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Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database

Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature

Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa

Jahr/Year: 2017

Band/Volume: 30_1_2

Autor(en)/Author(s): Jimenez-Robles Octavio, Leon Raul, Soto Cardenas Manuel, Rebollo Baudilio, Martinez Gabriel

Artikel/Article: Contributions to the natural history and distribution of sahelensis TRAPE & MANÉ, 2006, in Morocco 80-86 All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 22

80 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE

Ministry of Enviroment), pp. 14, 214. BARAN , İ. & quences.- Molecular Ecology, Oxford; 14: 2433-2443. IlgAZ , Ç. & A vcI , A. & K uMluTAş , Y. & OlguN , K. ScHREIBER , E. (1912): Herpetologia Europaea. Eine (2012): Türkiye amfibi ve sürüngenleri [Amphibians systematische Bearbeitung der Amphibien und and of Turkey]. Ankara (TÜBİTAK Popüler Reptilien welche bisher in Europa aufgefunden sind. Bilim Kitapları), pp. 208. BARAN , İ. & Y IlMAZ , İ. & 2nd edition. Jena (gustav Fischer), pp. X, 960. KETE , R. & D uR Muş , H. (1992) : Batı ve orta Karadeniz SINDAcO , R. & J EREMčENKO , v. K. (2008): The reptiles Bölgesinin herpetofaunası.- Turkish Journal of Zoology, of the western Palearctic. 1. Annotated checklist and Ankara; 16: 275-288. BAşOğlu , M. & B ARAN , İ. distributional atlas of the turtles, crocodiles, amphis - (1977): Türkiye sürüngenleri. Kısım I. Kaplumbağa ve baenians and lizards of Europe, North , Middle kertenkeleler.- Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitaplar East and central Asia.latina (Edizioni Belvedere), pp. Serisi, İzmir; 76: vI, 272. BERgMANN , J. & N ORSTRöM , 579. SINDAcO , R. & v ENcHI , A. & c ARPANETO , g. M. M. (1990): Neues über Podarcis taurica (PAllAS , 1814) & B OlOgNA , M. A. (2000): The reptiles of Anatolia. A in der asiatischen Tü rkei.- Salamandra, Rheinbach; 26: checklist and zoogeographical analysis.- Biogeogra- 85-86. BIÇKIcI , B. & B AlAS , l . (2010): Kıyı lagünleri phia, Bologna; 21: 441-554. TEYNIé , A. (1991): Ob - hidro dinamiği; pp. 1267-1276. In: BAlAS , l. (Ed.): servations herpétologiques en Turquie, 2ème Partie.- Tür kiye’nin kıyı ve deniz alanları. vIII. ulusal Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, Paris; Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Trabzon, May 2010. , 58: 20-29. TOK , c. v. & Ç IÇEK , K. ( 2014): Amphibians c. g. (1936): The distribution of reptiles and amphib - and reptilies in the province of Çanakkale (Marmara ians in Asiatic Turkey with notes on a collection from Region, Turkey).- Herpetozoa, Wien; 27: 65-76. uETZ the vilayets of Adana, gaziantep and Malatya.- Annals P. & F REED , P. & H OšEK , J. (eds.) (2016): The and Magazine of Natural History, Zoology, Botany and database. WWW database available at < http://www. geology, london; 18: 257-281. BODENHEIMER , F. S. reptile-database.org > [last accessed: November 16, (1944): Introduction into the knowledge of the 2016]. Amphibia and Reptilia of Turkey.- Revue de la Faculté KEY WORDS: Reptilia: : Sauria: des Sciences de l’université d’Istanbul, İstanbul; (B) 9: lacertidae; Podarcis tauricus , new record locality, 1-94, pts. I-X. BÜlBÜl , u. & K uRNAZ , M. & E ROğlu , Çardak lagoon, Province of Çanakkale, Anatolia, A. İ. & K OÇ , H. & K uTRuP , B. (2015): A new locality Turkey record of Podarcis tauricus tauricus (PAllAS , 1814) (Squamata: lacertidae) from the western Black Sea SuBMITTED: April 4, 2016 region of Turkey.