ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2017 Band/Volume: 30_1_2 Autor(en)/Author(s): Jimenez-Robles Octavio, Leon Raul, Soto Cardenas Manuel, Rebollo Baudilio, Martinez Gabriel Artikel/Article: Contributions to the natural history and distribution of Dasypeltis sahelensis TRAPE & MANÉ, 2006, in Morocco 80-86 All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 22 80 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE Ministry of Enviroment), pp. 14, 214. BARAN , İ. & quences.- Molecular Ecology, Oxford; 14: 2433-2443. IlgAZ , Ç. & A vcI , A. & K uMluTAş , Y. & OlguN , K. ScHREIBER , E. (1912): Herpetologia Europaea. Eine (2012): Türkiye amfibi ve sürüngenleri [Amphibians systematische Bearbeitung der Amphibien und and reptiles of Turkey]. Ankara (TÜBİTAK Popüler Reptilien welche bisher in Europa aufgefunden sind. 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(2005): Phylogeo - graphy oft he Balkan wall lizard ( Podarcis taurica ) and sive behavior ( gANS 1959, 1961), being D. ist relatives inferred from mitochondrial DNA se - sahelensis an imitator of the White-bellied All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 23 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE 81 Table 1: Spatial and temporal schedule of the authors’ sampling campaigns from 2009 to 2016. Sampling Effort (person days) Trip Dates coast (less than 50 km inland) Inland Specimens _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________ found Souss & Massa Sidi Ifni - guelmin - Agdz Assa Tata Smara valleys guelmin laayoune March 2009 –2– ––1–– August 2009 133 ––1–– March 2010 –22 ––1–2 August 2010 –2– ––––– October 2010 ––– 2–––– June 2011 121 2–––– August 2011 ––1 –1––– April 2012 ––– 1–––– April 2012 –22 –1––4 May 2012 121 –11–– May 2012 132 111–– August 2012 133 –111– August 2013 143 –1111 October 2013 143 –1–1– May-June 2014 155 12111 July-August 2015 377 –2111 December 2015 ––2 –––1– March 2016 212 –1––– Total 2009-2016 13 42 37 7 12 96 9 carpet viper Echis leucogaster ROMAN , trophic resource, during the breeding season 1972 (BONS & g ENIEZ 1996; T RAPE & M ANé of birds present in its habitat. Thus, its 2006). Furthermore, both species have ser - annual activity cycle was declared to last up rated keeled scales that produce a defensive to four months or even a single month dur - sound, a stridulation, when rubbed against ing spring or end of winter ( BONS & g ENIEZ their body flanks. 1996; E ScORIZA 2012; c ROcHET et al. 2015). Dasypeltis was discovered in Morocco captive individuals of D. scabra survived in 1970 ( STEMMlER 1971). The authors are up to 11 months without ingesting any food aware of 18 sightings of Dasypeltis in Mo - (ScHlEIcH et al. 1996). Dispersing hatch - rocco reported in the literature (gRuBER & lings of D. sahelensis were observed at the HEllMANN 1984; BONS & g ENIEZ 1996; end of October ( EScORIZA 2012). gENIEZ & g uIllOD 2003; g ENIEZ et al. To contribute to the almost unknown 2004; EScORIZA 2009; B ARNESTEIN et al. natural history of the Sahel Egg Eater, the 2010; EScORIZA 2010; B ARNESTEIN et al. authors compiled information on its activity 2012; cROcHET et al. 2015 ). Therefore, it is and distribution by reviewing the literature considered as a rare species for the country on the species in Morocco, visiting under - (BONS & g ENIEZ 1996) and its proposed ground water cisterns and driving a vehicle national conservation status is “vulnerable” along roads in the first hours of night. All the (vu B1ab(iii) − PlEguEZuElOS et al. 2010). D. sahelensis individuals found were soon The Moroccan populations were formerly after released to adjacent habitats. considered as Dasypeltis scabra (l INNAEuS , From 2009 to 2016, the authors made 1758) , but recent taxonomic work showed 18 trips investing a sampling effort of 126 that they belong to D. sahelensis , a species person days, split in 92 person days in the mostly distributed in the western Sahel coastal areas (less than 50 km inland) from (TRAPE & M ANé 2006; T RAPE et al. 2012). Agadir to laayoune and 34 person days in little information is available. The activity the inner areas, from Agdz to Smara. of the Sahel Egg Eater, especially nocturnal, Further details on time allocation can be is associated with the availability of its found in Table 1. With all this sampling All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:05 Seite 24 82 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE a road near Sidi Ifni in 2013, the other trapped inside an old, abandoned under - ground water cistern in the area of lakhssas in 2015. While approaching that cistern, a pair of house buntings ( Embe riza sahari ) were observed fleeing (Fig.
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