-. T ore. ,... - " 'r- Ration Calendar granlttt. • Showers .' 0"1 "AU •••,... • ."r.'" ... ,. ral ~, HUlt. corr.1 e.. ,.. » ... , n. "'r M ; 1110". ...,.. U ...,.... ~.,. II; JOWA-S-wbat warmer, fresh ), EVill$ .eII E, F, Q ....t .1a.PI ..,Ire Map II: O. R. ••• J .1a.PI ..,1.. ...,. II; THE DAILY' IOWAN' to mocl~leb' IUOU wind.. ••011 •••••• If ••ti,n I... 16. moderate moweR. I in lio. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~ey have FIVE CENTS US AI.OCIATID nSIi IOWJS.. CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, . MAY 15, 1943 T8S AIIOCJAnJ) ra.. 1 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 197 . , • merlcans, trugg· e on ttu:, • • • e'utian .....cm·polgn --~~------------~----~~~----------~- F.D.R. TALKS WITH CZECH CHIEF Bargaining Ordered Naval, Air Units Strike a!J.1~~~ -,- - -~.;r:: u.S. Bombers Of!ensive Progresses Toward Allied By WLB 10 Prevenl Blast Europe' Victorious Ending, Navy Says :e', AI Axis 'Mediterranean Ports New Mine Tie-Ups ALLIED HEADQ ARTERS IN KOll'rH AJi'RICA (AP) - Yank Fliers Strike Parties Must Report Weather-Hardened Yanks Began P.ush to Tokyo, 'altedl r j\lIicd nl1yal units IIRye started shelling the remainillg axis Medi­ Heaviest Blow of War Results of Discussion Only 2,000 Miles Away, Tuesday­ terranea n bases in co ncert with. a continually intensifying' aeria) I offensive which TbUl'sday dealt devru tatillg blows, 011 Sardinia, In Coordinated Raids At End of Ten Days Army, Navy Cooperate Sicily, tbo Italian mainlund, and harbored .. hipping. ' oy the , 'A Bl'itil;h l1a"aJ force, having concluded its part in blocking the LONDON (AP)-A mer i can WASHINGTON (AP) - The [ By JOHN M. WGIITOWER ego- &ell lanes irom 'funi~ill, turned its g ullS 011 the Itulian i 'Ie of Pun­ bomberll, roaring out over Europe Will' lobo" board yesterday ordered WA IIIXG'J' N (AP) - The fir ttage of the {host American cas­ trUcria in the, 'iciliull strait 'fhursda)' and poured ut least 20 ,Ig;.lin, struck their heaviest blow soft coal miners and operators 10 uff nsi,' ill the north PaciCic-a fi I'e battle to ma 'h .Japane I' ! lelt force on Attn i land-appear d la, t night to b .p rogl'C ing rls, to broadsides into the IUIl'hor arca, of the war yesterday with four res u m e bargaining, probubly raigh t Shorc batterics 011 the little i ~ lalld , Iyil)g only 4;; miles cast of separa(c, closely coordinated at· avel'tin, thereby u new tie-up of toward a vietoriou eonelu ion. ' tacks on naval, aJI'!ield and fae- W('atht'r-hal'c1ened nitt'd ,'tate' 11'0 p. hav b en battling tJle snap- the tip of Cap BOil, replied but failed to do any damage, ullied lory targets In Germany, Belgium the Industry when lhe 15,day ell my sine Tuesday n thi enemy •. ized i land at tlle tip of the Red, hwdqllSt1cl'll 81l1l0UllCed, . and Holland, truce explrc~ next Tuesday mld- Rose A.' tho victorious all ied forces cOllt\llucd tllC enormous t!}sk of AI utian -in ('ffeet, adyul1ein" alollO' the SllOl't ~t route to Tokyo, Tur/ For one reeord in the new SCI'- night. away, checking the qUllntitieFJ of war liupplie ' aud lleal'ly 175,000 pris­ ie of Anglo-American raids of The board lIald agreement should bill' Iy 2.000 mile onCI captured in tJle fin a 1 ur.precedented scope, the U, 5, air be possible on a number of is- Am I'i all )ulluilll?" 011 til(' i land wer'c eli 10 cd by the UIlVY at 110011 )'r t I'da~ · . lIuclllltcr .'ccrrlll!'Y Knox 8.'i\ured hi. press con­ elesllup of Tunisia, the ail' 'ers Destroy force en! out lhe greatest number sues 10 provide relief for the min- IiCluadrons which wel'e released Red Fll of plane engaged in a single day, ers, other than II straight wage f('rel\(' that the oprrations were" going very Rati"fa toril y." from further support of groun<1 For onolher. the four-englped increase, amI speolCieally suggest- Then' wa" no indication that 11 trillmph \)Quid be I' 'Policd in (I troops swept out over the sea to American ' bomb 1'6 made' their ed :i full six day week, Thc tJl(lttl'I' of houl " a1l(1 1(110:0; l'epcl1tNlly ueelined to . timato the ~ hammer the island stepping stones NaZI' Planes Suppll'es I " , , de peSt pCnetralio~ Inio Europe 'in United Min WOI'ker, hod de- . Jeugth of time l'eql1ir d to ovel'- - of Sardinia and Sicily Witli all attacking .the nnvtol at1d rU-Uoa't mandcd $2 I' doy Increase and their force. Churchill Says Troops C~Ul enemy oppo itiOll, But hi Moscow Announces inslal1alion~ · o; Ki~l , Gel'lntl.n'y" other conce ilons, dlsc)o lIro 8 to th pl'Ogl' S8 or , About 50 American Liberator The Amel'lcal'l blows followed The board declared the "ada- ...ben struck at thl! SlelUan Widespread AHacks I up tne record .operations bylhc mllnt. pos1tlon assumed by the 'III d C t' 1 Ihe battle st rongly supported ,eer the g'l!llcJ'ul jmpreslIioll mlloll,g barbor of J\ugullta, sink In" or Along Entire Front \ RAF for a J; \ngt(!