Docent (Associate Professor [by title]), Peace and Conflict Research, , 2003. !Ph.D., Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 1996. ! PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS

Evaluation Officer, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 2013-09-02 and onwards. Research Adviser, Director of Research, Folke Bernadotte Academy, , 2003-06-16 and onwards (absence of leave from 2013-08-26). Project Leader, Department of War Studies, Swedish National Defence College, Stockholm, 2000-06-15 to 2003-06-14. Associated Researcher, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2000-06-15 to 2013-08-01. Researcher, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2000-01-01 to 2000-06-09. Coordinator of a joint higher seminar series for six social science departments at Uppsala University, 1999-09-01 to 2001-01-31. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 1999-06-01 to 1999-12-31. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, Yale University, U.S.A., 1997-08-25 to 1999-05-31. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 1997-01-01 to 1997-08-24. Visiting Graduate Student, Department of Political Science, Yale University, U.S.A., 1995-08-25 to ! 1996-05-31. ! SELECTED ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND TEACHING

2012-2013, leader. NATO Research and Technology Organisation specialist team (SAS-100). 2012-, expert member of “providing for peacekeeping” led by International Peace Institute, New York. 2011, national expert for Sweden in expert working groups within the EU. 2010 (and earlier years), chapter reviewer for SIPRI Yearbook. 2009-, coordinator of cross-government agency initiative to strengthen tracking and evaluation/lessons learned processes of international peace and rescue missions. 2009, manuscript reviewer for Vetenskapsrådet (VR, Swedish Research Council). 2008-, member of Genocide Prevention Advisory Group, sponsored by the Foreign Ministry of Switzerland. 2008-, editorial board member of the book series Peace and Conflict (Paradigm Publishers).

1 2007-, editorial board member of the journal International Peacekeeping (Taylor & Francis). 2006-2007, application evaluator to position as lecturer at the Swedish National Defence College. 2006, application evaluator for Styrelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning (STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education). 2005–2007, assistant dissertation supervisor, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. 2003, member of dissertation grading committee, Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. 2001-2003, supervisor of advanced undergraduate student essays, Department of War Studies, National Defence College of Sweden. 2001-2003, member of “Forum for Conflict Prevention”, organizsed by the Secretariat for Conflict Prevention, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden. 2000, expert in a group commissioned to assist in the formulation of guidelines for the future direction of the R&D of the Armed Forces of Sweden. 2000, member of expert group commissioned by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Task Force on Conflict, Peace, and Development. 1992-, evaluator of manuscripts submitted to American Journal of Political Science, International Peacekeeping, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, The European Journal of International Relations, International Interactions, Conflict and Cooperation, Journal of International Relations and Development and International Studies Quarterly. Declined other journal requests for lack of time. 1991-1995, teaching assistant, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden. 1989-1993, research assistant, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden. ! PUBLICATIONS

1. Lindgren, Karin et al. 1991a. “Major Armed Conflicts in 1990”, pp. 417-58 in SIPRI Yearbook 1991. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Lindgren, Karin (ed.). 1991b. States in Armed Conflict 1989. Uppsala: Uppsala University: Department of Peace and Conflict Research. 3. Heldt, Birger et al. 1992. “Major Armed Conflicts in 1991”, pp. 345-82 in SIPRI Yearbook 1992. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Heldt, Birger et al. 1993a. “Major Armed Conflicts”, pp. 81-132 in SIPRI Yearbook 1993. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. Heldt, Birger (ed.). 1993b. States in Armed Conflict, 1990-91. Uppsala: Uppsala University: Department of Peace and Conflict Research. 6. Heldt, Birger. 1996. Public Dissatisfaction and the Conflict Behavior of States: A Theory Reconstruction with an Empirical Application. Dissertation for Ph.D., Uppsala University, Department of Peace and Conflict Research.

