The Gamification of Digital Gaming – Video Game Competitions and High Score Tables as a Prehistory of E-Sports in Finland in the 1980s and Early 1990s Petri Saarikoski, Jaakko Suominen University of Turku Finland
[email protected],
[email protected] Markku Reunanen Aalto University Finland
[email protected] Abstract: The aim of this paper is to examine the “prehistory” of E-sports from the Finnish perspective. In the context of the GamiFIN conference, we approach E-sports as a gamified form of video gaming. In particular, we study the early Finnish game championships of the 1980s and the early 1990s as well as the high score lists of Finnish computer and video game magazines. We ask the question: how did these publications and activities construct video gaming as a socially-experienced competitive practice? In addition, we seek answers to the following questions: Who were the early video game contestants? How was competitive gaming presented in media? What kind of rules were defined for the contests? How was cheating dealt with? Keywords: Competitive gaming, game history, e-sports, high score tables, Pac-Man 1. Introduction Academic research on E-sports has focused on competitive game playing as a contemporary popular cultural phenomenon. The studies have touched upon, for instance, questions on game playing and tactics, comparisons between E-sports and traditional sports consumers’ behavior, as well as other activities revolving around E-sports. (Hamari & Sjöblom 2017.) The studies often briefly mention the history of competitive gaming and typically date its roots back to the activities from the mid or late 1990s that took place in the US, South Korea, UK, and other countries, in relation to different online game genres and the rising interest towards competitive gaming (e.g.