Geographies of Islam
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Of the several places in Europe where Peace, Prosperity and Harmony Geographies of Islam Umayyad dynasty was founded by a surviving prince of the Umayyads in Syria, whose power artistic traditions of other regions, as suggested by the development of Iznik ceramics in the Astrolabio Manuscrito de Qazvini This exhibition is not merely a showcase for beautiful objects produced in the Islamic world, we are giving glimpses of masterpieces had been usurped by the Abbasids. The Abbasid caliphate, based in the central Islamic lands Ottoman Empire and by the art and architecture of Islamic India. Candelabro Puertas at different points of the compass and at different moments in history. It is something more. of Egypt, Syria, and modern Iraq, survived until the Mongol invasion in 1258, although (in All the works in it are material manifestations of a culture, and of a way of understanding Viga con friso caligráfico Pintura Camellos of Islamic art from the collection of Following the El Greco show at the Roca Tarpeya Museum in Toledo, the museum faced the The Aga Khan Museum (AKM) collection comprises over 700 works of Islamic art spanning the its last centuries) mostly as a religious entity to legitimate other rulers, such as the Ismaili As His Highness the Aga Khan has expressed, the objective of the Aga Khan Museum collec- the world. Although Islam is a religion, it is also a way of life. It permeates all aspects of the the future Aga Khan Museum in Cana- daunting task of organising a similarly prestigious exhibition, one that would be of equally 7th through the 20th centuries and covering a geographic expanse from the Iberian Peninsula Fatimids or the Mamluk slaves. tion is to showcase works of art that reflect the “geographic, ethnic, linguistic, and religious Manuscrito del Corán Plato de Cerámica societies in which it develops, all the realms and every hour of man’s existence, from dawn da, Toledo is incomparable. Its history, high cultural interest and contain top-quality works of art. Those generously lent by the Aga and North Africa in the West to China and Southeast Asia in the East. In this more focused pluralism of the Islamic world.” These visual reflections of the geographies of Islam are a Folio del Corán Azul Incensario to dusk, from cradle to grave. Moreover, this presentation provides a demonstration of the Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), selected from the Aga Khan Museum’s collection of Islamic version of the AKM’s exhibition of masterpieces from the collection, selected art works Ultimately, the Islamic conquests helped spread the new religion from its roots in Arabia in all reminder not only of Islam’s inherent diversity, but also of the fact that no culture is isolated Incesanrio Scandarun Manuscrito disperso versatility of Islamic art, which is able to convey a message, at times one that is only religious, Exhibition curator: Benoît Junod, AKTC spanning more than seven hundred art, fit the bill perfectly. The Trust has already has exhibitions in Parma (Italy), the Louvre, represent the wide-ranging geographic provenances and socio-cultural contexts of the Islamic directions. They also opened innumerable doors for the transmission of knowledge, technolo- in itself — on the contrary, just as the works on view are linked by the map appearing un- Research & entries: Ladan Akbarnia, Brooklyn Museum, NY Yorgan Yüzü Manuscrito del Corán by adopting different styles and combining – at times capriciously- elements from distinct years during which different religious the Ismaili Centre in London, and Lisbon’s Gulbenkian Museum. Thus, first and foremost, world. Literally displayed upon a map of the earth, they stand as a testament to the vast and gies, and culture, much of which became reflected in the art and architecture of the different derneath them, all cultures are interwoven in countless ways. cultural traditions ranging from the Roman, Persian, Turkish, Chinese, Maghreban and Hindu to Scientific advisor: Fernando Valdés, A. University of Madrid Baldosa de Qibla Plano campamento militar communities lived together in peace, we would like to express our deep gratitude to AKTC. We are once again indebted to this diverse nature of the “geographies of Islam” and Islam’s inherent pluralism as signified by its contexts involved. This is exemplified by the works on view, beginning with the gateway to the Indochinese. What is surprising is not that it copies these traditions. This would not give Translation Spanish-English: Lisa Godin-Roger, Geneva institution, having already honoured His Highness the Aga Khan in 2006 with an award for different branches and by the many cultures and ethnicities it incorporates. the exhibition: an extraordinary planispheric astrolabe that bears witness to surviving traces Ladan Akbarnia Panel con blasón epigráfico Tambura it any special merit. Its originality is found in its ability not only to transform what it imitates Conservation issues: Stéphane Ipert, CCL, Arles have made its name famous