. Each Act gives the players piece. plenty of opportunities to not only showcase their phenomenal powers and abilities, but also to make the case for their side of the question of the We fully understand, however, that you Sokovia Accords and justify or lament its consequences. It also grants and your players might wish to treat the the Watcher the option to impose a little of the comics into the MCU, and entire Mini Event as a single Act. From a let General Ross unleash his new team, the Thunderbolts. Doom Pool management standpoint that makes sense; when the Doom Pool ̣ Act One sees the Secret Avengers trying to sneak in to the Raft and resets at the start of an Act, it can release bypass its security, while the New Avengers attempt to locate any tension unnaturally, and leave the Scene infiltrators. feeling less dramatic and charged with ̣Act Two involves any confrontation either side has, either with each action. other, Raft security forces, or the Thunderbolts. ̣Act Three deals with the Secret Avengers retreat from the Raft in an In the end, play MCU Breakout your effort to escape, hopefully with freed prisoners, and the New way. If you and your players have fun, Avengers, and possibly the Thunderbolts, in pursuit. that’s what is most important.


LOCATING THE RAFT This Mini-Event assumes that Steve Rogers has already NEW AVENGER MILESTONES done the legwork to locate the super-secret location of the A PRICE TO PAY Raft. However, if you are Their stubbornness got them here. They broke the law. That makes them playing MCU Breakout as criminals. They can whine about “principles” all they want. They got what they part of a larger Event, you will deserved. have to arrange for the heroes 1 XP when you lecture a wavering New Avenger about how the bad guys are the to be able to locate the prison ones that break the law. Period. in-play. One simple option is to use 3 XP when you are forced by your adherence to the law to compromise your conscience. a Transition Scene. Heroes allied with the Accords whom 10 XP when you either recognize that the law is not the ultimate arbiter of right have gotten wind of Captain and wrong, going against the law to help a Secret Avener, or you lure in America’s rescue plans might and betray a former ally who is among the resistance heroes, ending that use that Scene to inquire with friendship forever. political or espionage contacts to acquire the location of the WAVERING RESOLVE prison in hopes of blocking the You signed the Accords. You thought they were a good idea at the time. But raid. Or they may simply be seeing how they are being implemented, you aren’t so sure anymore. given this information by Ross if he thinks that he will need 1 XP when you try to talk a Secret Avenger into changing sides, even though the heroes to defend against you find yourself more convinced by their arguments and less by yours. an assault. 3 XP when you face a good friend on the resistance side and go easy on that Renegade heroes, hero because they’re your friend and your sympathies are shifting. meanwhile, would use this Scene to reach out to 10 XP when you either switch sides entirely or you remain with the other Accords sympathetic contacts within heroes but look the other way as the Secret Avengers escape. the military, the government, S.H.I.E.L.D., or perhaps even within the Raft itself to discern its location. Such contacts might even help with a Resource that will aid in bypassing the Raft’s defenses.


NO, YOU MOVE The Accords trade freedom for security. That price is too high to pay. Doing the right thing against the will of the powerful is never easy. But that never stopped you, and it never will. 1 XP when you question your resolve on your decision to stand against the Accords. 3 XP when you try to convince and opposition hero that they made a mistake signing the Accords. 10 XP when your resolve for doing the right thing either cost you a dear friend in the opposing hero, or your act of heroism in opposition to the Accords earns you that heroes respect and that hero becomes your secret Ally and the mole on the oppositions side. OUT OF RETIREMENT When the Accords were enacted, you would not sign, so you were given a choice; retirement or jail. You had chosen the former, but Captain America needs you, and that’s all the reason you need to rejoin the fight. 1 XP when you relate to another character how your forced retirement left you deeply dissatisfied and feeling oppressed. 3 XP when you battle a former ally and close friend of the Accords side and pull your punches because of that bond, knowing your friend will do the same. 10 XP when you either sacrifice your freedom to ensure that your allies escape, or you cut and run, leaving your allies more vulnerable to capture.


