-. T ore. ,... - " 'r- Ration Calendar granlttt. • Showers .' 0"1 "AU •••,... • ."r.'" ... ,. ral ~, HUlt. corr.1 e.. ,.. » ... , n. "'r M ; 1110". ...,.. U ...,.... ~.,. II; JOWA-S-wbat warmer, fresh ), EVill$ .eII E, F, Q ....t .1a.PI ..,Ire Map II: O. R. ••• J .1a.PI ..,1.. ...,. II; THE DAILY' IOWAN' to mocl~leb' IUOU wind.. ••011 •••••• If ••ti,n I... 16. moderate moweR. I in lio. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~ey have FIVE CENTS US AI.OCIATID nSIi IOWJS.. CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, . MAY 15, 1943 T8S AIIOCJAnJ) ra.. 1 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 197 . , • merlcans, trugg· e on ttu:, • • • e'utian .....cm·polgn --~~------~----~~~------~- F.D.R. TALKS WITH CZECH CHIEF Bargaining Ordered Naval, Air Units Strike a!J.1~~~ -,- - -~.;r:: u.S. Bombers Of!ensive Progresses Toward Allied By WLB 10 Prevenl Blast Europe' Victorious Ending, Navy Says :e', AI Axis 'Mediterranean Ports New Mine Tie-Ups

ALLIED HEADQ ARTERS IN KOll'rH AJi'RICA (AP) - Yank Fliers Strike Parties Must Report Weather-Hardened Yanks Began P.ush to Tokyo, 'altedl r j\lIicd nl1yal units IIRye started shelling the remainillg axis Medi­ Heaviest Blow of War Results of Discussion Only 2,000 Miles Away, Tuesday­ terranea n bases in co ncert with. a continually intensifying' aeria) I offensive which TbUl'sday dealt devru tatillg blows, 011 Sardinia, In Coordinated Raids At End of Ten Days Army, Navy Cooperate Sicily, tbo Italian mainlund, and harbored .. hipping. ' oy the , 'A Bl'itil;h l1a"aJ force, having concluded its part in blocking the LONDON (AP)-A mer i can WASHINGTON (AP) - The [ By JOHN M. WGIITOWER ego- &ell lanes irom 'funi~ill, turned its g ullS 011 the Itulian i 'Ie of Pun­ bomberll, roaring out over Europe Will' lobo" board yesterday ordered WA IIIXG'J' N (AP) - The fir ttage of the {host American cas­ trUcria in the, 'iciliull strait 'fhursda)' and poured ut least 20 ,Ig;.lin, struck their heaviest blow soft coal miners and operators 10 uff nsi,' ill the north PaciCic-a fi I'e battle to ma 'h .Japane I' ! lelt force on Attn i land-appear d la, t night to b .p rogl'C ing rls, to broadsides into the IUIl'hor arca, of the war yesterday with four res u m e bargaining, probubly raigh t Shorc batterics 011 the little i ~ lalld , Iyil)g only 4;; miles cast of separa(c, closely coordinated at· avel'tin, thereby u new tie-up of toward a vietoriou eonelu ion. ' tacks on naval, aJI'!ield and fae- W('atht'r-hal'c1ened nitt'd ,'tate' 11'0 p. hav b en battling tJle snap- the tip of Cap BOil, replied but failed to do any damage, ullied lory targets In Germany, Belgium the Industry when lhe 15,day ell my sine Tuesday n thi enemy •. ized i land at tlle tip of the Red, hwdqllSt1cl'll 81l1l0UllCed, . and Holland, truce explrc~ next Tuesday mld- Rose A.' tho victorious all ied forces cOllt\llucd tllC enormous t!}sk of AI utian -in ('ffeet, adyul1ein" alollO' the SllOl't ~t route to Tokyo, Tur/ For one reeord in the new SCI'- night. away, checking the qUllntitieFJ of war liupplie ' aud lleal'ly 175,000 pris­ ie of Anglo-American raids of The board lIald agreement should bill' Iy 2.000 mile onCI captured in tJle fin a 1 ur.precedented scope, the U, 5, air be possible on a number of is- Am I'i all )ulluilll?" 011 til(' i land wer'c eli 10 cd by the UIlVY at 110011 )'r t I'da~ · . lIuclllltcr .'ccrrlll!'Y Knox 8.'i\ured hi. press con­ elesllup of Tunisia, the ail' 'ers Destroy force en! out lhe greatest number sues 10 provide relief for the min- IiCluadrons which wel'e released Red Fll of plane engaged in a single day, ers, other than II straight wage f('rel\(' that the oprrations were" going very Rati"fa toril y." from further support of groun<1 For onolher. the four-englped increase, amI speolCieally suggest- Then' wa" no indication that 11 trillmph \)Quid be I' 'Policd in (I troops swept out over the sea to American ' bomb 1'6 made' their ed :i full six day week, Thc tJl(lttl'I' of houl " a1l(1 1(110:0; l'epcl1tNlly ueelined to . timato the ~ hammer the island stepping stones NaZI' Planes Suppll'es I " , , de peSt pCnetralio~ Inio Europe 'in United Min WOI'ker, hod de- . Jeugth of time l'eql1ir d to ovel'- - of Sardinia and Sicily Witli all attacking .the nnvtol at1d rU-Uoa't mandcd $2 I' doy Increase and their force. Churchill Says Troops C~Ul enemy oppo itiOll, But hi Moscow Announces inslal1alion~ · o; Ki~l , Gel'lntl.n'y" other conce ilons, dlsc)o lIro 8 to th pl'Ogl' S8 or , About 50 American Liberator The Amel'lcal'l blows followed The board declared the "ada- ...ben struck at thl! SlelUan Widespread AHacks I up tne record .operations bylhc mllnt. pos1tlon assumed by the 'III d C t' 1 Ihe battle st rongly supported ,eer the g'l!llcJ'ul jmpreslIioll mlloll,g barbor of J\ugullta, sink In" or Along Entire Front \ RAF for a J; \ngt(!