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Science Fiction, Sgt rii gi Cultelor SORIN PARVU aqi (Liceul Intemat ,,Costache cenqi in filosofie), Bucuregti Universitatea ,,A1. I. Cuza,, urd Modem Languages), State primit American Council of :Fellowship. fitflilililt $I Bibliografie, filmografie qi iconografie de FLORIN MIRCEA TUDOR malllel: :a lpartiala sau rotald) a ile ;i se pedepseqte in INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN 2005 reistaMilenium -montaj ruveli - revista Nautilus - novelizare - nul'elet6 \oua Zeelandi )lmda - edifre omnibus revistaOrion rrugalia reitsaPmadox Peru revi$a Porto-Franco frnin Pozitronic Polonia ACKERMAN, Forrest J[ames] Q4 nov. 1916- primit Hugo (1953), Bram Stoker (1997, irfireaga -povestire ), editor, agent literar, colec,tionm $i prozator. activitate), World Fantasy (2002, irftreaga acti- producdtor Pseudonime: The Ackermonster, Dr. Ackula, vitate).'l] Ritlcit pe planeta Venus, in noapte, -Frefa@ Jacques DeForest Erman, Forry, 4e, 4sJ, Northwest Smith (eroul creat de Catherine - -pseudonim se pomene$te in brale cu trupul gol gi revi*a Quasar Alden Lorraine, Mr. Science Fiction, Sgt. Ack L. Moore*) ge Ack, Vespertina Torgosi, James 'Warren, invizibil al N1'usei, fiica unei pdmintene qi a rmei reristii Hubert George Wells, Weaver Wright. Spre entitdli extraterestre, Intunecimea. Ea il conduce - ro{nan -Rominia sfirqitul anilor '20 a apbrut a$a-numitul fandom intr-un ternplu unde executd un dans sacnr, il Rtsiai LrRSS (domeniu al fanaticilor), declanqat probabil din salveazd intre timp de minia venusienilor gi in iniliativa lui Hugo Gernsback* de a publica cele din urmd dispare in spaliq abandonindu-gi 'miarcirla Secolul 20 scrisorile amatorilor in coloanele revistei. Primul corpul gol imbriliqdrii sale conulsive qi nducite F - srplimentlfaSF cerElnu asemenea cerc s-a format in jurul fanzinului (Nymph of Darlcness I Nimfa intunericului; cu --scrrn meraj Comet. editat de Raymond Palmer gi suslinut, Catherine L. Moore*, 1935). - sceoografie printre alfli, de A. care in scurt timp qi-a cigtigat _P s€rial OPERA R O Z A S C U R T L.. Science reriEa SFForzrz renumele de ,p1. SF" - Fundalia Hugo il declara Fiction Worlds of Forrest J. Ackerman and Friends, risra Srrrt si imaginatie h 1953 ,Bersonalitate fan". Reputafa gi-o va 1969, ed. rev. 1999; V A R I A: In Memoriam H. G. erisaSpc-\brz dator4 in continuare, nu atit scrisului propriu-zis Wells 1866 - 1946, 1946; Close Encounters of the nira SaJs-es (debutase i\ 1929 cu o povestfue, A Trip to Mars I Third Kind, 1977; Souvenir Book of Mr. Science nila "$rrii anigmatice Fiction's Fantasy Musanm, 1978; J. R. R Tolkien's The rerigzSticr O cdldtorie spre Marte, la San Francisco kcra Lord of the Rings: A Fmttasy Film, 1979; A Refermce erisa Srrmg Chronicle, selectati in urma unui concurs pentru Guide to American Science Fiction Films, vol. 1, 1981 S1plimeil htsar Tineretul liber adolescenli), cit unor activit[fl conexe, precum raila StnTrafic (cu A. W. Strickland); Lon of 1,000 Faces, 1983; de (biblioteca cu peste 300 000 -SeleLnite aceea coleclionar Fantastic Movie Mernories,7985; Famous Monsters of de volume, donatd de el, ocupa o clddire cu 17 Filmland, 1986; Directed by Jack Arnold, 1988; nisra 5&rr c€rmere din Hollywood pini in septembrie 2002, fh; Famous Monsters of Filmland II, 1991; Vintage -I-efe'isp cind a fost scoasa la