The first act involves the resistance heroes, the Secret Avengers, approaching the Raft and attempting to gain entry covertly, and the Accord heroes, the New Avengers, responding to the infiltration and trying to locate the Secret Avengers.


The Raft is an undersea prison facility for superhuman or supremely dangerous criminals. Its location is a closely-guarded secret to discourage exactly the kind of escape attempt that the Secret Avengers are now attempting. ̣It is run by the leaders of the signing nations of the Sokovia Accords, and is under the direct command of General Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross, retired.

BRMCU06 BREAKOUT ̣It resides entirely under water, at an undisclosed location in international waters. ̣The prison only ever extends a docking station above water to admit authorized personnel and guests of appropriate clearance. It has numerous sophisticated countermeasures designed to keep the powers of the inmates in check. ̣It is staffed by highly-trained prison experts, soldiers, and other staff, all independently contracted by the governing nations.


Here are some of the Raft’s chief locations, useful when framing a Scene or describing parts of the prison facility. Scene Distinctions are included within the description.

Landing Deck The periscoping landing deck emerges from the water, opens its massive, Jaw-Like Reinforced Entry Hatch, and allows a single helicopter to land within the Heavily Guarded Internal Landing Platform before closing and submerging once more. No other entry point in or out of the Raft is known to outsiders, though at the Watcher’s discretion other secret points of egress could exist.

Control Deck Equipped with The Latest In Security Monitoring Systems, Raft personnel can keep tabs on every cell and every corridor within the facility. From here Thunderbolt Ross can deploy squads of Highly Trained Corporate Soldiers to any location within the prison.

Elevator Shafts & Air Ducts There are numerous elevator shafts and air ducts connecting the numerous levels of the Raft. None offer useful escape routes, but they may be Good Places To Hide or make things challenging due to the Enclosed Space.

Crew Quarters And Mess Even hardened corporate soldiers need a place to sleep and blow off steam. The upper levels of the Raft include barracks, a mess hall, and a recreation area. These areas are filled with Unsecured

INFILTRATION BRMCU07 Furniture which heroes can used as improvised weapons or places to duck behind. There’s also bound to be some Embarrassing Personal Items that the occupants of those rooms might not want revealed, providing a moment of comedy in an otherwise intense scenario.

Power Plant The Raft houses some of the most dangerous beings on earth. For that, you don’t install a nuclear reactor. The next most powerful power plant on Earth is a Stark Arc Reactor, which, given that Tony Stark designed it, would have Multiple Redundant Backups to ensure that no single event, such as an attack by a electrically-charged super-villain, would cripple the prison.


Steve Rodgers, by the time of this Mini-Event, has surrendered his trademark shield to Tony Stark. If one of the players wants to play as Cap, you have two options. First, you can simply disallow the hero to use his Vibranium Alloy Shield Power Set, leaving Cap with only one Power Set. Alternatively, you could provide him with a second Power Set that reflects Steve’s preparations for infiltrating the Raft. We provide one below, though you are certainly free to create your own Prison Blocks alternatives. Each block comprises of a ring of cells bisected by two access doors. All of the doors and windows in here are Heavily Reinforced, and each cell is INFILTRATION GEAR equipped with Power Suppression Tech tailored to its occupant and Sidearm D6, Invisibility D6, designed to keep its occupant at bay. Wall-Crawling D6

SFX: Burst. Step up or double Sidearm die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add three dice to your total. SFX: Second Chance. Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any Infiltration Gear power. Limit: Gear. Shutdown Infiltration Gear and gain 1PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.


At the end of Captain America: Civil War, the heroes of the world are spread pretty thin.

Most of the Secret Avengers are in prison, including Ant Man, Falcon, , and Scarlet Witch. Black Widow’s status with the New Avengers has been compromised, so she will have used her skills to disappear and could easily be at Cap’s side by the time he infiltrates the Raft. Winter Soldier isn’t turned over to the Black Panther until some time after the raid on the prison, so he could also be at Cap’s side.

