This Situation Report is issued by the National Emergency Operation Centre and covers the period from 0800 hours Friday (18/03/2016) – 1600 hours on Friday (18/03/2016). Updates in this report summarise all reports and briefs submitted from the Four (04) Divisional Emergency Operation Centres (DEOC’s).


 His Excellency, the President of the Republic of , His Excellency Joji Konrote today surprised staff of the NDMO,NEOC, Ministry Liaison Officers, when staff from Government House brought down succulent lunch to be shared amongst staff. All the staff accorded their humble and sincere appreciation to His Excellency for the kind thought and deed.

2.0 STATUS SUMMARY  Number of deaths remained at 44 when this report was compiled. Only two (2) Divisions, Western and Eastern still have active Evacuation Centres. The total number of Evacuation centres as to date remains the same 215 and evacuees for the Two [2] divisions as to-date is 4,299 .


Table 1 Situation summary


CENTRAL WEST EAST NORTH TOTAL Death During TC Winston 7 13 22 2 44

Evacuation Centres 0 85 130 0 215

Evacuees 0 1,756 2,543 0 4,299


2.1.1 Trends for Situation Stats during current shift (18-3-16)

10000 2543 4299 1756 1000 Death during TCW 85 130 215 100 Evacuation Centres 44 22 Evacuees 10 13 7 2 1 Central Western Eastern Northern Total

Figure1. The above graph shows the trends between the respective divisions in terms of deaths, evacuation centres and evacuees.


The table below remains the same and highlights the latest statistics of damaged houses for each division. The total number of damaged houses remains unchanged for the Western, Eastern and Central Divisions, however for the Northern Division; they have included damages for Rabi and Kioa Island. Rabi Island completely damaged houses came to 453 while Kioa Island; 4 were completely destroyed while 25 houses were partially damaged. Tabulated is the updated damaged houses statistics.

Table 2. Summary of damaged properties.

DIVISION COMPLETELY DAMAGED PARTIALLY DAMAGED Central 1,483 2,261 Eastern 1,530 720 Western 7,536 13,793 Northern 1,651 3,291 Total 12,200 20,065


Damaged Houses Stats

Total 20065 12200

Northern 3291 1651 Partially Damaged Western 13793 7536 Completely Damaged

Eastern 720 1530

Central 2261 1483

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Figure 2. Shown above are the trends of damaged houses in the four (4) divisions.


Issued from the National Weather Forecasting Centre Nadi at 0330pm on Friday the 18th of March 2016.

Situation: A trough of low pressure with associated cloud and rain to the west of Fiji is gradually moving eastwards towards the group. It is expected to affect the group from later Saturday.

Forecast to midnight tomorrow for the Fiji group: Brief showers about the northern parts and interior of larger islands. Elsewhere, fine apart from isolated afternoon or evening showers and few thunderstorms.

Rain and thunderstorms developing from the west later tomorrow. Moderate north to north east winds. Moderate seas.

5.0 DIVISIONAL UPDATES Brief summary of updates for the four [4] divisions are highlighted below:

5.1 CENTRAL DIVISION HIGHLIGHTS:  Continuation of provincial consultation and verification of assessments, complaints and referrals to EOC/Central.  Consultation in Tailevu North continued.  Distribution of purification tablets and Disinfectant Spraying also continued in Tailevu North.  Team Forestry have been deployed to Island and Lomaiviti group to assist in clearing up debris and fallen trees.

FOOD RATIONS & SUPPLIES: Teams continued delivering rations, relief supplies and also distributions of donated items.


WAF Continuatios monitoring and supply of water cartage requests from villages and settlements.

FORECAST  Continuous follow up with All Head of Sectors to submit their Estimate Cost that was affected by TC Winston.  Continuous monitoring of health issue in Qelekuro and also in the Tikina of Nagonenicolo and Wainibuka  Continuation of verification of DDA assessments and Ration Distribution and Relief supplies  Continuation of mosquito spraying in Tailevu District namely Tokatoka, Nakelo, Buretu, Bau and Dravo.  Timely submission of activity reports for collating of data



This is the Situation Report from the New Zealand Mission in Vanuabalavu  Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, Heavy Equipment and Water Delivery tasks were ongoing in Vanuabalavu. Some includes;

. Mualevu toilet block is 95% complete; . Environmental health surveys of water sources undertaken in Mavana and Mualevu; . A team of New Zealand Engineers visit Yacata Island to remove a water pump, install a desalination unit on Kaibu for emergency water supply and works has begun today on the repair works on the bore water supply; . Food ration for Yacata has been delivered; this will complement the ration that was delivered by the Tongan Navy vessel; & . NZMAT have established a list of medical supplies that they plan to provide to Lomaloma Hospital because of the supply would not return to NZ and this will help in the provision of medical services in Vanuabalavu.

