Pt. 660 50 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–05 Edition) PART 660—FISHERIES OFF WEST 660.48 Gear restrictions. 660.49 At-sea observer coverage. COAST STATES AND IN THE WEST- 660.50 Harvest limitation program. ERN PACIFIC 660.51 Monk seal protective measures. 660.52 Monk seal emergency protective Subpart A—General measures. 660.53 Framework procedures. Sec. 660.54 Five-year review. 660.1 Purpose and scope. 660.2 Relation to other laws. Subpart E—Bottomfish And Seamount 660.3 Reporting and recordkeeping. Groundfish Fisheries Subpart B—Western Pacific Fisheries— 660.61 Permits. General 660.62 Prohibitions. 660.63 Notification. 660.11 Purpose and scope. 660.64 Gear restrictions. 660.12 Definitions. 660.65 At-sea observer coverage. 660.13 Permits and fees. 660.66 Protected species conservation. 660.14 Reporting and recordkeeping. 660.67 Framework for regulatory adjust- 660.15 Prohibitions. ments. 660.16 Vessel identification. 660.68 Fishing moratorium on Hancock Sea- 660.17 Experimental fishing. mount. 660.18 Area restrictions. 660.69 Management subareas. Subpart C—Western Pacific Pelagic Subpart F—Precious Corals Fisheries Fisheries 660.81 Permits. 660.21 Permits. 660.82 Prohibitions. 660.22 Prohibitions. 660.83 Seasons. 660.23 Notifications. 660.84 Quotas. 660.24 Gear identification. 660.85 Closures. 660.25 Vessel monitoring system. 660.86 Size restrictions. 660.26 Longline fishing prohibited area man- 660.87 Area restrictions. agement. 660.88 Gear restrictions. 660.27 Exemptions for longline fishing pro- 660.89 Framework procedures. hibited areas; procedures. 660.28 Conditions for at-sea observer cov- Subpart G—West Coast Groundfish erage. 660.29 Port privileges and transiting for 660.301 Purpose and scope. unpermitted U.S. longline vessels. 660.302 Definitions. 660.30 Prohibition of drift gillnetting. 660.303 Reporting and recordkeeping. 660.31 Framework adjustments to manage- 660.305 Vessel identification. ment measures. 660.306 Prohibitions. 660.32 Sea turtle take mitigation measures. 660.312 Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) re- 660.33 Western Pacific longline fishing re- quirements. strictions. 660.314 Groundfish observer program. 660.34 Protected species workshop. 660.320 Allocations. 660.35 Pelagic longline seabird mitigation 660.321 Black rockfish harvest guideline. measures. 660.322 Sablefish allocations. 660.36 American Samoa longline limited 660.323 Pacific whiting allocations, alloca- entry program. tion attainment, and inseason allocation 660.37 American Samoa pelagic fishery area reapportionment. management. 660.324 Pacific Coast treaty Indian fisheries. 660.38 Exemptions for American Samoa 660.331 Limited entry and open access fish- large vessel prohibited areas. eries—general. 660.333 Limited entry fishery—eligibility Subpart D—Western Pacific Crustacean and registration. Fisheries 660.334 Limited entry permits—endorse- ments. 660.41 Permits. 660.335 Limited entry permits—renewal, 660.42 Prohibitions. combination, stacking, change of permit 660.43 Notifications. ownership or permit holdership, and 660.44 Lobster size and condition restric- transfer. tions—Permit Area 2. 660.336–660.337 [Reserved] 660.45 Closed seasons. 660.338 Limited entry permits—small fleet. 660.46 Closed areas. 660.339 Limited entry permit fees. 660.47 Gear identification. 660.340 Limited entry permit appeals. 