2 7. Heldt, Birger. 1997. "The Dependent Variable of the Domestic-External Conflict Relationship: Anecdotes, Theories and Systematic Evidence", Journal of Peace Research, 34: 101-6. 8. Heldt, Birger. 1999. ‘Domestic Politics, Absolute Deprivation, and the Use of Armed Force in Interstate Territorial Disputes, 1950-1990’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 43: 451-78. 9. Lee, Shin-wha, and Birger Heldt. 2001. “UN Peacekeeping in Civil War and Genocide: Rwanda and Beyond.” in Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula, edited by Jong-Chun Back and Young Jae Kim. The KAIS International Conference Series No. 12. Published by The Korean Association of International Studies. 10. Wallensteen, Peter, et al. 2001. Conflict Prevention through Development Co-Operation. Uppsala: Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. 11. Heldt, Birger. 2002a. ”Conditions for Successful Intrastate Peacekeeping Operations”, pp. 109-33 in Cornwallis Group IV: Analysis for Evaluation, Assessment and Crisis Management, edited by Alexander Woodcock and David R. Davis. Cornwallis: Canadian Peacekeeping Press. 12. Heldt, Birger. 2002b. “Are Intrastate Peacekeeping Operations Less Likely to Succeed? Some Statistical Evidence”, IRI Review, 5: 111-137. 13. Hammarström, Mats, and Birger Heldt. 2002. “The Diffusion of Military Intervention: Testing a Network Position Approach”, International Interactions, 28: 355-377. 14. Heldt, Birger. 2003. Betingelser för framgångsrika fredsbevarande operationer (Conditions for Successful Peacekeeping Operations). Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College. 15. Wallensteen, Peter, and Birger Heldt. 2004. “Human Security, Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping”, pp. 19-34 in International Conference on Human Security. Seoul: UNESCO. 16. Heldt, Birger. 2004a. “Om värdet av statistiska metoder i forskning om krig” (“On the Value of Statistical Methods in Research on War”), in Krigsvetenskaplig Årsbok (War Science Yearbook), edited by Berndt Brehmer. Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College. 17. Heldt, Birger, and Peter Wallensteen. 2004. Peacekeeping Operations: Global Patterns of Intervention and Success, 1948-2000. Stockholm: Folke Bernadotte Academy Publications. Also published as ‘Operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz: pautas globales de intervención y éxito, 1948-2000’ in Maria Cristina Rosas 2005 (ed), Las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de las Naciones Unidas: lecciones para México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México. 18. Heldt, Birger. 2004b. “UN-led or Non-UN-led Peacekeeping Operations?”, IRI Review, 9: 113-138. 19. Heldt, Birger. 2005. “Do Peacekeeping Operations Promote Democracy?”, International Studies Review, 7: 304-307. 20. Heldt, Birger, and Peter Wallensteen. 2005. Peacekeeping Operations: Global Patterns of Intervention and Success, 1948-2004. Stockholm: Folke Bernadotte Academy Publications. 21. Heldt, Birger. 2006. Book review of Franke, Volker C, ed (2005), Terrorism and Peacekeeping. Journal of Peace Research, 43. 22. Heldt, Birger, and Peter Wallensteen. 2007. Peacekeeping Operations: Global Patterns of Intervention and Success, 1948-2004. Third Edition. Stockholm: Folke Bernadotte Academy Publications. 23. Heldt, Birger and Peter Wallensteen. 2007. “International Peacekeeping: The UN versus Regional Organizations”, in Joseph Hewitt et al (eds.) Peace and Conflict: A Global Survey of