- nlght "in y.'hiO;h parties scemed to have precluded WI nva e on men dalllal'lnr approximately ·ZO some 3,000 tons o( bombs were IIny attempt at real collective enemy ships and siarUnJ 'es of Assaults qualHied authorilles here tlull lar,~ ---- , showered on Bel'Un, the Ruht bargaining a~ 10 the numerous In Serl eventual success, possibly within a 011 IIres. Attaekln, from middle LONDON, Salurday (AP)-The d C J I ki 0 ' t itema on which colJective bQl'uain- few days, was certain despite the tast bases, the 'our-enrlned Red alrtorce, attac)d11~ iIi the cast on zec lOS ova 8, appr x Ima e- • as the allied aerial offensive Iy doubling thc bOl1lb-lol\d 1J)c Ing could p~opCrJy have taken C f W'th Ch' stubbornness of Jap resistance and Llberalo", picked up their RAF "DllARD BENES Jd' r th C 11 J kl t RAF had delivered on any pre' place wl\hout vjolllling ihe no- on ers I tneH, 'lallter e_rt In the air at swelled in the west, destroyed 72 Da. '" • pre CIl. 0 e 'Zcc 0: ova an ,overllmen - VI'OUS night, . 1 dll!iculties on terrain on the blenk ' h in-exile, Is a White. House guest Bencs, who I ~ l''''I)eeted to lake part tlonlll wOEe stllbllization PI' 0 - Australian Ministers,' Malia and d"mp~d nearly 251,­ G ennon panes,I 300 1relg t cars, Amel'lcan hc"vy bo.mber torma- grant." and mountainous Island. lOt pound. of explosives on Au· 200 supply t.rucks, and othCl' In allied war "lid post.wllr dio;l:us~.oll s with Prt'~idl'J1t Uoo~cvl'lt and ...... PI GI b 1St enemy war equipment in wide- Prime l\linlstcr Winston Churchill, Is hl,hly rl'l\'arded by I'rernier lions ~mashed al two iarlJet~ In The board I'efalner Itis own composllions aud for was reported keeping the clOiest leaguered garrison, The use of lIJa work first liS 'director ~nq now wa t chon Turkey. Travelers army lroops for the acllon folloWS .. president of the American So­ reachln. Instanbul said the Ger­ the same pattern which has been Ciety of Composers, Authors and mans ul!iO were speedJni military employed in making earlier unop­ I'IJblfBhers. preparatiQns in Buliurla-appar­ posed advances along the Aleu­ ently for defense, tia ns cham westward from Dutch Harbol" These have been carried Clothes Ratloni,,~ May Be Instanbul dispatches quoted au· ~horilijtlv~ sources BII saying Tur­ out by army forces will1 naval Necessary, Nello,. \Va,n. key would continue her present support. 10l'ei(ltl poHcy "unleu mllitary There was no mention in the WASHINGTON CAP) - War events In the Immediate vicinity communique of any similar am­ JIroduetion Chief Donald M. Nel­ force hilt hand." phibious attack on Kiska, the • IOn warned yesterday that rlltlon­ An Algiers radio broadcast re­ main enemy bastion in the north ina of clothing and textUel may c0r.I~d by The Aasociated Press Paciiic, but a subsequent navy corne unless aU facilities ~ used "aId Nul defenses in Bul,aria and bulletin told of two air raids on 10 the ubnost. Gr~ l1,pr Turkey were directed Kiska Thursday. It appeared In testimony on a deliciency ap­ by Flelci Manhal Erwin Rommel. therefore that for the time being »t'oprJaUon bill reported to the B~rlln ~ said Rommel lett M-I the strategy wu to concentrate on bo\ue, be aaid he belleves clo~ r~ two plonthl 810 becauae of POWERFUL ADDmONS to the aJlled fleets, a new British batUesbJp and a Dew a ••per·baUlesbJp. and ..