568 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:00 Nov 30, 2005 Jkt 205222 PO 00000 Frm 00578 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\205222.XXX 205222 Fishery Conservation and Management Pt. 660 660.341 Limited entry permit sanctions. FIGURE 1 TO SUBPART G OF PART 660—DIA- 660.350 Compensation with fish for col- GRAM OF SELECTIVE FLATFISH TRAWL lecting resource information—exempted fishing permits off Washington, Oregon, Subpart H—West Coast Salmon Fisheries and California. 660.365 Overfished species rebuilding plans. 660.401 Purpose and scope. 660.370 Specifications and management 660.402 Definitions. measures. 660.403 Relation to other laws. 660.371 Black rockfish fishery management. 660.404 Recordkeeping and reporting. 660.372 Fixed gear sablefish fishery manage- 660.405 Prohibitions. ment. 660.406 Exempted fishing. 660.373 Pacific whiting (whiting) fishery 660.407 Treaty Indian fishing. management. 660.408 Annual actions. 660.380 Groundfish harvest specifications. 660.409 Inseason actions. 660.381 Limited entry trawl fishery manage- 660.410 Conservation objectives. ment measures. 660.411 Notification and publication proce- 660.382 Limited entry fixed gear fishery dures. management measures. 660.383 Open access fishery management Subpart I—Coastal Pelagics Fisheries measures. 660.384 Recreational fishery management 660.501 Purpose and scope. measures. 660.502 Definitions. 660.385 Washington coastal tribal fisheries 660.503 Management subareas. management measures. 660.504 Vessel identification. 660.390 Groundfish Conservation Areas. 660.505 Prohibitions. 660.391 Latitude/longitude coordinates de- 660.506 Gear restrictions. fining the 27 fm (49 m) through 40 fm (73 660.507 Closed areas to reduction fishing. m) depth contours. 660.508 Annual specifications. 660.392 Latitude/longitude coordinates de- 660.509 Closure of directed fishery. fining the 50 fm (91 m) through 75 fm (137 660.510 Fishing seasons. m) depth contours. 660.511 Catch restrictions. 660.393 Latitude/longitude coordinates de- 660.512 Limited entry fishery. fining the 100 fm (183 m) through 150 fm 660.513 Permit conditions. (274 m) depth contours. 660.514 Transferability. 660.394 Latitude/longitude coordinates de- 660.515 Renewal of limited entry permits. fining the 180 fm (329 m) through 250 fm 660.516 Exempted fishing. (457 m) depth contours. 660.517 Framework for revising regulations. TABLE 1ATOPART 660 SUBPART G—2005 SPEC- 660.518 Pacific Coast Treaty Indian Rights. IFICATIONS OF ACCEPTABLE BIOLOGICAL 660.519 Scientific observers. CATCH (ABC), OPTIMUM YIELDS, (OYS), FIGURE 1 TO SUBPART I—EXISTING CALIFORNIA HARVEST GUIDELINES (HGS), AND LIMITED AREA CLOSURES ENTRY AND OPEN ACCESS ALLOCATIONS, BY MANAGEMENT AREA (WEIGHTS IN METRIC Subpart J—Western Pacific Coral Reef TONS) Ecosystem Fisheries TABLE 1BTOPART 660 SUBPART G—2005 OYS FOR MINOR ROCKFISH BY DEPTH SUB– 660.601 Relation to other laws. GROUPS (WEIGHTS IN METRIC TONS) 660.602 Permits and fees. TABLE 2ATOPART 660 SUBPART G—2006, AND 660.603 Prohibitions. BEYOND, SPECIFICATIONS OF ACCEPTABLE 660.604 Notifications. BIOLOGICAL CATCH (ABC), OPTIMUM 660.605 Allowable gear and gear restrictions. YIELDS (OYS), HARVEST GUIDELINES 660.606 Gear identification. (HGS), AND LIMITED ENTRY AND OPEN AC- 660.607 Framework for regulatory adjust- CESS ALLOCATIONS, BY MANAGEMENT AREA ments. (WEIGHTS IN METRIC TONS) 660.608 Regulatory area. TABLE 2BTOPART 660 SUBPART G—2006, AND 660.609 Annual reports. BEYOND, OYS FOR MINOR ROCKFISH BY DEPTH SUB–GROUPS (WEIGHTS IN METRIC Subpart K—Highly Migratory Fisheries TONS) TABLE 3 TO PART 660 SUBPART G—2005–2006 660.701 Purpose and scope. TRIP LIMITS FOR LIMITED ENTRY TRAWL 660.702 Definitions. GEAR NORTH 40°10′ N. LAT. 660.703 Management area. TABLE 4 TO PART 660 SUBPART G—2005–2006 660.704 Vessel identification. TRIP LIMITS FOR LIMITED ENTRY FIXED 660.705 Prohibitions. GEAR NORTH 40°10′ N. LAT. 660.706 Pacific Coast Treaty Indian rights. TABLE 5 TO PART 660 SUBPART G—2005–2006 660.707 Permits. TRIP LIMITS FOR OPEN ACCESS GEARS 660.708 Reporting and recordkeeping. NORTH OF 40°10′ N. LAT. 660.709 Annual specifications. 