- Turkish Journal of Zoology, Ankara; 39: 981-986. clARK , R. J. & c lARK , E. D . (1973): AuTHORS: Çiğdem gÜl (corresponding Report on a collection of amphibians and reptilies from author < [email protected] >) & Murat Turkey. - Occasional Papers of the california Academy TOSuNOğlu - Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts of Sciences, San Francisco; 104: 1-62. cYRéN , O. and Sciences, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart university, (1924): Klima und Eidechsenverbreitung. Eine Studie Çanakkale, Turkey. der geographischen variation und Entwicklung einiger lacerten, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der kli - matischen Faktoren.- Meddelanden från göteborgs Musei Zoologiska Avdelning, göteborg; 29: 1-97. ÇAlIşKAN , v. & S AMSA , ş. & ö ZTÜRK , M. Z. & T OSu - contributions to the natural NOğlu , M. (2011): A proposal for the utilization of Çar - history and distribution of dak lagoon (Northwest Anatolia) and its vicinity through wetland management.- Management in Edu- Dasypeltis sahelensis TRAPE & cation, Milton Keynes; 7 (3): 332-340. ÇEvIK , İ. E. MANé , 2006, in Morocco (1999): Trakya’da yaşayan kertenkele türlerinin tak - sonomik durumu (lacertilia: Anguidae, lacertidae, Scincidae).- Turkish Journal of Zoology, Ankara; 23: The Atlantic coast of North Africa is 23-35. FRANZEN , M. (1990): Die Eidechsenfauna (la- inhabited by three of with certidae) der Türkei.- Die Eidechse. Beiträge zur mostly Sub-Saharan ranges: Bitis arietans Kenntnis der lacertiden, Mannheim; 1: 3-9. gASc , J. MERREM , 1820, Boaedon fuliginosus (BOIE , P. & c ABElA , A. & c RNOBRNJA -I SAIlOvIc , J. & D Ol - MEN , D. & g ROSSENBAcHER , K. & H AFFNER , P. & l ES- 1827) , and Dasypeltis sahelensis TRAPE & cuRE , J. & M ARTENS , H. & M ARTINEZ -R IcA , J. P. & MANé , 2006 (gENIEZ et al. 2004; T RAPE & MAuRIN , H. & OlIvEIRA , M. E. & S OFIANIDOu , T. S. & MANé 2006). They represent northern relict vEITH , M. & Z uIDERWIJK , A. (1997): Atlas of amphibi- ans and reptilies in Europe. Paris (Societas Europea Her - populations that became isolated from their petologica and Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle), southern range areas after changes in late pp. 493. MERTENS , R. (1952): Amphibien und Rep- Pleistocene climate conditions ( EScORIZA tilien aus der Türkei.- İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakül- 2010; B RITO et al. 2013). The genera Dasy- tesi Mecmuasi, İstanbul; (B) 17: 40-75. MulDER , J. (1995): Herpetological observations in Turkey (1987- peltis (Africa and Arabian Peninsula) and 1995).- Deinsea, Rotterdam; 2: 51-66. NIlSON , g. & Elachistodon (Asia), are the only ANDRéN , c. & F lARDH , B. (1988): Die vipern in der specialized in predation of bird . Türkei.- Salamandra, Rheinbach; 24: 215-247. POulA- Moreover, Dasypeltis mimics sympatric KAKIS , N. & l YMBERAKIS , P. & v AlAKOS , E. & P AFIlIS , viperids by color, morphology and defen - P. & Z OuROS , E. & M YlONAS , M . (2005): Phylogeo- graphy oft he Balkan wall lizard ( Podarcis taurica ) and sive behavior ( gANS 1959, 1961), being D. ist relatives inferred from mitochondrial DNA se- sahelensis an imitator of the White-bellied All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 23