James Rhodes is still recovering from his crippling injury, so is not available as a player character. Tony Stark is at Avengers Compound when this Act starts, getting a phone call from Ross as the infiltration gets under way. Spider-Man is back in Queens, trying his best to be a friendly- neighborhood hero, and while it is unlikely, it is possible that Tony would tap Peter again to help stop the Secret Avengers, giving him a ride to the prison.

Any of the other New Avengers could be at the Raft, either at Ross’s request to take turns doing guard duty as part of their forced deployment under the Accords, or they could be there to visit one of their former teammates who are imprisoned here. This can make for some dramatic moments; the heroes are starting to feel the lack of freedom the Accords have imposed upon them, and any discussions had with imprisoned heroes will be thick with tension and recriminations.

Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross

Ross comes across as the arrogant, demeaning, and smug old soldier that he is. As far as he is concerned, super-humans are not people, just weapons of war, soldiers to be commanded. When any of them step out of line, his beratement is swift and his urge to imprison ever-present. Ross is proof that any of the New Avengers could take a spot in the prison next to the Secret Avengers at the slightest nudge of fate.


The Doom Pool begins at 2D6 for this Act.

6 6

Doom Pool: 2D6

TROUPE PLAY BUILDUP: GETTING INTO THE One option for getting around ACTION the problem of some heroes having to wait for other heroes to succeed or fail in order to Setting the Scene for the various hero groups will take some doing, since get into the action is to allow everyone starts out in different places. Troupe Play (see CW04 for details), basically letting each For the infiltration team, let the players decide if they are approaching by air or player choose more than one sea, then describe the approach to them. Let them have a few brief words amongst hero, on opposite sides of the themselves, and use exposition to set up any rResources that they want to have. conflict, to play. That way, Each hero should have no more than two such Resources to start play. when one of their heroes is unplayable due to story For Iron Man, Spider-Man, or anyone else who starts the adventure state-side, complications, the player can give each hero a moment to establish what is going on in their lives at that moment, switch to the other hero and how they are dealing with the aftermath of the civil war. Then let them get the call, keep playing. either from Ross or from one another, and if they desire they can quickly scrounge up one Resource before hurrying off to the Raft. These heroes will not arrive until Act Two, so you may wish to let them play as another hero or even as a Raft soldier during the first Act. If that is not to your taste, you will have to find a way to get the heroes to the Raft more quickly, such as saying that its location is just off the coast of the northeastern United States, or that it is close enough that a quinjet could get there in mere minutes.

New Avengers at the Raft will start the Scene either being drilled down by Ross about their role in the new world order, or having an emotional conversation with imprisoned Secret Avengers. These Secret Avengers might have set up Resources, one each, by studying the prison or getting contraband from sympathetic Raft employees, while the New Avengers can create Resources related to their duties at the Raft or their connections with the inmates.


The Secret Avengers, led by Captain America, arrive at the prison and attempt to If you want to reach out of enter it without attracting attention. the MCU for an ally, consider that much of Steve In approaching the Raft, the Secret Avengers will have to overcome a few obstacles Rogers’ stint as Captain if they hope to get inside not wearing handcuffs and ankle chains. America during WWII was relegated to a battle First, the area around the Raft is heavily scanned by radar and sonar, all montage by the movie orchestrated at the prison’s control room. They will have to find their way past this Captain America: The Perimeter Blanket Sensor Suite if they are even to get anywhere near the First Avenger. There prison. were lots of fights we never got to see, and lots of allies Next, there is the problem of actually getting inside. Except when it is actively that we never got to meet. allowing entry to approved aircraft, the Raft’s landing platform is always submerged. Perhaps, taking a page They will have to find a way to get that platform raised and open. Alternatively, from the comics, one of perhaps one of the heroes has a Resource such as Another Way Inside, where those allies was Namor they learned from an ally that there is an undersea docking port for submarines that are used to transport larger shipments of supplies and gear to the prison, as well as for the Sub Mariner. smaller submersibles. It will be up to the players to find a way to exploit this Resource. Currently on the outs with his people, Namor might Even once they determine a way inside, they must still execute that infiltration come to Cap for help, and without getting caught. For as long as they remain hidden, this Scene will remain in exchange assist Steve in active, with the heroes stealthily making their way through the prison, preparing to freeing his fellow Secret liberate their allies. They might take a small Transition Scene to build up additional Avengers. This also gives Resources while they hide within the prison. Once they make the move to liberate the the Secret Avengers an prisoners, or they are spotted, this Scene draws to a close. Atlantean mission to engage in after this Mini Event, in repayment for Namor’s services.