& .... b& Is H. M. S. Indomitable, a &iant alrcral& earner. The,. Attu except tor eonUnued bomb­ ralioninl can be avo!ded. Illness. ,_ __ __ . _ alrcral& earrier are pictured above a& sea for &he first lime. A& leU Is B. M. 8. Howe. wUl acid eoJllldenble .biklnr power to Ole alUed lea forces, ing of Ki$l. PAGE 'tWO THE D A I J" Y lOW A N, lOW A CIT y, lOW A SATURDAY, MAY is, 1943 Jhe Psychological Kickback OFFICIAL DAilY BULLETIN News Behind the News ~ !terM In th~ umvtilllM'Y CALnfDAR are Imcnt bv 11 roads which lead right to TOkyo; MOllda)" Ma)' 17 meeting with presentation ot new 10\\" '7:30 p. m. Joint lecture of the IO'C: flAid that tough, battle-hardened marines minor Briti h eeonomi t lind cotton autho;itv, we shall neglect none ot them." olficers, University club. broke down that the~' octually gibbered Dudley Windel, who i tippo ed to 11/1\'e p{.t graduate college and the Iowa sec­ fOOIll so 'l'he landing ot United States forces ) Sunday. Ma.v 30 QUling and aIter the fight on Ouadaleanal. into words whot i in the mind or many pl'O­ tion, American Chemical society, inti on Attu, at the western tip of the Chemistry aud itorium; address by 7:30 p.m. Student Christlan pie in Britain and Europe t()(18~- , the o"cr­ o'c1 H. B. Hass. council vesper service, west ap- b1 cit • • • flow froth of which i al 0 eddent in th!! Aleutians, means that the march by the northern rood has begun. Tuellday. l\fa)' 18 proach, Old Capitol. J\l He said tlte strahl on the marilles pro· nited tat . He soy : '7:30 p. m. Partner bridge, Unl- WednesU)', ~fay 21 be C £lueul 'ICrVOllS ymp/oms tlrat ltave never "RIl ian achievements - mil itary. politi­ This may prove in the end th~ versity club. '7:30 p. m. Society fOI; Experi- for I b en sun b f O1'e alld fIlay ncver be seen eal, econonllc-are having a profound influ­ most direct and most feasible. ThuJ'lday, !\Jay 20 mental Biology and Medicine. dles! again. Mm who had betn proud of l1t.tir el'lee in western Europe. Faith in Europe It is not nanked b), an)'thln.. 3-5 p. m. "May Tea"; business ROOm 179, medical laboratories. ,~rnc ability to carn) alcohol found tkey 110 today js ba. ed on belief in the supremacy of like that formidable line or sta­ pa (For lIlIOI'DIatioll rePl'ciln~ dates beyond thlt Jehe4.... 1M tionary alrcran carriers, Japan's for /I longer tol rated it. A few s1tort bur eMnomie man. cientific od"onec. have given l'flIervatioDl I.Il the office of &be President, Old Capitol.) would make t1u", cry like babies, or tlfry mtln the powrr to control hi, de tiny; no mandated I lanels iu i north of Ir~ 1('ould 11'011f 10 fight I'tlrryonr ;11 . ight. longer i he sub. eryjrnt to thc divine law or the equator, whJch ..uard the the immutable laws of nature. ocial plan­ sou the r n and western ap­ GENERAL NOTICES • • • proaches to the enemy's home­ ning by national lind international commi - land. The hUl"e arc of lSIands. MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE soon as you receive your call from 1/ One cannot help but thinking," the doc­ Ilariats will free all humanity from the fellr our Aleutians and Japan's Kur­ Saturday, May 15-10 a. m. t6 Selective Service, go to the office tor declared, "that th enerny made a careful of wlInt ." . lies, wh(ch roul"hl), tollow the 12 M., 1 to 3 p. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. of the registrar for a tra~rlpl The army recommends that each study of our psychology and way of think­ ~eat circle route, lies IUlked to illg and living and u d this knowledge • • • the Open water of the North STUDENT ROOMS selectee have these documenta Arolt1tcl herc, tlte war st'l'lIl,~ to have ThCiSe petsons who will have when he is called to mflilarf ser. &gllin t us iu this campaign. llost of us con­ Pacific. The rreat preponderance just as Jt passed in the South Pa- flare Into bitter combat this brrntght a. greater lieU f f1~ God and 1~8s or naval and air strentth whleh rooms to rent for the summer ses­ vice. sider night a a time for rest and sleep, and ciCie when Guadnlcanal \vas wresi- summer as the allies I"atber their in economists. The prof c8siOn 0/ ecollo­ we are bulldlnl" up In the Pa­ sion, beginning June 7, are asked C. WOODY THOMPSON the Japs eentered their activities on thi.'