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Table 1: Spatial and temporal schedule of the authors’ sampling campaigns from 2009 to 2016.

Sampling Effort (person days) Trip Dates coast (less than 50 km inland) Inland Specimens ______found Souss & Massa Sidi Ifni - guelmin - Agdz Assa Tata Smara valleys guelmin laayoune March 2009 –2– ––1–– August 2009 133 ––1–– March 2010 –22 ––1–2 August 2010 –2– ––––– October 2010 ––– 2–––– June 2011 121 2–––– August 2011 ––1 –1––– April 2012 ––– 1–––– April 2012 –22 –1––4 May 2012 121 –11–– May 2012 132 111–– August 2012 133 –111– August 2013 143 –1111 October 2013 143 –1–1– May-June 2014 155 12111 July-August 2015 377 –2111 December 2015 ––2 –––1– March 2016 212 –1––– Total 2009-2016 13 42 37 7 12 96 9

carpet viper Echis leucogaster ROMAN , trophic resource, during the breeding season 1972 (BONS & g ENIEZ 1996; T RAPE & M ANé of present in its . Thus, its 2006). Furthermore, both species have ser - annual activity cycle was declared to last up rated keeled scales that produce a defensive to four months or even a single month dur - sound, a stridulation, when rubbed against ing spring or end of winter ( BONS & g ENIEZ their body flanks. 1996; E ScORIZA 2012; c ROcHET et al. 2015). Dasypeltis was discovered in Morocco captive individuals of D. scabra survived in 1970 ( STEMMlER 1971). The authors are up to 11 months without ingesting any food aware of 18 sightings of Dasypeltis in Mo - (ScHlEIcH et al. 1996). Dispersing hatch - rocco reported in the literature (gRuBER & lings of D. sahelensis were observed at the HEllMANN 1984; BONS & g ENIEZ 1996; end of October ( EScORIZA 2012). gENIEZ & g uIllOD 2003; g ENIEZ et al. To contribute to the almost unknown 2004; EScORIZA 2009; B ARNESTEIN et al. natural history of the Sahel Eater, the 2010; EScORIZA 2010; B ARNESTEIN et al. authors compiled information on its activity 2012; cROcHET et al. 2015 ). Therefore, it is and distribution by reviewing the literature considered as a rare species for the country on the species in Morocco, visiting under - (BONS & g ENIEZ 1996) and its proposed ground water cisterns and driving a vehicle national conservation status is “vulnerable” along roads in the first hours of night. All the (vu B1ab(iii) − PlEguEZuElOS et al. 2010). D. sahelensis individuals found were soon The Moroccan populations were formerly after released to adjacent . considered as (l INNAEuS , From 2009 to 2016, the authors made 1758) , but recent taxonomic work showed 18 trips investing a sampling effort of 126 that they belong to D. sahelensis , a species person days, split in 92 person days in the mostly distributed in the western Sahel coastal areas (less than 50 km inland) from (TRAPE & M ANé 2006; T RAPE et al. 2012). Agadir to laayoune and 34 person days in little information is available. The activity the inner areas, from Agdz to Smara. of the Sahel Egg Eater, especially nocturnal, Further details on time allocation can be is associated with the availability of its found in Table 1. With all this sampling All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 24

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a road near Sidi Ifni in 2013, the other trapped inside an old, abandoned under - ground water cistern in the area of lakhssas in 2015. While approaching that cistern, a pair of house buntings ( Embe riza sahari ) were observed fleeing (Fig. 1A). Inside, there was a bird nest with two eggs, on a ledge at the inner wall, very close to the water entrance hole (Fig. 1B). The house buntings were restless and came back to the nest repeatedly. The snake probably fell down to the bottom after detecting the eggs inside. The ophidian was found under debris and, different from other reptiles res - cued from cisterns, in good physical condi - tion (Fig. 1c). Obviously, the egg eater had been trapped only a short time ago showing that in August, the snake’s trophic resource can still be available in this area, extending the activity period of Dasypeltis into sum - mer. Earlier observations of this snake in Morocco were centered at two cores: the locality of Ait Baha, southeast of Agadir, and the area of Sidi Ifni ( BONS & g ENIEZ 1996). All those records occurred in steppes with Atlantic influence and vegeta - tion of Argania spinosa and Euphorbia officinarum . Most of the reported observa - tions occurred also in that vegetation type, with eleven specimens in the region between Sidi Ifni and guelmin (Fig. 2). Other specimens were found in the “clas - sic” locality of Ait Baha, in the vicinities of Aarb Sahel ( c. l ANgNER , pers. comm.), 12 km north of Sidi Ifni ( F. H ulBERT , pers. comm.), lakhssas, and south of Bou Jerif Fig. 1: A - One of the two house buntings (Emberiza sahari ) found nesting inside (S. BOgAERTS , pers. comm.; g. vERSPuI , an abandoned water cistern in lakhssas, pers. comm.) . The new data suggest a more in August 2, 2015; continuous distribution of D. sahelensis in B - their nest with two eggs; the coastal region between the Souss and c - the specimen of Dasypeltis sahelensis Draa valleys, as cending the Atlantic slopes TRAPE & M ANé , 2006, found inside the same cistern. Photographs: Raúl león. of the Anti-Atlas Mountains, up to the 950 m reached in lakhsass (locality 16 in Fig. 2). There are not recent records of Dasy - peltis south of the mouth of the river Draa in Tan-Tan, where the climate and vegeta - effort, the authors found nine specimens and tion of argans and cactiform Euphorbia report other nine observations from col - cease ( MéDAIl & Q uéZEl 1999). Besides leagues (Table 2). Most individuals were our sampling effort in that area, given the observed between March and May, but also existence of an old record south of in June and August. laayoune ( BONS & g ENIEZ 1996), the Two specimens of D. sahelensis were authors suspect that Dasypeltis are less found as late as August, one of them dead on abundant south of the river Draa. All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 25

