
ISSN 0100-879X Volume 45 (4) 291-375 April 2012

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Braz J Med Biol Res, April 2012, Volume 45(4) 314-320 doi: 10.1590/S0100-879X2012007500044

Estrous cycle and stress: influence of on the T.A. Lovick

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All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2012) 45: 314-320 ISSN 0100-879X Review

Estrous cycle and stress: influence of progesterone on the female brain

T.A. Lovick

School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK


The female brain operates in a constantly changing chemical milieu caused by cyclical changes in gonadal during the estrous cycle ( in women). Such hormones are highly lipophilic and pass readily from the plasma to the brain where they can influence neuronal function. It is becoming clear that the rapid reduction in peripheral circulating progesterone, which occurs during the late diestrous phase of the cycle, can trigger a withdrawal-like response, in which changes in GABAA receptor expression render hyper-responsive certain brain areas involved in processing responses to stressful stimuli. The periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) is recognised as an important region for integrating anxiety/defence responses. Withdrawal from progesterone, via actions of its neuroactive metabolite allopregnanolone, triggers up-regulation of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors on GABAergic neurons in the PAG. As a consequence, ongoing GABAergic tone on the output cells decreases, leading to an increase in functional excitability of the circuitry and enhanced responsiveness to stressful stimuli during the late diestrous phase. These changes during late diestrus could be prevented by short-term neurosteroid administration, timed to produce a more gradual fall in the peripheral concentration of allopregnanolone than the rapid decrease that occurs naturally, thus removing the trigger for the central withdrawal response.

Key words: Female; Estrous cycle; Stress; Anxiety; Progesterone; Neurosteroid replacement

Responsiveness to psychological stress in family relationships and other social activities. Interestingly, PMS does not occur in anovulatory cycles (4,5), suggesting that cyclical changes in sex hormones, rather than absolute Adverse responsiveness to psychological stress is a levels may be the trigger for the syndrome. The late luteal major health hazard, which is more prevalent in women phase of the menstrual cycle is characterised by a rapid than in men (1). The female brain, unlike its male coun- decline in secretion of the sex hormones progesterone and terpart, operates in a changing chemical milieu caused by , suggesting that one or both of these hormones cyclical changes in production of female sex hormones in may be linked to the development of symptoms. This article the periphery during the menstrual cycle (estrous cycle in will focus on the recent evidence obtained in rodents that animals). Many of these compounds are neuroactive and indicates that the fall in progesterone secretion, which occurs their lipophilic nature enables them to pass readily through during the late diestrous phase in rats, leads to a change the blood brain barrier and produce significant influences in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor expression on brain function through actions at both membrane-bound in the brain that is manifested behaviourally as enhanced and nuclear receptors (2). In large numbers of women, the responsiveness of the animal to mild anxiogenic stress. A late of the menstrual cycle is characterised consideration of the effect of estrogen on brain function by the development of premenstrual syndrome (PMS): and behaviour is beyond the scope of this article and has a constellation of adverse psychological symptoms that recently been reviewed elsewhere (6). include worsening of mood and episodes of aggressive behaviour, often triggered by relatively minor stressors Responsiveness to stress varies during the related to everyday life (3). PMS and its more severe coun- estrous cycle in rodents terpart premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) interferes significantly with the ’s quality of life, impairing work, Female rodents, like women, show estrous cycle-linked

Correspondence: T.A. Lovick, School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. E-mail: [email protected]

Presented at the III Fórum em Neurobiologia do Estresse, Araraquara, SP, Brazil, September 8-10, 2011.

Received November 26, 2011. Accepted March 13, 2012. Available online March 30, 2012. Published April 9, 2012.

Braz J Med Biol Res 45(4) 2012 www.bjournal.com.br Stress and the female brain 315

