Biography - MK Nurit Koren

MK Nurit Koren, was born in on February 24th, 1960 to parents who immigrated to from Yemen. She grew up in Kiryat Arba and now lives in Herzliya.

MK Koren has an LLB and LLM from Bar-Ilan University and a BA in Social Sciences and Humanities (with honors) from the Open University. After finishing her law studies, MK Koren did her internship at the Herzliya Magistrate Court and was certified as a civil attorney and mediator.

MK Koren's family are long standing supporters of the party and she has been a member of the Likud since 2001, taking part in World Likud activities. MK Koren managed 's office when he was Minister of Environmental Protection.

During the year prior to the 2015 elections, Koren served as Legal Advisor to the Likud Parliamentary Group in the Histadrut Labor Federation. Before she was elected to the , MK Koren was an independent lawyer who provided pro bono legal services to people in debt to Israel's collection agency and to those who could not afford hiring a defense attorney or filing a law suit.

Prior to the elections for the 20th Knesset, MK Koren was placed 28th on the Likud list, reserved for a representative of the Coastal Plain after winning the primary elections in this region.

Koren was appointed representative of the coalition in the Judicial Selection Committee. She also serves as Chair of the Knesset Subcommittee on Mental Health Reform and is a member of five Knesset committees: Economic Affairs; Finance; Welfare; Education and Constitution. MK Koren established the Lobby for the Handicapped people and the Lobby for the kidnapped Yemenite children. She also chairs the Lobby for Promoting the Immigration and Absorption of French Nationals and the Lobby for Fair Collection Processes by Israel`s collection agency.

MK Koren is one of the founders of Achla, an NGO for the purification of the lands of the Sharon Plain and the protection of public health. She is also a social activist for the underprivileged and the disabled. In addition, MK Koren is active in the areas of education, health, environmental protection, sustainable nutrition and animal rights. Nurit Koren is married to Eli and they have four children and four grandchildren.