 A three (3) member Post Fiji team consisting of staff from Properties and Retail department visited Lomaloma Post Office on 3rd March 2016 to conduct assessment on the extent of damage to property, retail stocks and other company assets. Highlighted below is the current situation at Lomaloma Post Office: . New Post Office/Postshop building sustained 90% damages; . Equipment such as fax machines, PC’s, Scanners, Deep Freezers, Electronic Scales and EFTPOS machine were totally damaged; . 100% Stock loss (stocks were damaged by rain and sea water while good stocks were looted by civilians); . Old Post Office/Telecom building sustained 30% damages (building is vacant at the moment); &


. Staff Quarters sustained 20% damages.


AID DISTRIBUTION  Donations from UNDP have been received at EOC Levuka on the 16th and have been taken up to the Corrections Institute store room for safe keeping;  Received a total of 270 tarpaulins from AUSAID on the 16th and distributed a total of 79 tarpaulins and 1 shelter tool kit; &  Relocation consultation completed for the following villages: Sinuvaca; Naqaidamu; Namacu; & Nakodu.

CHALLENGES  LPS EC has been cleared however for the Town Hall EC there is currently 15 families that are still residing in it  Transport - The use of one vehicle/boat for the delivery of donations from different donors within and also the three (3) islands outside Ovalau namely; Moturiki, Makogai and Wakaya.

REQUESTS  Temporary shelter tents Sitiveni Uqe & Viliame Ququmai of Veiuto Settlement  NFA requests for two 20 x 20 ft Tarpulin to cover the roof of the St John’s Church at Cawaci  MRD is to carry out an assessment on the loose rocks on the hills above LPS Primary and along Town Area  Request for 15 tents for the families that is currently at the Town Hall EC

DEPARTMENT UPDATE  Health Department has completed the spraying at Vuma and Waitovu Village;  Received an update from MPI on work carried out around Ovalau;  Fire Authority completed the assessment at Saint John’s Church whereby there is a need for two 20 x 20 ft Tarpaulin for temporary roofing;

Lakeba  No visible damages from TC Winston but an officer from Fiji Meteorology Centre to repair the broken weather station; &

 Crop was mainly damages and seeds and sweet potatoes cuttings were distributed on the island. Five Shelter kits were distributed to two families whose house was partly damaged.


 No visible damage from TC Winston, only damages to crops, distribution of seeds and sweet potatoes cuttings was distributed amongst the villagers.


Cikobia  Strong winds was experienced on the island, part of the village was destroyed but no causality and severe injury in the village;  The village school was partly destroyed and school has to go to the village church until the school is repaired;  The lack of drinking water in the village is a concern, villagers rely on rain water and bottled water that was donated by international aid and this won’t last long; &  Clearing of path, cleaning of the village, cleaning of the school and 30 shelter kits was distributed in the village. Distribution of seeds and sweet potatoes was distributed to farmers.

Koro Island  Assessment of the Australian Naval Force on Nasau Medical Centres;  The building was assessed by the Australian Engineers;  Initial temporary repair on the roof was made as the medical stores were being exposed to the sun and rain; &  The engineers did not do any further work in the Medical Centre on the advice of the District Officer.


 Rehabilitation commences for the province of Bua and Cakaudrove;  Summary provided by DEOC North show the sector damages in which the costing is estimated to be around $190,725,402.92. (Refer to appendix 4 for sector breakdown);  MV Sigavou scheduled to cart water and also transport WAF, Health, Forestry and Fisheries officials to Yacata; &  There are 16 donor agencies that have donated relief items to those affected by TC Winston.