! ied from the enemy in that grim forces for an autumn campalm to list them with the division of misticy 18 trllly at a low Washington ebb. elfle will make the northern ap­ fo recover Burma. Japan's Fea­ period, proach more and more vulner­ six monlhs battle. Attu should not student housing not later than MOUNTAlNEER ME)lBE.SHIPS "They were taught a few merican word None of them seem 10 be dof11{J "wclt in l power Is not unlimited and the Wednesday at 6 o'clock. Memberships and membership an imporlant fI'a!1 tOWQ1'd ,oi1111ing til ,. able for Japan as the months be as tough a nut to crack as question of Its division to "eea or phrases, chiefly threatening or profllne, pa • IMELDA C. MURPHY (See BULLETIN, paie II) 1110r. Guadalcana1. The garrison 01 this multiple threat must be aiv· Division of Student 1I0ulln, and the dark hOUl"8 Were :filled with thi. Censorshi\l as thick as the logs jn, AdmIn.1s Narano, Yama­ abuse. Th y were Maohiavcllian in their Kiska, nearly 200 miles to the THE DAILY IOWAN • • • of the Aleutian spring hides the east, is In no pOSition to lend any moto and their fellow8 some , cleverly timed bombings and rai leep WI The vast succe of Amcriclln prodlletiyl' sleepless n"'hts. YOUTH HOSTeL TRIP progress of what may prove one ArtyoDe interested in bicycling Published every morning ex­ impOll8ibl or negtigible. effort In plane~ , tank , munitions, and ml'n of the decisive actions of the war. aid of importance, and the nearest cept Monday by Student Publica­ IJapanese base on the ;west Is The lirst and most Obvious re­ to the West Branch youth hostel cannot be attributed to any of thci1' d vices, We know that United States forces sults of the seizure of Attu will at Scattergood Thursday afternoon tions Incorporated at 126-130 Iowa • • • landed on Attu Tuesday (the Jap­ Paramushlro, at the northern end avenue, Iowa City, Iowa, but rather to simple Am rical1 , pirit and in­ or the Kuriles, 763 miles away. be ihe \;>olalion of the far stronger at 4:30 should telephone the wom­ "Rain, heat, insects, dy e11tery, malar­ gl'nuity a di played by both capital and an e, a day ahead in time, call it Wednesday) and that fierce The American navy presum­ enemy base at Kiska . The Japan­ en's gymnasium, X723. The group Board of Trustees: A. Craig Baird, ia, all contributed-but the end reslIlt labor as n whole. No commis ariat and no o· will return by 8 a. m. Friday. fighting ensued; we had Secretary ably ha rone Into this under­ ese on Kiska actually have been Kirk H. Porter, Paul E. Olson, 1iIa. not blood streatll infC

fling in the home or-her cousin, \Vis;;- In Betty Kern oC Muscatine is vis- .The American Legion aUXiliary dlflrgc uf th' pl'ogl'all1. .•1 . 0, ~Ylll meet ,Monday at 7:30 p. Ill, Miller, Mrs. William Stcv('n~Ml'~ anci ,,;======;;:;=;:;;::;:::======-:: III the LegIon room:; of the Com- Mrs. H. J. Albrecht arc in charge munity building, Mrs. William 01 table arrtlngemenls. Edwards, president, requesls that I ___ ali members nltcnd lhe jmporlant IEJ.KS I, mES Select business meeting. Mrs. J. E. Pechtnan will serve - -- as hosle~s to thc Elks Ladies lit ATIIENS HISTORY CIRCL!': . Ia luncheon-bridge party Tuesday of the I Your Straw Hat - MI:S. Elmer Ander~on, 1040 E. at 1 p. m. BUI'lIngton street, wtll be h05t-1 The ,,(fair will bc held in thc luri bill I ot es.s to n:embers of the Athens Elks clubrooms, 325 E. Washington lvles or History Circle Mondoy at 3 p. "" str ct. ed ca~­ Mrs, J, E, Switz ·1' will give il out the I book review on "MY' America, UNIVER~ITY CLUB by di­ 'The Men's Shop' My India" (Shl'idhal'ani). Members of tile Univcl'slty club r casts. o ([icers clected in a I'('cent will hold II partnel'-bridge party ; movie meeting werc Mrs, C. Woody Tuefdoy at 7:30 in the clubrooms rte With Thompson, president; Kate Wick­ of Iowa Union. The committee ," Ran­ • GENUINE PANAMAS ham, vice-president, and Mrs, in charge include~ Mrs. Clat'a • "Sus­ .• BATAAN STRAWS Frank J, Snldel', secretary-treas­ Swit~el', Mrs. Edward Weber, le ly ne­ Urer . Mrs. Harry Barnes and Mrs, Mar­ w years, • MESH WEAVES garet Wallen. [t Hap- AM1Sl'AD CIRCLE • SUMMER TEX Mr.s, Guy Chappell will be host­ WOj\-lEN' DENEFIT • KOOL'lEX ess to the Amistad circle when it A OCIl\l'lO , some­ meek; in hcr home at 331 S . 1\1[1'5. Eorl FI 'Y, 517 S. Governor u! same • BANKOKS Johnson street. Tuesday at 2 p. hlrecl, will entertain m mbel's of tlced by • IGLOOS m. thc Women's D nefit Dssociation '9 a do' al a )lotluck. dinner Tuesday at , actr~ss BOOK 1{EVlEW CLUB 0:30 p. m. Ire than A guesi tea will entertain the Mrs. Margaret Kaelin, stale to ap- $1 ..50 to ~4 .85 members of the Book Review club field dlt'ectol', will be :1 guest of in the home of Mrs. Franklin the organization. a solon Knowcr, 925 Kirkwood avenue, ~. JYW°od. Monday at 2 p. m. Co-hostesses WOj\-lEN OF THE MOO E rislBture are Mrs. Jamcs Alifel'is, Mrs. The Hospital guild committee, Ver$OJlS IOWA CITY'S Charles Fosler and Mrs. Normnn headed by Mrs. Anna Burge, wUI attend- Sage. be in charge oC the general mcet­ / , , 10vie in Mrs. Ivan Hedg swill J"vicw Ing of (he Womcn 01 the Moose ;he plot NEWEST STORE book~ ror summer reading, This Tuesday al 7:45 p. m. in the I will b lh final meeting of the MOQ~c hflll. ," ' sea~OI1 a!ld all fOl'lller memb('rs 111itialioll or I)('W members wiU ~ exas , a FOR MEN on from are inVIted 10 atlend. lie held after a bUbln 5 meeting. )ve ask­ ohibiled DAUGUn;,t· 01- UN ION W. S. ( '. ~.