The Secret Avengers have located their allies. Now they must overcome the base’s defenses and release their friends before they are noticed.

Now that the infiltrating heroes have found the correct cell block, they must figure out a way to release the prisoners. This might involve knocking out a guard who controls the cell doors, overloading the cell block’s power so that the doors reset to an open position, or some other clever trick the heroes can devise. However they do this, once those doors open the base will go on high alert. Proceed to Action: Jailroom Brawl.

During this Scene, cut back to the New Avengers every now and again. If they are suspicious that there is trouble but haven’t actually seen the invaders yet, or are simply on patrol, let them make dice rolls to see if they happen upon the Secret Avengers. If they are in conversation with prisoners and are still present with them when Steve and his crew arrive, this could lead directly into the next Scene, or it could turn into a stealthy game of ‘convince the New Avenger to leave the room’ by the imprisoned heroes.

If the Secret Avengers somehow manage to alert the prison authorities of their activities before they finish freeing their friends, they will have to decide between staying and risk getting caught as they finish their work, or cutting and running, hoping for a better opportunity later on. In either case, proceed to Action: Jailroom Brawl .


The New Avengers learn that the Raft has been breached. Under Ross’ orders, they must engage the intruders. The Secret Avengers, meanwhile, realize that they have been ENEMY GEAR detected, and must make haste their escape. One option for the Combat Resource is Use this Scene optionally if the New Avengers detect the Secret Avengers without the for a New Avenger to latter being aware, but rather than rushing in they decide to set a trap. co-opt a piece of a captured Secret You should give the New Avenger heroes lots of leeway in how they set this trap. Do Avenger’s gear. they inform Ross in order to get the greatest number of troops on site? If so, keep in mind Imagine Spidey using that Ross can only send one or two mobs of soldiers; he has to maintain the rest of his men Hawkeye’s bow and to keep the prison running. Do they keep things to themselves in order to try and make this arrow, or Black Widow capture less messy, perhaps talking their former friends into surrender? Do they actually using Falcon’s flight decide to pretend to help out in the escape only to lead them right into Ross’s hands? harness. How, or if, the Secret Avenger Here are some example Resources the heroes can cobble together when creating their trap. gets their gear back during the fight can be ̣ Combat Resource: The heroes might raid a weapon’s locker to gain specialized gear an interesting part of meant to neutralize their opponents, such as stun batons, electrified netting, or the like. the drama. ̣ Covert Resource: Especially useful for setting traps, the heroes might make it easier for their side to Sneak Into Position or misdirect the Secret Avengers into Going The Wrong Way so that they wind up in an empty cell block with soldiers ready to box them in and them into waiting cells. ̣ Psych Resource: This could also be used to lead the invading heroes down the wrong path to a trap like the above. Or it could be used to make one or more heroes SIMULTANEOUS Question Their Allegiances so that one of the Secret Avengers might hesitate or SCENES even turn traitor. ̣ Tech Resource: The heroes could always use the Raft itself as a weapon. While the Something that should Secret Avengers are passing close to an airlock, the New Avenger hero might Bypass be clear by now is that The Safeties and flood the area with sea water. we expect that you will be running Action and Transition Scenes at the same time. While the Secret Avengers are actively penetrating the facility, the New Avengers are laying traps. Just keep track of what rules apply to what group and you should be able to pull this off no problem.


It’s the battle at the airport all over again, only this time ‘in a submerged pressurized metal container,’ as someone once put it. New Avengers face off against Secret Avengers, with the one side heavily aided by the prison personnel, and a special surprise from Thaddeus Ross.

This Act continues directly from the first, using the same setting from the prior one.


