Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-05-05
,. , .. ... , ,.. Ration Calendar Showers 0'" "A" e ••,... I e.,lrl .., '11 COrl'lIE .",OD n u,I... II., H: ) lUG". ''',OD 11 u.I... M., II: IOWA: Sbowen and cooler In .ed E. '" meat ........ e.,lre Kay IJ: eut portlona: fresh to O. II. aa. J .'anlp. e.,ire Ma, :U: THE DAiiY· IOWAN. IHOB8 •••••• 11 uplre. .I... IL .trolll" winds. Ive Iowa City's Morning Newspaper int FIVE CENTS THB "1I8GCl,\,.SO palSs IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY. MAY 5,1943 ftl AllI8Cl&nJ) rul. VOLUME xun NUMBER 188 Ibs, 125 !iveq a , which Ir Son e ~in, i~ .- Y 17, is any. 1t CrOll! at Cap.. Ith I\II(j II Wort uro ean Ie Ie Iy , He act the " ' al they e e I schOol .- I{a col. , JaCOlis n!anlry was a guard Izer e I In· un. an e ,( Camp 1sferred e ~inl ; T Jacobs MINERS START RETURN UNDER TRUCE AS U.S. TAKES OVER Ickes Orders 6-Day year in French Lieut·Gen. Frank M. Andrews ng lite Yanks, Mine Week as Wage -= Drive Toward Deadlock CORtinues Dies in Plane Crash iltlcelani UMW etai.f Lewis L ! 'DON, Wcdu day (AP) - Lieut.·Gen. lhauk M. And Big Navy Base rew . di tinguj hed II)ing gencul and commander of aJl U. Refuses to ~omment force iu thc Eul'op au theat l' of operation, \\'8 killed Monday Concerniflg Deer.. ill lilt airplane accident ill I· land , his II adqu81:tcrs ann nne d Allied Column Pushes urly toda)". WASHINGTON (AP) - An Til plan el'alIbed" in au i olat d locality jn Iceland." aud Forward Along North ordet' Cor a ~1x -day week in most "full information conce/'Iling the accident i.
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