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Fig. 2: Records of Dasypeltis sahelensis TRAPé & M ANé , 2006, in Morocco . Yellow circles are previously known localities ( BONS & g ENIEZ 1996; g ENIEZ & g uIllOD 2003; E ScORIZA 2009; B ARNESTEIN et al. 2010; EScORIZA 2010; B ARNESTEIN et al. 2012; cROcHET et al. 2015); red circles are the new records presented in this work; the outline X symbol represents the record of Echis in Agdz ( STEMMlER 1971), erroneously attributed to Dasypeltis by BONS & g ENIEZ (1996) and subsequent publications (e.g., gENIEZ & g uIllOD 2003; EScORIZA 2010; D E POuS et al. 2011). Numbers of each record are in chronological order and correspond to those in Table 2. Black lines are isohumes obtained by averaging relative humidity data ( NEW et al. 2002) that show the west-east gradient of humidity, while gray lines are isopluvial lines obtained from Worldclim (HIJMANS et al. 2005), that show a north-south gradient of annual precipitation. Elevation is represented by different background color. The inset graphs represent the annual variation of relative humidity along the year 2013, of A - Sidi Ifni (< 1 km inland), B - guelmin (> 35 km inland) and c - Ouarzazate (> 250 km inland) (data obtained from tutiempo.net). D - The region of Sidi Ifni and guelmin in detail.

In the region of Agdz, in 1969, Erich the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (H. SOcHuREK found a piece of shed skin and gRIllITScH pers. comm.). In the first report identified it as that of a viper of the of Dasypeltis occurring in Morocco, Echis . Othmar STEMMlER included the STEMM lER (1971) did not fully rule out the slough in his collection under the code HStR possibility that the above piece of shed skin, 001312 ( STEMMlER 1971). upon the au- be longed to Dasypeltis , due to the lack of thors’ request, this specimen was, however, comparative material. Probably as a conse - neither present at the Naturhistorisches Mu- quence of a mistranslation, this information seum Basel (D. vAllAN , pers. comm.) nor was considered a reliable record of Dasy- All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 26

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Table 2: New records of Dasypeltis sahelensis TRAPE & M ANé , 2006, in Morocco . Numbers in the first col - umn match those of the map in Figure 1. Specimen N º 3 was deposited in the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn, germany.