hcitalie dtn cauza dificult5- Monster Movies (cu Robert Marrero),7994; Forrest J. rerisa lilor financime ale lui A., urmare a operafiei pe Ackerman's World of Science Fiction, 1998; Reference 'ucie I*a.iSF creier $i a procesului cu fostul sdu partena de Guide to American Science Fiction Films, 1930 - 1945, Erh afaceri Ray Ferry), agent litoar (a reprezental 1998; The Amazing Colossal Book of Honor Trivia: tr*la l-aa You Always Wanted to Know about Scaty divergi scriitori SF, printre ei qi A. E. van Vogt*) Everything ru&m Movies but Were Afraid to Ask, 1999; Famous Forry rol editor 1932 era deja editor asociat la -e 9i Gn Fotos: Over 70 Years of Acker Memories, 2007; awbncrqusculard Traveller; 1958 qi 1982 a fanzinul The Time inte Ackermanscripts: Foffest J. Ackerman's Non-Fiction scos revista Famous Monsters of FilmlanQ. A Fangoria, 2001 ; Worl ds of Tomorrow : The Amazing ADAMS, Robert Universe of Science Fiction Art, 2004; ED I T O R: ADAMS, [Franktin] Robert (1932 _ l9g0), The Best from Famous Monsters of Filmland, 1964; prozator. Proza SF a lui A., unitard Famous Monsters of Filmland Sitke Back,' gi seria_ 196S; lizatb riguros, iltrddeazdpe Son of Famous Monsters of Filmland, tO6S; fhe sergentul de carie- rd,.care crede Frankanscience Monster, 1969; seria peny Rhodan, cu strignicie cd ordinea gi disci_ phna 1969-977; Best Scimce Fictionfor 1973, lg73; Goshl pot fi atribute ale viefii in ,,civilie,,. Re_ Wow! (Smse of Wonder), 19g2; Mr. Monster'i Movie gurSe_ I aventuri pilduitoare qi, cind ele nu par Gold, 1982; The Getnsback Awards, vol. 7:1926, l9g2; destul de elocvente, le intEreqte prin interve;lii Science Fiction Classics: The Stories that Morph.ed into explicative gi moralizatoare, aoncentrindu_qi Movies, 1986; Honor, Science Fictio7 Fantasy Movie ,dreapta minieo' asupra rmer b€te noire.\Dincolo Postqs ondlnbby Cards: Color Collectors Guiie, l9g9; de anul 2500, Pdmtnhrl trece prin convales_ original Comic Art: Identification and price Guide, cenfa aventuroas5 a unui cataclism. 1991; Sci-Fi llOMANthotogt (cu pam Keesey), Teritoriul 1993; american, acum divizat New Eves: Science Fiction About the Extriirdinary in mai multe state rivale a devenit teatrul unor nesfirgite Womm of Todqt and Tomorrow (cu Jamae Franlg Jean intigi. Le regii zeaz\ Stine), 1994; Reel Future (cu Jean Stine), 1994; { dtn culise, o serie de mutanli nemwitori; le Vampire: Intentiews with the Undead (cu Jean Stine), stinge, nu fird sacrificii, rm grup de savanti 19^9^5^; A,ckermanthologt, 1997; Fitm Futures, 199g, adipostili intr-o bazd secretd de operafluni. 2000, ed. rev. 2005; Science Fiction Worlds of Fonest OPERA - R O M A N: The Coming of the J. Ackerman and Frimds, Expanded Editioi: Acker_ Horyeclans, 1975; Revenge of the Horseclins,-I97l; manthologies, 1999; Rainbow Fqntasia: 35 Spectru_ A Cat of Silvery Hue, 1979; The Savage Mountains, matic Tales of Wonder, 2001; Science Fiction Monster Parrimony, 1980; Castaways in Time, Stories Plus, 2001; Martiantholog (cu Anne Hardin), !lS!; lne 1980; Horseclans Odyssey, l98l; The Death of a 2003; Dr. Ackula's IWilting Tales of the (Jncanny (cu Legend, l98l; The Writch Goddess, 1982; Bili the Lpne Rock), 2004; reviste: Famous Monsters' of Axe, 1982; Champion of the Last Battte, 19g3; A lilAana, D58-1982, Famous Monsters of Movieland, Woman of the Horseclans, 7983; Horses of the Monster