Focus for the next 48 hours  Immediate restoration of infrastructures and Governments essential services;  Provision of disaster relief assistance to all affected communities;  Delivery of food rations;  Final DDA Assessment; &


SITUATION OVERVIEW  Delivery of 1 month food rations along with planting materials continues to be the focus of EOC’s in the division; &  District EOC’s are currently focusing on submitting details of structural damages assessment on partially damaged houses.

HUMANTARIAN RESPONSE  Food Ration distribution for Lautoka District and Tavua District ongoing.


Table 4. Summary of evacuation centres DISTRICT # EVACUATION CENTRES # EVACUEES RA 62 803 BA 4 347 TAVUA 3 72 OVERALL TOTAL 85 1,756

‘ SUMMARY  DIVEOC West is mobilizing all its resources available to conduct Detailed Damage Assessment for partially damage houses.  Rations continue to be supplied in Settlements and Villages in the Division.  DIVEOC preparatory measures for TC Winston Housing Rehabilitation Works are taking place.  Monitoring and Delivery of Governments / Organisation and NGO’s overseas relief supplies are ongoing.


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Ministry of Education update as per their update as at 1900 hours-Thursday- 17th March, 2016.

Figure 3. The total number of concentration of students in the Four [04] DIVEOCs are concerted in the major urban centres such as in the DIVEOC- Central and in the DIVEOC-Western such as Lautoka & Yasawa and Ba/Tavua.



Current Status

Table 5. Resources deployed for DISMAC as of 0500hrs Fri 18th March 2016 are as follows:

Resources No. Central Eastern Northern Western Remarks Personnel 75 Forestry – Fisheries – Fisheries – Fisheries-7 Personnel deployed 21 15 5 to respective Fisheries - Forestry-12 Forestry-7 commissioners in 8 their Divisions as highlighted Vehicles 18 Forestry – Fisheries – 3 Fisheries – Fisheries-1 14 x Twin cab 6 2 Forestry -2 3 x 3 tonne truck Fisheries – Forestry-2 1 x Minibus 2 Boats & 9 Wainibok Lami – 2 Fisheries – Fiberglass boats with Engine asi – 3 Levuka - 1 2 40 hp engine Makogai - 1 Machinery 21 15 x -3 x All chainsaws chainsaw chainsaws deployed with s to Cicia Commissioners FTC-5 and 1x teams, but operators EXT-3 tractor. from Forestry. 4 teams CCD -2 x Additional 1 x 5-CWD portable Portable sawmill and sawmill chainsaw deployed deployed to Koro Is on Fri. to Koro Is.

Damages Status recorded by the Ministry on its Assets:  MFF staffs on the ground in the North, West, East and Central Divisions continue estimation of costs of damages sustained both to our assets and our sector players, with carpenters/contractors/in their Divisions. We envisage completing that as soon as operationally accessible to do so.  All completed except North to be completed by 19/3(D+28) but 90 had been reported to HQ thence to DISMAC rehab committee.  Total damages both for Ministry and sector $42,093,961.10

 Latest Tables showing damage/costs to our MFF premises and damages to our private sector players whose premises had sustained damages and the costs has been removed as the almost completed and most updated matrix ones is with DISMAC Rehab and development committee.



 A Total of 17 chainsaws and 4 new portable sawmills is in use in Divisions. Now milling timber from fallen trees that had been planned continues. Cutting in NACAMAKI koro has started;  Assessment teams from both Fisheries and Forests continue doing estimates on damages so as to ascertain costs that will assist request for funding for rehab;

 Team to Caboni and neighboring villager will depart on Mon 21/3/16- To give out food stuff to staff affected and villagers and assisted cleanup. A team has already left for Vanua-Levu today; &

 MFF continues to attend the FAO food security and livelihood cluster committee meetings with Agriculture Ministry so to source assistance for food security purposes through assistances for projects like fish and prawn farming. This committee coordinates responses to the Fisheries and agriculture sector from FAO.

Future Ops  Forestry teams ready to be deployed to Yacata is awaiting first plane/boat to island.

 Staff from Makogai posted to Galoa fisheries and Forests. Children being reestablished in LOMERI school.

 Team Fisheries to immediately continue to reassess and resupply cuttings to seaweed farmers in all areas especially devastated divisions to alleviate their economic states especially at SME and village levels and at semi/commercial levels. (since seaweed is a 4-6 wks crop) Tailevu coast completed ,now doing Western coast to Rakiraki and then to Yasawa (planting to start Mon 21/3 from cuttings from and Serua Island cluster).

