illilt i New Publication The ANDERSONIAN ANDERSON COllEGE ANDERSON, INDIANA Editors Named VOLUME 16 MAY 18, 1962 NUMBER 15 Roger Hatch has been named editor of I The Ander sonian for the 1962-63 school year, and Miss Judy Thur mond has been chosen editor of the 1962-63 Echoes, accord ing to W. Shirell Fox, assistant to the president and advisor Record 187 to Receive Degrees in Ceremonies; for student publications., A freshman from Milwaukee, Wis., Hatch replaces Ray Brennan, a senior from Chicago, ilL, and editor of The Dr. Phillips to Deliver Commencement Address Andersonian since April, 1960. Hatch, chosen on the basis of his journalistic experience, served for a year as editor of his weekly high school newspaper. An all-time high of 160 Ander James Bailey, Stuart Blair, Larry Roys, Marlys Schutjer, Rub en - He has earned a letter in college football and is cur son College seniors, in addition Blevins, Barbara Blinkinsop, Ed Schwieger, Douglas Smith, Cor to a record 27 graduate School ward Bowman, James Bradley, delia Still, Donald Talley, Nellie rently a member of ,the Raven track team. of Theology seniors, have been Lily Brown, Hazel Campbell and Tharp, Danny Walton, Jew e t t approved for graduation, subject Frederick Carpenter. Wells, Vernon Wilson, L. C. Wolie, to successful completion 0 f Also, Richard Christen, Frank Robert Wolfe, and Stanley Wol courses for which they are cur· lin Cleckley, Dwayne Com b s, fram. rently registered. Joyce Combs, Max Dawson. Candidates for the bachelor of Graduates will receive baccal· Mary Dodge, Eileen Ellis, Gar y science degree are Bryce Allison, aureate degrees from Anderson Gerould, Judith Gorden, William Roberta Asel, Lowell Bair, San College at the 44th commence Harp, Charles Harrington and dra Baker, William Barker, Al ment ceremonies Monday, June Paul Hart.
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