World, Monsterland, Monsterama, Spaceman. North, 1985; The Seven Magical Jewels of lriland, FILMOGRAFIE (selectivl) A C T O k The Time - 1985; Of Kings and 19g6; A Man Travellers, SUA, 1964, r. Ib Melchior; of euests, Called eueen Milo Morai, 1986; The Memories of Mi[o Morai Blood/ Planet of Blood, SIJA, 1966, i. Curris 19.86; Trumpets of War, t9S7; Harrington; Dracula Vs. Frankenstein Of Ci"t, ,ri / Blood of Champions, 7987; Madman's Army, Frankenstein I They're Coming to Get you 19g7; Tite Ctan I of the Cats, 1988; Of Myths and Monsters. Revenge of Dracula, SUA, 1970, 19gg. r. Al Adamson; The Stairway to FLrever, IgSg; Schlockl The Banana Monster, SUA, l97l M;;,;;r; ;;; [lg72l, (1Siliyrs, 1988; Of Beginnings and Endings, r. John Landis; The Kmtuclqt Fried Movie, 1989; SIJA, PROZA S CURT A:RobertAdams;Bookof 1977, r. John Landis; The Howling, SUA, C, 1980. r. lVorlds (cu pamela Joe Dante; Michael Jackson: The Making ll_terltate Crippen Adami of Martin H. Greenberg), 1987; Friinds 'Jhriller", SUA, 1983, r. John Landis; Sialpi, of the Horseclans (cu Pamela CrippenAdams), 19g7; SUA, 1984, r. Fred Olen Ray; Into the Night, SIJ\ Ro.bert Adams' Book of Sotdiers (cu pamela Crippen 1985, r. John Landis; Amazon Women on the Moon I Adams, Martin H. Greenberg), lggg; Atternitives Cheeseburger Film Sandwicft, SUA, 19g5, r. John (cu Pamela Crippen Adams), I9g9; Friends of the Landis; Evil Spawn, SUA, 1986, r. Kennerh J. Hall Horseclans 11 (cu pamela Crippen Adams), i9g9; Fred Olen Ray; Return oj the Living D"od Ii, ;i; E D I T O R: Barbariaw (cu Martin H. Greenberg, r. Ken Wiederhorn; Transylvania Twisr, StJA., !O^t!, Charles G. Waugh), 1985; Magic in Ithkar (Ju r. Jim Wynorski; Nudist Colony of the Deai, 1??0, Andre Norton), 1985; Barbarians 11 (cu pamela SUA' 1991, r. Mark pirro; Innoceni AUoa t ) Crippen Adams, Martin H. Greenberg), l'9g5; Vampire in America, SUA, 1992, Magic lrench r. John in hhkar 2 (cu Andre Norton),lgg|fMagc Landis; Vampirella, SUA' 1996, r. Jim Wlnorski; in hhLar 3 (cu Andre Norton), 1986; Magic in ithkar 4 (cu P R O D U C A T O R: Vampireila, SrJ\ ig96, Andre Norton), 1986; Hunger Horror Jim Wl,norski, Roger Corman, r. Jim Wynorski, sc."u for icu Crippen Adams, Matin- H. Greenberg), Gary Gerani, im. Andrea V. Rossotto, mt. Richard fgr-ela 1.988; Phantom Regimant (cu pamela Cripp-en Gentner, Jud Pratt, m. Joel Goldsmith, i. Talisa Soto, Adams, Martin H. Greenberg), 1990. Roger Daltrey, Richard Joseph paul, Brian Bloom, SERIE florsectans. Ite Con tng of the Corinna Harney, Forrest J. Ackerman. - Horseclans, lW5; Revenge of tlre Horselits, 1977; A Cat of TRADUCERI - Interviu, t.NicuGecse, C\ g30, 1995. Silvery Hue, 1979; Tlp fuvage Mountains, l9g0; 6 AIIERN, Jerry nklinl Robert (1932 - 1990), The Patrimony, 1980; Horseclans Odyssey, 1981; Kilgore), 7981; Total War, 7981; The Nightmare SF a lui A., unitard qi seria- The Death of a Legend, 1981; The Witch Goddess, Begins, l98l; The Quest, 7981; The Doomsayer, tddeazA pe sergentul de carie- 1982; Bili the Axe, 7982; Champion of the Last I98l; The Slave of the Warmonger (ca Axel r strdgnicie ci ordinea gi disci- Battle, 1983; A Woman of the Horseclans, 1983; Kilgore), 7981; Vengeance Army (ca Axel Kilgore), Horses of the North, 1985; A Man Called Milo 1981; Assassin's Express (ca Axel Kilgore), 1981; bute ale vielii in ,,civilie,,.
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