Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 DOI 10.1186/s12859-016-0961-5

METHODOLOGY ARTICLE Open Access Testing for association between RNA-Seq and high-dimensional data Armin Rauschenberger1, Marianne A. Jonker1, Mark A. van de Wiel1,2 and Renée X. Menezes1*

Abstract Background: Testing for association between RNA-Seq and other genomic data is challenging due to high variability of the former and high dimensionality of the latter. Results: Using the negative binomial distribution and a random-effects model, we develop an omnibus test that overcomes both difficulties. It may be conceptualised as a test of overall significance in regression analysis, where the response variable is overdispersed and the number of explanatory variables exceeds the sample size. Conclusions: The proposed test can detect genetic and epigenetic alterations that affect expression. It can examine complex regulatory mechanisms of . The R package globalSeq is available from Bioconductor. Keywords: High-dimensional, Overdispersion, Negative binomial, Global test, Integration, RNA-Seq

Background for high dimensionality, reduces the multiple testing bur- Genetic and epigenetic factors contribute to the regula- den, and successfully detects small effects that encompass tion of gene expression. A better understanding of these many covariates. Due to its desirable properties, the global regulatory mechanisms is an important step in the fight test has become a widely used tool in genomics (e.g. [2–4]). against cancer. Of interest are genetic alterations such Currently, gene expression microarrays are being sup- as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), copy-number planted by high-throughput sequencing. The negative variations (CNVs) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH), as binomial distribution seems to be a sensible choice for well as epigenetic alterations such as DNA methylation, modelling RNA sequencing data [5, 6]. One of its parame- microRNA expression levels and histone modifications. ters describes the dispersion of the variable. If this param- From a statistical perspective, it makes sense to repre- eter is unknown, the negative binomial distribution is not sent the expression of one gene as a response variable that in the exponential family. As the global test from Goeman changes when some covariates are altered. As a starting et al. [1] is limited in its current form to the exponential point, we assume that all covariates come from a single family of distributions, a new test is needed for RNA-Seq genetic or epigenetic molecular profile. Typically, more data. We will provide here such a test. covariates are of interest than there are samples. After proposing a global test for the negative binomial A plethora of methods for the analysis of gene expres- setting, we perform a simulation study, and analyse two sion and covariates has emerged in the last years. Many of publicly available datasets. The first application concen- these methods test each covariate individually, and subse- trates on method validation, overdispersion, and individ- quently correct for multiple testing or rank the covariates ual contributions. The second application concentrates on by significance. An alternative approach is the global test robustness against multicollinearity, the method of con- from Goeman et al. [1]. The global test does not test the trol variables, and the simultaneous analysis of multiple individual but the joint significance of covariates. It allows molecular profiles. Although we focus on RNA-Seq gene expression data, the test developed here is applicable whenever associa- *Correspondence: [email protected] tions between a count variable and large sets of quantita- 1 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, tive or binary variables are of interest. In essence, it can 1007 MB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Full list of author information is available at the end of the article be applied to any other type of sequencing data, such as

© 2016 Rauschenberger et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 Page 2 of 8

