1849-1850 Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the Years 1849-1850 Methodist Episcopal Church, South
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Asbury Theological Seminary ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange Conference Journals Methodist Episcopal Church, South 2017 1849-1850 Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the Years 1849-1850 Methodist Episcopal Church, South Follow this and additional works at: http://place.asburyseminary.edu/mechsouthconfjournals Part of the Appalachian Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Genealogy Commons Recommended Citation Methodist Episcopal Church, South, "1849-1850 Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the Years 1849-1850" (2017). Conference Journals. 5. http://place.asburyseminary.edu/mechsouthconfjournals/5 This Periodical/Journal is brought to you for free and open access by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South at ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Conference Journals by an authorized administrator of ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. lVIINUTES OF THE ANNU AL CONFERENCES OF Toe METHODIST EPISCOP AL CHURCH, SOUTH, Fon THE YEARS 1849-1850. PUBLISHED BY JOHN EARLY , FOR. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. 1". D. BERNARD pRINTER BISHOPS OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. JOSHUA SOULE, D. D. JAMES OSGOOD ANDREW, D. D. \VILLIAM CAPERS, D. D. ROBERT PAINE, D. D. MINUTES. I.-KENTUCKY CONFERENCE, September 12-21, 1849. Quest. 1. What preachers are admitted Quest. 6, Who have located this year 1 on triall Leroy C. Danley, Francis M. English, Jacob Brilhart, ,\Vnrwick Briscoe, Ivy 'Viiliams B. Kavanaugh, Thomas B. H. Cox, George S. Eaton, Gilbert Gibbs, Lynch, '\Vesley G. Montgomery, George William C. l\IcPheters, Anselm Minor, \V. Buniss, Thomas 1(. Coleman.-7. John L. SCOlf, William J. Snively, Wm. Quest. 7. Who are the Supernumeraries? M. Vize, H·azael Williams, Lewis G. Woods.-12. Samuel A. Latta, William B. Landrum, George W. Maley, Peter V. Ferree, Henry Quest. 2. Who remain on triall N. Hobbs, R. McKendree Tydings.-6. Samuel L . .IMams, (an Elder,) Monroe Quest. 8. riJTho are the superannuated or T. Brooks, Benjamin F. Gatch. Jonathan worn out preachers? K. Hedges, Hobert Hiner, Paul H. Hoff 'Villiam Atherton, 'Vm. Burke, Tsaac man, Michael Lancaster, Franklin W. Collorrl, John C. Hardy, Thomas H. Ma Phillip3, Joseph Rand, Joseph H. Wright, lone, John Tevis, Samuel Vench.-7. Simon B. CameroD, George L. 'Varner, Caleb 1'. Hill.-12. Quest. 9. Who have been expelled from tI,e connexion this year 1 Quest. 3. fVho are admitted into full None. connexicin 1 Quest. 10. Who have 'lvithdrawn from Jesse D. H. Corwine, William J. Fer. the connexion this year? guson, (an Elder,) Samuel F. Johnson, Jos. A. ·Waterman is reported to have William G. Johns, Milton Piles, William joined the Protestant Methodist Church. M. Prottsman, (a D~acon,) Christian 1\1. SuHi\'an, Bicharcl McI{cndree Tydings, Quest. 11 . .I1re all the Preachers blame· Abraham 'V. Thompson.-9. less in life and conversation? Their characters were examined and Quest. 4. Who are the Deacons 1 approved one by one. Henry N. Hohbs, who has travelJed Quest. 