-UNIT 1" What are'you doing to back ;play)ng VETERA S Featured artists on lhe cOllccr' prohibi- The annual May luncheo~~' ogram sl)Onsot'ed by Unit F of caU!ed up American ~ arC' Fighters? 'he IiCn­ Announcement to the Public and Men in Armed Service nd man. What did you do lod


is In charle ot the dance class and II , , • NE'ER THE TWAIN SHALL MEETII E. O. S, to Entertain New Nursing Class Engineering Students Ueut. I Lieul. W. Hausberg will iive lessons from 5 to 8 p. m. Comdr. Jones Service Men Today every Satuttlay. To Register Friday Elect New Officers At Hospitality Club For Summer Term Named to Succeed Weds Spencer Girl Marc Stewart Home The Associated Students of En­ es ~lneering held a meeting last night Mrs. Virgil Hancher, Mrs. RDliin Entered, Cash Taken Reghtration 10r the new fresh- to elect new oflicers to take the Comdr. John Bloom Announcement has been made of Perkins, Mrs. A. Craig Baird and man class in nursing will begin place of tWD men whD recentlj the marriage Df Marlon Col1ester, F'ridlly, LDis B. Corder, director entered the servl·ce. daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Mrs. Earle Waterman will repre­ Marc Stewart, 1615 E. Court r III h If " h Liuet . Comdr. Fielder A. Jones street, reported yesterday that 0 e sc 00 0 nursmg, as an- WlllJam Sterns, E4 of Iowa City, Id Coll ter of Spencer, to Lieul. sent the E. O. S. club as hoste es nounced, and 'tudenls will begin was eJecled treasurer llnd Vernon has been named as NO.2 man at William I1ausberg, on of Mrs. at the Hospitality club this after­ thieves had broken Infu his hDUl!e work May 24. the rowa Navy Pre-Flight school Ernest Hausberg of Charles City. noon. ometime during the night. TlUr- Tbe new class wl\] number about Aske, E4 of Keister, Minn., WIiS to succeed Comdr. John M . Bloom, In the home ot the bride's parents, They will assi t with the club's teen dollars in c83h and $2.150 in 100, Miss CDrder said. which is a elected secretary. ~ou, May 8. The Rev. W. K. Williams defense stamps were taken, steW- I many as the school can accom- Plans for ummer activiti of who Is being transferred to sub­ activities tlDd prDvide homemade art declared. modate the group were made, and a CDm- l'C,'ad the single dng ceremony, cookies to the stUdents of the va­ rnarine duty June 1. Mrs. Hausberg was graduated Police found several et of fin- ' mlttee",a appointed to sponsor rious service units stationed here. ger Dn scene are I intl'amul'al ball games. ),s Commander Jones will take oVe!' from Ward-BelmOnt school [or Clubrooms in the Community Pl'j~ts th~ ~nd lIis duty May 26 and until the time girls in NashvUle, Tenn., and from building will be open from 2 to 6 cDntinulDl! their investigation. I Report Gasoline Theft . )ssing , of his detachment frDm the base, INorthwestern unlver Ity In Evan- o'clock. Danci ng will begIn at ThIeve stole seven Dr eigh: 35 Attend Ceremonial Commander Bloom will ael as as­ stDn, Ill. 2:30. Card games, ping pong llnd To Speak on WSUI gallons Df gas frDm a car belong- Thirty-five Nobles of the Order it Ga"" I A graduate oC Phillips academy sistan t commanding officer. othcr Indoor sports will also be MSIIT. P. J . O'Reilly or Sl. ing to Bert Kent Thursday eve-I of M,ystlc Shrine attended the ~ e (BUck) in Andover, Mass., and Yale uni- played. Patrick's chUrch will be in charge ning, local police reported ye - semi-annual ceremonial at the At the time Lieut. Comdr. W. H. let\cs cast.. versity in Ncw Haven, Conn., A begInning dancing class tDr Df the school of religion's mDrn-lerday. Thc gas cap was also taken. t KBbba temple In Da\'enport yes­ the While Stewart will succeed Commander Lieutenant Hausberg is public re­ ervlcemen who would like in­ ing chapel radio program next Kent's atuomDbilc wa parked Dn