ISSN 2329-5562 Sea turtle CT scan, extrapulmonary air compressing left lung (arrow). See Clinical Case Report on pages 22-25. Volume 11, Number 1 First Quarter, 2017 Volume 11, Number 1 THE AQUATIC VETERINARIAN First Quarter 2017 WHO ARE WE Editorial Staff The Mission of the World Aquatic Veterinary Nick Saint-Erne (USA)
[email protected] Executive Editor Medical Association is to serve the discipline of aquatic veterinary medicine in enhancing aquatic animal health Communications Committee: and welfare, public health, and seafood safety in sup- Andrei Bordeianu (France) port of the veterinary profession, aquatic animal own- Chris Walster (UK) ers and industries, and other stakeholders. David Scarfe (USA) Devon Dublin (Japan) The objectives of the World Aquatic Veterinary Laura Urdes (Romania) Medical Association are: Richmond Loh (Australia) A. To support our members by promoting aquatic Stephen Reichley (USA) veterinary medicine practitioners, and the aquatic ani- mal species and associated industries they serve WAVMA Executive Board around the world; B. To be an advocate for, develop guidance on, and Laura Urdes (Romania)
[email protected] promote the advancement of aquatic animal medicine President within the veterinary profession and with associated David Scarfe (USA)
[email protected] industries, governments, non-governmental entities President-Elect and members of the public; C. To develop, and implement aquatic veterinary Nick Saint-Erne (USA)
[email protected] education programs and publications, including a cre- Immediate Past President dentialing process to recognize day-one competency in aquatic animal medicine. Devon Dublin (Japan)
[email protected] Secretary Sharon Tiberio (USA)
[email protected] The ideas presented in this publication express the Treasurer views and opinions of the authors, may not reflect the view of WAVMA, and should not be implied as WAVMA Howard Wong (Hong Kong)
[email protected] recommendations or endorsements unless explicitly Director-at-Large stated.