This file includes FILLABLE FORM FIELDS. Enter your answers and then save the form as a PDF with your name to submit. Ex: 4CChrisJohnson.pdf

Name: ______Kristy Ryan

Overview Complete all four parts of this exercise:

Part A: Anatomy of a Letterform Part B: Rules of Typography Part C: Font Pairings Part D: Gestalt Letter Design Part A: Anatomy of a Letterform Using the following diagram, fill in the blanks with the correct anatomy. Refer to chapter 8 of your Visual FOCUS book for guidance.

1.Upercase 8.Stress

2.Lowercase 9.Descender

3.Ascender 10. Serif

4.Capline 11. Kerning

5.Meanline 12. Stroke

6.Point Size 13. Baseline

7.X-Height 14. Stem Part B: Rules of Typography For questions 1-10, view each example. In the field below, write in your own words what is incorrect about the example and what needs to be fixed. Look in Chapter 8 of your isualV FOCUS and refer to the Rules of Typography to help guide you.

This image uses two serifs. This should be avoided because there needs to be a greater difference 1. between the title and body.

2. The headline font is too distracting and difficult to read. It should be replaced with a simpler san-serif font. There should not be an indent and space, this makes it look like chunks of information are 3. missing.

This is just a big chunk of words. It should be separated into simpler, easier to read chunks of 4. information every few sentences to make it more appealing. You should never center body copy, it is distracting and makes the information appear messy. 5.

This is using a modern which has thin serifs that make it difficult to read. The user should use something sans serif instead. 6. The subtitle looks out of place when it actually belongs with the title. It is a distraction and draws 7. the readers eye away.

There are several things wrong with this. First it looks messy with no consistency. Paragraphys are 8. choppy and start haphazardly everywhere. Textually we have several errors, namely the orphan, widow and bad ragging which make it look very unappealing. The font type on this one is incorrect. It should not go over 12pt.


These bullets are spaced too far away from the text. 10. Part C: Font Pairings Fill in the Blanks with an appropriate font from a contrasting category in the below list. Be sure to list the font (and category in parenthesis) in the same general sizes, as shown below. Using the following fonts, choose one for each question below. Keep in mind that there may be a couple that work for each, but just pick one per question and you may only use one once.

Open Sans: Regular Calluna: Regular Sans: Regular

Adobe Caslon Pro: Regular always forever Proxima Nova: Light Elephant Lato: Light : Regular Aleo: Regular Swingdancer Aktiv Grotesk: Light Arizonia Adriane Text: Bold Skippy Sharp

Title (14-18pt) Body Copy (10 -12 pt)

Proxima Nova: Light (sans serif)

Baskerville: Regular (serif)

Adriane Text Bold (Sans serif)

Open Sans Reg (Sans Serif)

Elephant (oldstyle) Aleo: Regular (serif) Skippy Sharp (Sans Serif) Arizonia (script) Open Sans Regular (sans serif)

Fira sans: Regular (sans serif)

Swingdancer (script)

Always forever (script)

Aktiv Grotesk: Light (Sans Serif)

Fira Sans Regular (serif)

Lato: Light (sans serif Part D: Gestalt Letter Design For this part of the exercise, choose a typeface from the list below. Trace the letters, practice drawing the letters, and look at different weights. This will be the key to help you in the next part of this exercise.

Participate in a gestalt exercise similar to the one on pages 176-177 of Visual FOCUS. Except, this time, hand-draw a shape or picture using only letters from your chosen typeface. Use an 8 ½ by 11 blank piece of paper to draw your gestalt letter design. Remember to review the principles of gestalt found in Chapter 6 of Visual FOCUS as you are completing this assignment. Be creative!





Book Antiqua

*If you do not have any of these fonts on your computer, you can search the internet and download them for free.

Submission: Take a photo of your gestalt letter design page with a camera or phone. Then submit the JPEG along with your completed PDF of this exercise.