Nº Area coordinates Date Observer(s) Additional data 1 Arbaa Mesti 29°15’36”N, 10°05’24”W 1 April, 2010 B. Rebollo, F. Roadkill Jimenez-cazalla, v. gabari & g. Martínez 2 Arbaa Mesti 29°16’12”N, 10°08’24”W 1 April, 2010 B. Rebollo, F. Fresh roadkill, 20:15 h Jimenez-cazalla, v. gabari & g. Martínez 3 legzira 29°28’08”N, 10°05’57”W 19 May, 2010 F. Hulbert ZFMK 91083. Roadkill 4 Sbouya 29°13’12”N, 10°10’12”W 20 April, 2012 B. Rebollo Active with light rain at 23:05 h 5 Arbaa Mesti 29°17’24”N, 10°07’48”W 20 April, 2012 B. Rebollo Active with light rain at 23:40 h 6 6 km SE 29°19’48”N, 10°08’24”W 21 April, 2012 B. Rebollo Fresh roadkill, with light Sidi Ifni rain at 00:05 h 7 7.5 km SE 29°19’12”N, 10°07’48”W 21 April, 2012 B. Rebollo Active with light rain at 00:15 h Sidi Ifni 8 7 km S 29°19’12”N, 10°11’24”W 26 March, 2013 P. geniez, Active at 20:45 h Sidi Ifni M. geniez 9 23 km SW 28°57’00”N, 10°30’36”W 7 June, 2013 S. Bogaerts, In underground water cistern Bou Jerif F. Pasmans 10 Sbouya 29°14’24”N, 10°10’12”W 18 August, 2013 g. Martínez, Roadkill B. Rebollo, M. Sassoe 11 Ait Baha 30°04’48”N, 09°10’12”W 15 May, 2014 R. león, B. Rebollo, under stones O. Jiménez-Robles in open water tank 12 22 km SW 29°00’00”N, 10°24’36”W 24 May, 2014 A. Bouazza In underground water cistern Sidi Ifni 13 12 km SW 29°00’00”N, 10°24’36” W 25 April, 2015 g. verspui, In underground water cistern Bou Jerif S. van Bemmel & F. Deschandol 14 2 km S 29°18’45”N, 10°12’35”W 1 May, 2015 g. Smith Active at 22:30 h Sidi Ifni 15 Sidi Ifni 29°21’00”N, 10°08’54”W 3 May, 2015 A. Roux Fresh roadkill at 20:30 h 16 lakhssas 29°22’48”N, 09°44’24”W August 2, 2015 R. león, under debris in M. Soto underground water cistern 17 Arbaa 29°36’46”N, 9°56’14”W 2 April, 2016 c. langner Fresh roadkill at 1:18 h Sahel 18 Arbaa 29°36’35”N, 9°55’11”W 2 April, 2016 c. langner Roadkill Sahel

peltis by BONS & g ENIEZ (1996), an error had found the piece of shed skin. Thus, that was carried forward in subsequent there are no evidences to consider the region works (e.g., gENIEZ & g uIllOD 2003; E S - of Agdz as a valid locality for the Sahel Egg cORIZA 2010; D E POuS et al. 2011). With the Eater. sampling efforts reported in Table 1, the Out of the 36 current records for Dasy- authors did not find any specimens of Dasy- peltis in Morocco, seven specimens were peltis in the inland areas. currently, several observed in two single nights with light specimens of Echis leucogaster are known rain: three in early February 2008 with air from southwest Moroccan inland areas such temperatures of 10 - 20 ºc ( cROcHET et al. as Tata, Assa or Agdz, in cluding five speci - 2015) and four in April 2012, at 14 - 16 ºc. mens of Ait Semgane-Tesla ( MARAN & These observations could indicate that gENIEZ 1999; E ScORIZA et al. 2009; AYME- activity and movements of this species in RIcH 2010; M ARTíNEZ & R EBOllO 2012; M. Morocco could be restricted by aridity and Aymerich pers. comm.) where SOcHuREK that the snake takes advantage of nights All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 27