terday. Between 1500 and 1700 arded that Jones as regimental commandel·. lations oUicer at the pr~-flight struction was recently originated week. He will spe"dk on ''The So- Gilbert ·trcet near the Elks club men were present at the cere- school here. baseball's Commander Jones has served by, the club. Mrs. Harriet Walsh cial Value of the Oospel; ." Lat the time. monial. withln a The couple is at home nt 1640 in this capacity since last August. Morningside dl·ive. t tossing a A graduate of the naval academy POPEYE New York nt Annapolis, in 1926, he serv-ed two years with the lleet and then Prof. R. H. Ojemann ~ht-h8nder retired to Ute naval reserve. pOP~'fI:J WILL YOU pitched .~ He was given a refresher course Heads National Group gave the and sent here to the Iowa base, MARRY Mrc '? ictol'Y and following his recall to duty in On Parent Education r .hell' fi1'$\ April, 1942. .eason. Commander Stewart js also a PrOf. RaJDh H. Ojemonn, oS!;Qcl­ ~I 'r the only Jr9duate of the naval academy and ate professor in parent education ond Iraill\' was assigned here April 29, .1943. Iof the Iowa child wellare r earch only othe; His duties as regimental com­ station, was elected chairman of drawing a mander requj re that he be re­ the parent education department • sponsible for the training of the of the National CDngress or Par­ ~, however. cadets in the military aspects ot ents and Teachers. The board for it \\'13 the pre-flight scbool program. In­ meeting was held in ChicotD thi'> :I ott Ross' cluded in this phase of the train­ week. , Ross reo Ing are such subjects as military ProCessor Ojemann's duties in­ lme within drill, seamanship, ordnance, gun­ clude planning general ouUlnes, ten beto" nery and first aid. serving as consultant tor parent was wiPed education programs throughout "ard by a . EAST IS EAST, and west Is west, but the latter has the more beauti­ the country and giving advice to ful rlrts. So claim these 15 CaJitornla model., plehll'ed as they prolest. stDte organizotlons. HIs tcrm of 20th Naval Battalion ed to a Hollywood movie studio aralnst the appearance of 15 New Dffice Is three years. R H POA Plans Formal Dance Yorl!: models In a new musical film, "Caver Girl." "What have the New York 'cover rlrls' rot that we haven't?" they said. 0 0 3 4 Divorce Petition Filed 0 0 The formal graduation dance 0 a of the Navy Pre-Flight 20th bat­ Delbert Albright filed 1\ pcti­ 0 0 0 0 'talion will be held in the main Council Hears Professor Small Blaze Extinguished \.iDn fDr a divorce trom Ruth Al­ 0 0 0 5 lounge of Iowa Union tonight a~ PrDt. Walter F. Loehwing, helld Burning leaves on the back bright ycsterday charginlt cruel 0 1 13 0 ot the botany department, spoke on porch ot the W. R. HUghes horne, and inhuman treolment and inCI­ 0 2 8 o'clock. The Seahnwk band will 0 I provide the music. "Nulrition and Sex Expression in 30 N. Van Buren, caused a small deIlty. 0 0 5 0 Chaperons are Cap!. and Mrs. Hemp" at the Iowa State Research fire at 4:35 p. m. Thursday. The Thc couple was married April I 0 o 1 0 council meeting and a t a graduate fire department extinguished the 13, 1941, Albdght is In A [rico 0 0 D. C. Hanrahan, CDmdr. and Mrs. 0 3 J. M. Bloom, Lieut. Comdr. and college lecture in Ames yesterday. blaze before damage resuulted. with the United states army. 0 0 0 0 Mrs. F. A. Jones, Lieut. Comdr. , ---- and Mrs. R. M. Schwyhart, Lieut. 0 1%413 and Mrs. P. A. Shipman, Lieut. in 9t.h. and Mrs. H. C. Seay and Lieut. it II PO A (j.g. ) and MI·S. D. H. Hoover. Daily Iowan Want AeJs 1 1 4 o 1 2 Jack White Appointed 1 1 12 * * * FOR * * SALE * SUMMER* COTTAGES* * CLARENCE GRAY 1 1 2 County Salvage Head CLASSIFlED o 0 3 ADVERTISING PIANO for slIle. Phone 4836. Five-room summer eottllie at 012 The office Df civilian defense L a k e Macbride. Larow Co. 010 announced yesterday the appOint­ RATE CARD HELP WANTED Phone 9681. o 0 2 ment of Atty. Jack White to the CASH RATE GIRL lor general housework. APARTMENTS 0 00 position of county salvage chair· Would consider high school man. lor 2 daYI- senior. Phone 2516. FURNISHED apartment. Close In . 362111 The office, now run on a yearly lOc per llne per day I Phone 6952. 000000-0 busis, has beim managed by Deon. 3 consecutive daY8-- BELLHOP. Good wages, ' ,DOd 10 per Une per day 000 21x-3 Jones fDr the past year. Jones, 1 hours. Apply Bell.captain, Hotel FURNISHED L w 0 - roo m IIpart­ 6 COnsecutive daylt- ment. Garage. Adults. 