569 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:00 Nov 30, 2005 Jkt 205222 PO 00000 Frm 00579 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\205222.XXX 205222 § 660.1 50 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–05 Edition) 660.710 Closure of directed fishery. this part, shall continue in effect with 660.711 General catch restrictions. respect to fishing activities regulated 660.712 Longline fishery. 660.713 Drift gillnet fishery. under this part. 660.714 Purse seine fishery. [Reserved] 660.715 Harpoon fishery. [Reserved] § 660.3 Reporting and recordkeeping. 660.716 Surface hook-and-line fishery. [Re- Except for fisheries subject to sub- served] parts D and F of this part, any person 660.717 Framework for revising regulations. 660.718 Exempted fishing. who is required to do so by applicable 660.719 Scientific observers. state law or regulation must make and/ 660.720 Interim protection for sea turtles. or file all reports of management unit TABLE 1 TO PART 660—QUOTAS FOR PRECIOUS species landings containing all data CORALS PERMIT AREAS and in the exact manner required by TABLE 2 TO PART 660—VESSEL CAPACITY RAT- applicable state law or regulation. INGS FOR WEST COAST GROUNDFISH LIM- ITED ENTRY PERMITS TABLE 3 TO PART 660—CURRENTLY HARVESTED Subpart B—Western Pacific CORAL REEF TAXA Fisheries—General TABLE 4 TO PART 660—POTENTIALLY HAR- VESTED CORAL REEF TAXA FIGURE 1 TO PART 660—CARAPACE LENGTH OF § 660.11 Purpose and scope. LOBSTERS (a) This subpart contains regulations FIGURE 2 TO PART 660—LENGTH OF FISHING that are common to all Western Pacific VESSEL fisheries managed under fishery man- AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et. seq. agement plans prepared by the Western SOURCE: 61 FR 34572, July 2, 1996, unless Pacific Fishery Management Council otherwise noted. under the Magnuson Act. EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to (b) Regulations specific to individual part 660 appear at 67 FR 65906, Oct. 29, 2002. fisheries are included in subparts C, D, E, F, and J of this part. Subpart A—General (c) Nothing in subparts C, D, E, F, and J of this part is intended to § 660.1 Purpose and scope. supercede any valid state or Federal (a) The regulations in this part gov- regulations that are more restrictive ern fishing for Western Pacific and than those published here. West Coast fishery management unit species by vessels of the United States [61 FR 34572, July 2, 1996, as amended at 69 that operate or are based inside the FR 8341, Feb. 24, 2004] outer boundary of the EEZ off Western Pacific and West Coast States. § 660.12 Definitions. (b) General regulations governing In addition to the definitions in the fishing by all vessels of the United Magnuson-Stevens Act, and in § 600.10, States and by fishing vessels other the terms used in subparts B through F than vessels of the United States are and subpart J of this part have the fol- contained in part 600 of this chapter.
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