3 Armed Conflicts, Self-Determination Movements, and Democracy. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. 24. Heldt, Birger. 2008. “Preventive Diplomacy in Emerging Intrastate Conflicts: Some Historical Patterns”, in Anders Mellbourn (ed.) Third Parties and Conflict Prevention. Stockholm: Madariaga European Foundation/The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation/Gidlunds. 25. Heldt, Birger. 2008. “Trends from 1948-2005: How to View the Relation between the and Non-UN Entities”, in Don Daniel (ed.), Prospects for Peace Operations: Institutional and National Dimensions. Washington DC.: Georgetown University Press. 26. Heldt, Birger. 2008. Book review of Diehl, Paul (2008), Peace Operations, Journal of Peace Research (46). 27. Heldt, Birger. 2009. “Sequencing of Peacemaking in Emerging Intrastate Conflicts”, in Karin Aggestam and Annika Björkdahl (eds), War and Peace in Transition. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. 28. Heldt, Birger. 2009. Book review of Seybolt, Trevor (2008). Humanitarian Military Intervention: The Conditions for Success and Failure, in Journal of Peace Research. 29. Heldt, Birger. 2009. “Risks, Early Warning and Management of Mass Atrocities and Genocide: Insights from Research”, Politorbis, 45. 30. Heldt, Birger and Peter Wallensteen. 2010. “International Peacekeeping: The UN versus Regional Organizations”, chapter 7 in Paul F. Diehl (ed), The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World (4th edition). New York: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 31. Heldt, Birger. 2011. “Peacekeeping Operations and Transitions to Democracy”, pp. 47-71 in Hanne Fjelde and Kristine Höglund (eds), Building Peace, Creating Conflict. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. 32. Heldt, Birger. 2011. Civil-militär samverkan i multifunktionella insatser (Civil-Military Cooperation in Multifunctional Missions). Report commissioned by the Armed Forces of Sweden. 33. Hewitt, Joseph, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Ted Robert Gurr and Birger Heldt (guest editor) (editors). 2012. Peace and Conflict 2012: A Global Survey of Armed Conflicts, Self- Determination Movements, and Democracy. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. 34. Heldt, Birger. 2012. “From Peacemaking to Post-Conflict Recovery: An Introduction”, pp. 57-58 in Hewitt, Joseph, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Ted Robert Gurr and Birger Heldt (guest editor), Peace and Conflict 2012: A Global Survey of Armed Conflicts, Self-Determination Movements, and Democracy. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. 35. Heldt, Birger. 2012. “Mass Atrocities Early Warning Systems: Data Gathering, Data Verification and Other Challenges”, pp. 13-32 in Guiding Principles of the Emerging Architecture Aiming At the Prevention of Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity. Genocide Prevention Advisory Network Conference Report: March 14-15, 2012, The Hague, The Netherlands. 36. Heldt, Birger. 2012. Country Profile: Swedish Peacekeeping. Available at http:// 37. Muggah, Robert and Birger Heldt. 2012. Mitigating the Consequences of Violent Conflict: What Works, and What Does Not?. Conference Report. NewYork: International Peace Institute. Available at ipi_e_pub_mitigating_the_consequences.pdf

4 38. Heldt, Birger. 2013. “Patterns of Diplomatic Peacemaking”, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 19(1): 87-95. 39. Heldt, Birger. 2013. “The Coordination Problem in Diplomatic Peacekeeping”, Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs, 2(1): 9-16. ! ! SELECTED PRESENTATIONS (SINCE 2000)

1. 2013. Presentation via videolink at NATO Science and Technology Organisation business meeting, Rome, September 30 - October 2. 2. 2013. Presentation at NATO Science and Technology Organisation business meeting, Bucharest, April 17-19. 3. 2012. Genocide Intent and Randomness of Killings of Civilians. Paper presented via videolink to the Israel Academy of Arts and Science, Jerusalem, September 3. 4. 2012. Sequencing of Peacemaking: Tools versus Substance. Paper presented at the 2012 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, San Diego, April 1-4. 5. 2012. Mass Atrocities Early Warning Systems: Data Gathering, Data Verification and Other Challenges. Paper presented at Genocide Prevention Advisory Group workshop, The Hague, March 14-15. 6. 2012. Presentation at NATO Operational Records workshop, Paris, February 9-10. 7. 2011. Presentation of Peace&Conflict 2012 at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, December 2. 8. 2011. Patterns of Post-Conflict SSR, 1960-2008. Presentation at workshop on Security Sector Reforms, Stockholm, November 10-11. 9. 2011. Models for Civil-Military Cooperation. Presentation at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Norway, November 4. 10. 2011. Civil-Military Relations in International Operations: An Overview. Presentation at Symposium arranged by the Royal War Science Academy, Sweden, October 26. 11. 2011. Sweden’s Approach to Civil-Military Cooperation. Presentation at the Australian Defense Force Academy, Canberra, March 30. 12. 2011. Sequencing of Peacemaking: Process versus Substance. Presentation at workshop on conflict prevention, New York, January 5-6. 13. 2010. Peacekeeping Operations and Post-Conflict Democracy. Paper presented at 2010 “National Conference in Peace and Conflict Research”, Uppsala University, December 15-16. 14. 2010. Management of Civil Wars and Genocidal Violence: Lessons from Statistical Research. Paper presented at Genocide Prevention Advisory Group workshop, George Mason University, June 10-11. 15. 2010. Post-Conflict SSR and Violent Crime: A Large-N Project Progress Report. Presented at workshop on Security Sector Reforms, DCAF, Geneva , January 30 - October 1. 16. 2009. Invited speaker to the in-house seminar “Frontiers of Peace Operations”, National Institute for Defense Studies, Tokyo, December 2-3.