world-wide. Toledo reached its zenith and Design & graphics: Ámbito Cero, Barcelona his invaluable work in revitalising our cultural heritage and for his institutions’ exemplary of Islamic culture and scientific knowledge in 14th-century Toledo, long after the Recon- Hagop Kevorkian Associate Curator of Islamic Art Jarra Caftán de seda but to add its own unique personality and turn it, most naturally and without betraying its became one of the intellectual and scientific capitals of the world during Given the ebb and flow of power and vested interests, territorial configurations of the Islamic quista. The eastern Islamic world is also recognized for its artistic contributions, especially Brooklyn Museum, USA Production & lighting: Expomon, Barcelona action in such areas as community improvement and education. Bote Retrato original cultural tradition, into something Islamic. That is where its genius lies. the Islamic caliphate of Cordoba (929 – 1031). world have varied widely over the centuries. There were periods of great tolerance for the in the figural arts, as exemplified by the stunning illustrated folio from the celebrated Safavid Photography: Gérald Friedli, Geneva Cuatro folios de Dioscórides Chao Jin Tuji Coordinator: Sagrario Rodríguez Montero, RFT The symbolic value of exhibiting these works in Toledo is enormous. This is one of the mix of populations as well as times when persecution and displacement were a sober real- “Tahmasp” Shahnama. While the visual tradition of this region was anchored in pre-Islamic It is significant that this very city of Toledo belonged to the Islamic World for a long period. It most important cultural initiatives related to the Islamic world that has been undertaken in ity. Internecine strife among political dynasties or religious sects also occurred, but often Sasanian Iran, it incorporated several other religions and cultures coming from Central Asia Manuscrito ilustrado Plato was part of al-Andalus and, with characteristic naturalness, changed its language, religion, culture ‘Convivencia’ – the Spanish word for living together harmoniously – is Toledo for centuries, apart from the restoration of the remaining mosques. Let us glance resulted in the creation of new powers in several geographic areas. In the West, the Spanish and the Far East, especially China. Iran’s multilayered visual culture moreover inspired the Viga con inscripción Cúfica Manuscrito del Corán and art. Gently. So much so that when European culture came to predominate over that of not a simple concept. It is, of course, the term used to describe the backwards in history to gain deeper understanding of the significance of the events we are Asia, the legacy left by Islamic culture became an intrinsic part of its personality. Its imprint commemorating now. co-existence of different faiths in medieval Spain. The code of ‘con- was so strong that the minority religious communities -Visigoth Christians, Moslems and Jews- vivencia’ was about tolerance and much more. In Toledo, Córdoba During the Middle Ages, Toledo, like the rest of Spain at that period, stood out as a unique continued to draft their most important documents in Arabic and used identical artistic forms model of mutual understanding amongst different communities, transcen-ding cultural and to express distinct ideological content. Few are the cities such as Toledo where, as one strolls and Granada it implied mutual respect as well as an appreciation of religious differences. Toledo, however, was not spared, as has been claimed, its own prob- through medieval areas- be they sacred or secular, public or private- one cannot help but note science and scholarship, and of different traditions. The acquisition of lems or strife, nor was it an idyllic paradise where peaceful co-existence reigned (something the changes in artistic vocabulary. Not even the celebrated cathedral, a jewel in the crown of knowledge was not an end in itself, but rather a way to understand the modern man would acknowledge to be unachievable today). Toledo went further: it was a European culture, could elude the pervasive yet indelible mark of the Islamic world. social, political and religious entity with its share of burdens, conflicts and problems, but what beauty of God’s creation. Yet, as we zoom in more closely to the objects, we should not allow our contemplation made it truly exemplary was how the city dealt with them. In the words of Professor Fran- of the pieces in the collection to be de-contextualized, nor should we overlook what is cisco Marquez Villanueva, of Harvard University, the three Toledo communities - Christian, reminiscent of al-Andalus. I am not merely referring to those probably or definitely from the Doubtless, during this long period, religious tolerance ebbed and flowed Moslem and Jewish - and their leaders opted to accept less-than-perfect compromises for Iberian peninsular - the Almohad woo-den beam, the bronze candelabrum, or the astrolabe the immediate common good. They chose to use all means possible to avert catastrophes, between opposing poles of admiration and hostility.