| = μ | = μ + φμ2 ChIP-Seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation), microRNA- that E[ yi ri] i and Var[ yi ri] i i . Its density Seq or meth-Seq (methylation). function is given by  1 1 yi Methods  yi + φ φ μ ( ) = 1 i The random-effects model f yi 1 .  1 ( + ) 1 + μiφ + μ The contains several thousand - φ yi 1 φ i coding . In the following, only one gene is con- Various link functions come into consideration for the sidered at a time. Accordingly, the expression of one negative binomial model. We favour the logarithmic link gene across all samples is our response variable y = in order to relate the negative binomial model directly (y , ..., y )T . If we were interested whether a given sub- 1 n to the Poisson model (see below). As library sizes can set of SNPs affected gene expression, these SNPs would be be unequal, we include the offset log(m /m),wherem our p covariates. The n×p covariate matrix X is potentially i i denotes the library sizes, and m their geometric mean. high-dimensional (p  n). Thus the mean function becomes We represent the relationship between the response and mi mi the covariates using the generalised linear model frame- μi = exp α + ri + log = exp(α + ri).(2) work from McCullagh and Nelder [7]: m m ⎛ ⎞ When τ 2 is close to zero, the score test is the most pow- p 2 − erful test of the null hypothesis H0 : τ = 0against E[ y ] = h 1 ⎝α + X β ⎠ , i ij j the alternative hypothesis H : τ 2 > 0 [8]. Here the = 0 j 1 score function is the first derivative of the logarithmic marginal likelihood with respect to τ 2. Intuitively, if the where h−1 is an inverse link function, α is the unknown marginal likelihood reacts sensitively to changes in τ 2 intercept, X is the entry in the ith row and jth column of X, ij close to 0, there is evidence against τ 2 = 0. Using results and β , ..., β are the unknown regression coefficients. 1 p from le Cessie and van Houwelingen [9], we show in the This model holds for all samples i (i = 1, ..., n). Additional file 1 how to calculate the score function. This We are interested in testing the joint significance of all function contains the unknown parameters α and φ,but regression coefficients. This is challenging because the they can be estimated by maximum likelihood. Replacing regression coefficients cannot be estimated by classical the unknown parameters by their estimates leads to the regression methods if there are more covariates than sam- test statistic ples. Goeman et al. [1] took a novel approach for testing   β = ...= β = β = ∪...∪β = n n H0 : 1 p 0againstH1 : 1 0 p 0. Rik (yi −ˆμi)(yk −ˆμk) unb = ThedecisivestepfromGoemanetal.[1]wastoassume 2 (1 + φˆμˆ )(1 + φˆμˆ ) β = (β ... β )T i=1 k=1 i k 1, , p to be random, with the expected value (3) n ˆ E[ β] = 0 and the variance-covariance matrix Var[ β] = Rii (μˆ i + yiφμˆ i) 2 2 − , τ I,whereI is the p × p identity matrix and τ ≥ 0. Then ˆ 2 = 2 (1 + φμˆ i) a random-effects model is obtained: i 1 where R is the entry in the ith row and jth column of the   p ij −1 × = ( / ) T μˆ = ( / ) (α)ˆ E yi|ri = h (α + ri), ri = Xijβj.(1)n n matrix R 1 p XX ,and 0,i mi m exp j=1 is the estimated mean under the null hypothesis. For sim- plicity we always write μˆ i instead of μˆ 0,i. In the Additional This random-effects model allows to rephrase the null file 1 the test statistic is rewritten in matrix notation. and the alternative hypotheses. Defining the random vec- Statistical hypothesis testing depends on the null dis- T tor r = (r1, ..., rn) , it can be deduced that E[ r] = 0 tribution of the test statistic unb, which is unknown. We and Var[ r] = τ 2XXT . Now the null hypothesis of no asso- will obtain p-values by permuting the response y = T T ciation between the covariate group and the response is (y1, ..., yn) together with the mean μˆ = (μˆ 1, ..., μˆ n) . 2 given by H0 : τ = 0. To construct a score test against the Since this is a one-sided test [10], if the observed 2 one-sided alternative hypothesis H1 : τ > 0, we need to test statistic is larger than most of the test statistics assume a distribution for yi|ri. obtained by permutation, there is evidence against the null hypothesis. The testing procedure As we are not using a parametric form for the null We assume the negative binomial distribution yi|ri ∼ distribution of the test statistic, no adjustments for the NB(μi, φ), where the mean parameter μi depends on estimation of α and φ are necessary. Furthermore, maxi- the sample, but the dispersion parameter φ does not. mum likelihood estimation does not depend on the order T We parametrise the negative binomial distribution such of the elements in y = (y1, ..., yn) . Because neither αˆ Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 Page 3 of 8

