Editor Layout Contents Carl Olof Cederlund Tiina Miettinen Södertörns högskola The National Board of Antiquities (University College) Finland Sallamaria Tikkanen Box 4101, SE - 14104 PL 913, FIN-00101 What is MoSS? Page 2 Huddinge, SWEDEN Helsinki, FINLAND Phone +46 8 608 4201 Phone +358 9 4050 9313 Carl Olof Cederlund Fax +46 8 6084360 Fax +358 9 4050 9292 Background and Future Perspectives
[email protected] [email protected] of the MoSS Project page 3 Published quarterly with the support of the Culture 2000 Programme of Presentation of the Partners of the Project the European Union. The issues will be published according to the and Their Representatives page 5 following timetable: Presentation of the External Evaluator Newsletter 2002:II Newsletter 2003:III of the Project and His Organization page 12 Theme: Vrouw Maria Theme: The Monitoring Theme October 2002 October 2003 Presentation of the Four Wreck Sites Newsletter 2003:IV within the Project: Finland page 13 Newsletter 2002:III Germany page 18 Theme: The Darsser Cog Theme: The Visualization Theme The Netherlands page 22 December 2002 December 2003 Sweden page 26 Newsletter 2003:I Newsletter 2004:I Theme: The Burgzand Noord Theme: The Safeguarding Theme The European Significance of March 2003 March 2004 the Chosen Shipwreck Sites page 30 Newsletter 2003:II Newsletter 2004:II Introduction and the Address of Theme: The E. Nordevall Theme: The presentation of the the MoSS Web-Site page 31 May 2003 results of the project June 2004 What’s on? Meetings and Seminars page 32 Introduction This is the first issue of the MoSS Newsletter.