Thaddeus Ross has ever pushed his own agenda. Ever since taking charge of the task force assigned to recreating the super soldier serum, Ross has yearned to have command of an army of super beings of unquestioning loyalty and absolute power. He was deprived of that once with the , and it cost him his command. He was offered a seat at the wheel on the Avengers Initiative, but saw them as a bunch of loose cannons that he believed, accurately as it turned out, could not be controlled. Therefore, he sought new ways to gain his super army. And as warden of the Raft, he has found that way.

The Raft was given cart blanche to use any and all means necessary to contain the immensely powerful beings that it houses. Ross used that leverage to implant certain very powerful or dangerous inmates with special devices that would instantly kill them if they did anything Ross didn’t like. It was an experimental program, and one that would raise the ire of any watchdog group that might catch wind of it. So it was done selectively, secretly.

Chief amongst Ross’s army, which goes by codename Thunderbolts because Ross is an egomaniac, are the following: Emil Blonsky aka the Abomination, Samuel Sterns aka the Leader, Ivan Vanko aka , and Darren Cross aka Yellowjacket. Ross has also obtained the Iron Monger suit and handed it over to the de-facto leader of the Thunderbolts, former major Kathleen ‘Katt’ Sparr, a loyal soldier from his Hulk-hunting days. Sparr has a remote detonator for the kill switch for each of the other Thunderbolts. Ross holds kill switches in his possession as well.

At the Watcher’s discretion, Ross can decide to call in the Thunderbolts to deal with the Secret Avengers. During that subsequent battle or in subsequent Scenes, the heroes on both sides can learn through their own Resources the true nature of the

BRMCU14 BREAKOUT Thunderbolts, and through that see the dark and totalitarian future that the Accords could bring about. If the Thunderbolts turned the tide and the Secret Avengers were all captured, this could lead to the New Avengers deciding to swap sides, free their allies, and escape with them into the world, a unified team once more.

You can find datafiles for the Abomination, Yellowjacket, Whiplash, and Iron Monger (with Obadiah Stane as the pilot) on Plot Points Blogs. A datafile for the Leader and for Starr’s Iron Monger are provided below.

LEADER Dr. Saumel Sterns

SOLO 10 Gamma Powered Genius BUDDY 6 I No Longer Need Informed Consent TEAM 8 We’ve Only Tapped The Surface

Superior Gamma Mind Enhanced Durability8 Enhanced Senses 8

Psychic Resistance10 Superhuman Intellect 10

Telepathy10 Telepathic Mind Control 8

SFX: Versatile. Split Superhuman Intellect into 2D8 or 3D6. Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown a Superior Gamma Mind Power to step up the lowest die in the Doom Pool, or add a D6 doom die. Recover by activating an Opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Sinister Inventions Blaster10 Mimic 10

SFX: Dangerous. Add a D6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in the pool by -1. Step up Physical Stress by +1 Limit: Gear. Shutdown Sinister Inventions for 1PP. Action Vs. Doom Pool to recover

Medical Expert 8 Menace Expert 8 Psych Expert 8 Science Master 10 Tech Master 10 Vehicles Expert 8



SOLO 6 Military Upbringing BUDDY 8 Soldier Of Fortune TEAM 10 Wavering Loyalties

Iron Monger Armor Cybernetic Senses6 Flight8 Gatling Gun 10 Rockets8 Superman Durability 10 Superhuman Strength 10

SFX: Increased Power. Spend a D6 Doom die to step up or double any Iron Monger Armor power. SFX: System Allocation. Shut down highest rated Iron Monger Armor Power to step up another Iron Monger armor Power by +1. Recover power by activating an opportunity. Limit: Overpowered. Shut down a Iron Monger Armor power to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a D6 Doom die. Spend a doom die to recover that power. Limit: Icing Problem. If you are successfully attacked by a cold or ice-based attack, or if you find yourself at 20,000 feet above sea level, shut down all Powered Armor powers. Spend a D6 Doom die to recover each power.

Combat Expert8 Covert Expert 8 Menace Expert8 Psych Expert 8 Vehicle Expert 8



New Avengers versus Secret Avengers! This is a battle of liberty versus security personified.

