Aldi‘s clothing bargains – discount buys discounting standards? Working conditions in Aldi‘s suppliers in China and Indonesia Suggestions for consumer and trade union action Thanks • Published by Thanks for fi nancial support: The SÜDWIND Institute would like to thank the “Nordrhein-West- fälische Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung” for its fi nancial sup- port for the production of the German and English booklets. Published by: SÜDWIND Institut für Ökonomie und Ökumene, Lindenstr. 58-60, 53721 Siegburg, Phone: 02241 / 259530, Fax: 02241 / 51308, email:
[email protected] Authors: Ingeborg Wick. Chapter 5: N.N. Chapter 6: Urban Community Mission (PMK) / Jakarta. Appendix: with the help of Dominic Kloos. Translations: Edelgard Abram, Liyun Yu-Lingnau, Elke Riekhoff, Ingeborg Wick. Main English translation: John McLaughlin. Layout: Frank Zander. Cover design: Frank Zander (Photos: Roland Müller-Heidenreich, Frank Zander). Copyright photos: BFILM-Verleih/EYZ-Media, Hans Breker, Winfried Fleischmann, Harald Klöper, Dominic Kloos, Bianca Kühl, Klaus Murawski, Roland Müller-Heidenreich, Gisela Pütz, Ingeborg Wick, Frank Zander. Siegburg, May 2007. ISBN 978-3-929704-37-4 2 Working conditions in Aldi‘s suppliers in China and Indonesia • © SÜDWIND 2007 Contents Aldi’s clothing bargains: discount buys discounting standards? Working conditions in Aldi’s suppliers in China and Indonesia. Suggestions for consumer and trade union action. (Translation of the German booklet “All die Textilschnäppchen – nur recht und billig? Arbeitsbedin- gungen bei Aldi-Zulieferern in China und Indonesien. Aktionsvorschläge für VerbraucherInnen und GewerkschafterInnen“, Siegburg May 2007) Contents Preface by Margret Mönig-Raane, ver.di / German Services Union . 4 Preface by Wilfried Neusel, Evangelical Church in the Rhineland .