717 E. • batted in who headed the drives for waste Bc per line per day Jeflerson . Igin. Two lois, tin, scrap metal, rubber and Washington. 1 month- WANTED - full and part~time lIe plays~ other salvage materials, will cort·. 4c per line per day nd Etten; tinue to serve on the committee. fDuntain girl. Cash salary. WEST AMANA. Modern duplex. - Figure 15 words to line­ Apply Ford Hopkins. Three rooms and bath. Largc ~d KuheL White has been co-chai.1'Illan of Minimum Ad-2 lines earden. Daily Iowan, Box #704. Il'k 1; Chi. the county sc rap metal committee. LAUNDRY WORKERS apply 111 -WensloU CLASSIF'IED DISPLAY person. New Praces. Laundry' FURNISHED five-room apart- h'ensloU 5; SOc col. inch 313 S. Dubuque. ment. AlsD un[urnished two- Judge Fines Speeder, Or $5.00 per month I room apartment; rent of this McGowan. ROOMS FOR RENT apartment may be paid In uart HENRY CARL ANDERSO~ Dismisses Asscwlt Case ----,,---- All Want Ads Cash in Advance by janItor service. Larew Co. -,. -.-- FOR BOYS - Lwo double roorn& Phone 9681. ,-. Nile P. Gardner, 903 ;E. Burling­ Payable at Dally Iowan Busl­ witb pl"ivate bath. Also one hess office doUy until 15 p.m. ton street, was fined $25 in police ~ouble, two half-double rooms. 32 SERVICES ~ ers, court yesterday morning tor speed­ E. Bloomineton. Cancellations must be called in Call us lor expert reltllerator ing. The fine was suspended by before 5 p.m. Id Series Police Judge J ack White. WANTED - LAUNDRY $ervice. CONNER'S REFRIGER­ Responsible for one Incorrect ATOR SERVICE. Phone 7660. lete Suder, The case Df James Gill oC lawn insertion only. LAUNDRY--5hirts Dc. Flat fintsh, City. who was arrested on an iscouraged, 5c pound. DIAL 5162. Long­ INSTRUCTION Wclaj wIth assault and ballery charge, Wils streth. In Tommy dismissed from court by Judge DANCE INSTRUCTION til p, ing yester' White. PLUMBING ballroDm and. ballet. Harriet DIAL 4191 t , dphia Ath· Walsh. Dial 5126. re r the De­ VI ANTEO: Plumbing and heating. to 1 serlel Larew Co., 227 E. Waahlnatcm. DANCING LESSONS-ballrocm­ COBB- Phone 9681. . ballet-tap. Dial 7248. J4Im1 * * * Youde Wuriu. (Continued from page 2) * * * FURNITURE MOVING tent PORTRAITS - Manager overseas by the Saturday Evening TRAIN WITH OTHER SUI .' Rip Sewell Post in the earliest days of the MODER~ PORTRAITS. Young's MAHER BROS TRANSFER STUDENTS IN SHORT COURSES ie Fletcher ·Studio. NDrth of City Hall. Open • STARTING APRIL 26. PAUL ROBINSO~ war. He was at one time held Sunday. For EUiclent Furniture Movin, Shorthand and Typing ETTA lETT ~sterday by as a spy by the Germans. It took Ask About OUf If the Na· him six weeks to "get the hell Brown'. Commerce Co11eqe CAR RENTAL WARDROBE SERVICE Iowa CIty's Accredited Business . argument out of there" but he was nD School. Over Penney's Store lOt in the sooner back on good American RENT A CAR. B. F. Carter. Dial DIAL - 9696 - DIAL Dial <4682 m Dodgers terra firma than he was off with 4691. !rday. the A.E.F. He came out Df that :: with a French decoration as che­ valier Df the LegiDn of I1onor and later picked up a reserve com­ IlIission as major in the United States army. He probably was the iirst war correspondent to use the indi­ vidual vignette as a mefhod of ! darling telling the war story. He dQem't ,oved by claim any credit for it, fJowever. to them U you mentiol\ it, he says "hUmph," and pDints Dut that ZOl.$, Hugo and Tolstoi employed the I OLD HOME TOWN BY STANtE! same method. That's pretty goOd 100M AND BOARD BY GENE AHERN :it'/ company. THEY oIOI.ILDHT NECESSARILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN W'W AAI;I'1O ~S / ••• fMVBE 'TMII u:x7t .",.. HrDr45H (CoiiUilued from pale ~) BY ~ OU'TLAHOP THE ~y ~/" ' OR IT COULC BE ~ renewals in the Iowa Moun­ ~ GOLD HO/'IRD OF A MISER taineers for the 1943-44 school WHO LIVED ,,'ROUND HERE year are now a "aila ble. A CE"'~ 1'oGO/ Ulustrated lectures, motion pic­ Here's the Answer­ tures, and other indDor and out­ door proarams ot the oraaniza*lon wll! be enjoyed with a member­ Use a Daily Iowan ship fee. Those jn~rested may contact Gordoh L. Kent, ollice of I the university phDtographer in the Classified Ad. Pllyslcs buildint, Or call 7418 afier I S p. m. LEAVl'rr LAMBERT Chairman