nor φˆ vary under permutation, computational efficiency of covariates is the average of the individual test statis- can be achieved with these parameters as given. tics. If cj is positive, the covariate j increases the evidence When testing for associations between RNA-Seq data against the null hypothesis. Conveniently, cj is indepen- and another molecular profile, numerous genes might be dent of all other covariates.  = n = of interest. Because one test is performed per gene, the By construction we have unb i=1 si and unb p multiple testing problem reappears. (In the applications j=1 cj. Even though a single hypothesis is tested on the from below we omit multiple testing correction when covariate group, these decompositions allow to determine analysing the distribution of p-values.) which samples and which covariates are the most influen- tial on the test result. If samples or covariates can be put Relation to the poisson model into categories, decomposing the test statistic and group- For comparison we also consider the Poisson distribution ing samples by category could visualise how each category yi|ri ∼ Pois(μi) with E[ yi|ri] = Var[ yi|ri] = μi and a log- contributes to the test results. Similarly, if samples or arithmic link function. Proceeding as above we obtain the covariates can be ordered according to some genomic or test statistic phenomic criteria, patterns might be detected.   n n n Method of control variables = Rik ( −ˆμ )( −ˆμ ) − Rii μˆ upois yi i yk k i, One drawback of obtaining p-values via permutation is = = 2 = 2 i 1 k 1 i 1 the computational burden. Here we will make use of the (4) work from Senchaudhuri et al. [11] in order to estimate p-values efficiently. where the estimates μˆ i are the same as in the negative binomial model. The proposed test statistic and the test statistic from ˆ Goeman el al. [1] have different advantages: whereas the Inthecaseofφμˆ = 0 we would have unb = upois,but in practice only situations with μˆ > 0 are of interest. The former adequately models overdispersed count data, the ˆ latter has a known asymptotic null distribution. Usually fact that φ = 0impliesunb = upois is convenient since a negative binomial distribution with a dispersion param- we would obtain an unbiased estimate of the p-value using / k ≥ eter close to zero is practically equivalent to a Poisson 1 k i=1 1[ ui u0], where 1 is the indicator function distribution. and ui represents the proposed test statistic for a per- mutation (i = 1, ..., k) or for the observed data (i = 0). Individual contributions Following Senchaudhuri et al. [11], we could also obtain / k ≥ − ≥ Following Goeman et al. [1], the test statistic unb can be an unbiased estimate using 1 k i=1 1[ ui u0] 1[ qi + ∗ ∗ rewritten to reveal the influence of individual samples and q0] p ,whereqi and p are the test statistic and asymp- covariates. totic value, respectively, from Goeman et al. [1]. If the test The contribution of sample i (i = 1, ..., n)tothetest statistics ui and qi have a strong positive correlation, then statistic is this alternative estimate is preciser than the usual esti-     mate [11]. (In the applications from below we only use the n −ˆμ ( −ˆμ ) ˆ Rik yi i yk k Rii (μˆ i + yiφμˆ i) method of control variables when explicitly stated.) si = − . 2 (1 + φˆμˆ )(1 + φˆμˆ ) 2 (1 + φˆμˆ )2 k=1 i k i Multiple molecular profiles (5) Not only SNPs but also other molecular mechanisms reg- ulate gene expression. For instance, aberrant DNA methy- If s is positive, the sample i increases the evidence i lation levels in promoter regions can activate oncogenes against the null hypothesis. Though, s not only depends i and inactivate tumour suppressor genes. Thus it could be on the sample i, but through R, μˆ and φˆ also on the other interesting to test for associations between RNA-Seq gene samples. expression data on one hand, and on the other SNP data Especially useful is the contribution of covariate j (j = as well as methylation data. 1, ..., p) to the test statistic: Let X represent the n × p SNP data matrix, and let Z   represent the n × q methylation data matrix. The model n −ˆμ 2 n X2 (μˆ + φˆμˆ ) 1 yi i ij i yi i from Eq. 1 allows to test single covariate sets, leading to cj = Xij − . ˆ ˆ 2 = ( ) 2p = 1 + φμˆ i = 2p (1 + φμˆ i) the test statistic unb u X for SNP data, and to the test i 1 i 1 = ( ) (6) statistic unb u Z for methylation data. Menezes et al. [12] provided a test for analysing multi- Note that multiplying cj by p gives the unb that would ple molecular profiles simultaneously, for responses with have been obtained if only the covariate j had been tested. a distribution in the exponential family. As the nega- Similar to Goeman et al. [1], the test statistic for a group tive binomial distribution with an unknown dispersion Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 Page 4 of 8