 Intend to request for health officials for the de-stress exercises on re- deployed staff from Makogai Island.


Table 6. The current daily disposition of troops on TC Winston rehabilitation tasking as at 171100h Mar 16:

Srl Location Unit/Str Remarks Firm Base NORTHERN DIVISION 01 LABASA 04 x GOLF * 04 x GOLF pers at PWD SVCB 15 x 7 FIR TF Warehouse, Vatunibale * 15 x TF pers on standby at SVCB


02 SAVUSAVU 12 x G COY * On standby and awaiting SAVUSAVU CAMP 03 x 7FIR (TF) further tasking of ration distribution

03 11 x G COY * Ration distribution at WAIRIKI HALL 15 x 7FIR (TF) LOMANIBAI,NAIYALAYALA,WAIEV O, NAVAKACOA 04 NABOUWALU 08 x G COY * Ration distribution continue to NABOUWALU 03 x TF the Tikina of KUBULAU (12 x CAMP villages) and Tikina of BATINIVURIWAI TOTAL 71 x RFMF CENTRAL DIVISION 05 NAUSORI 16 x 3FIR (15 x 3FIR * 15x 3FIR pers on for top up for NAUSORI AIRPORT pers top-up unloading unloading and loading of aid AIRPORT party) supplies 22 x 6/8 FIR (TF) * PM visited troops at 0825hr 01 x ENGRS before departing at 0918hr for 03 x LSU VANUABALAVU with CO 3FIR, CO 01 x NAVY ENGRS, Ministry of ITAUKEI 10 x FPF Affairs, Minister Provincial Rural Maritime Development and GVT Officials * MI8 continue building supplies distribution to TAVEUNI 06 NATOVI PRI 17 x RFMF ENGRS * Temporary re-roofing of QEB SCH School 07 NAIYALA DIST 09 x RFMF ENGRS * Temporary re-roofing of QEB SCH, 30 x NZDF ENGRSs School WAINIBUKA 08 WAINIBUKA 07 x RFMF ENGRS (FE) Continued with clearing of debris QEB & in schools in the area WAINIMALA, NAITASIRI 09 GSS YARD, 12 x NAVY *Continued loading & RFNS STANLEY WALU BAY unloading tasking BROWN BASE 07x 3FIR * Continue loading of 07x BANDS MEN ILOILOVATU bound for Southern QEB LAU 10 PWD 20 x NAVY * Continued loading & unloading RFNS STANLEY WAREHOUSE, tasking BROWN BASE WALU BAY TOTAL 105 x RFMF 30 x NZDF ENGRS 10 x FPF WESTERN DIVISION 11 RAKIRAKI 32 x 3FIR (SUVA) * Continue 1-month ration RAKIRAKI 09 x 4/5FIR Distribution 10 x ECHO COY * MOH continue health 06 x ENGRS assessment on diarenoare

12 LAUTOKA 20 x E COY * 27 x pers unloading of 03 x DEB 02 x ENGRS containers at Government 01 x MEDICS Supplies Warehouse & await relief supplies


13 NADI 20 x D COY * 20 x pers on standby at Coy HQ HQ D COY NASA for unload Aid relief supplies on arriving foreign Aids * 02x LSU pers in AO for anti- mosquitoes spray in NADI Town 01 x D COY Attached to DO’s Office as LO HQ D COY TOTAL 112 x RFMF EASTERN DIVISION 14 CAWACI, 30 x NAVY * Continued cleaning of debris SAINT JOHNS OVALAU at Saint John’s College COLLEGE, CAWACI, OVALAU

* RFNS KULA departed LEVUKA RFNS KULA Jetty for NATOVI Jetty

15 VANUA 16 x FTG * Continuation of cutting of trees ADI MAOPA, BALAVU 09 x RFMF ENGRS and general clean up at the LOMALOMA following villages & settlements: VILLAGE - Mualevu - Mavana - Boitaci * Cleaning of water tanks * Counting of all tents erected in every village and liaising with Turaga-ni Koro for those who are in need but yet to receive

