Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratids from the Salzkammergut (Northern Calcareous Alps) 933-963 ©Geol

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Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratids from the Salzkammergut (Northern Calcareous Alps) 933-963 ©Geol ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Jahr/Year: 1993 Band/Volume: 136 Autor(en)/Author(s): Rakus Milos Artikel/Article: Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratids from the Salzkammergut (Northern Calcareous Alps) 933-963 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter Gedenkband zum 100. Todestag von Dionys Stur Redaktion: Harald Lobitzer & Albert Daurer Jb. Geol. B.-A. ISSN 0016-7800 Band 136 Heft4 S.933-963 Wien, Dezember 1993 Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratids from the Salzkammergut (Northern Calcareous Alps) By MILO~ RAKlJS*) With 19 Text-Figures and 5 Plates Oberösterreich Steiermark Satzkammergut Nördtiche Ka/ka/pen Ober/rias Osterreichische Kartei: 50.000 Lias Blätter 96,97 Ammoniten Contents Zusammenfassung 933 Abstract. .. 933 1. Introduction 933 2. Systematic Part 934 3. The Phyllogeny of the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratids and their Possible Relationship with Jurassic Ammonites 950 Acknowledgements. .. 952 References 962 Phylloceratiden aus der Obertrias und dem Unterlias des Salzkammergutes (Nördliche Kalkalpen) Zusammenfassung Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist eine Revision der obertriadischen und liassischen phylloceratiden Ammoniten, die anhand des Originalmaterials von HAUER(1846), E. MOJSISOVICS(1873) and 1902), M. NEUMAYR(1879) und F. WÄHNER(1882-1898) durchgeführt wurde. Die beschriebenen Taxa werden in den Sammlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt und des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien sowie der Bayerischen Staatssammlung in Mün- chen aufbewahrt. Außerdem wird das neue Ammonitengenus Togaticeras und Fergusonites neumayri sp.nov. beschrieben. Weiters werden phyllogenetische Probleme der obertriadischen und liassischen Phylloceratiden und deren mögliche Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zu jurassischen Taxa diskutiert. Abstract This article deals with the reassessment of the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratid cephalopods which was carried out on the original specimens of F. HAUER(1846). E. MOJSISOVICS(1873 and 1902), M. NEUMAYR(1879) and F. WÄHNER(1882-1898). The subject specimens are deposited in the collections of GBA and NHM in Vienna (Austria) as well as in BSM in Munich (Germany). Included are the descriptions of a new genus Togaticeras gen.n. and a new species Fergusonites neumayrisp.n. Discussed, further, are the problems of phyllogenesis of the Upper Triassic and Liassic Phylloceratid biota and their possible relationship with the Jurassic Ammonites. 1. Introduction Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratids, as a morphology, with barely perceptible changes. This group, do not enjoy - with rare exceptions - any particular feature earned the Phylloceratids the reputation of an interest of contemporary ammonitologists. " ... exceptionally persistent, conservative stock ... " (AR- Such a low status leads a curious observer to the as- KELL et al., 1959). sumption that the reason for this may be, in the first place, Counter to such a general prejudice, however, stands the remarkable, long-term stability of their external the fact that the Phylloceratids are the only group of Am- , .j Author's address: Dr. MilOS RAKUS, Dionyz Stur Institute of Geology, Mlynska dolina 1,81704 Bratislava, Slovakia. 933 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter monites to straddle the critical Triassic/Jurassic bound- In the summary an attempt will be made to sketch a ary! Further, as shown by numerous studies (POMPECKIJ, phyllogenetic picture of the Late Triassic and Early Juras- 1895; WÄHNER ,1882-98; DIENER, 1908, 1922; SPATH,1914, sic Phylloceratids with the objective to elucidate the pos- 1924; ARKELL, 1951; GUEX, 1982) the Phylloceratids repre- sible relationship of the Upper Triassic Phylloceratida with sent a group from which all subsequent Jurassic/Cretac- the Jurassic Ammonitina. As we shall see this relationship eous Ammonites can be derived. can be directly proven only with great difficulties, no mat- This contradictory situation - on the one hand the ter how logical it may appear. morphological conservatism, also described as "stasis" (KENNEDY, 1989) and an undeniable innovating potential Abbreviations ...Terminology of the "Front Runners" on the other, was for a long time GUDS Dionyz Stur Institute of Geology Bratislava GBA Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien arousing my curiosity while presenting an interesting NHM Naturhistorisches Museum Wien challenge. BSM Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie I must, however, humbly admit that, in view of the many München pitfalls involved in the study of this particular group (of o total diameter which I am painfully aware). my contribution can hardly Wh whorl height Wt whorl width solve all the problems concerning the Triassic/Jurassic o umbilicus diameter Phylloceratids. v vidi (Iatin); the author saw the original material The objectives of the present work include: convolute when successive whorls partly overlap and envelop * Revision and re-drawing of the original material depo- preceding ones. sited in the collections of GBA and NHM in Vienna and BSM in Munich. * Attempt at a phyllogenetic reconstruction of Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratid biota. 