parameter is not in the exponential family, we have to After simulating numerous response vectors indepen- adapt this test. Following Menezes et al. [12], we include dently and identically, we calculate the specificity and a second covariate set in the random-effects model from sensitivity of the proposed test at various significance lev- Eq. 1: els, and visualise their relation in a ROC curve. All other things being held equal, we either vary the dispersion p q − parameter φ, the sample size n, the effect size s,orthe E[ y |r ] = h 1(α+r ), r = X β + Z γ . i i i i ij j ij j number of non-zero coefficients r. In the last case we do j=1 j=1 not select another subset of coefficients, but shorten or (7) lengthen the original subset. It is reassuring that the area Using the ideas and the notation from above: for the ran- under the curve changes in the expected directions (see T T dom vectors β = (β1, ..., βp) and γ = (γ1, ..., γq) we Figure A in the Additional file 1) and that the type I error assume E[ β] = E[ γ ] = 0, Var[ β] = τ 2I,Var[γ ] = υ2I rates are maintained (see Table A in the Additional file 1). and Cov[ β, γ ] = 0, where τ 2 ≥ 0andυ2 ≥ 0. Conse- A slight modification of this simulation study allows to T quently, the random vector r = (r1, ..., rn) has E[ r] = 0 compare the statistical power between testing all covari- and Var[ r] = τ 2XXT + υ2ZZT . The joint test of both ates at once and testing them one by one. For this we covariate sets is described by extract various covariate matrices X from the HapMap data, and let the coefficient vector β exclusively take non- H : τ 2 = υ2 = 0versusH : τ 2 = 0 ∪ υ2 = 0. 0 1 zero values. For each covariate matrix X we simulate one Menezes et al. [12] showed that ignoring the correlation response vector y under the alternative hypothesis. Using between the individual test statistics entails little loss of the proposed test, we test the joint as well as the individual power, and proposed to use the sum of the individual test significance of the p covariates. Subsequently, we compare statistic as a joint test statistic. As mean and variance of the joint p-value with the minimum of the FDR-corrected the individual test statistics should be brought onto the individual p-values (false discovery rate correction). In our same scales [12], our joint test statistic is setting with many small effects, joint testing is more pow- erful than individual testing (see Table B in the Additional u(X) − E[ˆ u(X)] u(Z) − E[ˆ u(Z)] u(X, Z) =  +  .(8)file 1). Note that this might not hold in situations with  ( )  ( ) Var[ u X ] Var[ u Z ] fewerorstrongereffects. Permuting as above, we estimate the first two central moments of u(X) and u(Z) under the null hypothesis, and Application: HapMap calculate a p-value for the joint test. Note that this frame- Here we verify that the proposed test finds biologically work can be extended to an arbitrary number of covariate meaningful signals, examine whether overdispersion is sets. Under k covariate sets the joint test statistic is the present, and measure the influence of covariates and standardised sum of k individual test statistics. samples. We use the datasets from Montgomery et al. [13] and Results Pickrell et al. [14] that were made available in a prepro- Simulation study cessed form by Frazee et al. [15]. They include RNA-Seq We perform a simulation in order to study the power of gene expression data for 59 individuals from the popu- the proposed test in various circumstances. Instead of ran- lation “Utah residents with ancestry from northern and domly generating covariates, we extract a n × p covariate western Europe” (CEU) and 69 individuals from the popu- matrix X from the HapMap data (see below) at a random lation “Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria” (YRI). Excluding genes position. This maintains the correlation structure between outside the 22 autosomes, without any variation within SNPs, and thereby ensures a realistic noise level. Initially the sample, or without annotations, 11 700 genes are T we set all coefficients in β = (β1, ..., βp) equal to zero. left. For each individual, SNP data is obtained from the Then we randomly select a subset of r consecutive coef- International HapMap Consortium [16]. Throughout this ficients, and assign with the probabilities 80 % and 20 % application we use the term SNP to designate the num- the values s and 2s to them, where s is the effect size. ber of minor alleles per (0, 1 or 2), considered Using the relation μ = Xβ, we calculate the mean vec- quantitatively. T tor μ = (μ1, ..., μn) , and simulate the response vector T y = (y1, ..., yn) under the distributional assumption Stratified permutation test yi ∼ NB(μi, φ). This procedure ensures that y and X are Considering one gene at a time, its expression level over associated. If we wanted to obtain comparable data under all individuals is used as a response vector, and the SNPs the null hypothesis, we would shuffle the elements in μ. in the neighbouring region are used as a covariate matrix. In either case it is of interest how much evidence the The aim is to detect regions where causal SNPs might be. proposed test finds for an association between y and X. To be precise, we test each of the 11 700 gene expression Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 Page 5 of 8

vectors for associations with the respective SNPs that are within a window of ± 1 000 base pairs around the gene. This window size leads to p > n for approximately 13 % of the genes, with a maximum of p = 5 152. Under the null hypothesis of no association between gene expres- sion and local SNPs, the p-values would follow a uniform distribution. Each sample either belongs to the population CEU or to the population YRI, and we account for this group- ing by restricting permutations to keeping samples within the same population. As the distribution of p-values is weakly positively skewed, the overall evidence against the null hypotheses is small (see Figure B in the Additional file 1). Only 40 genes reach the minimal p-value given by the reciprocal of the number of permutations (see Table C in the Additional file 1). As in Hulse and Cai [17], we find some genes in the major histocompatibility complex fam- ily to be associated with nearby SNPs. Our results display good overlap with the examined results from Lappalainen et al. [18] (see Figure C in the Additional file 1), leading us Fig. 1 Contributions of covariates to the test statistic for gene HLA-DQA2.Theshaded area indicates their lower 99 % confidence to conclude that the proposed test identifies biologically interval under the null hypothesis meaningful signals.