* RFMF & NZDF ENGRS continued reconstruction and reroofing of ADI MAOPA SEC SCH and MUALEVU PRI SCH * Reconstruction of ablution 26 x RFMF ENGRS block at MAVANA PRI * Restoration of power at ADI MAOPASEC SCH and MUALEVU PRI SCH * Continue distribution of water tanks HMNZS WELLINGTON Anchored between Susui & Mago HMNZS islands WELLINGTON HMNZS CANTERBURY Expected to arrive sometimes HMNZS today, Thu, 17 Mar 16 CANTERBURY

16 KORO 20 x RFMF ENGRS Assist ADF ENGRS in re-roofing of KADE JOINT TASK GROUP Vunivasa Primary School, Nabuna

05 x RFMF ENGRS * Continue debris clearing at NASAU 46 x 3FIR Nabuna and Nacamaki 03 x LSU villages with ADF Engrs 01 x LFC

HMAS CANBERRA * Anchored outside SUVA HMAS CANBERRA harbour



Total RFMF pers on TC WINSTON rehabilitation tasking is 444.

HMNZS Canterbury NZ Mission Summary

HMNZS Canterbury arrived in Yacata at 0900, departed at 1330, arriving in Vanua Balavu at 1700.

 NZDF undertook aerial delivery of personnel, construction and sustainment stores to Yacata. This included:  6 tonnes of mixed construction and plumbing materials (including 1 x 10,000 ltr water tank; concreate mix, roofing, wood, piping and toilets).  2 tonnes of food rations including cartons of tomatoes (30), tuna flakes (24), muesli bars (12), biscuits (9), rice (53).  8 x boxes of education items, including 2 x school in a box, 10 x tarps and personal items for school teacher.  1.2 tonnes of bottled water, including 50 x filled 10 ltr re-useable plastic water containers  MFAT Officer (Ewels) visited Yacata and neighbouring Kaibu. In addition to familiarisation, Ewels liaised with local authorities on water situation, in response to concerns raised by NDMO. The resort on Kaibu is no longer providing desalinated water to Yacata village as USP assessment of bore water indicated it is potable. One bore source operational, but insufficient to meet needs of whole village. Second source requires maintenance. NZDF engineers will assess and review in addition to undertaking drain/flush/refill of village water tanks over the next 10 days. Fiji Government understood to be delivering 20,000 litres water shipment to Yacata tomorrow to fill 2 x 10,000 ltr water tanks on Yacata tomorrow (19/03); MFAT to confirm with NDMO.  NZDF have continued the following tasks on Vanua Balavu:  Mualevu – Reconstruction of school dining hall (80% complete)  Lomaloma – Hospital generator site prepared for new generator; Maopa primary school classroom rebuild (80% complete)  Mavana – Toilet block; roof cladded, exterior wall cladding commenced (75%).

Priorities (Friday, 18 March) . MFAT and NZDF reps will meet with NDMO at 0730 to review sitrep, task matrix. Will also commence discussions on finalisation of plan, key tasking and management of relief supplies. . Providing support as necessary to NDMO and local Fiji authorities to facilitate visit of Prime Minister Bainimarama and delegation of approximately 20 from Suva. NZDF will be providing three vehicles to supplement government-supplied vehicles and support movement of the delegation. NDMO has indicated VVIPs likely to travel in government vehicles.


. HMNZS Canterbury will disembark approximately 40 Fijian Government staff (Water Authority, Agriculture, Police, Education, RFMF) many of whom will commence assignments on Vanua Balavu.

Other points to note . 109 Shelter Box kits will be disembarked tomorrow and delivered to NDMO for distribution in coordination with 2 x shelter box officials on Canterbury. Two representatives will be staying on board Canterbury for the initial period of the distribution, ETD 23 March.


 The above summarises the SITREPS received during the 0800 (18/03/2016) to 01600 hours (18/03/2016) shift.

 The DIVEOCs in the North, West, Central and East are commended along with our relevant stakeholders for the continuous update submitted to NEOC.

 The RFMF and likewise the HMNZ Canterbury and ADF personnel are also commended for the update provided to NEOC.

 The DIVEOC-Western will be updating a further reduction in their Evacuation Centres and Evacuees in their next SITREP.

Joketani Mainavukea Shift Team Leader 1

(National Emergency Operations Centre) for: Director, National Disaster Management Office/ NAT DISCOORD.