Implementation of the Helsinki Accords
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HELSINKI ACCORDS HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION BERN HUMAN CONTACTS EXPERTS MEETING MARCH 18 AND JUNE 18, 1986 Printed for the use of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 59-121 0 WASHINGTON: 1986 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE ALFONSE M. D'AMATO, New York, Chairman STENY H. HOYER, Maryland, Cochairman JOHN HEINZ, Pennsylvania DANTE B. FASCELL, Florida JAMES A. McCLURE, Idaho SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois MALCOLM WALLOP, Wyoming TIMOTHY E. WIRTH, Colorado GORDON J. HUMPHREY, New Hampshire EDWARD MARKEY, Massachusetts CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island DON RITTER, Pennsylvania PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH, New Jersey RUSSELL B. LONG, Louisiana JACK F. KEMP, New York DENNIS DECONCINI, Arizona JOHN E. PORTER, Illinois EXECUTIVE BRANCH Hon. RICHARD NORMAN PERLE, Department of Defense Vacancy, Department of Commerce Vacancy, Department of State MICHAEL R. HATHAWAY, Staff Director MARY SUE HAFNER, General Counsel ROBERT HAND, Hearing Coordinator RONALD MCNAMARA, Hearing Coordinator (11) CONTENTS MARCH 18, 1986 WITNESS Page Novak, Ambassador Michael, head of delegation to the Bern Human Contacts Experts Meeting ............................................................ 5 JUNE 18, 1986 Ridgway, The Hon. Rozanne L., Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs ............................................................ 22 Novak, Ambassador Michael, head of U.S. delegation to the Bern Human Contacts Experts Meeting ............................................................. 30 Korey, William, public member to the U.S. delegation to the Bern Human Contacts Experts Meeting ............................................................. 53 Epstein, Mark, executive director of the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews ......
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