Presence of overdispersion the expression of the gene. Indeed, if they are tested indi- The reliability of the global test depends on how well the vidually using 10 000 permutations, almost half of them underlying distribution of RNA-Seq gene expression data obtain the minimal p-value of 0.0001. is approximated. We are interested whether this dataset For gene CIRBP, the samples from the population CEU requires a model with an offset as well as an disper- tend to contribute positively to the test statistic, whereas sion parameter, or whether a simpler model would be those from the population YRI tend to have negative con- sufficient. tributions (Fig. 2). Accordingly, the ordinary permutation Fitting under the null hypothesis of no association test would give a much smaller p-value than the strati- between gene expression and local SNPs, we observe that fied permutation test (0.001 versus 0.065). In the case of the Poisson distribution without an offset has a poor fit, and that including an offset for different library sizes or using the negative binomial distribution improves the fit (see Figure D in the Additional file 1). In this example the Poisson model with an offset seems to fit almost equally well to the data as the negative bino- mial with or without an offset. This might be caused by genetic homogeneity within populations or by the absence of diseases. In cancer datasets we expect a much higher variability between individuals (see below).

Individual contributions For each of the 11 700 tests (one test per gene), the test statistic can be decomposed to show the contribution of individual samples or covariates (Eqs. 5 and 6). By con- struction these contributions can be positive or negative, but the same holds for their expected values under the null hypothesis. We select two tests (i.e. genes) in order to illustrate these decompositions. For gene HLA-DQA2, most covariates have a larger Fig. 2 Contributions of samples to the test statistic for gene CIRBP. Samples 1 to 59 are from population CEU, samples 60 to 128 are from influence than expected under the null hypothesis (Fig. 1). population YRI This suggests that several SNPs might be associated with Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 Page 6 of 8

gene CIRBP we cannot detect any sample with an extreme Table 1 Precision of estimated p-values from tests with 100 contribution to the test statistic. permutations, estimated from 1,000 repetitions EXOSC9 FRMD1 SLC22A6 CNFN PDHB U2AF1L4 Application: TCGA crude 3.50E+03 4.25E+02 4.13E+02 5.74E+03 1.75E+03 3.38E+03 In this application we illustrate that the proposed test is MCV 2.78E+04 9.17E+04 1.29E+03 1.28E+13 1.89E+04 1.43E+04 robust against multicollinearity of the covariates, apply the method of control variables, and test for association ENTPD6 TMED2 POU6F1 ANP32E CLDND1 C2orf54 with multiple covariate sets simultaneously. crude 1.91E+03 1.61E+03 1.67E+03 1.38E+05 3.91E+03 5.57E+02 We use a dataset on prostate cancer from TCGA et al. [19]. It includes expression levels of 17 678 genes, DNA MCV 7.31E+03 8.47E+03 1.50E+04 7.24E+10 3.93E+04 1.12E+03 methylation levels at 482 486 sites, and DNA copy num- At all randomly selected genes (columns) the crude permutation test (first row)is bers measured at 30 000 locations for 162 individuals. outperformed by the method of control variables (second row) in terms of precision Section B in the Additional file 1 gives further information about this dataset, including preprocessing. Examining some randomly selected genes, it becomes clear that the (i.e. tests) in Table 1 the correlation between the two test Poisson distribution fits badly, but the negative binomial statistics is sufficiently strong to make this happen, but distribution with a free dispersion parameter fits well to this is not necessarily true for all genes. However, also in the gene expression data (see Figure E in the Additional the application HapMap this improvement occurs at all file 1). Given that the RNA-Seq data has been adjusted for randomly selected genes (see Table D in the Additional different library sizes, we do not use an offset. file 1). Before deciding between the two methods, we advise to estimate the precision analytically [11]. Robustness to multicollinearity McCarthy, Chen and Smyth [20] developed a test of dif- Multiple molecular profiles ferential expression between conditions defined by one or Several molecular mechanisms are believed to have an more covariates. Taking the design matrix into account impact on gene expression. In the following, the simulta- when estimating the dispersion parameters, this gener- neous analysis from Eqs. 7 and 8 is applied to chromo- alised linear model likelihood-ratio test is powerful for some 1. We test for associations between RNA-Seq gene testing small numbers of covariates jointly. However, as in expression data on one hand, and on the other methyla- all regression models, multicollinearity may have undesir- tion values within ± 50 000 base pairs, or copy numbers able consequences. within ± 2 000 000 base pairs around the start location of When testing for associations between gene expression the gene. To make the comparison meaningful, the same and local genetic or epigenetic variations, high-dimen- 1 000 permutations are used for the individual tests and sional situations can occur. Then the likelihood-ratio test the joint test. breaks down due to singularity, but the global test is still Figure 3 shows: (1) the evidence against null hypothe- applicable. ses is stronger for methylations than for copy numbers; But also in low-dimensional situations perfect multi- (2) testing methylations and copy numbers jointly leads collinearity poses a practical problem. For example, copy to an increase in power compared to testing only copy number data has a relatively high chance of being per- numbers or only methylations; (3) the joint p-values are fectly multicollinear, because it correlates highly between strongly correlated with both sets of individual p-values. locations. If we wanted to apply the likelihood-ratio test Because window sizes are arbitrary, great care is nonetheless, we would have to drop some covariates. In required for biological interpretations of (1). However, contrast, the global test exploits this correlation. (2) and (3) imply that the joint test adds some informa- tion to the individual tests. Indeed, in 13 % of the cases Method of control variables the joint test gives smaller p-values than both individual Here we compare the method of control variables with tests (Fig. 4). This illustrates the fact that the joint test the crude permutation test, based upon randomly selected finds effects that are missed by both individual tests. At genes. Testing the expression of each gene for associations a false discovery rate of 5 %, Table E in the Additional with copy numbers that are within 1 000 000 base pairs file 1 lists all genes that are insignificant in both individual around the gene, we estimate the precision of the esti- tests but significant in the joint test. Extreme examples are mated p-values by repeating each permutation test many the genes CNKSR1, ZNHIT6, TMEM56, PRPF38B,and times. The precision of the estimated p-values not only SLC39A1, where both individual p-values are larger than increases with the number of permutations, but according 0.005, but the joint p-values are equal to 0.001. Among to Table 1 also when switching from the crude permuta- these genes, ZNHIT6 and SLC39A1 have been linked to tion test to the method of control variables. For the genes prostate or breast cancer [21]. Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 Page 7 of 8