12. Who have died this year? four years j PresIon Bon(I, James Law rence, James C. Minor, Joel \Y. Ririgell, Not one. Morlon Scott, Isaac W. B. Taylor, Ezra Que::t. 13. rVhat numbers are in Society 1 C. 1'hornton, who hr\\'e t\'avelled three L~xi1/glon Dis/riel. llarrodslu1g Dis/rict. years i anr! Jesse D. II. COl'wine, Samuel Whites. Col. Whites. Col. Lexington 301 5(;5 Harrodsb'g 210 )37 F. Johnson, Willinm G. Johns, Milton Franktim 150 400 Danville 156 38 Pile~. Christ ian M. Sulliran, Hicharrl Versaillel" & Perryville 4i8 110 McKenllree 1'yding-s, nnd Abraham '\\". Nich'sville 1;5 225 Lancaster 4H 70 'rhornpson, who have travelled two years Jessamine & Hichmond 446 11-13 Woodford 460 40 Crab Orch'd 2-H3 33 nnd been ordained at the preaenL con ·Winchester Salvisa 393 128 fel'ence.-15. & Ebenezer 96 262 Somerset 457 40 'Vinchester :129 72 Liberty Mis. 220 8 Ql1es. 5. Who have heen elected and or Mt. Sterling :MO 73 dained EMers t!tie year ? Georgetown 231 390 3087 747 }<'r'kHn Sp'gs 58 Jl Peler V. Ferrep, Hugh Rankin, Thos. F. Van Meter, Wm. 1\1. Pl'oltsman.-4. 2140 2038 214 Kentucky Conference, 1849. SMlbyvilllJ District. Parkersburg District. makp. up the deficiencies of those tono have Whites. Col. Whites. Col. Shclhyville 156 ]33 Parkersburg 130 7 not obtained their allowance on the cirCUits, Shelby Cir't 392 160 L. Kanawha 493 10 and for the Bishops? Taylorsville 188 70 Ra venswood 220 SEVEN THOUSA.ND FIVE UUNDRED A.ND Lawrenceb'g248 35 Ripley 384 B100IuUelJ. 477 202 Pt. Pleasant 220 ~ FIFTY·NINE DOLL_\RS. Lagrange 450 66 K. Salines & Quest. 15. What has been collec1ed on Newcastle & Ebenezer 150 6 the foregoing accounts,.and hoto has it been Bedford 829 299 Summerv.ilIe234 Carrol ton 100 35 Fayette 204 2 applled? Owenton 351 2 Greenbrier 84 6 From al1 sources, we have obtained six Lockport 297 14 Braxton 142 hundred and ninety·two dollars and twen Spring Creekli6 3-188 1016 ty cenls, which has been applied as fol. Covingt01~ District. 2437 44 lows: Covington: Guyandotte District. 'fa the superannuated preachers, two East 302 30 Guyandotte 85 hundred and fort (·-three dollars: to the Covington: Cabel 300 J. Soule Chao 120 Charleston 400 7 widows and orphan~, one hundred and Soule Chap. Wayne 248 tv.'enty-one doliars and twenty cents ito Cin. 310 Newport 169 5 ~~~~:Ville 4~~ ~ the deficiem preachers, forlyeight dol· Alexandria 471 5 Little Sapdy 296 12 lars; to the Bishops, two hundled and Falmouth 323 70 Greenupsb'g298 30 eighty dollars. Paris&Mil- N. Liberty 354: If> Quest. 16. What has been contributed iersburg 188 143 Cynthiana 510 14L 2487 76 f01' tIle support of missions; 10hat for· Sun. Leesbu rg 522 273 Barboursvillf! District. day school books; and what to aid the Crittenden 365 94 Barborsville 349 28 J1merican Bible Society and its auziliarietf. Burlington 338 9 Piketon 223 4: F h f M· - fir: P L b'D' 250 10 or t e support 0 IsslOns, .Ieen 36·18 770 J;~ksoo':: b 338 10 hundred and five dollars and eighteen Maysville District. Irvine 338 16 cents j for Sunday School Books, four Maysville 153 30 London and hundred and seventy-one dollars and Minervaand Manchester24~ 2482 ninely.three cents' nnd to aid the publica- Germant'n 795 140 ML. Pleasant29.>. - . .' . Sbannon 5 t3 48 Williamsb'g 123 lion of Bibles, fi,-e hundred and sixty dol- Orangeburg 189 33 Letcher Mis. 152 lars and eighty.one cents. Lewis 373 11 Flemin~s'g 1004 175 2214 138 Quest. 