This is the only Scene in this Act, but it is a doozy. The main combat will take place during this Scene, and will be hero versus hero. Watcher impartiality comes into play here like it does in few other places, as does a Watcher’s responsibility to ensure that all parties are having fun and that the players don’t feel personally attacked or otherwise uncomfortable. This Scene has the potential to showcase all of the heroes’ Milestones and inter-character drama. The XP can fly as fast as the Stress and Trauma.

In keeping with exactly how psychologically exhausting this Scene can, and should, get, try to have your Watcher characters deal out the Mental and Emotional Stress more heavily than they otherwise might in a normal fight, both against player heroes and against other Watcher characters, as appropriate. Remember, this is a stressful time for everyone, not just the heroes, and some of these Watcher characters, such as Blonski and Sparr, have adversarial histories that could come into play.

Ultimately, how this Scene goes is entirely up to the players, and your decision whether or not to include the Thunderbolts in the action. Let the players come up with ingenious strategies to use against one another, and interpret the action for the most dramatic and emotional effect.

This Scene lasts until one of the following pertains: ̣ All of the Secret Avengers are captured. ̣ All of the New Avengers, and all of the prison guards and Thunderbolts are have been stressed out or have quit the fight. ̣ The Secret Avengers reach the outside of the Raft and begin to make their escape by whatever means they arrived here.

In the first two cases, the adventure is over, the consequences being what they may. In the final, Act Three begins in ernest.


Whether successful in freeing their allies or not, the Secret Avengers must escape from the Raft or they will themselves wind up permanent residents of the prison. Or worse, they could wind up being ‘volunteered’ for Ross’ Thunderbolts initiative.


Unlike the previous two Acts, this one takes place entirely out in or above the Atlantic Ocean. The Secret Avengers are attempting to flee the Raft, and everyone else is in pursuit. There are two possible paths to freedom; by air, or by sea. All are made more perilous by the raging storm that has erupted since the infiltration commenced.

Air Flight Any characters or vehicles trying to fly through the storm must deal with Powerful Turbulence and Driving Rains which both make for a risk of crashing into the ocean below.

Sea Voyage If the heroes arrived by boat, the Choppy Seas combine with the Driving Rains to make escape harrowing.

BRMCU18 BREAKOUT Under The Sea Down beneath the waves the storm above is not so much of a consequence. However, anyone trying to escape below the waves without suitable powers or protection will soon find themselves Running Out Of Air which could lead to drowning. There could also be Unexpected Sea Life in their path.


Escape is in the Secret Avengers’ gasp. Can the New Avengers snatch it away? And more importantly, should they?

The Secret Avengers are attempting in this Scene to put D12+ distance between them and their pursuers. Each fleeing character or vessel makes a dice action against their chief pursuer (as judged by the circumstance). The Effect Die is the current distance between parties, and can be used by the Secret Avengers as an Asset to protect against attacks (due to being so far away, thus harder to hit). Their pursuers make their dice actions to try and reduce or eliminate that Asset. Either side can make additional actions in accordance with the normal rules.

Once the Asset steps past D12, the Secret Avengers have escaped. Until then, their pursuers can take any actions to capture or ground them. Any hero Stressed Out who is not on a friendly vehicle is captured. The Mini Event ends when all Secret Avengers are either in custody or have escaped.


What happens now depends upon a lot of factors that unfolded during play. Did the Secret Avengers escape, and if so were any of them left behind, or were they all captured? Did the Thunderbolts join the action, and if so what effect did their presence have on the New Avengers? Did anyone switch sides?

Now that the heroes know about the Thunderbolts, will they bring that information to the public, knowing that an investigation could result in the Raft being shut down and all of the inmates within being sent to far less secure prisons? How did the heroes standing with Ross change, or the Thuderbolts’, for that matter? Will the heroes go after Ross himself? And is Ross’s ego so great, his desire for power like that of the Hulk’s so total, that he’d be willing to experiment on himself?

Only your group can answer these questions, True Believer. ‘Nuff said!