changes in responsiveness to stressful situations. In gen- mentally by withdrawal from an exogenous progesterone eral, higher levels of anxiety and responsiveness to mild dosing regimen (17,22,23,27,28) or occurring naturally as anxiogenic stress have been reported in the non-receptive a response to natural fluctuations during the estrous cycle phase of the cycle (diestrus) compared to the receptive (10-12,18), falling progesterone is anxiogenic in a variety phase (proestrus and estrus) in both rats and mice (7-13, of behavioural tests. but see Ref. 14 for an opposite view). Unlike women in The periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) is a midbrain whom the late luteal (premenstrual) phase is character- region recognised as key to mediating behavioural and ised by falling levels of both estrogen and progesterone, autonomic components of responses to stressful chal- the latter part of diestrus in rats, when responsiveness to lenge. As such, it has the potential to provide a useful brain stress is increased, is associated with a rapid fall only in locus for investigating the mechanisms underlying female plasma concentration of progesterone, whilst estrogen -induced links between transcriptional changes at secretion remains at a stable low level (15). Since proges- the receptor level and changes in neuronal excitability and terone passes the blood brain barrier readily, fluctuations behaviour. As with other brain regions, the vast majority in peripheral secretion will be reflected in the brain. Falling of studies on this region have been carried out in males. concentration of progesterone in the brain could therefore However, as the results from more studies on females be- be the key factor that triggers increased responsiveness gin to emerge, it is becoming clear not only that the PAG to acute stress during late diestrus in rats and, by analogy, is involved in processing stress-evoked behaviour in the during the late luteal phase in women. In support of this female sex, as in males, but also that the excitability of its idea, behavioural changes similar to those seen in late circuitry fluctuates during the estrous cycle. In females in diestrus can be induced in rats by withdrawal from long- late diestrus, the fall in brain concentration of progester- term dosing with exogenous progesterone (16-19). The one, and hence ALLO, that occurs during this stage, trig- behaviour of spontaneously cycling rats in late diestrus gers up-regulation of extrasynaptic α4βδ GABAA receptor therefore appears to offer a useful model in which to study expression in the PAG, which is confined principally to the the role of progesterone in the development of premenstrual GABAergic neuronal subpopulation (Figure 1). This tran- syndrome in women. scriptional change correlates with an increase in functional excitability of the intrinsic PAG circuitry that translates in Falling progesterone leads to changes in the conscious animal to raised anxiety levels and increased neuronal excitability behavioural responsiveness to acute psychogenic stress (Figure 2A). At the cellular level electrophysiological studies There are several indications that rapid fluctuations in in spontaneously cycling rats in vivo have demonstrated endogenous steroid concentrations result in altered GABAA that GABAergic tone on output neurons within the PAG is receptor kinetics, which impacts on neuronal excitability. In reduced during the late diestrous phase (29), which renders rats, withdrawal from progesterone, either during the late the circuitry intrinsically more excitable. Direct evidence for diestrus phase in cycling animals or following an exog- an increase in functional excitability of the PAG circuitry enous progesterone withdrawal dosing regimen, has been during late diestrus has been provided by the recent report shown to evoke up-regulation of α4, β1 and δ subunits of of a lowered threshold for escape behaviour evoked by the GABAA receptor in several brain structures (7,19-23). direct electrical stimulation in the PAG in late diestrus (30). The effect was due not to progesterone itself but to the Autonomic responsiveness to a pentagastrin, a panicogenic fall in concentration of its neuroactive metabolite allopreg- agent known to activate PAG circuitry following systemic nanolone (ALLO), which triggers enhanced transcription of administration, was also increased during the late diestrous the genes encoding α4, β1 and δ subunits of the GABAA phase (31). At this time, functional activation of PAG circuitry receptor (16,17,23). Alpha4, β1 and δ subunits are able to evoked by acute exposure to a mild anxiogenic stress is also assemble into functional receptors. Recombinant α4β1δ changed, as reflected by decreased regional expression of GABAA receptors show electrophysiological properties the immediate early gene c-fos (32 and Figure 2B). At the characteristic of other extrasynaptic receptors containing present time the phenotype of the Fos-positive population δ subunits. Typically, these act tonically to modify the level in the PAG has not been determined. However, the find- of ongoing GABAergic inhibitory activity that regulates the ings are consistent with a stress-induced decreased c-fos excitability of neuronal ensembles (22,24-26). expression in the GABAergic population, and at the same time with an increase in c-fos expression in PAG output Functional consequences of progesterone neurons, which are likely to be less numerous than the withdrawal GABAergic population. Interestingly, in hippocampal tissue withdrawal from There is now compelling evidence that a reduction progesterone evoked an increased α4 receptor expression in brain concentration of progesterone enhances stress- in the hippocampus and a reduction in total GABA-stimulated induced anxiety-linked behaviours. Whether induced experi- current measured in dissociated pyramidal neurons (17,33). www.bjournal.com.br Braz J Med Biol Res 45(4) 2012 316 T.A. Lovick

Figure 1. Schematic drawing showing the functional consequences of increased α4β1δ GABAA receptor expression in the peri- aqueductal gray matter (PAG). A, When expression of α4β1δ receptors is low, spontaneous activity in GABAergic interneurones in the PAG limits the excitability of the output neurones. B, Increased expression of α4β1δ receptors when progesterone levels fall in late diestrous leads to an increase in tonic current carried by GABAergic cells, which limits their ongoing activity. The output neurones therefore become intrinsically more excitable, and the threshold for activation by stressful stimuli is lowered. Repro- duced from Ref. 41 with permission.

Figure 2. A, Change in latency of the tail flick reflex (s) following exposure to 5-min anxiogenic vibration stress in rats at different stages of the estrous cycle. Data (mean ± SEM) are reported as change in tail flick latency (TFL) from baseline in 6-min post- vibration stress. B, Density of Fos-positive neurons in the periaq- ueductal gray matter (PAG) of rats exposed to anxiogenic stress and tail flick testing at different stages of the estrous cycle. P = proestrus; E = estrus; ED = early diestrus; LD = late diestrus. Figure drawn from data in Ref. 32 and reproduced with permis- sion. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 (post hoc Bonferroni test) stressed group compared to the non-stressed group after significant (P < 0.05) one-way ANOVA. §§P < 0.01 LD stressed group compared to stressed rats at all other stages of the estrous cycle (post hoc Bonferroni test).