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with light rain or elevated humidity level for To sum up, data suggest a more con - moving. Then, it is likely that environmen - tinuous distribution of the Sahel Egg Eater tal humidity could be a decisive factor for in coastal Morocco and a longer activity the activity periods of this snake. period, including the summer months, both This could also explain the fact that all facts probably favored by the high humidity the D. sahelensis localities north of the Sahel all year round. While some of the old (excluding the invalidated record of Agdz) records in Morocco refer to individuals are limited to areas close to the Atlantic found concealed under refuges in their habi - coastline (up to 46.7 km in the case of the tat ( gRuBER & H EllMANN 1984; g ENIEZ & authors’ observation in Ait Baha). The cli - guIllOD 2003), it should be emphasized mate at the Atlantic coast of southern Mo - that all recent records originate from indi - rocco is characterized by frequent cloudy viduals found on roads or trapped in water skies and horizontal precipitation ( condensa - storage facilities (underground cisterns, tion drip) coming from the sea, that turns the wells and tanks). These water infrastruc - Saharan climate colder, wetter and reduces tures act as pitfalls for the vast majority of the temperature range ( MARZOl & S áNcHEZ - reptiles of arid regions of Morocco ( lEóN & MEgíA 2008; l EKOucH et al. 2012). In fact, MARTíNEZ 2013; g AR cíA -c ARDENETE et al. relative humidity is consistently higher in 2014). Sadly, this in dicates that roadkill and the coastal areas than inland all year round, entrapment in these infrastructures might and at the same time that humidity rises in cause important losses of individuals of this the summer near the coast, it decreases in - species. land (Fig. 2). This could allow D. sahelen - AKNOWlEgMENTS: Philippe geniez, sis to maintain activity near the coast even Michel geniez, Sergé Bogaerts, Frank Pasmans, gert during the summer. Jan verspui, Felix Hulbert, Abdellah Bouazza, garry Smith, Alexandre Roux and christian langner shared Horizontal precipitation has a consid - their observations. Juan José Ramos Melo confirmed erable importance for the vegetation in these the bird species identity. Philippe geniez provided ecosystems of southwestern Morocco ( Mé- access to some publications. Heinz grillitsch, Antje DAIl & Q uéZEl 1999). The Atlantic coast of girndt and Mario Schweiger assisted in understanding the german literature. Heinz grillitsch and Denis Morocco is a herpetological biodiversity vallan helped in the authors’ desperate search of the hotspot ( DE POuS et al. 2011). currently, piece of shed skin collected by Sochurek in the muse - the most frequently used environmental gIS ums of vienna and Basel, respectively. layers for macroecological analyses (e.g., REFERENcES: AYMERIcH , M. (2010): vipère Worldclim, HIJMANS et al. 2004) do not des pyramides ou échide à ventre blanc ( Echis leuco - include this environmental humidity com - gaster ). In: MAHRAOuI , l. & A YMERIcH , M. & B OROF - ing from the Atlantic sea as horizontal pre - AYMERIcH , E. & T ARRIER , M. & D ElAcRE , J. & M AR - SEAulT , l. (Eds.): groupe d’étude et de Recherches cipitation. Thus, conclusions obtained by des écologistes Sahariens. WWW document available these studies (e.g., EScORIZA 2010; D E POuS at < http://www.geres-asso.org/fiche_echis.html > (last et al. 2011; BRITO et al. 2013) ignore this accessed: 12 January, 2017). BARNESTEIN , J. A. & g AR - important climatic factor, probably essential cíA -c AR DENETE , l. & J IMéNEZ cAZAllA , F. & v AlDE - óN , A. & E ScORIZA , E. & M ARTíNEZ , g. & B ENAvIDES , for many organisms that contribute to the J. & E STEBAN , J. l. & F uENTES , J. & R AMíREZ , A. & high biodiversity of this coastal area. ÁlvA REZ , J. & J AE ́N-v ElA ́ZQuEZ , I . (2012): Nuevas vegetation provides more surface for localidades de Myriopholis algeriensis y Lamprophis horizontal precipitation condensation than fuliginosus , y otras citas herpetológicas, en Marru- ecos.- Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica cléS the bare ground ( u et al. 2013). De - Española, Ma drid; 23 (2): 63-68. BARNESTEIN , J. A. & struction of native vegetation of arid ecosys - gONZálEZ DE lA vEgA , J. P. & J IMéNEZ -c AZAllA , F. & tems modifies the microclimate and makes gABARI -B OA , v . (2010): contribución al atlas de la irreversible its natural recovery ( HIlDE- herpetofauna de Marruecos.- Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, Madrid; 21: 76-82. BONS , J. BRANDT & E lTAHIR 2008). Thus, conserva - & g ENIEZ , P . (1996): Anfibios y reptiles de Marruecos tion of native vegetation is fundamental for (incluido Sáhara Occidental): atlas biogeográfico. Bar- the condensation of humidity and the exis - celona (Asociación Herpetológica Española), pp. 320. tence of endemic or relict organisms, such as BRITO , J. c. & g ODINHO , R. & M ARTíNEZ -F REIRíA , F. & D. sahelensis , which survive in these arid PlE guEZuElOS , J. M. & R EBElO , H. & S ANTOS , X. & vAlE , c. g. & v ElO -A NTóN , g. & B ORATYńSKI , Z. & ecosystems dependent on horizontal precipi - cAR vAlHO , S. B. & F ERREIRA , S. & g ONÇAlvES , D. v. tation. & S IlvA , T. l. & T ARROSO , P. & c AMPOS , J. c. & l EITE , All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 28

86 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE

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