5 17. 2009. Preventive Diplomacy in Emerging Armed Conflicts. Presentation at the conference “Preventive Diplomacy and Peacemaking: Past, Present and Future”, Alexandria, November 4-5. 18. 2009. Peacekeeping and Post-Conflicts. Presentation at the “World Social Science Forum”, Bergen, Norway, May 10-12. 19. 2009. Genocide and Peacekeeping Operations. Paper presented at the 2009 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, New York, February 15-18. 20. 2009. On the Duration of Peacekeeping Operations. Paper presented at the 2009 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, New York, February 15-18. 21. 2008. Sequencing of Preventive Diplomacy in Emerging Intrastate Conflicts. Paper presented at workshop on conflict prevention, Emory University, December 5-6. 22. 2008. Invited speaker on the panel Early Warning Tools and Applications to Policy, at the “Annual Forum on Genocide Prevention”, organized by the US State Department, Washington DC, October 30-31. 23. 2008. Sequencing of Preventive Diplomacy in Emerging Intrastate Conflicts. Paper presented at 2008 National Conference in Peace and Conflict Research, University of Lund, October 2-3. 24. 2008. Invited speaker on peacekeeping operations, at the conference “United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Major Achievements and Implications for Policy Development”, organized by the Korean Ministry for Foreign Affair and Trade, Seoul, June 23-24. 25. 2008. Sequencing of Preventive Diplomacy in Emerging Intrastate Conflicts. Presentation at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, May 15. 26. 2008. Invited speaker on the topic of peacekeeping and post-conflict democracy, at the “European Forum of the Fort Copacabana Conference”, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris, April 20-21. 27. 2008. Sequencing of Preventive Diplomacy in Emerging Intrastate Conflicts. Paper presented at the 2008 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, San Francisco, March 26-29. 28. 2007. Timing and Sequencing of Preventive Diplomacy in Emerging Intrastate Conflicts. Paper presented at workshop on conflict prevention, University of Maryland, December 7-8. 29. 2007. On the Duration of Peacekeeping Operations. Paper presented at workshop on peacekeeping operations, Georgetown University, Washington DC., October 20-21. 30. 2007. The Impact of Peacekeeping Operations on Post-Conflict Transitions to Democracy. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Conference of the Swedish Network of Peace, Conflict and Development Research, Uppsala University, 23-24 October 2007. 31. 2007. Invited speaker on the panel Tools for Early Warning and Application to Policy, at the “Global Futures Forum Conference on Genocide Prevention”, organized by the US State Department, Washington DC, October 18-19. 32. 2007. Chairman and discussant at the panel “Liberalism and Peace”, Sixth Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Turin, Italy, September 12-15. 33. 2007. Direct Prevention in Emerging Conflicts. Paper presented at the workshop “Third Parties and Conflict Prevention”, Uppsala University, Uppsala, April 19. 34. 2007. Third Party Prevention Measures and the Negotiated End of Minor Armed Conflicts, 1993-2004. Paper presented at workshop on conflict prevention, the George Washington University, March 9-10.

