Congressional Record-~ House
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. 1897. -. -CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-~ HOUSE. 817 By Mr. STEWART of Wisconsin: Petition of homesteaders in ment. There is no question raised as to the claimant's having lost the sight of one eye years ago, and having almost entirely lost the use of the other. Ashland and Bayfield counties, Wis., Ashland land-office district, There is an abundance of testimony showing that he was a brave and faith requesting immediate action on measures now pending, and such ful soldier, and a sober and temperate man, who took unusual care of his further measures as may be necessary to relieve their condition health. His title to an increase of pension turns UJ?On the point whether disease ot and to do them justice-to the Comprittee on the Public Lands. eyes existed prior to enlistmont. The PensiOn Office held that it did, basing Also, resolutions of the Wisconsin Valley Lumbermen's Associa this action upon a special investigation, which the examiner says was hur tion, favoring a duty of $2 per thousand feet upon lumber-to the riedly made. An examination of the evidence on this point satisfies your committee that this action WOIS erroneous, and that the disease of eyes orii>i Committee on Ways and Means. nated in the service, as claimed. This belief is corroborated by the fact-that Also, resolution of the Wisconsin National Guard Association, claimant was able to .Perform efficient service for more than three years, and favoring the reorganization of theNational Guard and the militia was not troubled senonsly with his eyes until near the close of his service, as well as by the further fact that claimant served over seven years in th~ of the United States-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Regular Army prior to enlisting in the volunteer service, and was a sound Also, resolutions of the Federated Trades Council of Wisconsin; man during that period. also of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Ashland, Your committee believe Ca-ptain Jones equitably entitled to a hlgher pen Wis., in behalf of Cuban liberty and independence-to the Com sion, on account of his disability from his wound and his blindness, and we respectfully recommend the passage of the bill, after being amended bv mittee on Foreign Affairs. striking out the word" of," in line 4, by striking out" Potwin, Butler County, Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Milwaukee, Wis., Kans.," in line 5, and by out all after the word "month" in line 7, deprecating the action of the Senate Committee on Foreign Rela· and by striking out all after the word "Jones," in the title of the bill. tions in regard to Cuba-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. ERDMAN. Mr. Speaker- Mr. BLUE. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman from Pennsylvania will permit me, I desire to say, in further explanation of the bill, HOUSE QF REPRESENTATIVES. that this man is represented to me to be now entirely blind and in indigent circumstances. He is so disabled as to require the FRIDAY, January 15, 1897. constant aid of an attendant. He served several years in the Reg The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. ular Army, and, in view of his condition, he would be entitled to HENRY N. COUDEN. $72 a month, but this bill grants only $50 a month. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Mr. ERDMAN. Has this bill been considered in Committee of approved. the Whole? UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS IN UTAH. Mr. BLUE. No, sir. Mr. ERDMAN. Then I object. I intend to object to all pen Mr. ALLEN of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent sion bills that have not been considered in Committee of the for the present consideration of the resolution which I send to the Whole. desk. GEORGE H. PLANT . The resolution was read, as follows: Mr. SWANSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for Whereas there are many tracts of land situate in the State Clf Utah which were a part of the grant made by the United State. to the Union Pacific the present consideration of the bill (S. 1083) which I send to the Railway Company, patents for which are withheld by the Department of the desk. Interior· and · - · · - The bill was read, as follows: Wher~s moAt of these lands were sold by railway company to bona For the relief .of George H. Plant, of the District of Columbia.. fide purchas~rs who are in possession of them and who have made valuable improvements on said lands: Therefore, _ · Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and is hereby, Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior_be, and he is hereby, directed to authorized and directed to pay to George H. Plant of the District of Colum report to this the cause of the omission to issue patents to the lands so bia, out of any money in the Treasury not otherWlse appropriated, the sum granted to and sold by said railway company. of $6,216.85, the same bl'in~~ amount found to be due to, hlm by the Court of Claims for losses and ges sustained by him by reas9n of a collision The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration between the U. S. S. Gettysburq and the steamboat Lady of the Lake, on the of this resolution? Potomac River, and to be reca1ved by him in full satisfaction of all claims Mr. HALL. I should like to hear some explanation of the reso- and demands in consequence of said collision. lution. · The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present considera Mr. ALLEN of Utah. It simply asks the Secretary of the In tion of this bill? terior to· inform the House why patents are held up in the cases of Mr. PAYNE. Let the report be read, Mr. Speaker, subject to lands which were-granted to the Union Pacific Railway in the the right to object. State of Utah and which have been sold to bona fide purchasers. The report (by Mr. DENNY) was read, as follows: Mr. HALL. Does the resolution come from the Committee on The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1083) fo't' the relief of George H. Pla.nt submit the following reP,ort: .. Public Lands? This bill is the same as H. R. 18-!5, now pending in:the House and previously ·. Mr. ALLEN of Utah. It has not been referred to the commit reported by this committee with a favorable recommendation. tee. It simply asks for information. Your committee-therefore recommend thatthis bill be substituted for said Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, a similar resolution has ah:eadybeen House bill, and that said House bill lie on the table. · ' passed by the House, and the Secretary has made his return. The report upon House bill 1845 by Mr. DENNY was also read, Mr. ALLEN of Utah. Yes; but that resolution appliedonlyto as follows: lands in Kansas. The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the bill (H. R.1845) for the relief of George H . Plant, have had t.he same under consideration, and Mr. HALL. I do not object to the consideration of the resolu report it back to the Honse with the recommel\da.tion that it do pass. tion. The facts in this case are full:y set out in House Report N o.1803 made at ·Mr. PAYNE. !understand the gentleman from Utahsaysthat the third session of the Fifty-thrrd Congress by Mr. LOUD, and said report is hereby adopted as the report of your committee, with t.he explanation this resolution simply asks for ii:tformation. and statement that the present bill conforms to recommendations made in Mr. ALLEl'i of Utah. Ye$, sir. said report by Mr. LouD, and should be passed a.s introduced. The aforesaid The resolution was adopted. report is as follows: ELillU JONES. -. [House Report No.1808, Fifty-third Congress, third session.] The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the bill (S. 429) for the Mr. BLUE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent -for-the relief of George H. Plant, haT& had the same under consideration, and rer:ort present consideration of the bill_which I send tq the desk. it back to·the House with the recommendation that it do pass. The bill (H. R. 5981) was read, as fo~ows: . The facts in this case are all fully set out in Senate Report No. 210, made at the second session of the ~ty-third Congress by Mr. P .A.sco, which is a.s Be it enacted~ etc., That the Secretary of -th-e friterior be, and-he. is hereby, follows: . _ authorized ana directed to place the name of Elihu Jones, of Potwin, Butler County Kans., late captain Company G, Eighth lllinois Infantry, on the pen [Senate Report No. 210, Fifty; third Cong;ess, second session.] sion roll, and pay him a. pension of $50 per month from and after the passage This claim was considered by the committee in the Fifty-second Congress of this act. was favorably reported with amendments, and J?aSI!ed the Senate, but no final action was taken in the House of :Representatives. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration The present bill is the same introduced tnto the Fifty-second Congress, and of this bill? the committee adopt the report made to the Se:nate in that Congress. The present bill1s subject to the same objections that the committee made Mr.