
141°0'E 144°0'E 147°0'E 150°0'E

Victoria &

Native Title Claimant Applications and Determination Areas NOTE: As per the Federal Court (30 June 2021) The State of introduced an alternative settlement framework to the claims system Recognition and settlement agreements under the under the (Cth) in 2010. The new framework is enabled by the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic) Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic) (the TOS Act). The alternative framework does External boundary of determination not require recognition or extinguishment of native title under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), but provides for the State's recognition of a group of people as the traditional owners for a Determined area (NNTT name shown) particular area together with other benefits. A recognition and settlement agreement under External boundary of native title 0 25 50 the TOS Act is underpinned by the registration of an indigenous land use agreement on the claimant applications coloured (Federal Court number, NNTT name Kilometres Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements. and number shown) Geocentric Datum of 2020 !( Recognition and settlement area Prepared by: Conservation Geospatial Services, National Native Title Tribunal 23/07/2021 National Park State Park VID630/2015 First Peoples of the Millewa - Claim Marine Reserve (VC2015/001) !( Data Sources As part of the transitional provisions of the amended Claimant application, Determination and Settlement Native Title Act in 1998, all applications were taken to boundary data compiled by the National Native Title Tribunal have been filed in the Federal Court. from data sourced from Dept of Environment and Primary Any changes to these applications and the filing of new Industries (Vic) and . applications happen through the Federal Court. The Conservation data has been assembled from data sourced Tribunal records information on from Dept of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (Vic). these matters in the Schedule of Applications (Federal Topographic vector data is © Commonwealth of Australia Court). (Geoscience Australia) 2006. The map depicts the boundaries of claimant A © Commonwealth of Australia 2021 applications (these can be external boundaries with While the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) and the areas excluded or discrete boundaries of areas I !( Native Title Registrar (Registrar) have exercised due care in being claimed) as they have been recognised by the ensuring the accuracy of the information provided, it is Federal Court process. L provided for general information only and on the Where the boundary of an application has been understanding that neither the NNTT, thAe R.egCistra.r Tnor the amended in the Federal Court, the map shows this

A Commonwealth of Australia is providing professional advice. boundary rather than the boundary as per C A N B E R R A Appropriate professional advice relevant to yo!(ur the Register of Native Title Claims (RNTC), if a N E W S O U T H W A L E S circumstances should be sought rather than relying on the registered application.

R !( information provided. In addition, you must exercise your own The applications shown on the map include: M judgment and carefully evaluate the information provided for - registered applications (i.e. those that have complied u r T r accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for the with the registration test), a y !( purpose for which it is to be used. The information provided is often supplied by, or based on, data and information from S external sources, therefore the NNTT and Registrar cannot With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat guarantee that the information is accurate or up-to-date. The Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, of Arms and where otherwise noted, this map U Jadawadjali, and NNTT and Registrar expressly disclaim any liability arising is provided under a Creative Commons Jupagulk Peoples from the use of this information. This information should not Attribution 3.0 Australia licence: !( be relied upon in relation to any matters associated with http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/ A cultural heritage.


S BIRCHIP S ' !( R ' 0 i 0 ° v ° 6 e Yorta !( 6 3 r 3 Yorta YARRAWONGA T !(


U !( !( O DJA DJA WURRUNG (2013) !( Recognition and settlement agreement !( -

S under the TOS Act 2010 (Vic) - See Note -


HORSHAM !( BRIG HT !( !( Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk Peoples



Gunai/Kurnai People !(

!( !( HAMILTON GUNAIKURNAI (2010) !( Recognition and settlement agreement & Eastern under the TOS Act 2010 (Vic) !( !( Maar - See Note - Gunditjmara M E L B O U R N E VID21/2019 - Part A People (VC2012/001)

VID363/2020 !( Boonwurrung People !( (VC2020/001)



INSET S S ' ' 0 0 ° ° 9 9 3 3 V I C T O R I A


H O B A R T !(

0 25 50 100 150 Kilometers

141°0'E 144°0'E 147°0'E 150°0'E Filepath: V:\VIC\State Maps\20210630_Vic_State_Map_A1L.mxd Geotrack number: GT2021/0821