~ . PDT-TIME WORK U you are interested in part­ time 'cash work, will you please call at the office of student em­ ployment, .room 3, Old. Capi.tol,. io 'DIAL 4191 - fill out a current tree hour ached- • ~" 11 ule. ( .-. ~.... ~ THE D AlLY l O W AN. l O W A CITY. 10. W A SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1943 PAGE SIX :::



'melt in Africa

EVERY HOUSEWIPE know" tbat you But giving our" boys tbe tbings they I . can't keep butter on a hot summel: Deed costs a lot of money-which is day without some sort of refrigeration. why the Government asks us to buy It__ melts i ; ...r;'and _ it grows rancid.• • ~ mor,WarBonds. . BiitAmerjcan soldier;;now fi8htj~ , ADd that's not so much-to ask_ Many of us are making more money than we in North Africa, carry with them a have made for years. The things we'd non.melting butter, especially prepared " (like to buy with that money have for desert warfare. This butter will ! , either disappeared or are as "scarce not melt, or grow rancid, until the as hen's teeth!" So, why not put that tempe(ature reaches 120 degrees Fahr· money into War ·Bonds at good in· enheit. ' , terest-$4 Cor every $ 3 when the Bonds 'What" the secret of this new desen­ mature? Money to help pay for the war-keep prices down-provide peace­ iype~butt~r? Simply this. ; • it is forti­ time jobs and peacetime goods and a fied with a fa' which has. bigb melting generally decent world Cor all of us pojn~ 'The butter can be packed in a when the war is won. can, like beans or beef, and will keep indefinitely. ' Chances are, you're already in the Payroll Savings Plan-buying War Why ';o'hl( with liutt.,Z Bonds-doing your bit. But don't • - . stop there. Raise your sights! Do ~ou might think that soldiers en- your best/ gaged in desert warfare could get along without butter. _They could! But why How millions of Americans have .honld they? done their bif-and how tlltr. can do bitter: Unlike Europeans, most Americans Of the 34 million Americans on are used tQ baving something to spread plant payrolls, nearly 30 million of on their bread. When they can't get them have joined the Payroll Savings butter, they use jam or marmalade. Plan. (If you areo't in yet- sign up But this makes the men thirsty, and tomorrow!) there you have another desert problem. For in North Africa, water is as scarce Those Americans who have joined the Plan are investing, on the average, as buttet. and often dangerous to drink. 10% of their earnings in War Bonds. So, thanks to Yankee ingenuity, our (If you haven't reached 10% yet­ soldiers solve the whole problem by keep tryiog!) carrying along butter that will not melt ; ; ~ even in African deserts! BUT ••• America's income this year will be the highest in -history: about 125 *** BILLION dollars! 10 spite of all THE -ABOVE STORY illustrates taxes and price rises, the average work­ something that you alreaqy know ..• er will have more money thao last year­ that American soldiers are the best-fed, more thao ever beforel the best-cated-Cor fighting men in the That is why Uncle Sam has a right history of the world. That fact brings to ask us, individllally, to iovest more a glow of satisfaction to every Ameri· money ia War Bonds, through the can, for we all agree that the very best Payroll Savings Plan, He asks us to of e .. erythiog j$ none too good [or ONr invest not 10% or lS% or 20%, but bovs! .11 we ClInt I

over Island nicht clear t'OlIis~ trn ln th is a Ab num~ up Ire ._,. cul'rC(j stngel I cars e eHvm, • chief I • Coil I ! .80ilsT rOUR BliND 8UYINIJ THRlJUIH THI' ,AYRDa SA·VINIS IlAN r livt . , low IVeck( noon , the c NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY NALl CHEVROLET J. C. PENNEY CO. Larew Co. Plumbing & Heating . THREE SISTERS TOWNER'S rains. [ow ,. BREMER'S MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. DANE COAL CO. KELLEY CLEANERS low,:- City Lodge No. 1096 GRIMM'S STORE FOR MEN 10, 0' InchCl LAGOMARCINO GRUPE CO. B.P.O. ELKS DUNN'S H. L, BAILEY, AGENCY HOTEL JEFFERSON Iowa Illinois Gas and Electric Co. City "'eath IOWA WATER SERVICE CO. SEARS ROEBUCK Iowa State Bank and Trust Co. BECKMAN'S DOMBY BOOT SHOP Loy~1 Order of Moose 'ren Cl'Ces 10 as SWANER'S DAIRY First Capital National Bank P.m., ., crees No llent tinue( COMMITTEE WAR S A V I N 6 SST A F F _ . V leT '0 R Y FUN D COM MIT TEE den\( IIterr IoaiaI