(Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-05-15
-. T ore. ,... - " 'r- Ration Calendar granlttt. • Showers .' 0"1 "AU •••,... • ."r.'" ... ,. ral ~, HUlt. corr.1 e.. ,.. » ... , n. "'r M ; 1110". ...,.. U ...,.... ~.,. II; JOWA-S-wbat warmer, fresh ), EVill$ .eII E, F, Q ....t .1a.PI ..,Ire Map II: O. R. ••• J .1a.PI ..,1.. ...,. II; THE DAILY' IOWAN' to mocl~leb' IUOU wind.. ••011 •••••• If ••ti,n I... 16. moderate moweR. I in lio. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~ey have FIVE CENTS US AI.OCIATID nSIi IOWJS.. CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, . MAY 15, 1943 T8S AIIOCJAnJ) ra.. 1 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 197 . , • merlcans, trugg· e on ttu:, • • • e'utian .....cm·polgn --~~------------~----~~~----------~- F.D.R. TALKS WITH CZECH CHIEF Bargaining Ordered Naval, Air Units Strike a!J.1~~~ -,- - -~.;r:: u.S. Bombers Of!ensive Progresses Toward Allied By WLB 10 Prevenl Blast Europe' Victorious Ending, Navy Says :e', AI Axis 'Mediterranean Ports New Mine Tie-Ups ALLIED HEADQ ARTERS IN KOll'rH AJi'RICA (AP) - Yank Fliers Strike Parties Must Report Weather-Hardened Yanks Began P.ush to Tokyo, 'altedl r j\lIicd nl1yal units IIRye started shelling the remainillg axis Medi Heaviest Blow of War Results of Discussion Only 2,000 Miles Away, Tuesday terranea n bases in co ncert with. a continually intensifying' aeria) I offensive which TbUl'sday dealt devru tatillg blows, 011 Sardinia, In Coordinated Raids At End of Ten Days Army, Navy Cooperate Sicily, tbo Italian mainlund, and harbored .. hipping. ' oy the , 'A Bl'itil;h l1a"aJ force, having concluded its part in blocking the LONDON (AP)-A mer i can WASHINGTON (AP) - The [ By JOHN M.
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