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No effects were observed in cortex or cerebellum. Thus, gesterone levels might therefore be effective in preventing there may be regional differences with respect to the effects the withdrawal effect. triggered by withdrawal from progesterone. Moreover, at the cellular level the functional outcome of receptor upregulation Neurosteroid replacement in late diestrus appears to be dependent on the cell type that expresses prevents the development of stress-induced α4 subunit-containing GABAA receptors, e.g., interneurons hyperalgesia or principal neurons. We hypothesized that short-term neurosteroid replace- The kinetics of progesterone withdrawal ment, timed to blunt the rate of the natural fall in ALLO that determines its anxiogenic effect occurs during the late diestrous phase in spontaneously cycling rats, should prevent the increased responsiveness to It is becoming clear that withdrawal from progester- stress that normally occurs at this time (Figure 3). In males one during the late diestrous phase induces a rebound the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine hyperexcitable state manifested by significant changes has been shown to produce rapid onset steroidogenic ef- in responsiveness to anxiogenic stress. Interestingly, the fects following acute administration, by raising plasma and critical event for inducing this effect may be related to the brain concentrations of ALLO (36-38). Importantly, these kinetics of the decline in steroid levels rather than the effects could be induced at doses below the threshold for absolute magnitude of the fall. In a study on female rats effects on 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) systems (37). We chronically treated with estrogen and progesterone, a have shown that short-term administration of a low dose rapid withdrawal of these hormones precipitated increased of fluoxetine (1.75 mg/kg, ip) was also steroidogenic in startle and anxiety-like behaviour, which was not seen if the females, producing a doubling of whole brain ALLO con- hormone levels were allowed to decline gradually (34,35). centration (39). Since similar increases in anxiety behaviour can be pre- Compared to other cycle stages, rats in late diestrus cipitated by abrupt withdrawal from progesterone alone normally show an exaggerated response to anxiogenic (16-18), the trigger for anxiogenesis in the former study is vibration stress, which is manifested as hyperalgesia (18). likely to be the rapid decline in concentration in the brain of Administering low-dose fluoxetine to female rats on the progesterone, and hence its neuroactive metabolite ALLO. evening of early diestrus, with a top up next morning when Measures to produce a more gradually tapered fall in pro- they had reached late diestrus, completely prevented the

Figure 3. Schematic presentation of the rationale behind short-term neurosteroid replacement to prevent development of proges- terone withdrawal-evoked anxiogenesis during late diestrus. A, At late diestrus, the fall in brain concentration of progesterone and its neuroactive metabolite allopregnanolone (ALLO) triggers a withdrawal syndrome manifested as an increased responsiveness to stress. B, Short-term dosing with a steroidogenic agent in the evening of early diestrus should raise plasma and hence brain allopregnanolone transiently and so blunt the rapid fall in allopregnanolone that normally occurs during late diestrus. The trigger for development of the withdrawal syndrome should be removed. www.bjournal.com.br Braz J Med Biol Res 45(4) 2012 318 T.A. Lovick

development of stress-induced hyperalgesia (Figure 4A). Similarly, the functional deactivation within the PAG that is normally induced by exposure to the vibration stress in late diestrus was prevented as well (Figure 4B). Importantly, the behavioural effects of fluoxetine could be reproduced following dosing with ganaxolone (data not shown), a syn- thetic analogue of ALLO not reported to have effects on 5-HT systems (40). Thus, the effect of fluoxetine is likely to be due to its steroidogenic action. The dramatic effects of short-term neurosteroid replacement in preventing the appearance of estrous cycle-linked anxiogenesis in rats may have relevance to the quest for more effective treatments of menstrual cycle-linked dysphoria in women. In conclusion, the data summarized here show how cyclical changes in production of progesterone during the estrous cycle can have a powerful effect on functioning of the female brain. In rodents, this occurs over a remark- ably short time frame. The withdrawal effects evoked by the natural cyclical variation in secretion of progesterone during the estrous cycle occur over 12- to 24-h periods, influencing anxiety levels and responsiveness to anxiogenic stress. To date the overwhelming majority of the studies on brain function and behaviour in animals has been confined to males, a common argument for the single sex approach being that data obtained from females are more variable and may be confounded by hormonal influences. Increasingly, however, it is being recognized that sex differences do exist, both in terms of behaviour and responsiveness to certain drugs. It is essential that the effects of possible influences of the ovarian cycle on brain function and behaviour are Figure 4. A, Short-term dosing with fluoxetine (1.75 mg/kg) on incorporated into experimental designs in future studies the evening of late diestrus, with a top up on the morning of late using females. In a world in which 50% of the population diestrus, prevents the development of stress-induced hyper- is female, such differences are important and should no algesia during late diestrus (decrease in tail flick latency (TFL) compared to naive non-stressed rats). White bars = non-stressed longer be overlooked. rats; light gray bars = stressed vehicle-treated rats; dark gray bars = stressed fluoxetine-treated rats. B, Fluoxetine adminis- tration also prevented the reduction in stress-induced functional deactivation in the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) (decrease in density of Fos-positive neurons in the PAG compared to naive non-stressed rats; Devall AJ and Lovick TA, unpublished results). *P < 0.05 compared to vehicle-treated rats in late diestrus (one- way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni test).


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