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Vaisakhi Presentation.Pdf Importance of Vaisakhi Festival 1 • Why we celebrate Vaisakhi? Birthday of Khalsa Panth • Why do we call it Vaisakhi? It is called Vaisakhi because it is the first day of the Desi month called “Vaisakh” which is the first month of the Lunar calendar. 2 History of Khalsa • Who created Khalsa? Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji • When was Khalsa created? 13th April 1699 • Where was Khalsa created? At Keshgarh Sahib in Anandpur Sahib • What is the meaning of Khalsa? The meaning of Khalsa is "pure" derived from the Farsi word Khalis meaning pure. 3 Creation of Khalsa4 An open air diwan was held in Kesgarh Sahib at Anandpur. The Guru drew his sword and in a thundering voice said, "I want a person who will sacrifice his life for the Dharam?" The people were stunned. There was dead silence. The Guru made a second call. Nobody came forward. 5 On the third call Daya Ram, came forward and offered his head. The Guru took Daya Ram took him inside the tent 6 head. The Guru Ji came out with his sword dripping with blood, and asked for another head. On the second call Dharam Das, came forward and offered his head. Guru Ji took him in the tent and came out with the sword dripping with blood The Guru made three more calls. 7 All the Panj Pyare were from the different religions and parts of the country 1. Daya Ram, a khatri of Lahore 2. Dharam Das, a Jat from Delhi 3. Mohkam Chand, a tailor of Dwarka 4. Himmat Chand, a cook of Jagan Nath Puri 5. Sahib Chand, a barber of Bidar. 8 • Guru Ji came out of the tent with the five volunteers. All the people were shocked, when they saw them alive. • There faces were full of happiness and joy. Now the rest of the people were feeling sorry for not offering their heads. • They were dressed up identically in the splendid garments 9 9 Five symbols of the Sikh faith 1.Kes (uncut hair) 2.Kangha (a comb) 3. Kara (a steel bangle) 4.Kirpan (a sword) 5. Kachhera (Beggy Shorts) 10 AMRIT CEREMONY also called AMRIT SANCHAR and KHANDE Dee PAHUL 11 Preparation of Amrit •What is the meaning of Amrit? Nectar or Holy water • Guru Ji added water into an iron vessel or Bowl (Batta of Sarbloh) and stirred it using a Khanda (double edged small sword). 12 12 Preparation of Amrit Guru Ji’s wife, Mata Sahib Kaur, (Mother of Khalsa) added 'Patase' in the water. • What are the Patase made of? Sugar crystals • Why Mata Sahib Kaur Ji is putting Patase in the Bowl? Adding humility and sweetness 13 13 Preparation of Amrit While stirring the water, Guru Ji was reciting the following 5 Banees: 1. Japji Sahib 2. Jap Sahib 3. Chaupai Sahib 4. Sawayaii 5. Anand Sahib 14 14 Khande-Di-Pahul Ceremony • Guru Ji proceeded to initiate the Panj Pyare • Each of them was kneeling upon their left knee • Firtly, Guru Ji gave five handfuls of Amrit to each of them to drink 15 Khande-Di-Pahul Ceremony •After this he sprinkled amrit five times in their eyes. •Finally he poured five handfuls of amrit into their hairs. • Each time they were asked to repeat "Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh." Khalsa belongs to God, the victory of Khalsa is victory of God 16 Khande-Di-Pahul Ceremony •The remaining amrit was taken by each of them in the same batta which is the symbol of treating everybody equally once they become the members of Khalsa. • Guru Ji then called them his'PANJ PYARE' or Five Beloved Ones. The surname Singh was added after their names. 17 Five Beloved Ones 1. Daya Ram became Bhai Daya Singh Ji 2. Dharam Das became Bhai Dharam Singh Ji 3. Mohkam Chand became Bhai Mohkam Singh Ji 4. Himmat Chand became Bhai Himmat Singh Ji 5. Sahib Chand became Bhai Sahib Singh Ji 18 • After initiating Punj pyare Guru Ji also took amrit from them and he also became the member of Khalsa • Gobind Rai became Guru Gobind Singh ji. “Wah wah Gobind Singh aape gur chela” Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master19 and Disciple too. “Singh” and “Kaur” • After the creation of Khalsa Sikh men were given the last name "Singh" meaning "lion" and the Sikh women received the last name "Kaur" meaning "princess" 20 The Rehat (Discipline) After joining Khalsa, the sikh have to live according to the Rehat prescribed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji which include: •A Sikh should not cut their hair •A Sikh should not consume drugs or tobacco •A Sikh should have high morals values and regard all the ladies as their mother and sisters according to their age. 21 Summary • Why is Vaisakhi celebrated • When and where was Khalsa created • Father of Khalsa • Mother of Khalsa • Names of Punj pyare • Five k’s 22 .
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