2. Systematic Part * Discussion on the probable relationship with the Jurassic Ammonites. Before dealing with the systematics it will be necessary During the revising studies problems were encountered to discuss the selection of the general diagnostic criteria with the identification of certain parts of the original of the Phylloceratids. material, mostly with species described by HAUERin 1846. Degree of Coiling Thanks to the information kindly provided by Dr. H. LOBIT- The Late Triassic Phylloceratids are in general repre- ZER of the GBA it was possible to locate the "Metternich sented by convolute forms in which the overlapping of Collection". As it is known, HAUERbased his description of whorls is smaller than one half of their height. Phyllogene- several species, for example Rhacophyllites debilis, R. tically earlier forms (Eophyllites, Leiophyllites) are more neojurensis, on specimens from this particular collection. evolute than the later ones (Rhacophyllites). We can also ob- The same collection was also used by MOJSISOVICS(1873 serve that Simonyceras, for example, shows a relatively long, and 1902) in his monograph. subadult, evolute stage characterized by periodic, flare- The revised material, unfortunately, is not horizoned. type annulations. However, thanks to the meticulous work of the original Suture line authors the information on the labels is sufficient for the The suture line is, without doubt, one of the most determination of the stratigraphic position. characteristic and genetically most stable features of the The specimens assessed are in most cases well pre- Phylloceratida. The form of the saddles and the folioles, served and include a variety of growth stages. Both, sub- together with the Iituitid inner lobe allow fast and reliable adult as well as adult individuals can be found often with identification. the body chamber, or aperture preserved. Some forms, The primary, septalline of the Triassic Phylloceratids is corresponding to micro and macroconchs could also be quadrilobate (KULLMANN& WIEDMANN, 1970). The subadult identified. and adult stages can be divided, according to the number Lower Liassic Phylloceratids originate from "Psilono- of umbilicallobes, in two groups: tenmergeln"("Psilonoten" marls) from the locality of a) Group with one umbilicallobe "Zlambachgraben" (not to be mistaken for the "Zlambach" Lobe formula: ELU2 :(U1 = S)II Formation of Norian-Rhaetian age) for which PLÖCHINGER (Discophyllitidae s.l.) b) (1982) introduced the term "Kendelbach Formation" of the b) Group with several umbilicallobes: Lower Hettangian age (Planorbis zone or "Calliphyllum" zone ELU2 U3 U4 : U1 II (Monophyllites) according to WÄHNER). and ELU2 U3 U5 Us : U4 U1 II (Eopsiloceras) without septal lobe. As mentioned earlier, the form, the way of splitting as well as the ending of the terminal part of the first (S1 ) and second (S2) lateral saddle demonstrate the changes tak- ing place during the middle to late Triassic which have tax- onomic value. According to the termination of S1 and S2 altogether four types can be recognized (cf. Text Fig. 2): a) Monophyllic-spherophyllic type: phyllogenetically the oldest, persisting with small modifications to the up- permost Triassic (Eopsiloceras). The terminal part of the Text-Fig.1. saddle is formed by a spherophyllic foliole with a more Geographicalposition of the Ammonitefinding sites. (Monophyllites) or less (Ussurites) pinched base. 934 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter b) Monophyllic-subtriangular type: in fact a variation of with the growth lines. These may be radial, sinuous or sig- the former type (a) characterized by a typically triangu- moidal with a variable length of the ventral projection. lar form of the terminal foliole (Simonyceras). In both In only one case it is possible to observe the presence of cases S1 and S2 are monophyllic. flare annulations in juvenile stages, later rapidly disap- c) Subdiphyllic type: in this case the terminal part of the pearing (Simonyceras). saddle is asymmetrically split in two unequal folioles. An exception to this general trend can be found with the The asymmetry is caused by a deep lateral incision into Tragorhacoceras. It features a modified body chamber
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    Západně Karpaty • séria paleontológia (1) • P. 7—23 • GÚDŠ • Bratislava • 1975 Miloš Rakús Hettangian ammonites from the Strážovská hornatina Mts. (West Carpathians) 1 plate (CIV), 10 text-figs, Slovak summary The thorough geological — paleontological research of the Mesozoic in uie central zone and particularly in the Strážovská hornatina mountains resulted in detailed knowledge of the Hettangian Ammonites. Conse­ quently, a summarizing report may be presented on the ammonites. The first, and for considerable time the only published report on the Hettangian Ammonites was that by D. Stúr (1868, p. 378) from the loca­ lity Rakytov (the Velká Fatra mountains), viz A. psilonotus laevis (Q u .) = Psiloceras psilonotum (Quenstedt). Unfortunately, the find has not been repeated so far. Still I suppose that in this case its presence might be regarded as probable, since: a) the species Psiloceras psilonotum is a typical, easily identifiable form, and it is almost impossible to mistake it for another species; b) on the locality Rakytov are well-developed se­ quences of the Upper Triassic (the Rhaetic) to Lower Liassic. Both they yielded rich fauna of lamellibranchiates, so the presence of the Hettan­ gian may be taken for sure there. In the sixties (M. Rakús in M. Mahel 1962; V. Andrusovová —D. Andrusov 1968) published were some reports on the finds of the Hettangian Ammonites from the central zone. In the central zone of the West Carpathians, most Hettangian Ammonites come from the Strá­ žovská hornatina mountains (Central Slovakia). Other finds are from these localities: — the vicinity of Cierna Lehota (text — fig. 1); — Kozinec (text — fig. 2); — Trencianska Teplá.
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