6 35. 2007. Escalation of Low-Level Armed Conflicts and Third Party Conflict Prevention Measures. Paper presented at “Expert Forum”, United Nations, New York, March 3. 36. 2007. Chairman for the panel “The Impact of Geography and Natural Resources on Conflict and Cooperation”, 2007 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, Chicago, February 28 - March 3. 37. 2007. The Impact of Peacekeeping Operations on Post-Conflict Transitions to Democracy. Paper presented at the 2007 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, Chicago, February 28 - March 3. 38. 2007. Third Party Conflict Prevention and the Negotiated End of Minor Armed Conflicts, 1993-2004. Paper presented at the 2007 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, Chicago, February 28 - March 3. 39. 2006. Peacekeeping Operations and Post-Conflict Democracy. Paper presented at workshop on peacekeeping operations, Yale University, New Haven, December 1-2, 2006. 40. 2006. Konfliktförebyggande och postkonflikthälsa (Conflict Prevention and Post Conflict Health). Presentation at the conference “Health and Conflict Prevention” as part of the Anna Lindh Programme on Conflict Prevention 2006. Stockholm, Sweden, November 22. 41. 2004. Are Intrastate Peacekeeping Operations Less Likely to Succeed? Paper presented at the workshop of “Working Group 7 – Civil Peace”, Centre for the Study of Civil War (CSCW) – PRIO, Oslo, May 14-15, 2004. 42. 2003. (together with Peter Wallensteen) Human Security, Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping. Paper presented at Human Security in Asia, UNESCO, Seoul, June 16-17. 43. 2003. Peacekeeping Operations by the UN and Regional Actors: Which is More Likely to Succeed? Paper presented at the 2003 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, Portland, February 25 - March 1. 44. 2003. (together with Peter Wallensteen) Peacekeeping Operations by the UN and non-UN actors, 1948-2000: Two Separate Processes? Paper presented at the 2003 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, Portland, Febuary 25 - March 1. 45. 2003. Chairman for the panel “Topical Issues in Research on Peacekeeping Operations”, 2003 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, Portland, February 25 - March 1. 46. 2003. Intrastate Peacekeeping Operations and the Inertia of Peace and War. Department of War Studies, Swedish National Defence College. Unpublished manuscript. 47. 2002. Chairman for the panel “Human Security and the Environment”, 2002 International Studies Association (ISA) convention, New Orleans, March 24-28. 48. 2001. (together with Shin-wha Lee) UN Peacekeeping in Civil War and Genocide: Rwanda and Beyond. Paper presented at the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS) Conference on ’In Search of Peace and Stability in Northeast Asia: Examining Changes after the Inter-Korean Summit,’ Seoul, Korea, September 21-22,. 49. 2001. (together with Mats Hammarström) Democracy, Nationalism, and Accomodation in Interstate Ethnic Conflicts. Department of War Studies, Swedish National Defence College, and Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. Unpublished manuscript. 50. 2001. The Success of Intra- versus Interstate PKOs: Do They Have Common Causes? Department of War Studies, Swedish National Defence College. Unpublished manuscript.

7 51. 2001. (together with Mats Hammarström). Democracy, Nationalism, and Accomodation in Interstate Ethnic Conflicts. Department of War Studies, Swedish National Defence College, and Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. Unpublished manuscript. 52. 2001. Conditions for Successful Intrastate Peacekeeping Mission. Paper presented at "Identifying Wars: Systematic Conflict Research and It's Utility in Conflict Resolution and Prevention”, 8-9 June 2001, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 53. 2001. Conditions for Successful Intrastate Peacekeeping Mission. Paper presented at "'Cornwallis VI: Analysis for Evaluation, Assessment and Crisis Management', Lester B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, Canada, April 9 – 12,. 54. 2000. (together with Mats Hammarström). The Spread of Military Intervention to Neighboring States: Testing a Structural Equivalence Approach to Diffusion. Paper presented at the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions of Workshops 2000, Copenhagen Denmark, April 14-19.