- nlght "in y.'hiO;h parties scemed to have precluded WI nva e on men dalllal'lnr approximately ·ZO some 3,000 tons o( bombs were IIny attempt at real collective enemy ships and siarUnJ 'es of Assaults qualHied authorilles here tlull lar,~ ---- , showered on Bel'Un, the Ruht bargaining a~ 10 the numerous In Serl eventual success, possibly within a 011 IIres. Attaekln, from middle LONDON, Salurday (AP)-The d C J I ki 0 ' t itema on which colJective bQl'uain- few days, was certain despite the tast bases, the 'our-enrlned Red alrtorce, attac)d11~ iIi the cast on zec lOS ova 8, appr x Ima e- • as the allied aerial offensive Iy doubling thc bOl1lb-lol\d 1J)c Ing could p~opCrJy have taken C f W'th Ch' stubbornness of Jap resistance and Llberalo", picked up their RAF "DllARD BENES Jd' r th C 11 J kl t RAF had delivered on any pre' place wl\hout vjolllling ihe no- on ers I tneH, 'lallter e_rt In the air at swelled in the west, destroyed 72 Da. '" • pre CIl. 0 e 'Zcc 0: ova an ,overllmen - VI'OUS night, . 1 dll!iculties on terrain on the blenk ' h in-exile, Is a White. House guest Bencs, who I ~ l''''I)eeted to lake part tlonlll wOEe stllbllization PI' 0 - Australian Ministers,' Malia and d"mp~d nearly 251,­ G ennon panes,I 300 1relg t cars, Amel'lcan hc"vy bo.mber torma- grant." and mountainous Island. lOt pound. of explosives on Au· 200 supply t.rucks, and othCl' In allied war "lid post.wllr dio;l:us~.oll s with Prt'~idl'J1t Uoo~cvl'lt and ... .... PI GI b 1St enemy war equipment in wide- Prime l\linlstcr Winston Churchill, Is hl,hly rl'l\'arded by I'rernier lions ~mashed al two iarlJet~ In The board I'efalne<l jurisdiction, ots 0 a tra egy The attack - unquestlo\lably flllia harbor. tho InlUal thrust In a campallll spread raids along the buge RUB- Josef Stalin of Russia and Is expc:cfed to gO from the ,'. to Moscow, Belgium- the' fOrmer Generul ~o- dlrectt!ti a WLB panet studYing . In the heaviest raid yes made , '-'k III Btl I I tb h t t 10 t 'h Atlt ' , "< the ~ase to continue Its deIP--a- WASH1NGTON (AP) - Pnme to banllh lJIe JatNanee from· on SardJnian tal'gets, American sian front, it was announced In P re Id ell I R 00 eve I...... 8 'II I cnefs af er lis arr val n cpo 0 on p n I werp, now ;S up- ~ JJCI' Chi _I rd b - • I' g t 111)0 t d tiona all" lile a report and in- Minillter hure II sUJd, ycste IIY stron, ly fortiCied Klslta as woll Flying Fortresses lind m~ium Moscow .early t od, ay, a ove" p ym enem I'an I' 5, an I) U h i I h h Inr- [I "htol' airfield and repair "tructed the parties to report tel me s appro.ac tng w e.n lUI Altu-Is heln, CJl.rn.ed on by TJ\c C!-viet news "seney Tass .. ~ .. • t t d B 1'-1 Jl bomb_r,; , smashed at· Cagliari, "'" ., d t t C • . within lCn A •• y' Illc rcsults of ,I'OOPS concen ra e 1n I' Lt' n WI army troops and navy blps. whose por~ .J!.~d all' field formed said the RussIans lost 23- pilanes in S P M d'f' d V· f R I ellOTil RNetherlo Ol\l'.rlll, d tnrgel a Vel their further u"neaotlatio n. , II d vance across th e seas "Ior lh e Knox said tbls wa. not .. marine an important baae fqt axis forces three days of heavy onslaughts ens w 8 -, ..... Jt th t h ld f th aaainst key German !'all points, enale asses 0 J Ie erslon 0 um zen neal' Haarlcm. American me- In an Inter1m dlrectlve oreler asSllu on e s rong 0 S 0 e oDerallon, a was tbe lnltlal of­ In porth Africa, fensive ....lnst the enemy In 1be Escorted by LlghthJngs and .. 'Sk' Y , I T I 49 30 dl'um bo nb ~ eating fo th IRsued a lillie more than three enemy's po, wer," " . airdromes, and supply routes, Ip,.a- ear ncome ax Pan, to tirst limeI fromel'8, Britain,...
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