17. Where are the preacher8-st4- Moorfield 262 10 tioned this year? Owingsville 276 48 ~i$.hl~nd LEXINGTON DISTSICT. MlSSlOn 277 Thomas JV'. Ralston, P. E. 3.::45 496 Lexington-John Miller, Peter V. Fer RECAPITULATION. ree, sup. Whites. Colored. Frnnkfort-George TV. Brush.. Lexington Dislrict ~140 2038 Verda i Ile:l nnd 1'\ ichulu.;;\'iHe- William H. Harrodsburg District 3087 747 .!1ndersor.. Shelbyville District 3488 1016 Covington Distrlct 3648 770 Jessamine and W'oorlforc1-Jno B. Ewalt. Mavsville District 3R45 496 Winchester and Ebenezer-William C. Parkersbnrg District 2437 41 Dandy. Goyandotte Di~trict 2487 76 North Middletow:l-John C. C. Thomp Barboursville District 2:H4 138 son. 23346 &325 MOllnt Slirlinr!'-l/artwell J_ Perry. Local Preachers 235 Georgetown--Scraiak S. Deering, Wm. J. Snin-Iy. Total this year 235RL 5325 Total lallt year 2~i70 !)oW Fmnldm Springs-George $. Eaton. lJenry R. lJascom is Edilor of tl:e Increase 8tl 30n QllaTlerh'lle\,iew, nocl Chairman of Ihe Q nesl_ 14. JJThat amount.~ are necessary Board of CornlTli~sionNs of Ihl' J\'tclholfist for the superannuated preachers and the Episcopal Churr:h, SOlllh, by appoint· widows and orphans of pJ'eachers, and to ment of lhe General Conference. Kentucky Conference, 1849. 215 HARRODSBURG DISTRICT. Flemmingsburg-Wm. D. Trainer, Mon· Benjamin T. Crouch, P. E. roe T. Brooks. Harrodsburg-Samuel L . .9..dams. Poplar Plains-Joel W. Ridgell. Danville-Edmund P. Buckner. Moorfields-John James. .Perryville-Josiah Godby. Owin~sville-Elkanah Johnson . Lancaster-William P. Read. Highland mission-.!1lexander B. Sollers. Richmond-Carlile Babbitt, Simon B. Ca- meron. PARKERSBURG DISTRICT. Crab Orchard-James C. Minor. William R. Babcock, P. E. Sah'isa-GeorgeS. Gatewood. Parkersburg-William B. McFarland. Somerset-'Villiam G. 10hns. Little I<:anawha-Stephen.9.., Rathbun. Liberty mis.-Anselm Mioor. WiJliamsport-Gilbert Gibbs. Ra venswoood-Ransom Lancaster. SHELBYVILLE DISTRICT. Ripley-Caleb T. Hill. John C. /larrison, P. E. Point Pleasant-William Bickers. Sklelby,'ille-Lorenzo D. Huston. Charleston-William H. Harrison. Shelby circuit- Wm. R. Price, Richard Spring Creek-Jonathan K. Hedges. McK. 'l'ydinsrs, sup. Tay]orsville- WiLLiam Gunn. GREENBRIER DISTRICT. Lawrenceburg-George Y. Taylo~. Stepllen K. Vaught, P. E. BloomfielJ-Moses Levi, Hasael S. W'il· Malden-Samuel P. Cummins. Iiams. MOllth of Sandy Ri\'er--Samuel Black. Lagrange-Drummond Welburn. Braxton-Michael Lancaster. Newcastle and Bedford-Franklin W. Summersville-John F. Van Pelt. Phillips. Fayelle!..-Abrnham \V. Thompson. Carrohon-Jame.; Lawrence. Greenbrier-William M. P7'ottsman. Overton-Tfm. C. Atmore, Thomas Hall. Lockport-Morton Scott. GUY AN DOTTE . DISTRICT. COVINGTON DISTRICT. Samuel Kelley, P. E. William M. Grubbs, P. E. Guyandotte & Cabel-Orson Long, Jo- Covington: East.-Geor~e W. Smiley. seph H. Wlight. Soule Chapel-Joseph J. Hill. Wayne-George L. ,\\1' arner. Newport- Louisa-Christian M. Sullivan. Soule Chapel: Cincinnati-Hubbard H. Paintsville-Hugh Rankin. Kavanaugh, S. A. Lattu, and George Little Sandy--(To be supplied.) W, .ll'1aley, ~lIp. Greenupsburg-Ezra C. Thornton. Alexandria-·Samuel Glassford. North Liberty-Jacob Brilhnrt. Falmouth-Robert Hiner.