Fig. 3 Empirical cumulative distribution functions and scatterplots of p-values. We test for associations between RNA-Seq on one hand, and either copy numbers, methylations or both on the other. The corresponding Spearman correlation coefficients are 0.04 (top right), 0.55 (bottom left)and 0.72 (bottom right)

Discussion the proposed test. In this regard, sharing information on We have proposed a test for association between RNA- overdispersion would probably improve the performance Seq data and other molecular profiles. By virtue of the of the test under small sample sizes. negative binomial distribution, we have accounted for The proposed test is based on permutations. Due to overdispersion in the RNA-Seq data. And owing to a the lower multiple testing burden, testing the joint sig- random-effects model, we have allowed for the high nificance of covariates requires much less permutations dimensionality of the other molecular profiles. Varying than testing their individual significance. Even though library sizes are naturally dealt with by an offset in the the computation time for a single test is usually much model. shorter than one second, genome-wide analyses can be We applied the proposed test to detect regulatory computationally expensive. Running several processes in mechanisms of gene expression. Thereby we illustrated parallel and interrupting permutation when it becomes some of its advantages: (1) stratified permutation allows impossible to reach a predefined significance level [22] to account for simple groupings; (2) if overdispersion reduces the computation time of a genome-wide analysis is absent, the proposed test is equivalent to the one toacoupleofminutes.Ifexpressionsforthemeanand based on the Poisson distribution; (3) the test statistic the variance of the test statistic were obtained, it would can be decomposed to show the influence of covari- be possible to approximate its null distribution without ates or samples; (4) the test is applicable in presence using permutations. This would allow to obtain signif- of multicollinearity; (5) an extension allows to analyse icant p-values under small sample sizes, and lead to a multiple covariate sets simultaneously. drastic reduction of computation time. An alternative way We use simple offsets and dispersion estimates, but of achieving precision as well as speed is the discussed more sophisticated results can easily be integrated into method of control variables. Rauschenberger et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2016) 17:118 Page 8 of 8

Author details 1Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, 1007 MB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2Department of Mathematics, VU University, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Received: 12 October 2015 Accepted: 18 February 2016

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